creepy kitties men who should not ever be with women ever PUA vaginas

The Pussy Fountainhead

If you ever use the phrase "pussy fountain," it had better refer to this.

As a regular chronicler of the Manosphere, I’m used to reading a lot of truly horrifying shit. But even by Manosphere standards, the following stood out. It’s from our good pal Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide, who felt the need to end a recent post by putting this image in my brain:

Among my friends, all of us are splashing in the pussy fountain. Some are sipping, others are gulping, but none of us are thirsty or dehydrated.

So now it’s in your brain, too!

In case you’re wondering, this came from a post in which our intrepid pussy fountain splasher argued that men

shouldn’t trust men who can’t get laid — they are opportunists who will betray you for the slimmest chance of scoring some pussy. … I wouldn’t be friends with a man who was perennially hopeless with the ladies. I might empathize with him, but I wouldn’t want to be near him. So you should live your life as well.

After reading this, I instantly developed a similar policy of my own. I don’t want to have anything to do with guys who refer to sex as “splashing in the pussy fountain.” In fact, I’d really prefer that there were no such guys.

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13 years ago

“Forweg, what if I posted your personal information, and then someone said, “You shouldn’t do that. He could be killed”, to which I replied nonchalantly, “So what if Forweg gets killed? ”

That’s not remotely what JtO posted, so your comparison is invalid.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

Ozy, Forweg want to find a picture of you and he asked guys on his blog to email it to him if they have one : (comment on Jan 15, 2012 11:05 AM)

13 years ago

@MRAL: You said you were leaving last night at 8:18 pm–apparently you meant just for the night.

Flounce time=25 hours.

There are a few things said in that thread after you left that you might want to take a look at.

Feminism is one of the movements dedicated to deconstructing gender roles (LBGT is another).

But since you (and I don’t think you can talk about what any other men think, given your habit of projecting your feelings to the universe) blame feminists and/or women for all that’s wrong with your life, you have very little to contribute to this sort of discussion.

Here’s a challenge: make three posts that talk about masculine gender roles EXCEPT “chivalry.”

And make ONE post where you acknowledge the issues women face (YOU are the only one playing Oppression Olympics, btw), by actually saying women.

Can you do it without reverting to the “I am 19 and I know everything and anybody who disagrees with me is abusing me.”

Oh, and Frodo is NOT a loser (I won’t link to my comment about that, you can look for it yourself if you give a damn).

13 years ago

Zirself. ZIRSELF. For FUCK’S sake.

13 years ago


13 years ago

“I met someone on Youtube who thought we piss out of our clitoris.”

With these guys I’m just amazed if they know what a clitoris is. Also, “pussy fountain” makes it sound like they’ve melted all the women’s groins together into some Human Centipede-type monstrosity. Which I personally don’t find very sexy, but hey, we already know the way these guyds were wired sexually was a bit odd.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

1. I meant for the the thread, but I am planning on leaving the blog. I just found this to be an interesting post.

2. I don’t blame feminists and/or women for all that’s wrong in my life.

3. Women have issues.

4. Of course Frodo isn’t a loser, but he failed his quest. He’s still a heroic figure, though, that’s the reason I liked him.

13 years ago

“3. Women have issues.”

The hypocrisy, it’s comical.

13 years ago

forweg, I will be helpful.

2) I had naked pictures up on the old blog. If you asked around the Spearhead, some of them may have saved it to their hard drives for sad wanking in between pretending that I was a mere 6 and far too ugly for their refined tastes.
3) If you can figure out my real identity it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to find my face. It is possible, although difficult, to work it out. Probably the simplest method is to impersonate a feminist, email me, and get me to trust you enough that I reveal my name (this will require approximately a month of fairly regular emails in which you successfully impersonate a feminist); a second method is to work out the real identity of a different Manboobzer, find them on a social networking site, and see whom they’re friends with.

In other words: COME AT ME BRO.

13 years ago


I think he’s acknowledging that women face problems in response to Ithliana, not insulting them (at least I hope)

13 years ago

@ Shadow

If so, maybe he needs to go work on his communication skills about before commenting on any more blog, even ones that aren’t actively hostile towards his attitudes about women.

13 years ago

Blogs, dammit, not blog. As much as I wish he’d stop commenting on this blog, he’s certainly free to comment on other ones where most people don’t already dislike him.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Cassandra, maybe you should just make the “really mean and abusive” post that you alluded to in the other thread, because the snide bullshit is wearing on my patience.

13 years ago


Or atleast acknowledge who he’s replying to. Honestly, I’m still reeling from the fact that women is spelled correctly. That’s an actual step forward MRAL well done.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Also, I’ve been really high the past two nights, so my posts in that thread were not very well reasoned, though I stand by the essence of them,

13 years ago

MRAL, I’m being polite out of respect for other commenters, not out of respect for your feelings. You’re a sexist asshole – you I don’t care if I upset.

13 years ago

Oh God, now his patience is being worn on??


13 years ago

@ Shadow

Eh, too small a step and much too late as far as I’m concerned. Although “wimminz” does grate from a grammatical point of view, so it is nice not to have to read it and start itching to get out the red pen.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I don’t think any of the other commenters will mind. Or, you can email me at [email protected] if you want. I’d love to hear your fascinating uncensored opinion of me.

13 years ago

Dude, I’m baked to shit practically every comment I make. I still manage not to insult people and make posts that people can follow and that convey my intent. And if you really do stand by them, then you also understand that that kind of view of women is not something anyone here will tolerate, so you are in hostile territory.

13 years ago

You think I’m giving you my email address, MRAL? I think not.

@zhinxy – It is kind of hilarious how he persists in the delusion that he’s the reasonable one being put upon and everyone else is just so mean for not tolerating his shitty behavior, isn’t it?

13 years ago


Yeah, I don’t blame you

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Whatever bro.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Sis, sorry.

13 years ago

@ Shadow

Honestly I’d rather just not engage with him at all. He’s a human black hole of toxic self-loathing, and engaging with him is just going to spread the poison around. Which is why he needs to leave. I think he’s only staying because he feeds on negative energy.