a voice for men antifeminism grandiosity hypocrisy MRA oppressed men paul elam terrorism threats

Does A Voice for Men really think that firebombing is a form of non-violence?

Reading through some comments on Men’s Rights hub A Voice for Men the other day, I ran across a fairly bloodthirsty contribution from an MRA with the charming nickname Brutal Antipathy, suggesting that the Occupy Wall Street protesters needed a bit of what he called “the ol’ Tienanmen Square treatment.”

Mr. Antipathy’s rhetorical outburst struck me as fairly typical of the tough-guy rhetoric that the site’s regulars love to indulge in — though usually the targets of the rhetoric are feminists, not Occupy Wall Street activists.

So I was a bit surprised to see site founder Paul Elam respond with this:

It seems a little odd for Elam to claim to be shocked — shocked! — to find such rhetoric on his site. Elam, after all, seems to positively revel in making his own vaguely threatening pronouncements towards his ideological enemies.

In a recent fundraising appeal, for example, Elam let out all the stops:

We now have a team of individuals that goes beyond what we advertise on our pages, and we are gearing up to add a new doomsday prophesy to 2012.  Let’s put it this way: The fembots better hope the Mayan’s were right about next year, because they would rather deal with that than the things we are cooking up. …

Progress for men will not be gained by debate, reason or typical channels of grievance available to segments of the population that the world actually gives a damn about. The progress we need will only be realized by inflicting enough pain on the agents of hate, in public view, that it literally shocks society out of its current coma.

Elam is purposefully vague about just what he means by “inflicting pain,” but it is hard not to read this comment as a threat of something dire.

Others on the site are similarly fond of this sort of vague, threatening language. MRA blogger Fidelbogen, recently brought on board as a contributor to AVfM, let loose in a recent comment on those who think MRAs should tone down their rhetoric towards feminists and other enemies:

Apparently, Elam believes that the deliberate vagueness of these kinds of threats makes them shining examples of Gandhian non-violence — or at least that it gives the site the requisite “plausible deniability” if — when? — someone actually moves beyond the threats to actual violence.

It’s ok, evidently, to talk about “inflicting pain” on your enemies, so long as you don’t specify just how. It’s ok to boast about frightening your enemies, to muse about “stalking” individual feminists, to post their personal information online, and so on and so on.

Heck, apparently it’s not even a problem if someone, using the personal information provided on the site, actually tracks down individuals targeted by Elam and pals and quite literally kills them. As AVfM managing editor John the Other put it in a recent post (which I wrote about here):

And what if they get killed David? What if rather than be arrested – as promoters of hate, and public advocates of murder, what if these depraved and murderous female supremacists come to harm at the hands of a citizen. If that happens, it will mean that a society’s system of law, designed to prevent hate organizations, and to allow redress of grievance through non violent due process is gone, wiped out by your ideology of violence and hate.

Nonetheless, JtO, like Elam, insists that “I do not and will not lend myself to the support of violence, or indeed, of murder.”

But all this dancing around the issue of violence is rather a moot point, given the one rather striking exception that Elam has allowed to his “no explicit advocacy of violence” rule.

And that is the terrorist manifesto he’s been hosting on his site since last summer.

I’m referring, of course, to the lengthy manifesto written by Tom Ball, a man who burned himself to death on the steps of a courthouse in Keane, New Hampshire last summer in a protest against what he saw as unfair treatment in family court.

Ball has been hailed as a hero in numerous articles on AVfM, and he is mentioned in an “invocation” in the new theme song for AVfM Radio.

The manifesto is posted on AVfM — in its “activism” category.

What sort of “activism” did Ball advocate? Hint: It involves Molotov cocktails, and government buildings.

In his words (emphasis mine):

So boys, we need to start burning down police stations and courthouses. … [T]he dirty deeds are being carried out by our local police, prosecutors and judges. These are the people we pay good money to protect us and our families. And what do we get for our tax money? Collaborators who are no different than the Vichy of France or the Quislings of Norway during the Second World War. All because they go along to get along. They are an embarrassment, the whole lot of them. And they need to be held accountable. So burn them out.

There is no evidence that the police, courts, or government is planning to do anything different in the immediate future. And they will not do anything different until we make it so uncomfortable that they must change. Bureaucracy at its worst. So burn them out. This is too important to be using that touchy- feeling coaching that is so popular with business these days. You need to flatten them, like Wile E. Coyote. They need to be taught never to replace the rule of law. BURN-THEM-OUT!

