It’s almost impossible to catalogue all the ways men are oppressed by women in contemporary gynocratic society. There are so many! For example, did you know that men are oppressed by female characters in video games? I know, right? The last bastion of red-blooded manliness, invaded by imaginary ladies!
Luckily, the fellows at MGTOWforums.com are on the case, exposing this foul virtual misandry. I Am started off a recent discussion on the subject by asking
WTF is with empowered women in video games now? …
I see a new trend in the video/computer game world and that is the increase in strong playable female characters.
Now, I am no hardcore gamer but I do play computer games often and the recent one I have been playing recently is Shogun 2 total war. Now for those who don’t know what this game is, it is a strategy game based on the military of feudal Japan. I recently bought an upgrade for the game the other day and guess what one of the strongest military units was? Nuns. I shit you not. The nuns had an attack 20% -40% higher than most units in the game. Somehow I doubt that in real life a nun would have swung a sword or used a spear faster and harder than a feudal warlord, and this game was based on history.
Clearly nuns are incapable of manlike swordplay, though it is true that they are capable reenacting famous internet panda sneeze videos. (I have seen video proof of this.) But Shogun 2 does not depict them sneezing like pandas. It depicts them fighting.
This is an outrage because video games are meant to be a perfectly accurate reflection of reality. Obviously there is nothing even slightly unrealistic about any of this:
Most of us dudes are in fact capable of karate-chopping heads in two. We just don’t like to show off all the time.
I think I have the right to ask steam and other gaming companes: WTF with the subliminal brainwashing? What now when I buy or play a game women will be doing all the ass kicking? …
I call bullshit on this subject. Video games are the last place for guys to hang out and now women are taking over. Why not just save us the trouble and instead of eliminating our fantasy world just throw us in work camp to provide for thier bastard children (literally speaking) while they shit all over us…wait they already do that.
I Am is not the only dude who’s noticed this alarming femtrend. Goldenfetus added his observations:
I’ve noticed this too, and it drives me insane. Was co-oping Gears 3 last month and there’s a point where 2nd player has to take over a female character. Almost ruined the game for me. It may seem minor, but once you’re aware of this type of brainwashing it’s impossible to ignore. There’s no way a slim female could keep up with the massive battle-hardened male Gears in that kind of environment. They would be a liability as they are in real life combat.
Exactly! By contrast, the male characters in Gears of War 3 are all completely accurate representations of real-world men.

Goldenfetus continued:
You’ll see the same thing in most stat-based role-playing games as well, where you have the option of a female player character – like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, D&D, etc. The women never have any strength or intelligence penalties compared to the males. … They want to give the impression that people of any race, gender, and sexual-orientation are interchangeable – that there are no differences in ability between them, and that only a bigot could think otherwise. I’m sick of it too.
At the very least, female characters should be depicted as carriers of cooties.
Despite the very serious subject matter – video game misandry is never funny! – Xtc tried to lighten the mood with a little humor:
It would be hilarious to portray the female characters realistically. If you chose the female character in your FPS [First Person Shooter] she would have to move very slowly, dragging the gun around. You could build in some extra shake to the crosshairs to represent hopeless accuracy. Every time you needed to reload your gun, instead of just pressing a button, you’d have to find a male character and go through some flirting dialogue options to persuade him to do it for you. One out of every four missions the game would tell you that you were sitting out this one due to ‘women’s issues’.
Calloway, for his part, offered some historical perspective:
This is nothing new. I got heavy into gaming back in the late 90’s and even back then they had Tomb Raider, S.I.N., etc. Even in the original Unreal, you played as a big-breasted female.
I saw a documentary on the making of the original Tomb Raider once. The lead character, Lara Croft, was originally going to be a man. They saw him as an Indiana Jones-type character. Then, one of the designers suggested it be a woman because “if you’re going to be playing a game for hours, you might as well have something good to look at”. …
When you first take the red pill, it’s amazing the things you see. It’s as if you had blinders on before, and all of sudden they’ve been removed, allowing you to actually understand what you’ve been seeing.
Yep. And what you’ve been seeing is Lara Croft’s ass. Lara Croft’s ass oppresses men! The red pill tells me so!

Now we come to the clincher.
When you try to get romantic with the imaginary ladies in video games, they don’t act like Roissy and those dudes say ladies act. I mean, you can’t even neg them! As Dave sadly pointed out:
I remember about 12 years ago playing the Baldur’s Gate rpg series and there were some romance dialog paths between your character and some of the women who could join your group but you had to treat them very nice. You couldn’t give them any attitude or make fun of them otherwise it would be over.
