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Vamps and Tramps (but no Camille Paglia)

In today’s episode of “upvoted on the Men’s Rights subreddit” we have a fellow calling himself Dude0987, with some interesting thoughts on women — sorry, “females” — and vampires.

Give the link a click. I think you will find the discussion this comment inspired to be very, well, instructive.

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13 years ago

Although this was pretty awesome:

[–]knucker3 2 points 4 days ago*

I assume you are a woman. Let me ask you something.

If it were legal for men to rape you. Would the phrase “Not all men are like that” make any difference to you? Would it make you less cautious around men? Would that be comforting?


[–]Rozeline 0 points 4 days ago*

Well, I know plenty of good men who would never dream of doing that and they’ve far outnumbered the men I’ve known who would. You can’t let a couple of shitty people decide how you feel about the rest of them. Then they’ve taken away your ability to form meaningful relationships and friendships with others. I wouldn’t let those assholes win and force me into solitude like that.

PS. This is wayyy OT, but I have been lurking pretty much since this blog started–I am wondering where Spearafoc went? I had the biggest online crush on him!

13 years ago

Spear’s alive, but he hasn’t been on Prime in a while… he’s on the chattybox, though. 🙂

13 years ago

Go Rosaline! ^__^

13 years ago

You can find him here on occasion
and on Twitter.

No crush here, but I do think he’s charming and bright and witty.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Haha, the OP’s name in that thread is “TebowTebowTebow.”



Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

…Also, I thought the “woman stabs man, man calls cops, cops arrest man” thing would link to a news story, but it does not. It links to an anonymous account on

Anyway, I’m starting to like the “if you ever have sex with a woman, she will false-rape-accuse you” meme. It’s giving me a sense of safety and empowerment. If fear of false rape accusations is what holds these guys back from sexually exploiting women, I am all for it.

(MRAs, feel free to take that last sentence out of context and hyperventilate wildly. I have a paper bag if you need one.)

13 years ago

Did you hear that, females? What are you going to do when the poor men who just want penetrate you without trouble learn to get a motel room? Or, better yet, a female-proof house ala that zombie-proof house:

It would be naturally be wired with cameras to catch those evil lying women as they make up/plant evidence, the doors would open automatically for the men but *not* for the women, there would be special ultraviolet lighting to expose their hideous ugliness underneath their lying makeup, and a paucity – dare I say a complete *lack* – of feminine hygiene products. I mean, ew, right? Only freakish inhuman things bleed when they aren’t wounded.

(all /sarc and satire, obviously)

13 years ago

Particularly since one assumes 90-100% of people who propagate that meme are guys who did, in fact, rape a woman and got real-rape-accused.

13 years ago

But what about the men who /like/ being bitten by women?

13 years ago

I saw the header for this post and instantly had “Gypsies, tramps and thieves (Cher)” in my head.

13 years ago

Speaking of Tebow, Campus Food just sent me an email entitled “What Would Tebow Order.” I…I can’t even formulate a response to that.

13 years ago

I couldn’t resist making a mad lib from the thing David quoted (and cleaning up the ellipsis barf while I was at it.)

That’s right, if you have a NOUN you are lower than a/n ANIMAL the U.S. Get used to it guys.
And stop VERB-ING yourselves. NOUN is irrelevant, it’s her word against NOUN; that’s all that matters. If you let a SUPERNATURAL BEING into your house, don’t get angry if they VERB you, same goes for females. Time to learn to get a PLACE. And there is no NOUN to tell them your real NOUN or where you VERB or VERB.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Remind me again why these guys think sex is better than masturbation?

Your hand will never “false”-rape-accuse you, you don’t need to hide your real name from your hand, and let’s face it, sex with your hand is more sensual and pleasurable than a furtive grunt in a motel room with someone you don’t know and don’t like.

13 years ago

Clearly, Holly, it’s their god-given right to fuck our shit up, and they need that. How are they supposed to fuck their hands’ shit up?

13 years ago

This pretty much implies that if a man has sex with a woman, he’s asking to be falsely accused of rape.

13 years ago

I may be a genderqueer and not a woman, but I’ve never bitten a man who didn’t explicitly ask for it/consent to it…

13 years ago

Your hand will never “false”-rape-accuse you, you don’t need to hide your real name from your hand, and let’s face it, sex with your hand is more sensual and pleasurable than a furtive grunt in a motel room with someone you don’t know and don’t like.

Every time I read (or, more often, am told) about one of those squalid and pathetic encounters that PUAs have some bizarre compulsion to write up as though they were worth boasting about, I can’t help but be reminded of John Lydon’s description of sex as “two minutes of squelching noises”.

13 years ago

“two minutes of squelching noises”

Wow! Two whole minutes???

13 years ago

Yes, I’m sensing a bit of poetic license here.

13 years ago

And yet another case of “the male equivalent of rape is $THINGTHATISNOTRAPE.” *sigh*

13 years ago

So if the male equivalent of a woman being raped is…whatever their pet peeve of the instant is…then what’s the female equivalent of a man being raped?

13 years ago

karalora: Men can’t be raped. I mean, DUH. 🙁

13 years ago

Once this guy wouldn’t invite me into his house but I went in anyway, and then I stood there kinda shaking, and blood started pouring out of my head until he finally said I could come into his house. Then I bit him, so yeah. Dude0987 knows what he’s talking about.

13 years ago

I’m glad I found this blog.

Glad and disturbed. :/

13 years ago


Dude0987: “And I was that man!!!”

Is that why he’s 0987? Is he just another nameless, faceless man sacrificed to your insatiable bite-lust?!