antifeminism evil women manginas misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit the spearhead

Spearheader: Put American women in Burqas “for their obese figures and even more obese whining mouths.”

Religion needs more of this dude.

Reactionary and “traditionalist” Men’s Rightsers tend to share a lot of the anti-Islam prejudices of the American right in general. When they talk about Islam it’s usually in vaguely apocalyptic terms, and usually with a side of anti-feminist conspiratorialism thrown in for good measure: Feminists are destroying Western Civilization and making the Muslim takeover inevitable!

But I’ve run across a few highly upvoted comments on the Spearhead recently which suggest that the generally less than warm feelings about Islam found in the Manospehre may be tinged with a certain amount of envy and even admiration.

Take this Rapses fellow here:

It is high time papa (patriarchy) take some harsh measures to discipline her little naughty girls (feminists). Papa has yielded too much to their tantrum and whining. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Western papa has to toughen up a bit and tell them that their stupid whims would not be met. These little girls are really not that tough as they show and still need papa to provide and protect them. See how Saudi papa deals with his girls and still his girls are not complaining.

51 upvotes, 10 downvotes, last I checked.

And then there’s Aharon :

I think there are many American women that American men would prefer to burqad up for their obese figures and even more obese whining mouths. Perhaps we can customize the burqad in America to include a dog muzzle. …

Feminism along with its allies has been very effective the past 45+ years in decimating the nuclear family along with traditional American values and ethics, and loyalty to church and synagogue. Most religious institutions are failing men in America. …  Men leave liberal places of worship because they can’t relate to the female-value emphasis. …

American men have been living – for generations – in a post Judeo-Christian modern American misandrist society that for the most part sold men out. Islam comes along and teaches Sharia Law will not discriminate against men, and that men are respected in Islam, etc. Bingo. … I can see American men in the future becoming increasingly interested in Islam.

He adds this bit of speculation at the end:

I can also see new pro Men’s religions being created and taking hold. I see them mostly as manly without the provider/protector/chivalry crap, and not mangina metro-sexual in their beliefs and values.

30 upvotes, 1 downvote.

Apparently any religion is okey dokey with this crowd – even one made up on the spot – so long as it’s butch enough.

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13 years ago

I think we should probably legalize sex work because it would make the lives of sex workers safer and easier, but I can’t say I really care about the effect on their clients either way.

I also don’t think that any amount of sex would make MGTOWs any less hateful, or that being able to buy sex more easily would improve their attitudes towards women at all. If anything it might reinforce the shitty attitudes that they already have and lead to them being angry that women who aren’t sex workers dare to exist.

13 years ago

To be clearer, I think that the average misogynist dude’s response to sex work being legalized would be to demand that any woman who was experiencing any sort of financial difficulty do sex work. I also think that it would probably lead to them assuming that any woman who they offered money for sex who said no was being bitchy, unreasonable, etc. In their minds I think “sex work is legal” would translate to “all women are whores, just as I always thought”.

13 years ago

I like the Freudian slip in Rapses’ comment lol.

I don’t think these guys realize how uneducated they come off as when they type. Obese whining mouths? really?

13 years ago

Since I last commented on here, I have seen the light.

I question only that we should limit the physical subjugation of women to those who whine and become obese.

It ought to be a condition of any woman’s presuming to live in a world of men, yet failing to be a man.

Yes, MGTOW are hateful. It is our strength and our salvation. One day, we will be the only ones left standing. Why? Because we hated just that little bit more than the next man.

We are the boot in the face of humanity.

13 years ago

Rock on, Raoul! While you’re rocking on, howsabout rocking right out the damn door, you know, actually going your own way?

I assure you that no one here is begging you to stay.

I don’t get the point of the hate–if I don’t like something or someone, I don’t subject myself to it or them. I also don’t whiny screeds about it on the internet, maybe that’s why I don’t get it.

13 years ago

My brain keeps wanting to read Rapses as Ramses, so from there I get “Rapses II was a great king, and when he died he was mummified”.

Our MRA friends like Raol seem to have decided to cut out the middleman and mummify themselves in hate while they’re still alive.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

MRAs already have sex with sex workers and strippers and they see themselves as Alpha males because of that – there was a discussion about it on Hookingupsmart a few days ago. So even if prostitution is legal it will not change their ideas because they will still feel entitled to have sex with women that don’t want them. On Hookingupsmart, the same guys that call women slut because they have sex with other guys defended strippers and sex workers because the only way for these guys to have sex is to pay for it.

13 years ago

As absurd as these MGTOWers are, I can’t hate on as much as typical MRAs. The MGTOWers have misogynistic views but don’t pursue women, whereas most MRA have misogynistic views and still pursue women, which is worse.

What’s the view on these guys in the larger manosphere? I get the impression they’re on the fringes.

13 years ago

The idea that men become hateful assholes because they can’t get laid is really problematic in general. There are plenty of men who’re celibate and don’t want to be who are not hateful assholes, and plenty of men who get laid all the time who are in fact hateful assholes.

Celibacy is not the cause of misogyny.

13 years ago


Do you seriously believe what you type? because that is just pathetic. You don’t live in a world of men. You live in a world of people. That includes women and transgendered people. Please go your own way. Far,far, faaaaaar away.

@No more mr. nice guy

Why am I not surprised that repulsive misogynists have to pay if they want to get laid?

