antifeminism armageddon beta males grandiosity misogyny PUA TROOOLLLL!! vaginas

The Withered, [obscene gender-related slur] Heart of Darkness. Or, Roissy does feminism.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues. With penguins.

Ladies, watch out! Over at the Chateau, the (He)artist(e) formerly known as Roissy has taken a good look at that thing we call feminism, and it seems that he doesn’t like it very much.

[F]eminism is, right down to its withered, cunty heart, a grotesque ideology mounted on a dais of lies. My goal is to mock it so ruthlessly that its practitioners and sympathizers, all of them, find it ever more difficult to pronounce in public life that they are feminists, to drive the true believers so far underground that only their raspy-throated, dusty-muffed sisters-in-arms are willing to entertain their insipid nostrums.

Woah, dude! Slow down for a moment and take a breath.

This is total war, and in total war where the weapons are words, the goal is utter destruction through social ostracism. The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Wait, let’s do that last sentence again.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Yeah, I thought that’s what he said.

Some other observations:

Marriage and kids are no amnesty from man-hating. Some of the worst ideological feminists are lantern-jawed fuzzfaced quasi-dykes married to mincing beta schlubs who confirm feminist prejudices by their mere existence, not to mention by their sycophantic suckuppery.

Oh and this:

Feminism’s leaders and spokeshos are, almost to a bitch, man-hating termagants who loathe male desire and cheer on third trimester vacuumings.

Nothing more charming than a PUA dickbag who’s against abortion.

Having dispensed with feminism, Roissy goes on to wax pompous about the future of the whole human race. Naturally, he thinks like a PUA version of Hitler.

Thanks to technology, diversity and cognitive stratification, America is entering the period of The Great Culling, a process which will create not only new classes, but even new races, broadly a snarky Eloi and a medicated Morlock, and slowly, as the government cheese runs out, the losers in this culling will begin to procreate less and less, until they are discarded by the invisible crotch of evolution as failed human experiments unable to adapt to the new reality.

The “invisible crotch of evolution?”

I cannot help but think of a certain memorable phrase from one of Man Boobz’ greatest trolls. I am referring, of course, to Arks’ description of the human vagina as a “slobbering crotch-maw.”

Is Arks … Roissy? Is Roissy … Arks?

I don’t think so, but it makes me wonder once again if this whole Chateau Heartiste thing is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.


Toysoldier offers a withering critique of this post.

Wait, did I say “withering?” I meant “withered.”

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13 years ago

Make that 301, since Cassandra added another “don’t be an asshole” while I was posting. :-p

13 years ago

Oh dear fucking god, why are you still here doing this? Why?

If you’re waiting for everybody to be nice so you can flounce without coming back to defend your honor, then that is not gonna happen, for reasons everybody has already explained ad nauseum.

Your honor is sullied here for all time! Go forth, and find thee a new town, a fresh start, a place where you can restore thy name!

13 years ago

I actually know tons of skinny guys in the US who feel like it makes them unattractive. My friend’s boyfriend (over 6ft, about 140 pounds I believe) was baffled as to why she was interested in him at first to the point where he kept asking her why she found his body attractive. She thinks he’s hot, and hopefully that’s sinking in and making a difference in the way he sees himself, but for sure American culture doesn’t tell really skinny men that they’re super desireable for the most part.

So what I’m saying is, don’t give up! The skinny dude you’re gazing at across the room and thinking “wow he’s so hot but he’d never be interested in me” might well be thinking the exact same thing about you.

13 years ago

Isn’t Spearhafoc in a situation very much like MRALs in terms of thinking he’s unattractive, having kind of low self esteem about it, and thus far not having much success with women? Nobody is mean to him about it – in fact people go out of their way to reassure him and be supportive, because he’s a nice person and we like him.

13 years ago

Dude, be honest. While a lot of people are responding kindly to you because of the insecurity and depression that we read in your posts, everyone here has told you that the way you deal with your insecurities is very assholish towards women. Your comments earlier were also very assholish towards men who are actually successful, but I’ll take your word for it that that was trolling. Also, considering your history here, you can’t expect everyone to treat you like you weren’t a dick to them just a couple of days ago.

13 years ago

Also, PUA sites are not just people sad about being lonely. They are people sad about being lonely, angry at women for for not alleviating their loneliness and determined to prey on women’s insecurities in an attempt to get their dick wet, or trick a woman into a relationship.

13 years ago


The thing is, it’s ok to feel jealous or even a bit resentful once in awhile if the people you like don’t like you back. I went through this myself during college, but it never got to the point where I hated men for liking skinny women. It is still a bit of a sore spot depending on how crummy I feel that day, however I don’t fault them for having their own preferences. That’s something you eventually realize as you get older. Everyone is allowed to like who they like.

