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Vamps and Tramps (but no Camille Paglia)

In today’s episode of “upvoted on the Men’s Rights subreddit” we have a fellow calling himself Dude0987, with some interesting thoughts on women — sorry, “females” — and vampires.

Give the link a click. I think you will find the discussion this comment inspired to be very, well, instructive.

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13 years ago

Fear not, MRAs! The smell of garlic on your breath should keep womenpires away if you consume enough of the stuff.

So if the male equivalent of a woman being raped is…whatever their pet peeve of the instant is…then what’s the female equivalent of a man being raped?

The male equivalent of rape is the fact that lowquacks has lost his blood donor card again. Luckiily, that doesn’t happen very often. But every time it’s happened, it’s been it the victim’s own house!

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

Ozy, mad props for using a Bourne shell variable reference.

And two other things:

1. Go Pats, and

b. Speaking of Manboobz commenting being kind of a pain on the iPad, can I just say that WordPress’s default iPad theme, as well as a lot of its other “mobile” themes, are hugely broken for blogs that get, like a zillion comments per post? You either can’t see anything but the last page of comments (by which point on MBZ threads barely make sense w/o earlier context), or you have to scroll a bunch. MBZ looks awesome on Flipboard, but clicking on comments brings you to WordPress’s broken iPad theme.

As for the OP–if you really think someone is out to get you, DON’T HAVE SEX WITH THEM. ANYWHERE. Not in a box, not with a fox, etc. Just go your own way. Please.

13 years ago

Oh right, all it takes is a woman’s word that she was raped to get a man thrown in jail for life.

That’s why when that woman accused the NYPD officer of raping her, after he admitted to crawling into her bed when she was completely wasted and somehow bruised her cervix, he was promptly charged with rape and given a lengthy sentence. No one doubted her story or accused her of being a money-greedy whore. Nope.

MRAs live in a fascinating alternate reality.

13 years ago

So, like a vampire, a woman can’t enter your house unless you invite her in? That’s good to know.

However, if women don’t have reflections, how do they spend all their free time looking in the mirror to apply their makeup? Something doesn’t add up here.

Also, I’m still here, I’ve just been finding myself getting caught behind on threads here, at Sadly, No!, Twitter, Tumblr and all the other Internet places I frequent. Stuff gets out of control when I’m away, and it’s hard to keep up. I spend most of my free time catching up on what I’ve missed.

13 years ago

Someone please send me to the alternate reality where a woman’s word is enough for a conviction. Please.

13 years ago

AACC: I did a what now?

13 years ago

Nobody gets angry when I bite them. I always ask first.

13 years ago

When someone refers to women as “females”, that’s a warning sign that you’re dealing with a creep. It makes me think of a scientist collecting specimens: “I’ve just recently acquired a female stag beetle.”

13 years ago

“two whole minutes of squelching noises.”

Sounds about how (many) asexuals feel about sex either way. xD

13 years ago

When someone refers to women as “females”, that’s a warning sign that you’re dealing with a creep. It makes me think of a scientist collecting specimens: “I’ve just recently acquired a female stag beetle.”

Agreed, Crumb, it’s creepy. But with the slight caveat that Farscape managed to pull it off. However, they only managed to pull off using “male” and “female” instead of “man” and “woman” because this was a sci-fi universe populated by multiple sentient species, and it was generally used by someone of a different species referring “that female [of your particular species]” and wasn’t meant in a dehumanizing manner. In the real world, not the sci-fi world, referring to “females” is generally a big fat warning sign.

And now I will shut up about a show that’s been cancelled for seven years. Except to say that John Crichton was totally the biggest damsel in distress EVER and frequently needed to be rescued by his badass girlfriend. Plus, it’s kind of pathetic that I can’t think of a more recent show that inverts the usual gender tropes like that. Hollywood fail.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
13 years ago

Well, at least they didn’t mention zombies. ;p

13 years ago

haha I can confirm that in the forum is know as manboobz prime XD

(I call it that too)

13 years ago

Yeah, the forum and chattybox call the main site Prime.

Dracula: You are the politest campire I’ve had the pleasure to meet.

13 years ago

Why thank you. 🙂

13 years ago

Eh, Holly, I’ve had perfectly good pick-up sex with women I barely knew, but what little I knew of them, I liked. I’ve had perfectly good sex with women who seemed to me to be as outside the mainstream as I am (for reasons of size or disability) but I had more prestigious cultural capital. But I liked them and wanted a good shared experience, big box store or Ivy League be damned. Of course I probably check in for consent and QA more than 99% of PUAs and 50% of humanity.

13 years ago

This is my fault for all the vampire roleplays I used to do with my ex, isn’t it? Someone looked in the window and got confused, and (another) paranoid MRA was born?

Sorry about that, everyone. I’ll remember to close the curtains from now on.

13 years ago

I’m really convinced they are rapists giving other rapists advice, I mean don’t tell them
anything that could trace you most likely when she’s just met a strange man?

And yeah if you can’t trust someone enough not to frame you why would have sex with them unless you were planning something. Or perhaps they just have framing fantasies (oh that was mean)

13 years ago

Spearhafoc: You’re reminding me of this.

Moony (CasaAzulBaby)
13 years ago

Well, yes, if you let VAMPIRE women into your home they’re probably going to bite you.

13 years ago

Every time I see the “people who us female are slightly creepy” comment I’m amused.

I use the word, not exclusively, but I us it. It’s a habit I picked up in the Army, where we use male/female to make reference to things like who is using what showers when we have to take shifts/deal with different numbers under time pressure.