antifeminism armageddon beta males grandiosity misogyny PUA TROOOLLLL!! vaginas

The Withered, [obscene gender-related slur] Heart of Darkness. Or, Roissy does feminism.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues. With penguins.

Ladies, watch out! Over at the Chateau, the (He)artist(e) formerly known as Roissy has taken a good look at that thing we call feminism, and it seems that he doesn’t like it very much.

[F]eminism is, right down to its withered, cunty heart, a grotesque ideology mounted on a dais of lies. My goal is to mock it so ruthlessly that its practitioners and sympathizers, all of them, find it ever more difficult to pronounce in public life that they are feminists, to drive the true believers so far underground that only their raspy-throated, dusty-muffed sisters-in-arms are willing to entertain their insipid nostrums.

Woah, dude! Slow down for a moment and take a breath.

This is total war, and in total war where the weapons are words, the goal is utter destruction through social ostracism. The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Wait, let’s do that last sentence again.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Yeah, I thought that’s what he said.

Some other observations:

Marriage and kids are no amnesty from man-hating. Some of the worst ideological feminists are lantern-jawed fuzzfaced quasi-dykes married to mincing beta schlubs who confirm feminist prejudices by their mere existence, not to mention by their sycophantic suckuppery.

Oh and this:

Feminism’s leaders and spokeshos are, almost to a bitch, man-hating termagants who loathe male desire and cheer on third trimester vacuumings.

Nothing more charming than a PUA dickbag who’s against abortion.

Having dispensed with feminism, Roissy goes on to wax pompous about the future of the whole human race. Naturally, he thinks like a PUA version of Hitler.

Thanks to technology, diversity and cognitive stratification, America is entering the period of The Great Culling, a process which will create not only new classes, but even new races, broadly a snarky Eloi and a medicated Morlock, and slowly, as the government cheese runs out, the losers in this culling will begin to procreate less and less, until they are discarded by the invisible crotch of evolution as failed human experiments unable to adapt to the new reality.

The “invisible crotch of evolution?”

I cannot help but think of a certain memorable phrase from one of Man Boobz’ greatest trolls. I am referring, of course, to Arks’ description of the human vagina as a “slobbering crotch-maw.”

Is Arks … Roissy? Is Roissy … Arks?

I don’t think so, but it makes me wonder once again if this whole Chateau Heartiste thing is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.


Toysoldier offers a withering critique of this post.

Wait, did I say “withering?” I meant “withered.”

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13 years ago

Lol, what a bunch of flowery garbage. The style reminds me of Elam, personally. It’s like these bros chug a six-pack of Dr. Pepper 10 before gluing their asses to the computer chair.

I’d call it “Explosiony Writing.”

Anti Moron’s Rights said:

leaving his sad, motley crew of anger-mongers to target only the women who think life is one big sorority sitcom, minus the charity work or actual womanly bonding (e.g. women who want to be extras on the cast of Jersey Shore

Yeah, that’s what gets me about PUA creeps. They go after emotionally immature* women who want their lives to look like Trash TV, then complain about their immaturity.

They console themselves with thoughts like “women don’t mature mentally past age 14,” a misogynistic way to excuse epododophilia, yet are terrified of smart women able to express themselves. This ‘don’t engage with feminists’ thing is just the latest incarnation of this fallacy.

BUT PLEASE DON’T ENGAGE WITH US. STAY FAAAR AWAY. No, we can still smell your AXE body spray. OK, that’s far enough away. THX.

* of course they’d go after physically immature women too, if the evil feminazis didn’t invent statutory rape laws.

13 years ago

Here is the problem as I see it, behind all of Roissy’s cloyingly florid language:

1. In this feminist wasteland, only “mincing betas” seem to be reproducing. Hmm.

2. Roissy doesn’t have children. He is already at an age where his fertility is on the wane, at least as far as producing healthy offspring. And — if tales of his exploits are to be believed — he fucks women who are least likely to carry a pregnancy to term and raise a child to be a successful, confident adult.

So whose genes are dying out, exactly?

13 years ago

So, Roissy is Br_don in 10 years. Got it.

What a horrible writer he is. He owes the English language an apology.

I like how he’s going to ignore us by mocking us… uh, OK.

I want my other title to be Gatekeeper: Invisible Crotch of Evolution.

13 years ago

It does read rather like one of those, you can’t ignore me because I am ignoring you first and harder and stuff and watch while I ignore you right here and now in this way that I am ignoring you here like this so there, rants so popular with abusive men.