Most of the police stations built in New England over the last 20 years are stone or brick. Fortunately, the roofs are still wood. The advantage of fire on the roof is that it is above the sprinklers. But even the sprinklers going off work to our advantage. There is no way they can work in a building with six inches of water. And I am certain we will disrupt their momentum once they start working out of a FEMA

At this point the AVfM editors cut Ball off in mid-sentence, and insert this “Editor’s note”:

Editor’s note:

Several paragraphs in this copy of Mr Ball’s original letter have been omitted. The omitted paragraphs contained detailed instructions on the manufacture and use of simple incendiary devices.

If you are really interested in seeing the omitted sections, you can find the complete manifesto elsewhere in the Mansophere.

Ball was quite serious about all this, and hoped that his self-immolation would inspire other “activists” to “manufacture and use” his favored sort of “simple incendiary devices,” as the AVfM editors gingerly put it. Ball himself was a bit more blunt:

I only managed to get the main door of the Cheshire County Courthouse in Keene, NH. I would appreciate it if some of you boys would finish the job for me. They harmed my children. The place is evil. So take it out. …

And bring a can of spray paint to these fires. Paint the word COLLABORATORS ( two L’s with an S on the end) on the building before you burn it.

Ball frankly acknowledged that if others followed his suggestions, people would die:

There will be some casualties in this war. Some killed, some wounded, some captured. Some of them will be theirs. Some of the casualties will be ours.

How does Ball’s explicit advocacy of terrorist acts directed at government buildings, acts that if carried out would almost inevitably mean the deaths of people within those buildings, square with Elam’s purported no-advocacy-of-violence policy for his website?

You’ll have to ask him. I have no fucking clue.

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13 years ago

There is a way to have an ethical debate about whether arson/property damage is violence. We’ve had that on the far left, anarchist scene for a while. However, as a left-wing socialist anarchist, I’d be interested to see how the right-wing libertarian, property uber alles leaning MRAs justify it, given that they see property as a direct extension of one’s fundamental human rights.

(My guess: Government property is common property therefore it is false property therefore it is not the human right of anyone.)

13 years ago

So…do they want violence or not? I’m confused.

13 years ago

Thanks for posting this Dave. The amount of hypocrisy from these guys has gotten my head spinning lately. As I wrote in the forum, I wasn’t aware that pain could be inflicted without violence means.

It’s definitely all about plausible deniability. You see this in the way MRAs said, “Well, I think what Breivik did was wrong, BUT I understand where he was coming from.”

13 years ago

These people are dangerous freaks and any MRA who denies it is an outright fucking liar. If anyone is a depraved and murderous supremacists it’s them. The only reason he’s telling people to not post violent comments is that he knows his “enemies” are watching.

The fact that Tom Ball addresses his “boys” means he knows there are other deranged MRAs out there willing to be violent.

13 years ago

If you try to question Elam about anything, he’ll call you a bunch of names like “dipshit” and then ban you like he banned me from his Youtube channel when I simply questioned the hypocrisy between going your own way and fucking shit up. He has the mentality of a 14 year-old boy and from the way he likes to swear, the same vocabulary too.

13 years ago

“He has the mentality of a 14 year-old boy and from the way he likes to swear, the same vocabulary too.”

They also suck at insults. You know when they try to insult you by calling you a “woman lover” or something, you realize just how detached from reality they are.
I’ve been called a mosquito that goes “squak” every time I say something. I’m not sure how I feel about that. Confused maybe, but definitely not insulted.

13 years ago

“Woman lover” sounds so sexy. Hmm.

13 years ago


They don’t debate because they’re extremists. Many feminists here including myself have said we support men’s DV shelters or don’t think selective service for men is fair, but if you dare agree with any feminist assertion, or point out any inequalities or double standards women face then that automatically makes you the enemy.

There’s no reasoning with the unreasonable.

13 years ago

They also suck at insults.

They suck at history too.

“The Vichy of France and the Quislings of Norway”? There’re no such things. The Vichy Regime was the common designation of the French rump state that collaborated with the Axis powers, so called because the capitol was the city of Vichy. Vidkun Quisling was the German-backed Minister-President of Norway from 1942 to 1945, and there was only one of him. I guess Ball payed about as much attention to history as he did to anything else that didn’t involve making his family pay.

