antifeminism armageddon beta males grandiosity misogyny PUA TROOOLLLL!! vaginas

The Withered, [obscene gender-related slur] Heart of Darkness. Or, Roissy does feminism.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues. With penguins.

Ladies, watch out! Over at the Chateau, the (He)artist(e) formerly known as Roissy has taken a good look at that thing we call feminism, and it seems that he doesn’t like it very much.

[F]eminism is, right down to its withered, cunty heart, a grotesque ideology mounted on a dais of lies. My goal is to mock it so ruthlessly that its practitioners and sympathizers, all of them, find it ever more difficult to pronounce in public life that they are feminists, to drive the true believers so far underground that only their raspy-throated, dusty-muffed sisters-in-arms are willing to entertain their insipid nostrums.

Woah, dude! Slow down for a moment and take a breath.

This is total war, and in total war where the weapons are words, the goal is utter destruction through social ostracism. The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Wait, let’s do that last sentence again.

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Yeah, I thought that’s what he said.

Some other observations:

Marriage and kids are no amnesty from man-hating. Some of the worst ideological feminists are lantern-jawed fuzzfaced quasi-dykes married to mincing beta schlubs who confirm feminist prejudices by their mere existence, not to mention by their sycophantic suckuppery.

Oh and this:

Feminism’s leaders and spokeshos are, almost to a bitch, man-hating termagants who loathe male desire and cheer on third trimester vacuumings.

Nothing more charming than a PUA dickbag who’s against abortion.

Having dispensed with feminism, Roissy goes on to wax pompous about the future of the whole human race. Naturally, he thinks like a PUA version of Hitler.

Thanks to technology, diversity and cognitive stratification, America is entering the period of The Great Culling, a process which will create not only new classes, but even new races, broadly a snarky Eloi and a medicated Morlock, and slowly, as the government cheese runs out, the losers in this culling will begin to procreate less and less, until they are discarded by the invisible crotch of evolution as failed human experiments unable to adapt to the new reality.

The “invisible crotch of evolution?”

I cannot help but think of a certain memorable phrase from one of Man Boobz’ greatest trolls. I am referring, of course, to Arks’ description of the human vagina as a “slobbering crotch-maw.”

Is Arks … Roissy? Is Roissy … Arks?

I don’t think so, but it makes me wonder once again if this whole Chateau Heartiste thing is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.


Toysoldier offers a withering critique of this post.

Wait, did I say “withering?” I meant “withered.”

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Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte)

Wait… he’s going to de-feminist us by “ostracizing” us? That’s the threat, that a bunch of misogynist PUAa are going to…..wait for it…..not talk to us, hit on us, or pay attention to us?

God, can he and his make good on that “threat” like yesterday? Please! “Ostracize” me with your lack of attention! Don’t talk to me! If you need to believe I’m crying in my coffee in order to feel good about it, okay. I don’t really care. Having dickbags actually stop talking to feminists is like the best Christmas present ever.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Against abortion, against child support, probably against welfare, obviously against living with a woman and supporting her and the child, and vehemently against women not sleeping with him.

Never mind misogyny–this guy needs to be called out for his fulminant hatred of CHILDREN.

13 years ago

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Apparently, if PUAs don’t talk to us, feminists are going to become the monks from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, only with ice.

Personally, I think we’re more likely just to become a little bit happier, but I suppose the “forehead-hitting monk” theory is at least unique.

13 years ago

The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

Said by the crackpot spurting self-medicating catchphrases and slamming his forehead of the keyboard because of feminism.

Hey, I think we’re already at the destination!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Amanda Marcotte – Yeah, heaven forbid MRAs ostracize me, that’ll leave me with no one to hang out with except for all of my friends and relatives and casual acquaintances.

13 years ago

This is total war, and in total war where the weapons are words, the goal is utter destruction through social ostracism. The icy wasteland of discredited ideologues and crackpots mumbling self-medicating catchphrases and hitting themselves in the forehead is feminism’s inevitable destination.

If his weapons are his words in preparation for a supposed war against feminism, then his idiotic rhetoric would be the equivalent him stepping on his own landmine. Also, I think that MRAs and their ilk are the discredited ideology here, probably because it has been shown to center around being blatantly misogynistic.

13 years ago

The equivalent of* him stepping on his own landmine. I HAS NOT THE GRAMMAR GOOD.

