bad boys MRA video

The Men’s Rights Movement in Interpretive Dance

This YouTube Video is titled “Geting [sic] the Slayer mosh pit started.” But I’m pretty sure that’s incorrect. What else could this be but an interpretive dance performance representing the Men’s Rights movement? I mean, it’s a bunch of aggressive dudes (and a dudette or two) running around in circles yelling and waving their arms around and sometimes bumping into each other, while the rest of the crowd largely ignores them. I literally cannot imagine a better representation of the MRM. Perhaps if some of the people watching them had been laughing.

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13 years ago

Everybody now! It’s time to fuck your shit up! It’s time to fuck your shit up! *cheesy 80’s riff*

13 years ago

Ah David you bought me right back to my adolescence with that one good times, although I went into them with the attitude of lets all have fun rather than lets seriously injure as many people as possible. Those assholes never tended to last long.

However I will say your analogy is apt. 😀

13 years ago

As a punk rocker and avid mosher (often of the ‘hardcore kid’ variety… karate kick! picking up the change!), I am offended by any comparison with the MRA. After bumping into each other, MRAs don’t pick each other up and laugh, and they’re clearly not having a great time doing it either.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

Like I said before, you bigots have lost.

Here is another article from the Mail:

British judge frees a violent women who attacked a random male who was (according to the judge), “in the wrong place at the wrong time”. The woman was motivated by feminist hatred of men.

Wow, just look at the comments. About 20 to 1 in favour of the MRM calls for equal protection under the law. The 5% vile feminists who want the woman freed are all heavily down-voted.

13 years ago

I said, Zarat don’t you ever crave, to appear in the comments of the Daily Mail, dressed in your mother’s bridal veil?

13 years ago

AntZ that does sound like equal protection. It’s difficult to say for sure, but it seems it was her first offence AND she pleaded guilty. So conditional discharge and paying compenation is not that unusual a sentence. I know of men who were given similar sentences after an assault (depending on mitigating circumstances.)

13 years ago

” After bumping into each other, MRAs don’t pick each other up and laugh, and they’re clearly not having a great time doing it either.”

How dare you be so mean! Just because you’re an alpha bumper-into-dudes, you think you can mock the beta bumper-into-dudes and omega bumper-into-dudes. You’ll never understand their pain!

13 years ago

Zhinxy never stop I mean just never ever stop being awesome

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
13 years ago

Here is another article from the Mail:

British judge frees a violent women who attacked a random male who was (according to the judge), “in the wrong place at the wrong time”. The woman was motivated by feminist hatred of men.

What does this have to do with mosh pits?

13 years ago

Actually I’m one of those who make hardcore kids look bad. My dancing reminds one of a ninja having a seizure. Though given my girth, a sumo wrestler having a seizure is more accurate.

Evil Alex
Evil Alex
13 years ago

Anthony, I think you’re on to something. Here is another link:

evil feminist nazi’s are brainwashing their babies at the age of 6 months – 6 MONTHS – to learn how to talk by reading people’s lips. I don’t know how this is going to help the gynocracy bring men down, but I am sure that there is something sinister going on and that feminists are the cause of it, because that’s what women do – everything they do has some vast, evil, feminist conspiracy behind it. It’s biology!

13 years ago

Well there you go Zarat, if you look at women lustily you are just asking for a glass in the face. Wait, this sounds familiar…

13 years ago

I myself look towards the national enquirer as my daily news source. If I lived in the U.K I guess I’d have to settle for the daily mail.

Luckily both of them give me oodles of UFO’s sightings to keep my small female brain enchanted.–UKs-UFO-hotspot.html?ITO=socialnet-googleplus-dailymail

I understand why myself with my small female brain can be easily lead by the daily mail.

But I thought men were smarter then me.

I’m so confused.

13 years ago

It must be my inferior female brain.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

Here is how the judge described his decision:

“… I am going to do something highly unusual and highly exceptional, I am minded to say unique …”

But to Caraz, this is a normal every-day decision:

“… So conditional discharge and paying compenation is not that unusual a sentence.”

It is actually amusing to see how completely brauinwashed you people are.

Here it is, in a nutshell:

1) The woman was mistreated by one group of men
2) The woman responded with collective anger at all men
3) The woman assaulted a random, innocent man, who end up in the hospital
4) The judge concludes that the woman had a good excuse, and lets her go

Are any of you able to see that his was in fact a hate crime? She assaulted a random, innocent man because of her hostility towards all men?

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Kind of like … feminism?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

There sure is a lot of misogyny in the Daily Mail comments! MRA VICTORY.

…are you guys aware there’s a world not on the Internet?

13 years ago

Now I hate the Daily Mail. It just spoiled me on the last episode of Sherlock!

13 years ago


What’s you opinion on those UFO sightings documented by the daily mail?

13 years ago

But Anthony! It was the guy’s fault for looking at her!

13 years ago

I, personally, am glad that in the UK when a man assaults a woman he’s incarcerated for life immediately. I mean this whole judicial system is too much trouble for poor lady brains to understand.

Let’s just randomly start crying in the streets until menz give us $MONEY$ and then have them locked up for the rest of their lives for harassing wymynz with their chivalry.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

From a slightly more reputable newspaper:

Sheona Keith, 22, had just been made redundant from the plumbing job she had spent three years qualifying for, before the attack in an Exeter nightclub.

It wasn’t just a matter of “she was harassed at work,” but “she was harassed at work, spoke up about it, and was fired.

“You have shown immense remorse and have taken it on yourself to address your problems and receive counselling.”

This is a reasonable reason for a judge to impose a reduced sentence; it’s not just “she was harassed so it’s okay.” And she was still fined and put on probation, she wasn’t entirely slapped on the wrist and told “be good next time!”

The victim, Mr Kirkham, needed hospital treatment for a one inch cut on his eyebrow.

So not quite “put in the hospital.”

13 years ago


You do know that I’m asking about the UFO sightings because more often then not mra’s site news sources that are not news.

These tabloids are designed to catch a woman’s eye in the line up for the groceries. They buy them because they feel guilty reading them for 15 minutes while they are waiting in line buying groceries for their family.

Yet if a MRA finds an “article” in one if these tabloids supporting his position he posts it on men’s news daily (can you imagine being the poor guy who shifts though the news to find the poor men stories) and all hell breaks lose.

I’m just left felling really sorry for that guy whose left with the task of feeding your MATRIX.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago


While Sheona Keith’s story isn’t quite the outrage MRAs are making it out to be, ultimately I don’t approve of her physically attacking a guy and I don’t think it was any kind of act of feminism.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
13 years ago

“You have shown immense remorse and have taken it on yourself to address your problems and receive counselling.”

IME as a criminal attorney (in the US, not the UK), defendants who did these things were far more likely to receive a reduced sentence versus defendants who did not do them. They were unusual among all defendants, so imposing a lighter sentence was unusual for a judge who typically saw a large pool of unrepentant defendants and only a few repentant and proactive ones. But among defendants who were repentant and proactive, lighter sentences were the norm.

My point being that it’s totally possible for the judge to see this woman’s sentence as a deviation from the norm (because most defendants don’t take the self-correction steps to merit a lighter sentence) and for her sentence to be pretty common (because people who do take self-correction steps typically get lighter sentences). Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive, as Antz seems to think.

13 years ago

I’ve heard it called the Faily Heil before.

Also, prison is bad (expensive and not likely to rehabilitate people) and reduced prison sentences for people who show remorse and receive counseling– regardless of gender– is a Good Thing.

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