13 years ago

@VoiP: Ever watch Fringe? Maybe they’re from the other universe where their version of history happened differently to ours. They have crossed over to this world without realising it and are confused. Also explains why they demand flying cars.

13 years ago

Elam has quite the strong moral fiber

Advocating violence

Supporting death and rape threats against feminist bloggers
Letting even the guiltiest of rapists walk freely without penalty
Supporting terrorist advocates like Thomas Ball

Kant must spinning in his grave like a rotisserie chicken.

13 years ago

@VoiP: Ever watch Fringe? Maybe they’re from the other universe where their version of history happened differently to ours. They have crossed over to this world without realising it and are confused. Also explains why they demand flying cars.

Ozy always did say that that’s what explained DKM…

13 years ago

Elam’s so cute when he clutches his pearls over violence. If he really feels that way, he should pack up his circus and go wherever guys like him ooze off to.

13 years ago

Blackbloc – There is a way to have an ethical debate about whether arson/property damage is violence. We’ve had that on the far left, anarchist scene for a while. However, as a left-wing socialist anarchist, I’d be interested to see how the right-wing libertarian, property uber alles leaning MRAs justify it, given that they see property as a direct extension of one’s fundamental human rights.


(My guess: Government property is common property therefore it is false property therefore it is not the human right of anyone.)

I’ve heard that one the most from these propertarian ‘propaganda of let somebody else do the deed for me” types, yes.

(Yes I HAVE heard that argument applied to housing projects. Of course I have)

13 years ago

I can’t believe Elam is siding with the OWS terrorists over his fellow MEN. This is what the OWS crowd wants:

Have you seen any MRA’s calling for genocide?

There’s a difference between violence and self-defence.

13 years ago

@Quackers: I myself think there are important issues regarding masculinity that need to be discussed as often as feminist issues are discussed –and I even find it kind of ridiculous when someone says, “Why do we need a class on Men’s Studies when we have History classes?”–but of course, no one in the MRM is interested in anything but maintaing the status quo and telling rape victims to shut up. I wonder how MRAs, who complain about strict gender roles and stereotypes of men, would feel about a guy like me who embraces androgyny. I guess that makes me a mangina, right?

13 years ago

Also it’s refreshing to see Elam honestly admit that he and his ilk are not interested in reason or debate. Now when I say that about MRAs, they can’t say I’m strawmanning.

13 years ago

a mosquito that goes “squak”

You know someone has spent way too much time in his basement when he’s unclear on the difference between a mosquito and a duck. :-p

(It’s kind of like crocoduck, I guess. Mosquiduck!)

13 years ago

Ok. Here’s an awesome one I got off Youtube.

MRA to me:

“You may want to re-anylize your opinions about that skirt chasing scumbag futrellle.
He one massively creepy ass mofo.
futrelle is no egalitarian. Even most “nasty” MRA’s employ more egality than he.
futrelle, especially by way of comparison, utilizes none at all.”

13 years ago

Hear that David? You’ve been called the “c” word!

13 years ago

David, you should be ashamed of yourself for all of this cherry picking! Don’t know know that deliberately searching out awful things prominent MRAs have said and repeating it verbatim is dishonest? ESPECIALLY when they directly contradict themselves!!!!

13 years ago

“Even most “nasty” MRA’s employ more egality than he.
futrelle, especially by way of comparison, utilizes none at all.””

I don’t think ‘egality’ means what they think it means.

13 years ago

And by “ANY” he means “overt”

Werdz, they mean thingz

13 years ago

” If he really feels that way, he should pack up his circus and go wherever guys like him ooze off to.”

Ok, so, for whatever reason, hellkell, I first read this as “he should pack up his *clitoris* and go…” as I skimmed and my brain went *record scratch* whaaa?

Anyhow, this is definitely all so they can go “Nope! We definitely DO NOT condone violence, no way nuh uh! See, wwe even SAID SO. We called out our own. Nyah nyah i bet that fucked your shit up”

13 years ago

The key part of this article is that the AVFM editors understood that posting detailed instructions on how to to make Molotovs would advocate violence. But if they simply post Ball’s opinions, they’re not responsible for how their readers might react. Basically, they’re hoping someone else will do the dirty work for them. I swear, we’re going to see another Breivik massacre sometime soon, probably from a self-proclaimed MRA this time.

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