13 years ago

I need a PUA-ish to English dictionary, I really do… I’m pretty sure he makes up the meanings of quite a few words that just don’t match the commonly held definitions.


He would be annoyed with anything that makes it harder for him to trick any woman into have sex with him.

Unfortunately he will not have much more of an effect then any other anti-feminist. If Rush Limbaugh could not scare us off, what makes him think he can top that twit?

13 years ago

Roissy, quit trying to neg us!

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

Roissy has a Ben Stein level of understanding of evolution.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Isn’t this guy like 80? Doesn’t that make him an automatic triple omega?

13 years ago

Poor old him. Ramblings straight from the Home for the Bewlidered.

Still, at least he’s good for a laugh.

13 years ago

Roissy does not like feminism? What a surprise.

Somewhat more interesting, I think: (former?) PUA and masculinity writer Mark Manson posted a long discussion of feminism on his new site recently. He actually gives it a somewhat fair discussion, finds that he agrees a lot with the core goals of feminism, and that feminist thinking has left an impression on his views about masculinity. He also has issues with some aspects of feminism, and decides not to adopt the label for himself.

I agree with him in some parts and disagree with him in many others. Still, it may be an interesting read for people interested in masculinity, men and feminism, or cross-community gender discussions. Don’t read it if you’re not. Also, some interesting discussion in the comments section from more feminist-y people.

13 years ago

(Ozy puts on PUA hat)

Holly: What’s best for society and what’s best for the alpha males surveying their harems are not the same thing. Abortion, one of the four sirens of the sexual apocalypse, gives women a license to slut around without even having to find a pathetically grateful beta to raise their bastard spawn– betas who are the foundation of modern, technological society that gave rise to feminism. The snake of gender equality will bite its own tail unless someone stops it. Don’t call me. I’ll be poolside sipping a mimosa and having my cock gobbled.

(Ozy takes off PUA hat)

13 years ago

MRAL: he’s fortysomething, I think.

13 years ago

in total war where the weapons are words

Ah, the essence of idiocy distilled into seven words. Pro tip: regardless of how boner-inducing you find the phrase, it isn’t ‘total war’ if the weapons aren’t, y’know, weapons.

13 years ago

I’m sure he’s very impressed with his own writing. I’m not, but I’ve got this silly belief that words have meaning.

Also, why is it an “icy” wasteland? In his vision, will all feminists end up wandering the frozen tundra, building a new society among the polar bears and… um… tundra ducks?

Because that might actually be ok, if there aren’t people like him there.

13 years ago

I don’t know why a PUA would be upset with feminism. If it wasn’t for feminism there wouldn’t be all of these ladies for them to pick-up every night. Feminism made it socially acceptable to be a slut.

Those PUA pussy worshipers are practically feminists already.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
13 years ago

Ozy, it is terrifying when you put that hat on.

13 years ago

I’m always amazed by how childish and childlike, really, these men sound. I guess if we don’t renounce feminism soon, they’re totally gonna hold their breath til they turn blue, and totally not gonna let us in their treehouse fort.

I think I’m ok with that.

13 years ago

Can I be the Grand Overseer of the Cunty Heart of Darkness? I live in Womens Canada, so I feel like I’m totally qualified.

13 years ago

Ozy: You are good, but trying to hard for reasonableness.

The real issue is that Alpha men get to make their own rules, that’s what really makes them alpha. It’s not looks, or money, or any of that shit, it’s understanding that women are just playthings and fuckholes. Just as you don’t want someone else pre-chewing your gum, you don’t want some skank whose been letting any old fuckwit slip her the bone.

So making sure she knows that screwing around has risk means she will save it for a guy who really knows what he wants, not some beta-wimp who doesn’t care, and will pay for her alpha-spawn, is the most important things facing men today; because that’s the only way to make sure that betas, and women, don’t get to pretend to being Alpha.

13 years ago

and now I’m off to a couple hours of late medieval fencing.

13 years ago

(Ozy puts on PUA hat)

Dani: That terror is just the way your rationalization hamster is justifying the gina tingles you get from my resonating manliness, so different from the beta you pretend to love. As we all know, the core of female sexuality is fear and dread. If you can instill those in your woman, the pussy juice will flow freely, and you may plunder all her holes.

(Ozy takes off PUA hat)

God, this is so much FUN. It is, like, “pick the most gratuitously hateful, hypocritical, and idiotic thing you could possibly say, and then MAKE IT WORSE.”

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