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BREAKING: Dudes on The Spearhead aren’t big fans of Glee

Other people have also noticed a lot of gayness on Glee

So W. F. Price of The Spearhead has made a momentous discovery: there is a television show called Glee. In a recent post, he shared some of his findings with the regular crowd:

I’ve only recently heard of the teen drama Glee, which is evidently a big hit with the teenybopper crowd. The other day, I came across it while flicking through channels and forced myself to watch some of the show.

Apparently, it is really, really gay.

First, I have to say that I now do believe the conservative Christians are correct in saying that the media is pushing a gay agenda. Of course, I don’t really care (one can always change the channel), but it was so blatant on Glee that I couldn’t help but laugh. The show revolved around a “glee club” (an insipid American high school institution for you Brits), cheerleaders, football players, gay football players, football players in drag, football players with cheerleaders, with gay cheerleaders, etc. There was even Broadway-style singing and dancing.

The horror!

Glee is about the gayest show I’ve ever seen on TV. Even the name is gay.

So, you’re saying it’s gay.

Still, Price did have one little complaint about the show:

The gay issue aside, there was one thing about the show that, although unsurprising, was still obnoxious: it features the same old negative stereotypes about normal males. The teen sluts (both gay and straight) are the heros, while the villains are generally straight or straight-acting males … .

It’s true. No one in American society is more oppressed than “normal” dudes. How dare Glee add to this bigotry!

Shockingly, it turns out that there aren’t any Glee fans amongst the Spearhead set – at least none willing to speak up.

In the comments, Meistergedanken explained that Glee was just a part – a loud, singing part — of a devious queer conspiracy:

It’s all part of the plan. Just like “Desperate Housewives”, “American Horror Story” or “Dawson’s Creek”, or any of those other shows created by the queers, straight couples – particularly married ones – are inevitably shown to be the most hypocrital, intolerant, ignorant, mentally unbalanced and emotionally dysfunctional characters. In this way normality is portrayed as a sorry sham. …

It’s so strange to see the progressives insist on marriage for gays, while at the same time showing married couples (and the husbands/fathers especially) as the worst people out there. They want to tear down marriage so they can scrounge the tattered remains for themselves, I guess.

Towgunner, for his part, delivered up a long, rambling manifesto of sorts on the subject of the gays. Some highlights:

Is it a tragedy that gay people suffer? I honestly used to think so, but I don’t really think they suffer all that much. They seem pretty happy at their parades. Matter of fact, I’d say that a balding women (regardless of her sexuality) or a poor black family or an orphan in Africa suffer thousands of times more than some sappy fruit.

In that light homosexuals have proven to be one of the most selfish groups in all of history, right up there with women – after all they want to be women anyway. …

Furthermore, it says something about our culture that gives only homosexuals and other sluts special treatment. …  All this to facilitate a small group’s ego so they feel only slightly less guilty at themselves when they orgasm. That’s where your taxpayer money goes to…to make a pervert feel good about itself.

So, apparently, the government is giving out gay orgasm grants, or something?

Andybob, meanwhile, spoke up for the gays. Or, at least, the gays who hate Glee. And women.

The first time I saw “Glee” I wanted to punch my flatscreen through the wall. Here again, gay men/teens are being shown as shallow, trite, superficial, dismissable, malleable, silly, flippant cretins with nothing to offer the world except fashion advice and sloping shoulders for whiny bitches to cry on. …

Those of us [gay men] who live far from Hollywood and have no connection whatsoever to Broadway musicals are very likely to be very aware of issues confronting men. Some of us are even vocal MRA’s. …  [We’re] not handicapped by the need for sex from women. We can recognise their manipulative BS from miles away. The female psyche laid bare is an ugly thing.

Gay men like men, identify with men, actually are men. We watch men we care about like our brothers (I have a straight twin brother), fathers, and mates get ground down by a system created and maintained by feminists and their pussy-begging lackeys – and yes, some poodle-carrying flamers along for the ride. Women are always shocked to learn that most gays side with men. That’s not what they see on the telly. …

The bitchy gays who discriminate against straight men … are the manginas of the gay world. …

Women don’t like gays and straights to collaborate because they don’t want us to compare notes. I have seen women try to shame my straight friends out of hanging out with me. They are threatened by our mutual support. Together, we are able to construct a composite picture of women that would peel paint for sheer gruesomeness.

Gay men and straight men – together, united in hatred of whiny bitches!

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12 years ago

So, NWO rants about life, property, and vote being the only rights anyone gets….But he’s an MRA? Shouldn’t he be satisfied with three measly rights, and not fighting for any more for men? I mean, with those three, he really doesn’t *need* equality in the courts or under the justice system in general. Or in college admissions, either. Or in the schools in general. Or anything, really. But we all know how he is with logic and consistency.

12 years ago

I had sex with a girl and neither of us are lesbians!

12 years ago

Molly – I keep reading “The FTSU Crew” as the “STFU Crew”.

Glad I’m not the only one who that happens to.

And really, I don’t like Glee much either, but you know what? My TeeVee came with this thing called a “remote”, whereby I press a button, and through the magic of Sciencey Things, I can turn the TeeVee off! That way, I can thwart the Homosexual Rays emanating from any Gay Propaganda Shows. I suggest Mr. Price do the same, lest he find himself suddenly kidnapped by the jackbooted Homonazis and be forced to get Gay Married. (/sarcasm)

12 years ago

I had sex with a girl and neither of us are lesbians!

