As a regular chronicler of the Manosphere, I’m used to reading a lot of truly horrifying shit. But even by Manosphere standards, the following stood out. It’s from our good pal Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide, who felt the need to end a recent post by putting this image in my brain:
Among my friends, all of us are splashing in the pussy fountain. Some are sipping, others are gulping, but none of us are thirsty or dehydrated.
So now it’s in your brain, too!
In case you’re wondering, this came from a post in which our intrepid pussy fountain splasher argued that men
shouldn’t trust men who can’t get laid — they are opportunists who will betray you for the slimmest chance of scoring some pussy. … I wouldn’t be friends with a man who was perennially hopeless with the ladies. I might empathize with him, but I wouldn’t want to be near him. So you should live your life as well.
After reading this, I instantly developed a similar policy of my own. I don’t want to have anything to do with guys who refer to sex as “splashing in the pussy fountain.” In fact, I’d really prefer that there were no such guys.
Oh god…
There’s just so much wrong with this…
So he’s into watersports, then?
I’d almost go over there just to see what kind of meltdown ensued, given the amount of crying these guys do over not getting enough sex.
I’m astounded at the level of hatred and distrust these guys show towards women, other men and especially themselves when they start subscribing to market theory or game. Do these guys all suffer from severe narcissistic wounding or what?
Well, I am waiting for my paint to dry..so I guess I’ll check out what the response was to the dude with plenty…
Semi off-topic, but I was just listening to The Doors, People are Strange. One of the lyrics made me think of MRAs in general and MRAL in particular;
“Women seem wicked, when you’re unwanted”
Those wicked ladies who don’t want to have sex with the nice guys…
Wetherby: My first thought, too. Actually, my fist thought was: “It really doesn’t work that way. At all.” Then a few seconds later, “Unless you’re into watersports, I guess.”
Definitely not what.
I don’t grasp the need for these elaborate but tawdry clichés for sexual acts: the late-of-this-blog but not lamented Monsieur Om Nom had to mystify talking about rimming by “tossing the salad”, and for many other acts there are similarly ludicrous phrases: at high school I recall hearing cunnilingus being described by guys as “dining at the Y” which made no sense whatsoever, until explained (thinking of a cursive y won’t help). I tend to think these purveyors of banal phrases must be stuck in a juvenile frame of mind, talking in code amongst like-minded fools.
Well, to be fair, tossing the salad is a pretty popular phrase in N America. I think it was popularized (at least among my generation) by Oz and Chris Rock
Maybe they don’t mean a single pussy, but lots at once. Kind of like the cock carousel. But with pussies. When the cock carousel and the pussy fountain are in the same place it’s called a crotch carnival. And the ticket prices are based on your Alpha, Beta, or Omega status. The funhouse is a rickety computer with Windows 95 running the Manosphere, and only the Manosphere. The barkers, of course, are trolls.
@Jessonian: You owe me a liter of brain bleach
@Crumbelievable: Yeah, I threw up in my mouth a little when I re-read my comment. Sorry about that.
Is the “pussy fountain” supposed to be like Tubgirl?
This is just so so gross on so many levels.
I lol’d at Jessonian’s “crotch carnival” though.
Jessonian, that’s awesome!
Jessonian: it’s the biggest event of the year for me. But the cleanup afterwards is a bitch. I typically have to repaint about half of my roosters, and replace a couple of my poles.
This article seems to be making the rounds on the manosphere, with our lovely MRA friends gloating about the wimminz dying. The general sentiment is “HAW HAW that’s what you get for asking for equal rights!” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2086928/Costa-Concordia-Sinking-cruise-ship-survivors-nightmare-scenes.html#ixzz1jZ3xTBRG
Personally I don’t care. If I’m on a ship and it’s gonna sink I will fight like hell to get a lifeboat. As I’d expect of everyone else. If I live, I live, if I die, I die. I’d rather have equal rights than my “women and children first” privileges, especially since a boat sinking is a pretty rare incidence. And even if it wasn’t I’d still rather have equal rights. I just find their sick pleasure at the thought of women drowning disturbing. Then again it’s to be expected from Manospherians.
Ack. Sorry for the derail. Pussy fountain huh? the way these dudes describe lady parts make me think they don’t really come into contact with them often. Or they watch too much squirting porn. Or are into water sports.
Crotch carnival made my laugh too btw lol
I don’t even.
Is there a petting zoo full of Zie Creatures at the Crotch Carnival?
after reading that article I’m done with inmalafide….
looks like he hates other men just as much as you and schwyzer do….
you guys just refer to them as “nice guys tm”
different lingo, same bigotry….
The Daily Mail is known as the absolute worst, trashiest paper in England, so I wouldn’t expect much intelligent discussion from its readership.
Wait, who referred to someone as a “nice guy tm?” That’s one I don’t think I’ve seen before.
@Stonerwithaboner: The term “nice guys” is not, as you put it on your website, bigotry against men with poor social skills/anxiety. A nice guy is someone who feigns niceness as a way to get women to like him, because he’s too nervous or unskilled at using conventional means of approaching women, and then when this inevitably fails to gain her affection, he reveals himself to be not so nice after all. A nice guy will say, “I’m so nice to her and she still doesn’t like me? What a fucking bitch.” There are plenty of people out there who lack the proper social skills or who suffer with anxiety who are not Nice Guys. I myself am guilty of having been a Nice Guy at one point. I’m still pretty socially incompetent, but I would like to think I’m no longer a Nice Guy.
Perhaps you can explain, stoner, how men who don’t get laid are the same as men who pretend to be friends with women in an effort to emotionally blackmail them into sex? Because the latter is what Nice Guy(tm) actually means.
I also thought for a moment that he was standing up for (receiving) urophilics.
“the way these dudes describe lady parts make me think they don’t really come into contact with them often.”
I met someone on Youtube who thought we piss out of our clitoris.