antifeminism evil women manginas misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit the spearhead

Spearheader: Put American women in Burqas “for their obese figures and even more obese whining mouths.”

Religion needs more of this dude.

Reactionary and “traditionalist” Men’s Rightsers tend to share a lot of the anti-Islam prejudices of the American right in general. When they talk about Islam it’s usually in vaguely apocalyptic terms, and usually with a side of anti-feminist conspiratorialism thrown in for good measure: Feminists are destroying Western Civilization and making the Muslim takeover inevitable!

But I’ve run across a few highly upvoted comments on the Spearhead recently which suggest that the generally less than warm feelings about Islam found in the Manospehre may be tinged with a certain amount of envy and even admiration.

Take this Rapses fellow here:

It is high time papa (patriarchy) take some harsh measures to discipline her little naughty girls (feminists). Papa has yielded too much to their tantrum and whining. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Western papa has to toughen up a bit and tell them that their stupid whims would not be met. These little girls are really not that tough as they show and still need papa to provide and protect them. See how Saudi papa deals with his girls and still his girls are not complaining.

51 upvotes, 10 downvotes, last I checked.

And then there’s Aharon :

I think there are many American women that American men would prefer to burqad up for their obese figures and even more obese whining mouths. Perhaps we can customize the burqad in America to include a dog muzzle. …

Feminism along with its allies has been very effective the past 45+ years in decimating the nuclear family along with traditional American values and ethics, and loyalty to church and synagogue. Most religious institutions are failing men in America. …  Men leave liberal places of worship because they can’t relate to the female-value emphasis. …

American men have been living – for generations – in a post Judeo-Christian modern American misandrist society that for the most part sold men out. Islam comes along and teaches Sharia Law will not discriminate against men, and that men are respected in Islam, etc. Bingo. … I can see American men in the future becoming increasingly interested in Islam.

He adds this bit of speculation at the end:

I can also see new pro Men’s religions being created and taking hold. I see them mostly as manly without the provider/protector/chivalry crap, and not mangina metro-sexual in their beliefs and values.

30 upvotes, 1 downvote.

Apparently any religion is okey dokey with this crowd – even one made up on the spot – so long as it’s butch enough.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think I’m going to start an MRA help resource entitled You Can Just Be Single, You Know.

“All women are hideous to me!”
Okay. You can just be single, you know.

“I don’t want to get stuck providing for a woman!”
Okay. You can just be single, you know.

“I don’t want to hear a woman whining and demanding things from me!”
Okay. You can just be single, you know.

See how simple it can be? I guess the hitch is that they still feel entitled to get laid and/or receive domestic services. But really, I think their needs would be better met by wanking, beating a punching bag, and lying to their buddies about getting laid–these three together cover all the reasons someone who hates women would want to get laid–and hiring a housekeeper. And then they can just be single, you know!

13 years ago

Yeah but as we’ve seen with MGTOW, once an MRA becomes single he then has to spend all his time explaining that he’s single because vaginas are filth-ridden holes and how all women are suspected arsonists.

13 years ago

Wasn’t their some dude in the recent past who created a church for manly men (and No Girls Allowed, I think)?

13 years ago


pffft, “suspected”. Everyone knows that cops just look the other way because woman of a feather burn shit down together, and the male cops are just too scared of the pink mafia

13 years ago

Yes, the esteemed Rev. Alfafa

13 years ago

BAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA!! Greatest.. response.. ever! Clearly these stalwart, young revolutionaries grew up to form

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
13 years ago

I was thinking about something along these lines this morning. Mine started with “if men are inherently better at everything, why don’t they just take society back from the evil laydeez and run it to suit themselves?”

For example: If you hate the way women dress, make up a patrol and bust into their houses to dress women. Men are better than women at dressing women! If the “woman-run” police will get you, make up a police patrol. Men are better than women at being organized, being physically stronger, and being less likely to cave to such pleas as “but you’re hurting me!” or “what about my Constitutional rights?”! And so on.

And then I thought: “wait…am I basically saying ‘if you’re so much better than women at everything, why don’t you just become the Taliban’?”

