As a regular chronicler of the Manosphere, I’m used to reading a lot of truly horrifying shit. But even by Manosphere standards, the following stood out. It’s from our good pal Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide, who felt the need to end a recent post by putting this image in my brain:
Among my friends, all of us are splashing in the pussy fountain. Some are sipping, others are gulping, but none of us are thirsty or dehydrated.
So now it’s in your brain, too!
In case you’re wondering, this came from a post in which our intrepid pussy fountain splasher argued that men
shouldn’t trust men who can’t get laid — they are opportunists who will betray you for the slimmest chance of scoring some pussy. … I wouldn’t be friends with a man who was perennially hopeless with the ladies. I might empathize with him, but I wouldn’t want to be near him. So you should live your life as well.
After reading this, I instantly developed a similar policy of my own. I don’t want to have anything to do with guys who refer to sex as “splashing in the pussy fountain.” In fact, I’d really prefer that there were no such guys.
Alek, you really think that guy seems like he’s scoured a dozen books on any topic, much less feminism?
Isn’t fidelboogen the dude who writes like all he’s ever read is bad Victorian prose?
Three minutes between flounce and reappearance? 0/10. You’re not even pretending to try.
“A) I find 100% of Fidelbogen’s posts ever written to be reasonable”
That’s hilarious.
“B) You are unlikely to find any of them reasonable”
For the first time in this thread you are correct.
So why were you here, again?
Fidlebogen is the one who writers like Meller, a bit, but less Lovecraft and more tedious mechanical device repair manual.
Oh yeah. The “Such concision” guy! I can’t believe that that weather balloon is considered reasonable!
@Alek: Well, minus points for completely misreading my request.The post you linked to had one sentence about Dworkin and an unattributed quote (you can shove any shit between quotation mark, but unless you give the source, preference title, author, edition, and page number, it’s meaningless shit-which is what the most of the stuff David F. quotes here is–there is NO sourcing, no attribution, and if you think that blog proves that F. read any of Dworkin’s publications, you are completely wrong:
Heartbreak: The Political Memoir of a Feminist Militant (2002) ISBN 0-465-01754-1
Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, and Women’s Liberation (2000) ISBN 0-684-83612-2
Life and Death: Unapologetic Writings on the Continuing War Against Women (1997) ISBN 0-684-83512-6
In Harm’s Way: The Pornography Civil Rights Hearings (with Catharine MacKinnon, 1997) ISBN 0-674-44579-1
Letters from a War Zone: Writings (1988) ISBN 1-55652-185-5 ISBN 0-525-24824-2 ISBN 0-436-13962-6
Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day for Women’s Equality (1988) ISBN 0-9621849-0-X
Intercourse (1987) ISBN 0-684-83239-9
Right-Wing Women: The Politics of Domesticated Females (1983) ISBN 0-399-50671-3
Pornography—Men Possessing Women (1981) ISBN 0-399-50532-6 — Online summary, excerpts
Our Blood: Prophesies and Discourses on Sexual Politics (1976) ISBN 0-399-50575-X ISBN 0-06-011116-X
Woman Hating: A Radical Look at Sexuality (Dutton, 1974) ISBN 0-452-26827-3 ISBN 0-525-48397-7
[edit]Fiction and poetry
Mercy (1990, ISBN 0-941423-88-3)
Ice and Fire (1986, ISBN 0-436-13960-X)
The New Woman’s Broken Heart: Short Stories (1980, ISBN 0-9603628-0-0)
Morning Hair (self-published, 1968)
Child (1966) (Heraklion, Crete, 1966)
Marx and Gandhi were liberals: Feminism and the “radical” left (1977 (ASIN B0006XEJCG))
Why so-called radical men love and need pornography (1978 (ASIN B0006XX57G))
Against the male flood: Censorship, pornography and equality (1985 (ASIN B00073AVJA))
The reasons why: Essays on the new civil rights law recognizing pornography as sex discrimination (1985 (ASIN B000711OSO))
Pornography is a civil rights issue for women (1986 (ASIN B00071HFYG))
A good rape. (1996 (ASIN B0008DT8DE)) (Book Review)
Out of the closet.(Normal: Transsexual CEOs, Cross-Dressing Cops and Hermaphrodites with Attitude) (1996 (ASIN B0008E679Q)) (Book Review)
The day I was drugged and raped (1996 (ASIN B0008IYNJS))
Are you listening, Hillary? President Rape is who he is (1999) (excerpt)[121]
(list from Wikipedia article)
As it happens, as a feminist who had read many of her published books, more non-fiction, I disagree with many of her stances on issues that are controversial among feminists.
But I’ve read and thought about it.
Despite your claims that Fidelwhatever has, you haven’t proven it.
And if this link is your idea of “good” proof, I now know exactly where to file your claims and ideas (i.e. the roundfile).