Explore Nature
13 years ago

Countries which are following feminism will turn into Muslim countries in future. Because of feminists are complicating the sexuality of native population. Most of women who are following feminism do not like to bear children. On the other hand growth of Muslim population is very fast.

13 years ago

Uh-huh, Explore Nature. You know what will happen first? Monkeys will fly out of my butt.

13 years ago

You know what’s safe for sex workers? Not doing sex work and doing something else instead. When I see the same standards concerning infection that I see in hospitals and clinics (where those concerns are really taken seriously) applied to sex work, then we’ll talk.

In practical terms, legalization will inevitably make sex work more expensive due to the minimum wage, unemployment subsidies, health insurance and other rights. It will lead to a sex black market composed exclusively by trafficked women from third world countries. Most Johns won’t mind rights or no rights. They don’t hire prostitutes to care about them anyway, or even to have sex with them. They hire prostitutes to wank off using a body instead of their hand. That’s it. You think they care if the prostitute has a good time? I’ve heard some say the prostitute isn’t supposed to have it, since it’s just work. That’s just twisted, we’re talking about sex ffs. Further, the other appeal to this unregulated, black sex market, apart from being cheaper, is precisely that it’s unregulated: less restrictive, less rejection, less hassle (since they won’t need to prove they don’t have STDs), no fear of being sued, etc.

I really think legalization will raise the demand for trafficked women.

Now some ideology: I don’t think we should de-estigmatize sex work. I think we should de-estigmatize sex. You know sex, the fun thing people do because it’s fun and because it’s a whole connection of mind and body to a fellow human being unlike any other thing we have. In light of this conception of sex, sex-work becomes absurd. You don’t rent friends. You don’t rent classmates. You don’t rent complete strangers with whom you occasionally have interesting conversations in the train or the bus. Sexual partners aren’t different.

As for their clients, speaking from the ones I’ve known, I *really* don’t think we should de-estigmatize those. I’ve yet to see a John with a heart of gold. Not holding my breath…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

We are the boot in the face of humanity.

And if you think that’s something proud of, you aren’t some brave rebel. You’re just some everyday shithead. You think of yourself as fuckin’ John Galt, but you’re really just the guy who drives 60mph on the shoulder because he’s too important to wait in traffic. You’re the guy who steals dimes out of the charity change bucket. You’re the guy who lets his dog shit on his neighbor’s lawns and pretends not to see.

You’re not a blight on humanity. You’re merely useless to it.

2-D Man
2-D Man
13 years ago

Perhaps we can customize the burqad in America to include a dog muzzle.

I was going to make a comment about how women could just, y’know, remove the muzzle part, but no. Let’s just bask in the unadulterated idiocy of the words above.

13 years ago

“Perhaps we can customize the burqad in America to include a dog muzzle.”

Weren’t we *just* discussing MRAs posting about scolds bridles?

13 years ago

@ Raoul

We are the boot in the face of humanity.

Mmm…no. That metaphor doesn’t quite fit. How about:

The tiny mosquitos buzzing in the ear of humanity?

The clowns in the circus of humanity?

The second-rate hair metal band in the Eighties of humanity?

Really, the possibilities are endless.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

Celibacy is not the cause of misogyny.

If the guy accept his celibacy and is not insane. Guys in the manosphere don’t accept it and are insane.

13 years ago

The pimple on the taint of humanity?

The itch you can’t quite scratch of humanity?

The cat barf in the shoe of humanity?

The rail liquor in the bar of humanity?

The off-brand cheez-its in the grocery store of humanity?

13 years ago

In keeping with the footwear theme, I think “pebble in the shoe of humanity” works.

13 years ago

Countries which are following feminism will turn into Muslim countries in future. Because of feminists are complicating the sexuality of native population. Most of women who are following feminism do not like to bear children. On the other hand growth of Muslim population is very fast.

Sir Bedevere: “Incidently, Liege, this is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.”

King Arthur: “This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere! Explain again how sheep’s bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.”

Sir Bedevere: “Certainly, sir!”

13 years ago

Countries which are following feminism will turn into Muslim countries in future. Because of feminists are complicating the sexuality of native population. Most of women who are following feminism do not like to bear children. On the other hand growth of Muslim population is very fast.

Yeah, hellkell’s butt-monkey hypothesis is definitely more likely.

Also, feminism =/= baby-hate. For reals, yo. Some people (male, female, feminist, sexist, whatever) want kids. Some people (male, female, feminist, sexist, whatever) don’t.

Me, I’m a feminist, and I like kids a lot and am pretty sure I want to have kids in, say, five years or so. I don’t want kids right now because right now my partner lives on the other side of the continent, I’m not really making enough money to support myself, let alone anyone else, and I’m dealing with major health issues that would make pregnancy dangerous for me. Because I’m a feminist, I think it is entirely okay for me to have access to birth control and to choose to make sure I don’t have kids until those kids would be born into a stable home with healthy parents who can afford to take care of them the way they deserve. If you want to make an argument as to how on earth that could be a BAD thing, you’re welcome to try – but I suspect you’ll stick with your established method of just posting hit-and-run idiocy instead.

13 years ago


The direct-to-video Pixar-wannabe kids’ movie on the Netflix of humanity?

relevant to my experience, at any rate

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

The “feminists aren’t breeding enough” argument is rich coming from MGTOWs.

(The “Muslims are outbreeding us normal people” argument is mostly just twenty kinds of racist.)

Julie Gillis
13 years ago

If it’s the same Rapses, he and I get into many arguments over at Good Men Project where I write. Interesting.