Basically you have to be a total mangina towards women in most games if you want to bed them.
Even imaginary ladies are stuck up bitches!
The horror!
I had a
All your base are belong to us!!
Jessonian–15 January 2012 @5:08pm
Not wishing to burst your bubble but your case is so rare, it is unlikely that ANY valid statistical generalizations can be drawn! One woman in a billion (or so) working on post-doctoral level mathematics brilliantly doesn’t tell us anything about consistant ratios of male vs female talent in this–or any other area. Women mathematicians may not be “mutants” (an admittedly charged word) but are so exceptional that their occasional existence certainly doesn’t and can’t argue fo any sort of equality of aptitude either in capacity or frequency.
PS-I will still claim that for every female “Jessonian”, there are probably–and quite naturally–ten, twenty, or more male “jessonians” working as productively and creatively in advanced mathematics.
Next case!!
Pam–January 16,2012 @ 10:24am
Guess again! In Mellertopia, meritocracy is determined by results, and by accurate predictions whose accuracy is confirmed by the results! Gender–and race–is only noted in passing where warranted!
Zhinxi–only RESULTS determine success or failure. Those who put their money (or their creditor’s or investor’s money) at risk are the ones who should say whose ability is inferior or not. They, and they alone, should evaluate risk, and make the appropriate judgements regarding likely results!
With the State out of the way, no businssman could afford to increase risks to the future of his enterprise by hiring primarily on the basis of race or gender, especially if all past results of hiring such people on such a basis showed inferior aptitude, commitment, and ability to focus! You wouldn’t have to pass laws to hire or promote people based upon their abilities only upon their LACK OF ABILITIES. These abilities, talents, and commitment to succeed differ widely among individuals, and through the difference among individuals, differ among the races, gender, and nationalities composed of individuals. This is why “affirmative action” is exclusively STATE policy–even in cases of so-called “consent decrees’–because discrimination on the basis of past results of many people over a long period of time is RATIONAL, whereas reverse discrimination (preferring the less able over the more so) is NOT!
If it makes you feel any better, I would very happily agree to the repeal of e.g. the 1964 Civil Rights act–at least the parts dealing with private property of private employment contracts, with private enterprise–and take it from there. IF we had an industry, or even an entire economy resulting where Africans clearly, consistantly, and brilliantlly excelled over Europeans (or Pacific rim Asians) for that matter, that would be fine!! If, on the other hand, we saw a retrogression to a level preceeding their “snivel-rights” movement, in the USA,or what is left of it, or anywhere else, as I said above–Predictions and results are what matter!
While State institutions clearly had something to do with human stagnation (of all races), it may not have been as important as you suggest above. Many of the (white) men e.g. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Schwab, Seligman, Gimbel, Westinghouse, Sarnoff, Ford, Girard, Edison, Vanderbilt, began in modest, sometimes even dismal circumstances, as dim as any in the XIX century, and became millionaires. The fact that their decendents did not do as well, even in the twentieth century, with all of advantages that wealth supposedly bestowed upon them, tells us something, doesn’t it?
In the posts about veils, I was only suggesting that soft, filmy, translucent veils, preferably attractively colored, would enhance the attractiveness and the femininity of wearers, regardless of religion. I am not proud, I’ll learn from anybody, Moslems or otherwise. If the followers of Mohammed (Blessed be His name) have something to offer us, we would be foolish indeed not to accept it!
Jessonian, you’re one in a billion.
Now I want to meet the other six of you.
Yes, and we will still claim that you’re either lying or delusional, or maybe not from or planet or our specie.
And even if females “Jessonian” (can we keep that as an expression for women with scientific accomplishments? That sound really good)were mutant and/or exceptions, they would still deserve the same chances in life as their male counterparts.
The rest is a big tl;dr.
(whining moment: English-speaking people, stop using French to pretend you’re smart, please!)
Oops, I can quote! 😛
This may be the most disgusting thing you’ve said yet, Meller. Happy MLK, Jr. Day to you too, you racist fuckstick.
Oh, and by the way, the ratio of men to women who score 800 on the SATs is about 70-30, so even if that represents “innate math ability” (which it probably does not) your “one woman in a billion” with high-level math skills is off by several orders of magnitude. You need to get out more, dude.
Oh you’re so cute with the racism and the flailing around! You truly have no bloody idea how to history OR how to libertarian, do you? XD
I will be back tomorrow, and I note you have totally wasted all your grace period from telling me about the dollies. Poor, dear, sad man.
So, Carnegie made his money in steel, mostly. I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone, let alone Meller, how people get mineral rights in the US, or what they pay for them when they’re on public land. (Hint: They don’t pay anything! The feds give them away, under certain conditions that at the time were very easily met!)
