antifeminism armageddon beta males grandiosity misogyny PUA TROOOLLLL!! vaginas

The Withered, [obscene gender-related slur] Heart of Darkness. Or, Roissy does feminism.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues. With penguins.

Ladies, watch out! Over at the Chateau, the (He)artist(e) formerly known as Roissy has taken a good look at that thing we call feminism, and it seems that he doesn’t like it very much.

[F]eminism is, right down to its withered, cunty heart, a grotesque ideology mounted on a dais of lies. My goal is to mock it so ruthlessly that its practitioners and sympathizers, all of them, find it ever more difficult to pronounce in public life that they are feminists, to drive the true believers so far underground that only their raspy-throated, dusty-muffed sisters-in-arms are willing to entertain their insipid nostrums.

Woah, dude! Slow down for a moment and take a breath.

This is total war, and in total war where the weapons are words, the goal is utter destruction through social ostracism. The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Wait, let’s do that last sentence again.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Yeah, I thought that’s what he said.

Some other observations:

Marriage and kids are no amnesty from man-hating. Some of the worst ideological feminists are lantern-jawed fuzzfaced quasi-dykes married to mincing beta schlubs who confirm feminist prejudices by their mere existence, not to mention by their sycophantic suckuppery.

Oh and this:

Feminism’s leaders and spokeshos are, almost to a bitch, man-hating termagants who loathe male desire and cheer on third trimester vacuumings.

Nothing more charming than a PUA dickbag who’s against abortion.

Having dispensed with feminism, Roissy goes on to wax pompous about the future of the whole human race. Naturally, he thinks like a PUA version of Hitler.

Thanks to technology, diversity and cognitive stratification, America is entering the period of The Great Culling, a process which will create not only new classes, but even new races, broadly a snarky Eloi and a medicated Morlock, and slowly, as the government cheese runs out, the losers in this culling will begin to procreate less and less, until they are discarded by the invisible crotch of evolution as failed human experiments unable to adapt to the new reality.

The “invisible crotch of evolution?”

I cannot help but think of a certain memorable phrase from one of Man Boobz’ greatest trolls. I am referring, of course, to Arks’ description of the human vagina as a “slobbering crotch-maw.”

Is Arks … Roissy? Is Roissy … Arks?

I don’t think so, but it makes me wonder once again if this whole Chateau Heartiste thing is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.


Toysoldier offers a withering critique of this post.

Wait, did I say “withering?” I meant “withered.”

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2-D Man
2-D Man
13 years ago

The equivalent of* him stepping on his own landmine. I HAS NOT THE GRAMMAR GOOD.

You should actually use the word ‘his’ there:

The equivalent of his stepping on his own landmine.

Isn’t this guy like 80? Doesn’t that make him an automatic triple omega?

Dear, sweet Loki, he’s going to start a frat: the tri-oms.

13 years ago

Bee, you just cracked me up. Thank you!

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
13 years ago

Roissy’s probably bummed because Work It got cancelled after two episodes.

13 years ago

Yay for ‘Work It’ being cancelled.

Boo, because I was stupid enough to look at the comments under the article and now my faith in humanity has wandered off somewhere to die…

Catherine X, Guest Feminazi Conspiracy Writer
Catherine X, Guest Feminazi Conspiracy Writer
13 years ago

Okay, this quote:

… icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead …

Clearly calls for this:

Pie Jesu, Domine,
dona eis requiem…

But aren’t these monks celibate men going their own way? In other words, L. Roissy isn’t criticising feminists, but another dysfunctional part of the MRM.

Oh, and his ranting is replete with Arks-quality slurs: raspy-throated, dusty-muffed sisters-in-arms; lantern-jawed fuzzfaced quasi-dykes; spokeshos; man-hating termagants; and third trimester vacuumings. Please don’t hold back Heartiste, let us know what you really think of us with all this negging.

13 years ago

Is Roissy someone who is “well respected” (term used lightly) in the PUA community? Or does his brand of misogyny just stand out more than other PUAs’ misogyny?

Creative Writing Student

I’m a creative writing student and what is this?

… Someone needs to confiscate his Thesaurus, stat.

13 years ago


Check the desert, I heard a lot of things go out there to die.

13 years ago

Crumbelievable: The PUA community online is sometimes called the “roissysphere.”

13 years ago

And yet, it’s David Futrelle that gets called a cult leader…

13 years ago

@Ozy: Wow, seriously?

13 years ago

@Dracula: The way MRAs talk about “taking the red pill” and seeing the light is really creepy, and incredibly cultish.

13 years ago

Yeah. I was thinking more of PUAs specifically, though. I mean, they’re basically pushing this incredibly ritualized magical system for getting what you want out of life (Presuming that what you want = fucking.) that involves ascending though the levels of a rigid and entirely fictional kind of caste system (Alpha, Beta, Omega, whatever other bullshit).