As far as I can tell Fidelbogen’s “scouring” of feminist texts has consisted of flipping through books for about 30 seconds in the library, reading the pull-quotes on the back cover, and then 15 hours per book of fantasizing about evil feminists.
So Alex, you’re saying that it’s reasonable to put women in medieval torture devices?
@CassandraSays: heh, you’re willing to give more credit to him than I am. I figured he like a bunch of the other dudez who have been quite comprehensively discredted by (let’s see if I can do html right this time, shall we?) David here at Manboobz, one of my favoritest posts evah on “Factchecking a list of Hateful quotes from feminists.”
I’m willing to concede the 15 hours fantasizing though ;>
But I’m sure Alek would never lie about a quote or anything since clearly his INTEGRITY is so important to him.
And that’s why everyone thinks you’re boring and full of shit. Why exactly would we want to talk to someone with no stated purpose except quote policing?
Also, if misquoting is your only issue, you must be constantly quote policing MRAs and correcting them when they misquote, misstate, or misattribute what women say, right?
“the Alex Dictionovy”
Thanks. I should have said Alek Dictionovy, but IDGAF.
Or does this mean I’ve unlawfully slandered someone named Alex Novy? O noes!
If Fidelbogen is an example of their best thinkers, I’d hate to see their worst.
On the topic of PUA vs. MRAs, I found this on reddit (it’s not all pedoturds! There are hairy feminists and white knights too!).
“When I was a blue pill popper it was so much easier….”
Blue pill = viagra = PUA, no wonder the red pill poppers hate them!
As Neo would say, “Whoa.”
Isn’t Zoloft blue too? If most MRAs went off their meds without consulting their doctors that would explain a lot.
The worst Victorian writers were better than “Explain. Expound. Elucidate.” Even “It was a dark and stormy night” guy.
Is AlexNovy really going to pretend he cares about getting quotes right after he whined, puled, and moaned about Rebecca Watson, based on what some morons said, without bothering to read her actual words? Because if so, I’m going to pretend to be an MRA.
It took me about 10 seconds to remember that it’s idiots like this who say we’re the misandrists. The jackassery these morons believe in is starting to come back to me now XD
(For all their claims about how they’re gathering power and will storm the world and end the gynocracy with their political power, it’s hilariously easy to forget they exist when you spend a month or two off manboobz)
Oh my lord, fidelbogen is the leading intellectual light of the MRM? That, Alek, is … interesting to me, because (I hate to break it to you) sort of a blithering idiot.
I can only assume you mean “scoured” in the sense of “scouring the bathtub,” because he clearly hasn’t read any of them. (If he has, he’s got what must be the world’s worst reading comprehension.)
But now that I know he’s the best you guys have got, I guess I’ll have to make fun of him more often. Which is good for me — it’s really, really easy. The only drawback is that it means actually reading his dreck.
Oh, Alek, on that other thing you seem confused about: The topic of this blog is misogyny, not the MRM as such. I make no claim that all the people I write about here are MRAs, because they are quite clearly not.
Here are a couple of ways to tell if I’m claiming someone is an MRA: I describe him as one,and put a little MRA tag at the end of the post.
If you read the OP here again, you will see that I dont’ call him an MRA, and there is no MRA tag.
It’s really not that hard to figure out.
A lot of MRAs seem confused by this point, which leads me to conclude that they don’t actually read anything I actually write here; rather, they assume things and attack me for the things they assume about me.
That said, there is a lot of overlap between the MRAs, the MGOTWers the PUAs and the other less definable souls who make up the “manosphere.” Lots of MRAs are also PUAs, or inflienced by their ideas. Other MRAs, like you, aren’t into PUA.
But to claim that Roissy and Ferdinand exist in some other universe? Please The ideas overlap, the obsessions overlap, the readership overlaps, the idiotic slang overlaps. I’m not the one who came up with or popularized the idea of the “manospehre”; you guys did.
Also, AVFM links to only 5 blogs. In Mala Fide is one of them.
Unnecessarily large words to explain simple talking points + pompous tone = thorough knowledge of the subject
Oh Alek: It’s nice to see a young man with a purpose in life.
It’s sad when that purpose is hampered by a basic misunderstanding of how to carry it out (those strawmen you want to burn… aren’t), but one can hope.
It’s a problem, however, when one is being hypocritical about it. Care to amend your misquotations, and misrepresentations about Skepchick and her comments about the situation in the elevator?
Because if you can’t be honest enough to look at what you wrote, and hold it up to the same sort of scrutiny you claim to be applying to people who are critiquing your precious icons in the manosphere… there’s no reason to think you are being at all honest in the shaming agenda you are pushing here.
But I’m sure Fidelbogen will toss you a bone someday, if you heap enough praises on him they might even hide the feet of clay he’s standing on.
Y’all best watch your words!! If you aren’t careful, the MRM might use their mighty financial power to hire that blue haired lawyer on the Simpsons!! That motherfucker’s a shark!
Shadow… The blue haired toon better not come after us, we know the recipe for Dip™.