13 years ago

Why is it that PUA’s and MRAs always end up sounding like petulant children?

13 years ago

I really think Roissy… Err, Heartiste, is having one of the most spectacular midlife crises the world has ever witnessed. I predict much lulz in the future.

13 years ago

Does he have a sports car yet? It’s very important that it be red.

13 years ago

Roissy should just get viagra and a Porsche and be done with it.

13 years ago

Great, minds, Cassandra. Of course the Porsche is red!

13 years ago

He should get a t-shirt that says MY PENIS IS VERY VERY LARGE.

On the back: NO, IT IS!

13 years ago

Or it could say “I’m With Stupid” and have an arrow pointing down, because all indications are that Riossy thinks with the little head.

13 years ago

One of the things which amuses me is the simultaneous contempt of women, and the idea that they are somehow deserving of being forced (how, one wonders) by, “Game” to suffer “Game”as punishment for being made (by nature) to be easily preyed on by “Game”.

One might be forgiven for thinking that really they just hate women.

13 years ago

Posting from an iPad is a pain. If I’m going to do much of it, I need to get a keyboard.

13 years ago

Snarky Eloi and Medicated Morlocks? I suspect he didn’t read that book too closely. (Big surprise, I know, an MRA without much in the way of reading comprehension. But I do all this blogging about various gender issues in sci-fi and fantasy, so give me my moment.) Maybe he only saw a movie version? There have been several, but I don’t think there are any that portray the Eloi as clever and the Morlocks as complacent. That’s kind of the exact opposite of the point. The original book really didn’t make either sympathetic or give them a lot of face time, representing two bad extremes for the author. Different adaptations have made heroes of one or the other. Usually the Eloi, because they’re pretty and pretty things are good things! I’ve seen strains of a more populist inclination in some versions of the story that end up siding with the Morlocks as the downtrodden, too.

Either way, the Eloi are the overlords, those who reaped the benefits of the Industrial Revolution and had everything easy and languished from aristocratic detachment into total helplessness as a result. The only one with much of a role is a doting, submissive, vaguely pleasant female, but, y’know, the author was a wealthy, educated Victorian dude and all. The Morlocks are the peons, the forgotten, those stepped on to give the well-to-do their leg up, who maintain their competence and come to prey on their former masters, but lose their humanity in the process.

In other words, no one wants to be either of those. It’s a dystopian future, cute as the Wishbone version made it look. And as a result I can’t figure out where the hell he was going with this metaphor. Can’t he just have been a regular eugenicist?

13 years ago

That, and the Morlocks eat Eloi. They’re still suitably downtrodden and hard-done-by for the point I think Roissy was trying to make, but surely no self-respecting wants to be eaten by a hairy mangina-descendent. That’s hard to be snarky about.

Or can they just be fed an uppity Eloi lady every now and then?

P.S. I’ve been reading this site religiously for nearly 4 months now but this is my first time posting. Hello all! I have no idea how to blockquote.

13 years ago

Hello all! I have no idea how to blockquote.

BAHAHAHA.. greatest introduction ever!!!

blockquoting is (blockquote) Hello all! I have no idea how to blockquote (/blockquote) but replace the ( with 😀

13 years ago

whoops, that was supposed to say replace the parentheses with triangle parentheses but it just htmled outta there

13 years ago

by which I mean the “greater than” sign and the “less than” sign. HTML, I can’t explain it

13 years ago

Nattering nabobs of nudniks.

13 years ago

I’m familiar with HTML-y stuff, just not with quite how to blockquote here. I think I know how now…

by which I mean the “greater than” sign and the “less than” sign. HTML, I can’t explain it

Did it work did it work?

It’s not as if many people seem to do it consistently right anyway.

13 years ago

Which only heightens my respect for those who do.

13 years ago


You’re a hop, skip and jump ahead of me then, I really don’t know shit about shit when it comes to HTML. I keep thinking I should learn and then get distracted by a shiny bauble or something 😛

13 years ago

Wow, he’s an even more terrible writer on his own blog.

13 years ago

It’s frustrating to see people pulling out Godwin’s Law to mean “anyone who mentions Hitler is wrong” when it actually works so much better as a “if people start calling each other Nazis over something minor, it’s probably time to chill the fuck out.:

After seeing the out-and-out racists jump right on the only-implicitly racist Heartiste post, I’m surprised they mind being compared to Hitler. There’s got to be at least one of them there thinking it’s a shame the PC Police won’t let people say they admire Hitler like everyone really does but is too much of a mangina to admit (possibly to get pussy?).