Apparently, yes. Yikes.

13 years ago

Dog muzzles? Women don’t bite. O.o

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Joanna – No, but we talk.

The “women babble all the time” slur is a particularly nasty one, because it can be used to invalidate literally anything a woman says. The specific words out of your mouth can be completely ignored–it’s just a woman making woman-noise, hurrr.

Frustrating as fuck.

13 years ago

“The “women babble all the time” slur is a particularly nasty one, because it can be used to invalidate literally anything a woman says. The specific words out of your mouth can be completely ignored–it’s just a woman making woman-noise, hurrr.”

so so so true.

13 years ago

I can also see new pro Men’s religions being created and taking hold. I see them mostly as manly without the provider/protector/chivalry crap, and not mangina metro-sexual in their beliefs and values.

Because Jesus was such a mangina. Trufax.

@Holly: I HATE the “babbling” dismissal. It irks me and shows that what men say is valuable, even if it’s the most banal drivel ever.

13 years ago

Yes, if only there were some pro-man religion for MRAs to join. It’s too bad all the most popular religions are all anti-man, and based on texts which go on and on about how men are inferior to women and should not have the same rights.

13 years ago

MRAs are probably devastated by the fairly successful recent Saudi women’s suffrage movement.

13 years ago

Crumbeliveable: I know, right? It’s too bad none of the major religions have–and I’m just spitballing here, bear with me–ultra-Orthodox or fundamentalist sects. Seriously, these dudes should get on that.

13 years ago

We could still talk under a dog muzzle =P

13 years ago


@Holly: I HATE the “babbling” dismissal. It irks me and shows that what men say is valuable, even if it’s the most banal drivel ever.

yes! like this wasn’t terribly offensive in itself per se but there was something going around on fb which was like “things white girls do on facebook” and half of them of course men do just as much (i.e. complain about companies as though the company will see it) and it was just so “as opposed to all the brilliant things i read from my male friends on facebook….” theres so much of this. also reminds me of when i speak up on ANYTHING it seems that someone reduces it to “hurt feelings”. BLAH!

13 years ago

Found it!! God bless the creator(s) of the search function!

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
13 years ago

@Crumbelievable: I especially love that one religion where Saint Paulina says that men should not go to church at all, but wait until their wives come home and explain what went on that day. But that, if men *must* intrude upon the sanctity of lady-run church services, they should at least keep their mouths shut. It’s almost as awesome as that other religion where most men are expected to cover their entire bodies in voluminous fabrics, and their testimony in court is taken only half as seriously as a woman’s.

13 years ago

@crumbelievable: HA! once again, so right. didn’t even register to me at first how ridiculous it is that these guys are whining that judeo-christian religion is too pro-woman.

13 years ago

@Shadow: Religion is just an excuse to for self conscious men to put a woman in her place. “The woman is my property cos god says so! Who are you to argue with god?”

13 years ago

Emphasis mine:

It is high time papa (patriarchy) take some harsh measures to discipline her little naughty girls (feminists).

Papa Patriarchy is a ladygirl? Someone call M. Night Shyamalan, what a twist!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’m guessing those guys have never been to an Orthodox Jewish service. At nice synagogues, the women get a balcony. At less-nice ones, we get a partition between us and the service. Nothing promotes a feeling of religious unity like staring at a blank wall so the menfolk won’t be distracted from their Important Business by the sight of you.

But wait, Jews are all part of the feminist conspiracy…

13 years ago

@Lyssatakabow: I’m getting tired of the “Shit Girls Say” videos too. I’m sure if I dressed up like a guy and did “Shit Dudes Say,” the internet would implode on me.

13 years ago

You’d think that singledom would be the answer for these guys. It’s easy, it’s cheap and it requires little thought. All you really have to do, in order to be single is to… exist.

But, no. MRA’s are such special snowflakes that the whole of society must cater to them. I think there’s a name for that…

13 years ago

Holly – I will hereby donate all my imaginary millions to the You Can Just Be Single You Know project.

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