creepy kitties men who should not ever be with women ever PUA vaginas

The Pussy Fountainhead

If you ever use the phrase "pussy fountain," it had better refer to this.

As a regular chronicler of the Manosphere, I’m used to reading a lot of truly horrifying shit. But even by Manosphere standards, the following stood out. It’s from our good pal Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide, who felt the need to end a recent post by putting this image in my brain:

Among my friends, all of us are splashing in the pussy fountain. Some are sipping, others are gulping, but none of us are thirsty or dehydrated.

So now it’s in your brain, too!

In case you’re wondering, this came from a post in which our intrepid pussy fountain splasher argued that men

shouldn’t trust men who can’t get laid — they are opportunists who will betray you for the slimmest chance of scoring some pussy. … I wouldn’t be friends with a man who was perennially hopeless with the ladies. I might empathize with him, but I wouldn’t want to be near him. So you should live your life as well.

After reading this, I instantly developed a similar policy of my own. I don’t want to have anything to do with guys who refer to sex as “splashing in the pussy fountain.” In fact, I’d really prefer that there were no such guys.

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13 years ago

here are some examples of mens rights websites that expose pua as a scam

Yet so many mgtowers still fall for it when they can also look at feminist websites that also expose pua as a scam as well.

While a lot of people that get into pua are not necessarily bad people but very foolish since there are far too many horror stories of people with excellent social skills turning into weirdos because of pua.

I have this friend from the mgtow fourms that is also a pua that doesn’t even take pua seriously himself yet he still wastes his time on that roissy crap.

13 years ago


We already know game is a bunch of shit, why are you spamming?

13 years ago

Hey MRAL, you make that phone call yet?

Hint: I’d do it now at the beginning of the semester, because campus counseling services usually get full once students start stressing out about tests (i.e. midterms and afterwards).

13 years ago

@Newt: That’s great that you reject Roissy and the PUA community, but Manboobers aren’t really fond of MGTOWers either.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Also, this is possibly the first time I’ve ever seen an MRA take a position other than “less contact with women = more MRA credentials” Errr….Progress?

13 years ago

@Shadow – the term “tossing the salad” or “toss my salad” became popular with this video:

13 years ago

@ Quackers:

Personally I don’t care. If I’m on a ship and it’s gonna sink I will fight like hell to get a lifeboat. As I’d expect of everyone else. If I live, I live, if I die, I die. I’d rather have equal rights than my “women and children first” privileges…

I can’t say what I’d do in a panic. Probably nothing honorable. But I think I’d like to keep the children first rule. More or less.

I dunno. I just don’t see myself booting a kid off a lifeboat. And if I did I would hope someone would punch my lights out and leave me to die.


That said, “funny” joke ahead!

A priest, a rabbi and a lawyer are on the Titanic. It hits the iceberg and starts to sink. Amidst the pandemonium and panic and stampede for the lifeboats, the rabbi starts yelling “Women and children first! Women and children first!”

The lawyer yells “Fuck the children!”, shoves the rabbi out of the way and makes a mad dash for the lifeboats. No doubt taking out several women on the way.

The priest, unsure about the gravity of the situation (har har), looks at the stricken rabbi, checks his watch and asks…

“Do you think we have time?”

13 years ago

@ Cassandra:

So basically it’s an instinct that many humans still have even though in strictly evolutionary terms it’s harmful to the individual – maybe useful to us as a species and that’s why we still have it?

I’m not really sure and it probably varies among species, but I think it can confer a a familial benefit. And in non-lethal cases can cement social bonds, or perhaps be a result of having better social skills.

The animal that stops to shriek the warning cry saves the group but puts itself at risk. First, there’s nothing indicating that this animal didn’t already reproduce- maybe it did (though I don’t have studies to back that up. It’s just that I don’t know if having offspring affects this behavior and if so to what degree and in what species.) Second, the animal may be protecting kin which does essentially confer an evolutionary benefit.

13 years ago

We already know game is a bunch of shit, why are you spamming?

To point out the dishonesty of trying to tar MRAs by using FruitCake insane nutcases like Ferdinand.

