bad boys MRA video

The Men’s Rights Movement in Interpretive Dance

This YouTube Video is titled “Geting [sic] the Slayer mosh pit started.” But I’m pretty sure that’s incorrect. What else could this be but an interpretive dance performance representing the Men’s Rights movement? I mean, it’s a bunch of aggressive dudes (and a dudette or two) running around in circles yelling and waving their arms around and sometimes bumping into each other, while the rest of the crowd largely ignores them. I literally cannot imagine a better representation of the MRM. Perhaps if some of the people watching them had been laughing.

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13 years ago

The crew is usually balanced; and the jobs are usually redundant (that is to say that none of them are things only one person can do; even the graders and skip loaders have ,more than one operator).

So everyone takes a turn with the “slow/stop” sign. 1: It’s the riskiest job there. 2: It’s hot (or cold, depending on the weather) work. 3: It takes mental alertness, which fades. 4: If the, “george” spends all day holding the sign, s/he never gets any better at any other job.

13 years ago

Huh, the more you know. Do you know if this is particular to the US, or is this the trend now? I’m wondering if this has to do with the fact that there are more people with formal education in the West so there’s not such a sharp difference in education levels between site supervisors and labourers.

13 years ago


Kittie!!! I love those gals 😀

I never quite got that video though, it always used to creep me out a bit.

13 years ago


I meant to say between skilled and unskilled labourers in the general population i.e. the relative rarity of skilled labourers gives them an elevated standing.

13 years ago

I don’t know outside of the US, in specific.

13 years ago

So everyone takes a turn with the “slow/stop” sign. 1: It’s the riskiest job there. 2: It’s hot (or cold, depending on the weather) work. 3: It takes mental alertness, which fades. 4: If the, “george” spends all day holding the sign, s/he never gets any better at any other job.

On the west coast there are specific flagging contract companies. The flagging crews are trined and certified in first aid and how to count and alternate traffic flows. They are dedicated to just flagging when working with electrical and gas engineers, line workers and pipe fitters.
In certain areas off duty police are hired to handle traffic in specific areas with municipal vehicles and uniforms. Sorry Pecunium, but the hourly rates between flagging crews and equipment oporators are too significant for them to rotate through a crew as is their experience required.
Flaggers average about $11.50 an hour compared with an equipment oporator who makes $17 per hour.
I can pull up tha actual price guide for more specifics such as apprentice 1-7 rates, formen rates and engineering rates to commpare.

12 years ago

I’ve just spent half an hour on avoiceformen. That’s half an hour I’ll never get back.

But it did make me think of this post. A classic from January.

12 years ago

Heh, looks more like a mosh pit at christian metal concert but I like your interpretation better.

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