In fact it’s actually feminism that taught me that its wrong to snark on other women if I’m feeling jealous. If I see an attractive woman I’m not going to trash her just because she has a better body than mine, it’s just the way things are. And seeing how most people have something they are insecure about anyway, it’s no use to be bitchy. Usually I think “must be nice to be that pretty” then go on about my business.

Based on what I’ve seen on here is that your low self esteem manifests itself onto other people, mine tends to manifest more on myself. Both are bad and I’d say we both need to take steps to fix the way we think and feel about ourselves.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about PUAs, or okay, their adherents, because I’ll grant that a lot of the gurus are real assholes, look at Roissy, fuck I hate that guy. But people on here have no problem calling anyone in the industry, or thing, or whatever, assholes or entitled or whatever.

13 years ago

and thank you Polliwog and Shadow for the reassurance 🙂

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Er, there’s nothing “tricksy” about PUAs, unless you want to call makeup or whatever “women duping men” (and some of the dudes at In Mala Fide would back you 100% on that).

I’m not interested in the PUA shit because I’m skeptical about its effectiveness, and also I would like someone to like me for me and not because I negged them, but I totally get the appeal.

13 years ago

The PUAs have a bad rep because they both rip men off with books and classes that do not really work, and their own statements about women are gross and demeaning.
I have yet to see a PUA site that helps anyone for free. I have also yet to see one that does not demean women.

13 years ago

Dude, the entire concept of “negging” is a trick.

13 years ago

The thing is, if you take only one piece of the advice, which they all advocate, ask more women out/ talk to more women, your chances of making a connection go up just from the law of numbers.

But all of the sites tout “secrets” that you have to pay money to see.

13 years ago

Therefore “tricksy” by definition. Gollum.

13 years ago

I actually checked out a PUA website when I was about 19 or so. It was long before I knew that the PUA movement existed. I was going through a really long dry spell so I went online to see if someone had some advice on how to be more successful when it came to the club/bar pick up scene and came across a website, I think it was called love systems or something like that. I didn’t even get to articles about negging and shit before I was turned right the fuck off. I remember so vividly, I read a post about how you shouldn’t take pictures for girls in a club unless they were willing to dance or get a drink, and I was like “This is not how I want to relate to people”. PUA shit like negging etc requires you to treat women like their desires don’t matter. It’s a very myopic selfish way of getting what you want. I definitely get the appeal of being more successful, but to stay in that community requires a real disrespect for the woman you’re looking to hook up with.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Yeah, yeah, of course I know that Bostonian. But a lot of the adherents (I’m assuming here, based on myself) have a very hard time talking to girls in a certain context. PUAs, as people have said, provide a script that a. takes the pressure off and b. lessens the odds of embarrassing yourself.

13 years ago

BTW I’m finding MRAL’s YOU ARE THE MOST EVIL WOMAN IN THE WORLD grudge against me rather amusing. I’m not sure why he feels that I ought to be offering him support/reassurance/whatever in the same way I’m willing to give it to Quackers given how totally different the history is, as well as their totally different approaches to their situations. If Quackers was a dude and saying the exact same things I’d still be sympathetic, and if MRAL was a woman I’d still think girl-MRAL was a total jerk and not deserving of any coddling.

The underlying assumptions behind PUA culture are indeed pretty gross, but so is the way they take advantage of their adherents. They’re snake oil salesman, basically.

13 years ago


😀 Got your back homeslice.

13 years ago


you summed up everything that is wrong with PUA perfectly!

13 years ago

“I remember so vividly, I read a post about how you shouldn’t take pictures for girls in a club unless they were willing to dance or get a drink, and I was like “This is not how I want to relate to people”. ”

It’s just so odd. Why would behaving like that make women more likely to fuck you? Most women would just think “wow, he’s rude” and walk away.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Shadow, I think a lot of adherents become convinced that’s what women want, especially after reading success stories on the sites. Is it actually? I don’t know, but regardless it doesn’t interest me because I’m not really into gulping from the pussy fountain as it were, I’m more interested in monogamous relationships, and I think negging or whatever is sort of a sour way to start that.

13 years ago

It’s a sour way to start anything.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

If it’s a one night stand, who gives a shit?

13 years ago

“It’s a sour way to start anything.”

Even in a one night stand situation there’s no way great sex is going to result from having made someone feel bad about themselves.

13 years ago

If it’s a one night stand, who gives a shit?

A decent human being.