creepy kitties men who should not ever be with women ever PUA vaginas

The Pussy Fountainhead

If you ever use the phrase "pussy fountain," it had better refer to this.

As a regular chronicler of the Manosphere, I’m used to reading a lot of truly horrifying shit. But even by Manosphere standards, the following stood out. It’s from our good pal Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide, who felt the need to end a recent post by putting this image in my brain:

Among my friends, all of us are splashing in the pussy fountain. Some are sipping, others are gulping, but none of us are thirsty or dehydrated.

So now it’s in your brain, too!

In case you’re wondering, this came from a post in which our intrepid pussy fountain splasher argued that men

shouldn’t trust men who can’t get laid — they are opportunists who will betray you for the slimmest chance of scoring some pussy. … I wouldn’t be friends with a man who was perennially hopeless with the ladies. I might empathize with him, but I wouldn’t want to be near him. So you should live your life as well.

After reading this, I instantly developed a similar policy of my own. I don’t want to have anything to do with guys who refer to sex as “splashing in the pussy fountain.” In fact, I’d really prefer that there were no such guys.

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13 years ago


In all honesty, I don’t really give a shit what they call themselves. They’re misogynistic in addition to being racist..oh..I’m sorry… “human biodiversity enthusiasts” is what I meant to say *eyeroll*

All credibility is immediately thrown out the window due to those two factors. I don’t understand how the manosphere can be so collectively stupid to blame women for chivalry when it wasn’t even us who enforced these rules in the first place. Elitist men did. Read the bible for fucks sake. Men rule, women follow. Yet somehow women and feminists somehow get blamed for somehow promoting chivalry. How stupid can they fucking get. Feminists seek to dismantle gender roles, not enforce them. Any woman who calls herself a feminist yet endorses chivalry is not a feminist. But keep in mind also, there are some guys who actually do like to be chivalrous. It’s their choice to do so. Just like there are still some women who want to be susie housewife. It’s their choice as well. All I care about is that these roles aren’t forced onto to people. That people have the freedom to live their lives as they please without being judged (and so long as they don’t hurt anyone else)

Which brings me to my next beef with all this. The manosphere don’t want chivalry. They don’t want to adhere to the traditional male gender role. Fine by me. But they are a bunch of hypocritical douchebags because they still want women to remain virginal, sweet and domesticated.

Fuck. that. shit.

I’m all for getting rid of chivalry. I left a comment in this same thread saying I don’t even care if I don’t get a lifeboat. No one is forcing men to be chivalrous. But I expect the same consideration when I and other women choose to live our lives outside the stereotypical female role. This is what the entire manosphere- MRAs/MGTOWS and PUAs, do not respect, and that’s why I find them revolting and illogical. And until there is some kind of men’s movement that firmly establishes itself as not a bunch of woman hating assholes that actually HELP MEN, then I’m still gonna be extremely suspicious of any blog or person professing themselves to be MRAs.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Hey, you could start a throwaway Yahoo! account. Just trying to help you out here, since you clearly hate me quite a lot. Maybe this would be cathartic.

13 years ago

Oh shit, he’s back. MRAL, sweetie, how can we miss your pithy comments if you won’t LEAVE?

13 years ago

@ Quackers

I’ve always worked on the assumption that nobody is going to give me a lifeboat so I better take care of myself. Even if it wasn’t based on sexism, relying on the goodwill of others as loosely enforced by chivalry is a terrible idea, because what happens when they decide they don’t feel like being chivalrous and women don’t have any other option? It’s a precarious position to be in.

13 years ago

Go away, child. Your attempt to goad me aren’t going to work.

13 years ago

““Forweg, what if I posted your personal information, and then someone said, “You shouldn’t do that. He could be killed”, to which I replied nonchalantly, “So what if Forweg gets killed? ”

That’s not remotely what JtO posted, so your comparison is invalid.”

Yeah, that is exactly what happened. AVFM found info about some radfems, Futrelle expressed concern that revealing personal information could result in vigilante violence against the feminists, and JtO (a AVFM writer) responded to Dave with the words, “So what if they get killed?”

13 years ago


Get over yourself.

Get off the Internet.

Get help.

13 years ago


I’m down with that. Though I will say I don’t understand people like MRAL and NWO who get high and then sit and argue on a blog full of people that dislike them. The mind boggles.

It always catches me off guard when some one finds a chivalrous gesture from me as annoying or demeaning because I’m surrounded by people that appreciate it, and often expect it. It’s so easy to forget how diverse people are sometimes.

13 years ago

Speaking on NWO, where is he these days? I really want him to tell us about super-dogs.

13 years ago


After hearing their same tired Titanic argument (which somehow in their stupid heads magically cancels out any other oppression women faced) I tried looking up if it still applied today. I didn’t think it did. I mean I figured that it was possible that some people would try to apply it but living in modern times it would be every person for himself. And I’m fine with that. It’s to be expected. As you said relying on the goodwill of others is pretty dumb.

