antifeminism armageddon beta males grandiosity misogyny PUA TROOOLLLL!! vaginas

The Withered, [obscene gender-related slur] Heart of Darkness. Or, Roissy does feminism.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues. With penguins.

Ladies, watch out! Over at the Chateau, the (He)artist(e) formerly known as Roissy has taken a good look at that thing we call feminism, and it seems that he doesn’t like it very much.

[F]eminism is, right down to its withered, cunty heart, a grotesque ideology mounted on a dais of lies. My goal is to mock it so ruthlessly that its practitioners and sympathizers, all of them, find it ever more difficult to pronounce in public life that they are feminists, to drive the true believers so far underground that only their raspy-throated, dusty-muffed sisters-in-arms are willing to entertain their insipid nostrums.

Woah, dude! Slow down for a moment and take a breath.

This is total war, and in total war where the weapons are words, the goal is utter destruction through social ostracism. The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Wait, let’s do that last sentence again.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Yeah, I thought that’s what he said.

Some other observations:

Marriage and kids are no amnesty from man-hating. Some of the worst ideological feminists are lantern-jawed fuzzfaced quasi-dykes married to mincing beta schlubs who confirm feminist prejudices by their mere existence, not to mention by their sycophantic suckuppery.

Oh and this:

Feminism’s leaders and spokeshos are, almost to a bitch, man-hating termagants who loathe male desire and cheer on third trimester vacuumings.

Nothing more charming than a PUA dickbag who’s against abortion.

Having dispensed with feminism, Roissy goes on to wax pompous about the future of the whole human race. Naturally, he thinks like a PUA version of Hitler.

Thanks to technology, diversity and cognitive stratification, America is entering the period of The Great Culling, a process which will create not only new classes, but even new races, broadly a snarky Eloi and a medicated Morlock, and slowly, as the government cheese runs out, the losers in this culling will begin to procreate less and less, until they are discarded by the invisible crotch of evolution as failed human experiments unable to adapt to the new reality.

The “invisible crotch of evolution?”

I cannot help but think of a certain memorable phrase from one of Man Boobz’ greatest trolls. I am referring, of course, to Arks’ description of the human vagina as a “slobbering crotch-maw.”

Is Arks … Roissy? Is Roissy … Arks?

I don’t think so, but it makes me wonder once again if this whole Chateau Heartiste thing is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.


Toysoldier offers a withering critique of this post.

Wait, did I say “withering?” I meant “withered.”

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Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’m also not really interested in girls who would respond to that, or expect that, it seems almost emotionally manipulative.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

For them to expect that, I mean.

13 years ago

It seems that way because it is. Fully and entirely, not almost. Manipulation is the whole point.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Whatever guys. A one night stand is about sex. The goal is to get sex. We all know that. As long as it’s not obtained through violation of consent, in my opinion, all cards all on the table.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I feel like girls who expect that are the same type of girls who get off on playing mind games and shit.

13 years ago

Actually I think he’s complaining that it’s manipulative of the women to expect and respond positively to PUA tactics?

13 years ago

Oh, I see. The PUAs are trying to lying and cheat their way into a quick fuck, but it’s the women who are manipulative. Asshole.

13 years ago

*to [lie]*

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’m saying women who expect that are just as manipulative as PUAs. Let’s bash everyone who deserves to be bashed, not just the men.

13 years ago

Oh by the way, just so we’re clear, I’m not saying women can’t be manipulative. I’m merely pointing out that you’re giving these guys a pass for acting like assholes.

13 years ago

actually I read a study that said that the women who respond to game are sexist themselves. Makes total sense. Like attracts like.

Here it is

Completely explains the few female commentors on Roissy’s blog who basically agree with him that they are inferior to men. All I can do is pity them.

13 years ago

Well, you know – MRAL. It has to be the women who are most at fault, or at least equally at fault, because…something? This particular case of underpants gnomes logic is not quite clear to me.

13 years ago


I don’t doubt that they become convinced. However, how is it that they are so far removed from women that they don’t know that women, as part of the people package, are varied and diverse? Also, even if it was true that women are attracted to assholes, PUA adherents are then willing to be an asshole just to get sex. Therefore, they are hardly just some misled nice guys.


I can see it working on women with low self esteem, or just women attracted to assholes. I just have no desire to exploit the former or deal with the latter 🙂

13 years ago

I wonder about women who hang out on Roissy’s blog the same way I do about our trolls here. What’s in it for them? If they buy into his system then it’s not like they think that they themselves need any “game” to get laid, so what’s in it for them?

13 years ago

So, because some women can be manipulated through their emotional insecurities, that somehow makes them manipulative? This doesn’t even resemble logic.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Shadow, the idea is that it’s just playing the odds. If a good chunk of women do like this stuff (unsure about that, but PUAs sure think they do), you’ll have a higher percentage of successes than any of that being yourself stuff. Secondly, if women like assholes, being an asshole really isn’t being an asshole, now is it? Just fulfilling a demand, I’d say.

13 years ago

validation from assholes? the same type of women who like to get their asses kissed from misogynists because they “aren’t like those icky feminists who hate men!”

or just because they are sexist themselves like that study suggests.

also this study must have been based off of MRAs and PUAs

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

No, I said women who EXPECT assholish and other mindgamey, demanding, or abusive and contradictory behavior, and reject people for not engaging in that, are emotionally abusive themselves. Or, at least, I think they would be.

13 years ago

Being an asshole is always being asshole. If you pretend you’re one, you are one.

13 years ago

I’m going to keep following you and posting this, MRAL (Man Ringing A Line) until you make the call.

13 years ago

Nice to see you blaming abuse victims, by the way. Real classy.

13 years ago

The thing is, PUAs aren’t suggesting that women like something that men consider assholish. They are saying that you need to BE an asshole to them and they will respond well to it because they’re dumb as bricks. For example, in order to neg someone I have to be willing to deliberately cause insecurity within my “target” so that I can have sex. That makes me an inconsiderate asshole.

Playing the odds by being asshole, is BEING AN ASSHOLE. It requires actively performing assholish actions. A non-assholish way to play the odds is to find out what type of woman is more likely to be attracted to you, and then approaching those women in particular.

13 years ago

MRAL, I am willing to concede that being yourself is not a good way to get girls.

13 years ago

Seriously, pretending to be an asshole by treating people like shit is like pretending to be a murderer by killing someone.

13 years ago

If a good chunk of women do like this stuff (unsure about that, but PUAs sure think they do), you’ll have a higher percentage of successes than any of that being yourself stuff.

That depends very much on what constitutes “success.”

If “success” means “just sticking your dick in someone, anyone, so you can brag about it later” then perhaps following a stupid script might bring you “success.” If, however, “success” involves, say, “having sex that’s at least somewhat fun and enjoyable” or “meeting someone you like being around” or even just “actually having a good time in any way,” then I really can’t see how PUA tactics could conceivably do any good, since you even say that you wouldn’t like or respect the sort of woman you imagine they’d work on.