Almost all the self-labeled MRAs hate gamers and the ferdinand-type people. There’s more feminists who support PUA, than there are MRAs that do 😀 The top 5 MRA thinkers and authors have all come out to say it’s an urgency do distance from the gamer and pua nutcases. The association was always fleeting, but these pua-type and ferdinands are getting so incredibly insane, I don’t want to be in the same part of the internet as them… Which is why there’s a massive anti-game campaign all over the MRA world.

13 years ago

@ AlekNovy

Yes, who can forget the epic duel between Paul Elam and Frost?

Elam claims that women are “wired” to be attracted to “self-actualized men”. Of course, people in the real world know that women aren’t “wired”, only robots are, but this is the manosphere.

But let’s assume that Elam’s right and that women would be attracted to self-actualized men…

Well, that removes every single MRA at a stroke.


Have a look at this. This is the reason you, personally, will never become self-actualized and neither will any MRA;

Common traits amongst people who have reached self-actualization are:[11]

They embrace reality and facts rather than denying truth.
They are spontaneous.
They are “focused on problems outside themselves.”[12]
They “can accept their own human nature in the stoic style, with all its shortcomings,”[13] are similarly acceptant of others, and generally lack prejudice.

No further commentary is really necessary.

Alek, I’ve noticed you on here recently. Of course, you repeat endlessly the standard AVfM nonsense, but I think there might just be a chance that you come out of the sad, embittered internet wilderness that you inhabit and change.

What’s brought you onto Manboobz?

13 years ago

“What’s brought you onto Manboobz?”

Wasn’t it threatening David with a trial, with of all of their money and lawyers?

13 years ago


Oh cool. I’m guessing that’s the clip from the HBO special that Chris Rock refers to?

13 years ago

Mags, I was thinking of posting that video, but then some MRA would complain that I was making light of male rape. Glad you were the one to post it. 😉

Man, that voice on those boring videos Newt linked sure has a toilet mouth. I can’t listen to something like that on the way to work, and I was expecting more than one picture to look at. Instead of swearing all the time, shouldn’t MGTOWs take up a monklike devotion to purity of thought?

Oh, and take vows of silence while you’re at it. That would be awesome.

13 years ago

The top 5 MRA thinkers and authors


First of all: They’re ranked?

Second of all: They think?

13 years ago

Huh. I made the mistake of clicking on that asinine peacock video. Apparently fat=ill-mannered, at least in women. Hilariously, I was reading an antique etiquette book as it played.

Bee, they mean “thinkers” and “authors.”

13 years ago

“To point out the dishonesty of trying to tar MRAs by using FruitCake insane nutcases like Ferdinand. ”

I know you suppirt AVFM so I’ll ask you: You think Paul Elam isn’t an insane nutcase? The man advocated acquitting rapists he thinks are 100% guilty just to spite feminists. He speaks in vague threatening terms about the Apocalypse and of inflicting enough pain on feminists to “shock society out of its coma”, and thinks that feminists deserve it when people send them death and rape threats. Elam even said himself that he’s not interested in reason or debate. If you think Elam is a rational thinker then you’re a nutcase yourself.

13 years ago

There was a porn webcomic I used to read about these guys who would murder girls and then have sex with the bodies. It used to make me really mad, like seriously furious, because sometimes the girls would piss themselves when they died and you’d get a close-up of it happening, but the artist always drew the urine leaking out of their vaginal opening. It makes me sick to know there’s people out there with such a poor grasp of basic human anatomy.

13 years ago

Jesus, if chivalry is such a big deal, why aren’t more men jumping up to give me their seats on the subway? I’m young, white, pretty, AND eight months pregnant, and if I’m offered a seat it’s usually by another woman.

13 years ago

Is the Pussy Fountainhead a book by Ayn Rand?

13 years ago

That’s what annoys me about people that piss and moan about chivalry; it’s not even a thing anymore. What they’re actually whining about is courtesy, which is A) not gendered and B) a reasonable expectation.

13 years ago

First of all: They’re ranked?

Second of all: They think?

Third of all: There are five of them?

13 years ago

katz: Some of them are sockpuppets.

Arks: You know what, if you get off on webcomics about murdering women, and you don’t harm any real-life women, I don’t care. Your sexual fantasies are your business.

13 years ago

Arks, I am very sorry the people making your snuff comics don’t know how vaginas work. Poor babby creep.