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Some of those video game princesses ain’t so Peachy

Why can't they all be like Princess Peach?

It’s almost impossible to catalogue all the ways men are oppressed by women in contemporary gynocratic society. There are so many! For example, did you know that men are oppressed by female characters in video games? I know, right? The last bastion of red-blooded manliness, invaded by imaginary ladies!

Luckily, the fellows at are on the case, exposing this foul virtual misandry. I Am started off a recent discussion on the subject by asking

WTF is with empowered women in video games now? …

I see a new trend in the video/computer game world and that is the increase in strong playable female characters.

Now, I am no hardcore gamer but I do play computer games often and the recent one I have been playing recently is Shogun 2 total war. Now for those who don’t know what this game is, it is a strategy game based on the military of feudal Japan. I recently bought an upgrade for the game the other day and guess what one of the strongest military units was? Nuns. I shit you not. The nuns had an attack 20% -40% higher than most units in the game. Somehow I doubt that in real life a nun would have swung a sword or used a spear faster and harder than a feudal warlord, and this game was based on history.

Clearly nuns are incapable of manlike swordplay, though it is true that they are capable reenacting famous internet panda sneeze videos. (I have seen video proof of this.) But Shogun 2 does not depict them sneezing like pandas. It depicts them fighting.

This is an outrage because video games are meant to be a perfectly accurate reflection of reality.  Obviously there is nothing even slightly unrealistic about any of this:

Most of us dudes are in fact capable of karate-chopping heads in two. We just don’t like to show off all the time.

I think I have the right to ask steam and other gaming companes: WTF with the subliminal brainwashing? What now when I buy or play a game women will be doing all the ass kicking? …

I call bullshit on this subject. Video games are the last place for guys to hang out and now women are taking over. Why not just save us the trouble and instead of eliminating our fantasy world just throw us in work camp to provide for thier bastard children (literally speaking) while they shit all over us…wait they already do that.

I Am is not the only dude who’s noticed this alarming femtrend. Goldenfetus added his observations:

I’ve noticed this too, and it drives me insane. Was co-oping Gears 3 last month and there’s a point where 2nd player has to take over a female character. Almost ruined the game for me. It may seem minor, but once you’re aware of this type of brainwashing it’s impossible to ignore. There’s no way a slim female could keep up with the massive battle-hardened male Gears in that kind of environment. They would be a liability as they are in real life combat.

Exactly! By contrast, the male characters in Gears of War 3 are all completely accurate representations of real-world men.

This is what dudes look like, for real.

Goldenfetus continued:

You’ll see the same thing in most stat-based role-playing games as well, where you have the option of a female player character – like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, D&D, etc. The women never have any strength or intelligence penalties compared to the males. … They want to give the impression that people of any race, gender, and sexual-orientation are interchangeable – that there are no differences in ability between them, and that only a bigot could think otherwise. I’m sick of it too.

At the very least, female characters should be depicted as carriers of cooties.

Despite the very serious subject matter – video game misandry is never funny! – Xtc tried to lighten the mood with a little humor:

It would be hilarious to portray the female characters realistically. If you chose the female character in your FPS [First Person Shooter] she would have to move very slowly, dragging the gun around. You could build in some extra shake to the crosshairs to represent hopeless accuracy. Every time you needed to reload your gun, instead of just pressing a button, you’d have to find a male character and go through some flirting dialogue options to persuade him to do it for you. One out of every four missions the game would tell you that you were sitting out this one due to ‘women’s issues’.

Calloway, for his part, offered some historical perspective:

This is nothing new. I got heavy into gaming back in the late 90’s and even back then they had Tomb Raider, S.I.N., etc. Even in the original Unreal, you played as a big-breasted female.

I saw a documentary on the making of the original Tomb Raider once. The lead character, Lara Croft, was originally going to be a man. They saw him as an Indiana Jones-type character. Then, one of the designers suggested it be a woman because “if you’re going to be playing a game for hours, you might as well have something good to look at”. …

When you first take the red pill, it’s amazing the things you see. It’s as if you had blinders on before, and all of sudden they’ve been removed, allowing you to actually understand what you’ve been seeing.

Yep. And what you’ve been seeing is Lara Croft’s ass. Lara Croft’s ass oppresses men! The red pill tells me so!

Also, those tiny misandrist shorts just make the gynpression worse.

Now we come to the clincher.

When you try to get romantic with the imaginary ladies in video games, they don’t act like Roissy and those dudes say ladies act. I mean, you can’t even neg them! As Dave sadly pointed out:

I remember about 12 years ago playing the Baldur’s Gate rpg series and there were some romance dialog paths between your character and some of the women who could join your group but you had to treat them very nice. You couldn’t give them any attitude or make fun of them otherwise it would be over.

Basically you have to be a total mangina towards women in most games if you want to bed them.

Even imaginary ladies are stuck up bitches!

The horror!


I had a

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13 years ago

chibigodzilla – This is true, I’m actually thinking of trying to teach my Ben to use the toilet and I have got my Walter to roll over, a thing my american bulldog never seemed to get. I’ve also finally had some success teaching Molly not to scratch the woodwork (Yes, three cats, but there are four people in this house, and only two are mine! Phooey!) But I rather mean the idea that you can teach them to act like… Mellerian Proper Cats! Or they should be put down, you know?

