As a regular chronicler of the Manosphere, I’m used to reading a lot of truly horrifying shit. But even by Manosphere standards, the following stood out. It’s from our good pal Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide, who felt the need to end a recent post by putting this image in my brain:
Among my friends, all of us are splashing in the pussy fountain. Some are sipping, others are gulping, but none of us are thirsty or dehydrated.
So now it’s in your brain, too!
In case you’re wondering, this came from a post in which our intrepid pussy fountain splasher argued that men
shouldn’t trust men who can’t get laid — they are opportunists who will betray you for the slimmest chance of scoring some pussy. … I wouldn’t be friends with a man who was perennially hopeless with the ladies. I might empathize with him, but I wouldn’t want to be near him. So you should live your life as well.
After reading this, I instantly developed a similar policy of my own. I don’t want to have anything to do with guys who refer to sex as “splashing in the pussy fountain.” In fact, I’d really prefer that there were no such guys.
Is that why the manosphere always links to articles from it then? lol
Yeah. It’s tremendously insulting to men who can’t get laid to compare them to men who have an objectifying and entitled outlook on dating.
wut? that is just sad.
Socially awkward gals get “friendzoned” too!
Not clear if she is a “Nice GirlTM” b/c she doesn’t declare him and all men evil bastards. Though she does seem to think that she’s entitled to him b/c she listened to him for three weeks.
@Quackers: He obviously wasn’t aware what a urethra was.
This should become a meme!
I met someone on Youtube who thought elephants peed through their trunks.
I met someone on Youtube who thought that France was a city in the country of Europe.
I met someone on Youtube who thought that all cats were girls.
@Joanna: I once heard a college student explain how her Diva Cup works with the phrase “it works because your cervix and your urethra are in different spots in your vagina.”
@Lauralot: There seems to be an impression that everything between a woman’s legs is her vagina.
I just realized that the person I was talking to on Youtube was a girl… O.O
Or how about “I met someone on the Manosphere who thought…”. Although your list would probably fill ten encyclopedia volumes.
@lowquacks —
Yes. Zie Creature rides cost four negs, the currency of the Crotch Carnival.
Digging through my blog to find your dirt, Manboobz?
For shame.
Wait, forweg is Ferdinand? Dave, can you confirm this?
Oh nevermind, I misunderstood.
“Wait, forweg is Ferdinand? Dave, can you confirm this?:
This article sure is getting a lot of negative comments from his “fans”.
Ferdinand Bardamu said that “All it takes to turn an MRA into a feminist is a blowjob”, that’s why he doesn’t trust guys that cannot get laid. And it’s true because if a guy that read MRA blogs find a girlfriend, usually he will leave the manosphere.
What’s funny is that Ferdinand Bardamu can get laid only with prostitutes, like the other guys of the manosphere. Now the manosphere will be reserved to guys that have sex with prostitutes or are closeted gay.
Forweg, it’s not people here that read your blog, it’s probably 4chan. That posting by Inmalafide was on 4chan too. 4chan people are constantly searching for new asshats to cyber-bully and if they have found the manosphere, the guys from the manosphere will miss the feminists.
You may have posted about the “pussy fountain” first, forweg, but I was planning on posting about it even before I saw your post! (Seriously, I was.)
I’m currently working on a post titled “David Futrelle’s Propaganda Dissected, Part 3.” Which is completely original!
It would be uncharitable to suggest that there was any unconscious subtext to Mr Bardamu’s choice of imagery.
Him and his friends, just a bunch of sexy hetero guys, splashing around in the fountain together.
” 4chan people are constantly searching for new asshats to cyber-bully and if they have found the manosphere, the guys from the manosphere will miss the feminists.”
Yeah… 4chan will hunt you down irl. It doesn’t matter who you are. They even made a little girl cry because she was being an eejit on the internet.
if Anonymous finds the manosphere and starts trolling them I will laugh my fucking ass off. Does manosphere stuff regularly get laughed at on 4chan?
Don’t tell forweg that there’s an entire blog devoted to mocking the blogs of guys like him.
I really would like to see some sort of psychological study done on your average manosphere commenter or blogger…….if the results aren’t either sociopath, narcissist or paranoid personality disorder I will eat my metaphorical hat.
Inmalafide are even scarier dudes. Because then you have racism in addition to misogyny. I hope I never encounter men like this outside of the internet. So far so good.
I can’t believe Forweg read John the Other’s post and concluded, “Nope, nothing violent about this at all.”
Forweg, what if I posted your personal information, and then someone said, “You shouldn’t do that. He could be killed”, to which I replied nonchalantly, “So what if Forweg gets killed? ”
If Futrelle said, “I see nothing in Crumbelievable’s post that indicates he supports violence against Forweg”, how would you feel?
Quackers, I really don’t think those commenters are MRAs, or at least they wouldn’t identify as such. In my opinion, especially amongst younger guys, there’s just a very strong… feeling of negativity? resentment? toward traditional masculine gender roles, one of which is this chivalry thing. I do think it’s a response (or maybe complimentary) to feminism. Feminism has obviously contributed to men questioning said gender roles… but unfortunately, since there’s not a mass movement to kind of formally contextualize and logically direct this resentment, I think a lot of it manifests as sneeringly antifeminist or borderline misogynist stuff, often a “how do you like THEM apples?”-type thing with cases like this, affirmative action for college-bound men, or whatever. But underneath all that, I don’t think the sentiment is all bad. We just need some kind of formally defined movement (and not the MRAs; they’re a fucking joke). This is why I like the NSWATM blog a lot. For men without being MRA-like, but at the same time not quantifying every statement with the “remember, women have it worse” bullshit, like Hugo does.