And if doesn’t work, it just means you’re doing it wrong and/or you don’t believe hard enough.

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
13 years ago


Don’t let your faith in humanity die; give it the will to live by reminding it of all the millions of people who tuned into “Work It’ once–and quickly turned the TV off again.

After all, the comments come from “Work It’s fans–all eight of them.

13 years ago

I find it ironic how MRAs (and conservatives in general) accuse feminism (and liberalism in general) of being an ideology when they are the ones who most jealously and viciously protect traditional ideals. MEN are the great inventors and providers of mankind. MEN are specimens of genetic magnificence. Women are passive, delicate beauties who must be put on a pedestal and are embodiments of ideals like love and virtue. etc. etc.

13 years ago

Crumbelievable: Yep. But there are lots of PUAs who hate/ignore Roissy, and even a few that are feminist-friendly, so.

13 years ago

I think this “red pill” we hear so much about must be what they put in their Kool-aid.

Say what you want about their purple prose—really, do say what you want—but these MRA/PUA/MGTOW types have a way of generating vivid and memorable imagery and phrases. I notice MRAL’s “‘gina tingles” still shows up when Ozy goes to the Dark Side, did he come up with that or was it someone else?

13 years ago

See my manifesto? It’s really important and credible because I used all my vocabulary words! If I sound vaguely clever no one will notice the lack of actual content!

Roissy needs an editor. And therapy. And to actually throw us all in that “I’m not talking to you!” briar patch. Seriously, dude, you’re going to stop talking to any woman you perceive as a feminist?

Party at my place – I’ll provide the food, can everyone else bring some booze?*

*(The category “everyone else” does not include PUAs, MRAs, sexist dudes raging against women, or trolls who aren’t funny.)

13 years ago

Moewicus: Roissy uses it. When I go Dark Side I try to stick to terms that Roissy and his minions use and not those from other sections of the manosphere or that I make up (for instance, “four sirens of the sexual apocalypse” is a Roissy original).

13 years ago

If this guy plans to mock us into oblivion, he really ought to work on being funny.

13 years ago

I searched for the four sirens and found this:

In which he flatly declares women’s suffrage to be the worst thing to happen to America (period). (“Nor will there be a repeal of the 19th Amendment, though there should be (and, no, I am really not kidding about that. Exhibit A: Cuntrag).” Not sure what that exhibit even is.)

I knew Roissy was bad, but I didn’t know he was quite that bad.

Scratch that, I knew Roissy was that bad, I just didn’t know he was that bad in that particular area.

Other highlights include him saying we’re going the way of Rome (The Eastern Empire, or the Western? The city? Are there hordes of Canadian Ostrogoths waiting for a moment of weakness?) and a quotation from a s00per-srs scientist quoting somebody else saying we should nuke China to avert a eugenic arms race. The solution apparently being accelerating social decay, in which he states he believes that PUAs are a force of social degeneracy. Ah, the purple prose:

No, the solution is to give the New Girl Order *exactly* what it wants: Game, and an army of cads that practice it. Force feed the beast until it is choking on its own gluttony. The emissaries of the Great Lie must have the consequences of their ignorance and treachery shoved down their throats. In time, the unabashed pursuit of hedonism and the embrace of Darwinistic nihilism (two potent forces which, coincidentally, happen to have truth and pleasure on their side. Exhibit B: God is dead) will raze the neoliberal monolith to the ground, and from the ashes the eternal human cycle will begin anew, strengthened and revitalized. A complete reconciliation with our tragic destiny gives us the only chance to avoid it.

They’ll raze a single rock? And it’ll be burned, because rocks burn, and then it’ll have ashes, so it’ll be volcanic ash. Be careful not to breathe it in.

I love how these people, in their longing for the 1950s, propose that we do things that the 1950s zeitgeist would find horrifying, just to show those feminists how great things were in the 1950s.

13 years ago


o.O Is Roissy Ra’as Al Ghul?

13 years ago

Aw, I don’t mind Roissy’s “cheesey amatuer fantasy novel” writing style. Elam’s the one that I hate stylistically most. It’s so hard to even muck through one of his posts. Even setting content aside, reading Elam is like pulling out your own teeth.

Kyso K.
13 years ago

Crumb: Roissey was one of the guys getting paid to ‘teach’ this stuff early enough and was prominent enough to get a mention in ‘The Game.’ Not that there’s any PUA teaching certification process, but I assume basically everyone who has sex at least twice after reading PUA advice feels qualified to teach it, and the temptation to see if you have the stuff required to consistently separate desperate guys from their money has to be irresistible. There’s got to be some kind of free-market ‘quality’ assurance going on here, right? They can’t all be gurus.