Sorry, Oz, in NWO’s world all it takes is one same-sex experience, and you’re GAY FOR LIFE. No take-backs.

Of course, this would mean that the proportion of gay people is far higher than anyone has dreamed so far.

12 years ago

“Sorry, Oz, in NWO’s world all it takes is one same-sex experience, and you’re GAY FOR LIFE. No take-backs.”

It also means you’re a pedophile and a criminal of some sort.

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

You bigots have lost.

Feminists own the government, own the media, own the courts, and own public institutions. But the people have seen your lies and they are with the MRM. Rank comments for this story according to “best rated” and “worst rated”.

Here is my executive summary:

Worst rated: Entitled feminist princesses
Best rated: MRM calls for equal protection

How long until the tide of public opinion, already firmly with the MRM, overwhelms the authority of the feminists bigots in courts, legislatures, and academia?

The days of feminist hate are coming to an end.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

lj4adotcomdan: That makes sense. I also get that, at that moment, there probably wasn’t anything Finn could have said, other than what he did, that would have gotten through to Santana.

I wasn’t a fan of the choice of time/place/manner – shouting other people’s personal secrets in a crowded high school hallway, really? My personal experience of high school hallways is that pretty much anything said in them is heard and repeated by *everyone.* At the same time, though, I can see how not everyone thinks of them that way, so that Finn could easily have assumed he was just talking to Santana and/or not think that anyone else would care if they overheard. (Or just not thought anything through at all, which would be classic Finn.)

I hadn’t given much thought to the comparison with Kurt and Karofsky, but it makes total sense. If Kurt had said “hey Karofsky, why don’t you just come out of the closet?” in that way, it would have destroyed Karofsky. Santana could take it, even if the immediate fallout sucked.

Evil Alex
Evil Alex
12 years ago

Anthony, I’m a feminist and I agree that people should get equal protection regardless of gender. Blows your mind doesn’t it?

12 years ago

I actually think dogs should be rescused first. Except for the small yappy ones*

Seriously, though, I’m with Evil Alex on this one. But feel free to continue fantasising about your hateful, entitled “feminist princesses” if you like, Anthony Zarat. Don’t let logic, reason or plain facts get in the way.

*Just joking. I love all dogs.

12 years ago

*rescued. :-p

12 years ago

@ Antz Zarat

Like all MRAs, you have a really flawed understanding of “victory”. Explain how this is a victory for the MRM and what lasting ramifications it will have?

The truth is, which I’m sure you’re aware of, your sad little movement is nothing more than primal scream therapy for a group of social inadequetes.

12 years ago

The days of feminist hate are coming to an end.


12 years ago

I love how our MRAs use the Daily Mail as their source to prove we live in a gynocracy. That rag is on par with The Enquirer.

12 years ago

You bigots have lost.

Feminists own the government, own the media, own the courts, and own public institutions.

So much densely packed stupid in one sentence.

Feminists get control of the government while being totally under-represented in public office? It’s *almost* as if he thinks we have magical powers or something.

And I thought it was the Jews who owned the media?

12 years ago


12 years ago

Yeah, all for equal treatment in terms of gender in those situations.

AntZ, are you USian? It’s just that it would explain your use of The Daily Mail as a barometer of what the public think if you weren’t aware of the papers reputation in the UK.

12 years ago

So, Zarat, leaving aside women, should they have put children first or is stepping on them fine as well? What about regnant women?

12 years ago

@ Anthony Zarat

Even allowing for the father far-fetched premise that comment up/down voting on a Daily Mail website is an indication of victory, your celebration is still wildly premature.

“But the people have seen your lies and they are with the MRM”

Um, it looks to me like “the people” *are* the MRM – I’m sure you see what’s going on here, don’t you? Lots of little MRA soliders, like you, probably have Google alerts for “Chivalry, Titanic”. This article to them is the internet bugle sounding – and off you all scuttle!!

What percentage of “the people”, do you think, are actually the MRM?

12 years ago


Actually a lot of MRAs, even European ones, seem to use the Daily Mail as *dun dun dunnn* EVIDENCE!! I think it’s cause the articles are mostly just as ill thought out, lacking in proof and racist and misogynistic as the MRAs themselves.


I think it should be children and parental unit first-someone has to watch all those kids after all.

12 years ago

I’ve noticed NWO using that paper too and whilst I would never instantly dismiss something from the Daily Mail it does cause the skeptical warning bells to start ringing.

12 years ago

In the UK people usually refer to it as The Daily Fail.

12 years ago

(Apart from one of my friends, who refers to it simply as “The Hate”)

12 years ago

Even allowing for the father far-fetched premise that comment up/down voting on a Daily Mail website is an indication of victory,

I once posted something deliberately (and, I thought, obviously) sarcastic on the Daily Mail website, and it ended up as the third best-rated comment.

And to further complicate things, there’s absolutely no way of knowing whether its votes were primarily from people who were appreciating the sarcasm, or from people who were (rather worryingly) taking it at face value.

Which should give you some idea of how likely I am to take that premise seriously.

12 years ago

The Daily Mail Song

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