I never found an answer btw, but I did find tips on how to survive a sinking ship lol. I thought I bookmarked it but I can’t find it so apparently I did not.

13 years ago

*every person for themselves

wow some feminist I am. I instinctively use himself to describe all people *SMH*

13 years ago

It should also be pointed out that chivalry has only ever applied to a small subset of women. If you’re not white and/or you don’t come from money, you’re not the subject of chivalry.

13 years ago

@ Shadow

I don’t really get trolling. I mean, intellectually I know why they do it, but I don’t get it. It just seems like such a waste of time. Maybe to enjoy it you need to be someone who’s already working on the assumption that everyone hates you, so hey, why not take advantage of that?

In terms of the chivalry stuff it honestly doesn’t bother me at all. I can understand why some women find it irritating, but for me if I can tell that the intent behind it is good I tend to just interpret it as the person trying to be nice, so no reason to get mad at him, and if it’s clearly coming from a place of affection then sometimes I even appreciate it. It’s weird in that it’s so entangled with basic politeness, like the door thing, which in my opinion everyone should do for each other automatically. I’m British, I can’t help it – if my manners ever lapsed my granny would be so ashamed.

13 years ago

@ Quackers

The last time I looked into it was after a ferry disaster in Europe, and it does seem like that rule is long gone. Which I’m fine with as far as women are concerned, but I do think that adults of any sex should stop to help children.

Actually the most interesting/disturbing thing about the research I did after the ferry disaster was that in general, it seems that altruism will tend to get you killed. So basically it’s an instinct that many humans still have even though in strictly evolutionary terms it’s harmful to the individual – maybe useful to us as a species and that’s why we still have it?

13 years ago

Now MRAL’s excuse for his comments is “I was high?” That’s cute. Not what I would expect from someone with such a high IQ.

How can we miss you if you don’t go away, MRAL?

Back to the OP, I’ll never think of “Three Coins In A Fountain” the same way again.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

If MRAL want to talk with women that share his view, he should go to Hookingupsmart.

13 years ago


ditto if you’re unattractive or just invisible like I am. Maybe that’s why I don’t get why this whole chivalry thing is such a big deal. Not only is it outdated, but I’ve never really had men throw themselves at me. Once in awhile a guy will hold a door open for me and I say thanks and that’s that.

it’s just so typical of the manosphere. Women who are not white, pretty and young do not exist to them, so it doesn’t occur to them that there is a huge amount of women who don’t get the special treatment that comes with those privileges. Nor do we all expect it or even want it.

13 years ago


Yeah saving children should be a priority for either sex, but to be honest I’m not surprised at all that altruism would get you killed. If I was on a sinking ship with my family I’d stick with them and hope for the best…alone though, I would get feral, just sayin’…

13 years ago

What did forweg what with a picture of Ozy anyway? Don’t answer that…

Now forweg will rant on his blog about how Futrelle banned him for disagreeing with feminism or some bullshit like that.

13 years ago

RE Altruism and stopping to help people in a disaster, I realized that basically I feel like able bodied adults of either sex should try to help everyone else. Which as mentioned above may well get you killed, but it seems to be a very strong instinct that many people have. In terms of chivalry, well, the idea there was that women were by definition weak and helpless (and often encumbered by impractical clothing), and thus they needed saving in the same way children do. The reason that particular idea has almost completely faded is that women aren’t seen as physically helpless any more.

The altruism thing is weird for me, because in practical terms it’s not really smart – research shows that people who act in completely selfish ways are more likely to survive disasters. But on the other hand, I was watching very closely during the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan because I know people there and for the first 24 hours was trying to make sure they were all safe, and a lot of the able-bodied adults killed in, say, Sendai died because they went back to save their elderly parents instead of just trying to save themselves. And although it’s a tragedy that those people died when they might otherwise have survived, I really wouldn’t want to live in a society in which people don’t go back to try and save their elderly parents instead of just saving themselves.

Part of the reason I hate MRAs and PUAs is that it’s so clear that they think that things like altruism and concern for other people’s wellbeing in general are weaknesses.

13 years ago

Forweg likes illustrating his posts with pictures of people.

Hey, forweg, if you’re reading this, Noah Brand wants some love. And HIS picture is publically available. Mostly while he is looking dashing in snazzy hats.

13 years ago

I see MRAs and PUAs pulling a sleazy move like Cal from Titanic- grabbing a random kid (most likely a boy) and pretending to be the father so some altruistic person will let them on the boat first.

Great. Now I want to watch the damn movie. Hate the romance, love the visuals.

13 years ago

@Ozy: He just wants to post your picture on a site called “Traitors of Men”. Sounds pretty innocent to me.

*Sarcasm light blinks rapidly*

13 years ago

What does that even mean, “Traitors of Men”? The grammar is a little baffling. I’m assuming English isn’t his first language?