13 years ago

chibigodzilla: I managed to teach both cats not to hang out on the desk while I’m using it.

13 years ago

KathleenB, Well, then maybe your cat can live, if it goes to a house of cat entertainment.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

“Somehow I doubt that in real life a nun would have swung a sword or used a spear faster and harder than a feudal warlord, and this game was based on history.”

I know the OP is no longer the object of discussion but…

These guys know warlords aren’t actually the biggest ass kickers in the army, right? They’re not in charge because they hit hardest..

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

@Rutee Katreya

I think you are on to something there.
Guys like that have such a knee jerk reaction to everything that isn’t explicitly catered to them. This reminds me of that one entitled douche who was complaining to Bioware because they allegedly “neglected their main demographic: The Straight Male Gamer” in DA2.
Not being catered to exclusively is oppression to them – which, ironically, shows just how much they don’t know what actual oppression looks like.

13 years ago

zhinxy: I kinda thought our house counted as a a cat entertainment… Oh, you mean the other kind of entertainment.

13 years ago

zhinxy: Where do you live? Because cats using human toilets can be bad for the surrounding ecosystem (same for flushing their stools). On the west coast it’s a big problem because the Sea Otters are getting toxoplasmosis.

13 years ago

The thought of Meller doing to small hamsters and gerbils as he does to his dolls made me shudder. Please, don’t abuse the animals, Meller!

13 years ago

But I rather mean the idea that you can teach them to act like… Mellerian Proper Cats! Or they should be put down, you know?

Well, the Mellerian Ideal seems to be that are three categories real men, subservients, and those to be executed, which is so staggeringly impractical that thinking about it make me brain work no good.

13 years ago

“This reminds me of that one entitled douche who was complaining to Bioware because they allegedly “neglected their main demographic: The Straight Male Gamer” in DA2.”

No, no, he was complaining because they ignored homophobes.

13 years ago

I’m unfortunately unable to find a clip online of Meller’s Perfect Dog, who belonged to one of Lorelai’s boyfriends on Gilmore Girls. He sat so still and silent that she initially believed he was a statue. He knew one trick, “a little to the left.” When he heard the command, he shuffled left, and then continued to sit stone-still and silent.

13 years ago

Ugh, thanks Meller, you’ve become more repugnant.

13 years ago

Pecunium, Awww, shit. I currently dwell in Ohio, but never mind, I will not let Ben even hurt a sea otter symbolically.

Sorry, Ben, you have to keep crappin’ in sand.

13 years ago

@Rutee – I think that’s a very good point, perhaps getting really rolling when FFVIII went for the romance plot, with dancing?!

…Dancing, goddamit. and a SONG.

13 years ago

zhinxy: Yay! I don’t know what the possibilities are for toxoplasmosis to get out to other animals, but it’s better that Ben not acquire unnatural tendencies. Better that you find some version of Soma for him; so Meller can stop worrying you may be, Provoked, into an unpleasant, but understandable Reaction.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

Also, I think I found the perfect game for MRAs:
(warning: seriously disturbing content!)

Apparently, you can play a big buff guy fighting half naked women. Now, that’s not really different from any other fighting game yet, but what makes it different is that you can still beat the shit out of them after you KOed them, while all they can do it lay on the floor and shiver and sob.
Also, apparently this seems to be some kind of genre, according to TVTropes.
I mean, YKINMKATO and all, but for some reason this creeps me out like whoa.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I bet that would give Paul Elam an erection.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

Damn you, html, damn you!

@ Joanna
For some reason, I’m sure he would be one of those people who would be all “How dare you call me a homophobe just because I don’t want to ever see queer people in any of the games I play!”. I’m also sure he probably wouldn’t mind any girl-on-girl scenes :
I hate this kind of people. If they would “Yeah, damn right I’m a homohobe/racist/sexist!”, because at least that would be honest. They seem to be aware that homophobia/sexism/racism is a bad thing, but they are totally not bad so they can’t be one of those!

13 years ago

@Messerschmitt: Like when MRAs say they’re not misogynists! =D

13 years ago


These guys know warlords aren’t actually the biggest ass kickers in the army, right? They’re not in charge because they hit hardest..

Don’t tell the writers of Red Cliff

13 years ago

Pecunium – Well, if he gets BELLICOSE… XD

13 years ago

And now I expect to see Meller on an episode of Animal Cops someday. People who think that animals are simply a special sort of toy that moves and makes noise are just awful. They don’t take proper care of them, and they’re likely to abandon/euthanize the pet in question for requiring care and attention, or acting like an animal.

Seriously, Meller, stay away from animals and other living beings.

13 years ago

Oh, Meller, Meller, Meller. Leave the gerbils alone.

13 years ago

You know, we had a nice little gamer geek discussion and Meller had to go and blow it with this fetish.

This is why we can’t have nice things!!!

13 years ago

@cynickal: Meller doesn’t understand video games you see.

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