Rockefeller made his money in oil, which as we all know, under the current law, the federal government leases on a somewhat competitive system, though to say that lessors always pay FMV would be laughable. Before the 1920s, however, they would have been granted under the General Mining Act, and thus free (see above).
Vanderbilt of course got his start in ferries, with his business growing after a fortunate (for him) landmark ruling by SCOTUS that broke up a rival’s monopoly. Then he moved on to railroads. Railroads, Meller! Can you think of a bigger federal gift program of public lands than railroads? Me neither!
Charles M. Schwab was steel again. See Carnegie.
Seligman, assuming you’re talking about Joseph Seligman?, was a banker and investor who made a lot of money investing in railroads (see Vanderbilt) and then financing the Civil War through bonds. DEFINITELY NO HELP FROM THE FEDS TO SEE HERE.
Sarnoff made his money through broadcasting. An incredibly heavily regulated area! And, like minerals and railroads, one where the feds pretty much just grant away publicly owned rights to giant corporations for their commercial use for free or less than FMV!
These are all above and beyond the benefits they got by being white men in a society that really didn’t have any such opportunities for women and people who were not white.
What were you saying about state institutions, Meller? I mean, you’re a libertarian, right? So you don’t like them, I’m guessing. Why the ever living hell, then, would you list in your list of guys who totes pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and illustrate that people can make a bunch of money all on their own a bunch of guys who took government handout after government handout to the detriment of other USians? Truly bizarre.
Gender–and race–is only noted in passing where warranted!
Such as when noting that black people are naturally criminal.
I’ve seen your posts on Stormfront. Liar.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight!! LOL!! Gender–and race–has always been actively noted and discriminatory meaures taken in order to ensure the results that were predicted. Example:
P1: Women must not be and are not allowed to attend institutions of higher learning because they are incapable of human thought.
P2: How do we know that they’re incapable of human thought?
P1: Well, you don’t see any in the institutions of higher learning, do you?
From dkmeller post at Stormfront:
“At this late date, one should certainly consider the possibility that the KKK–and other organizations like it–have outlived their usefulness to White Christians or anyone else.”
Ah, so they’re calling themselves “White Christians” now, instead of White Male Supremacists (more palatable, I guess), because, as even non-Christians must know, Christ was most definitely a white male supremacist.
Did anyone else notice DKM’s invocation of Elaine Boosler as a horrible destroyer of traditional womanhood?
NOOOO!!! Not Elaine Boosler!!!
How can any little girl resist the soul-destroying siren song of that femdestroyer “comedianne” Elaine Boosler!!!
Sample quotes from her evil feminazi comedy routines:
“This would also explain your otherwise inexplicable hostility toward my revulsion at the thought of modern women wearing slacks, or , in some earlier posts, embracing the Moslem veil as an item of ladies’ headwear. Not thick, heavy veils that she could hardly see through, but light, filmy, feathery veils that would just make do for the needs of modesty in public and enhancing the rest of her apparel.”
Hey Mellertron:
What about that? 😀 Is that too thick and scary for you or is it adorable and awesomely smexy? 😀
Oh and Zhinx[insert random letter here], you seem to have touched off a nerve with Mellertron xD He’s like in total “I NEED TO TELL HER WHAT’S WHAT NOW!!!!!!!” mode xD
I really WAS gonna give him a grace period because of the dollies, too. Do you think he’ll be all WELL SCROLL UP AND SEE WHY WOMEN SUCK again after I respond to his… Err… Points, or will we get something else from our favorite racist doll fetishist and expert in all things libbertarian?
He should like that hat, considering that it looks very fluffy 😀
There are also fox hats, if DKM should prefers foxes!
Awwww, foxhat is foxhatty!
I also have another kind of cat hat (with just the ears) and a bunny hat 😀
And a Supergirl toque! 😀 I wonder if Mellertron would hate on those too? o:
See! 😀
Or arm warmers! Do those anger or excite you Melletron? o:
Indeed, zhinxy 😀
Or is it foxy hatty? But that would probably be too risque!
And Ami, you seem to be very well prepared for the Canadian winters with all those fluffy hats!
The arm warmers could probably seen as too un-feminine though, because of the colours.
I assume pastel coloured ones would be preferable!
@Kollege Messerschmitt
Don’t be silly, only cat hats are fluffy!!! Foxes are wild and treacherous, much like modern women(?). Why do you think some women(?) are called “foxes” sometimes???? To ask the question is to answer it!!!!!!!!!!!