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The All-Singing, All-Dancing Men’s Rights Movement

Not a picture of Jade Michael and the FTSU Crew

The Men’s Rights Movement now has a theme song! A couple of talented young men calling themselves Jade Michael and the FTSU Singers Crew have put together a catchy little grunge rock number they call Go My Own Way, which will now serve as the opening music for the A Voice for Men internet radio show.

As AVfM head cheese Paul Elam puts it, straining his prose-generating abilities to the breaking point as he attempts to find words eloquent enough to describe this new musical masterpiece:

Jade Michael, artist, professional musician and MRA, founder of Artistry Against Misandry, has taken his talent hammer and given it a mighty swing to our benefit.  He has forged, in the fires of his own passion, the new theme song for AVfM Radio, titled Go My Own Way. It is not to be confused with the similarly titled offering from Fleetwood Mac, Go Your Own Way. No, not in the least. Jade, with his band, Jade Michael and the FTSU Crew, have produced a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd. It is replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty. Pay close attention to the end for the invocation of Thomas James Ball.

Without further ado, here’s the song:

You can find the full lyrics on YouTube and on AVfM. But I thought I’d share a few of my favorite bits.

The song starts off by addressing one of the most savage injustices faced by men today: evil ladies who expect men to hold doors open for them.

And we’re through with holding doors
Entitlements abound
You say that we still hold you down
And you cop that attitude
No remorse or gratitude

Seriously, ladies, would it hurt you to say “thank you” once in a while, to the men who literally enable you to walk through walls, by holding open the doors you would otherwise be unable to open? To paraphrase Barbie: Doors are hard!

Then there’s this bit:

You’re obsessed with my ability
I won’t be your utility
I’ll never carry you
And I sure won’t marry you

Women around the world, consider what you’re losing here: no longer can you expect to marry guys who hate you so much they made a song about how they won’t hold doors open for you!

And let’s not forget:

Cos’ the time has come to fuck your shit up
The time has come to fuck your shit up
The time has come to fuck your shit up

Perhaps I’m missing some of the subtleties here, but this sort of suggests to me that Jade and the Gang are not so much Men Going Their Own Way as they are Men Still Hanging Around Acting Like Assholes — not MGTOW but MSHAALA.

I appreciate the efforts of Jade Michael and the MSHAALA, but I can’t really help but think of this little song-and-dance number, from the excellent Belgian horror film Calviare (The Ordeal), as the Men’s Rights movement’s unofficial anthem.

In case you’re wondering, this scene makes a little bit more sense in the context of the movie itself. A little bit. It’s actually quite a brilliant little film with some interesting gender stuff going on in it, if you can deal with fairly violent horror films. But, oh my lord, TRIGGER WARNINGS for pretty much every trigger there is.

NOTE: In case you’re wondering about the song’s reference to Thomas Ball:  Ball burned himself to death outside a courthouse in Keane, New Hampshire last year in a protest against what he saw as unfair treatment in family court. He hoped that his suicide would inspire other men to start firebombing courthouses and police stations. (This wasn’t mere rhetoric; in the lengthy manifesto he left behind he provided tips on how to make effective Molotov cocktails.) Naturally, many in the MRM have hailed him as a martyr for Men’s Rights.

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13 years ago

And I’m in favor of all kinds of gender expression, but seriously–Jade? Foxy? Glee? In a movement defined by superlative masculinity?

13 years ago

Something tells me though that the Gorilla Girls have nothing to worry about.

But wouldn’t you love to see a gang of masked men break into a major art museum to take down all the works by female artists and replace them with men’s art? It’d take five minutes and they could break for beers for the rest of the afternoon.

You’re talking about a group of people who think men are oppressed in a country where 83% of Congress and 100% of all U.S. Presidents (and now 100% of all GOP candidates) are men

Well, yeah. I don’t expect any response except, best-case scenario, NWO showing up to explain that it’s still unfair because women get to wear clothes in public, which is our sexuality. (Maybe NWO is Ferengi? I’m such a nerd, but now that I think about it, it makes more and more sense.)

Even I’m embarrassed by how much I’m posting on this thread. But…MRA art! I mean…MRA art! I’m so happy!

13 years ago

Shaenon, the MRA art is an embarrassment of riches, isn’t it?

13 years ago

Ugh at that last sentence: Shouldn’t this guy and his band be inviting his listeners to party with them, not ham-handedly demanding deference?

They’re clearly negging their audience. These dudes have mad game.

13 years ago

I just realised that in the song he says “I won’t marry you”. Um, isn’t it a bit late for that? Is he threatening not to marry his current mistress?

Has there ever been a single MGTOW who’s actually, you know, gone?

Julie Gillis
13 years ago

That was just….something.

13 years ago

There hasn’t been, Cassandra. They’ll hang around and bore you to death about how they’re going, any minute now, really, but they never GO.

I also like the part in JM’s bio where he’s in IT. OF COURSE he is.

13 years ago

I love the art section. Jade Michael truly is the Rembrandt of MS Paint.

13 years ago

Maybe we should try reverse psychology. Perhaps if we beg them to stay they might actually go?

It did amuse me to see them all scrambling to claim connections to the 80s LA glam rock scene. That scene produced some of the shittiest music of all time, but hey, it was all about the disposable girlfriends and groupies, so clearly it was awesome! And with men with names like Jami and Nikki, so very manly!

Face it, guys, Nirvana killed your dream. Time to move on.

13 years ago

JM’s poetry is.. well, I can see why he’s no songwriter either.

13 years ago

“And with men with names like Jami and Nikki, so very manly! ”

Nothing screams traditional masculinity like Twisted Sister.

13 years ago

I actually saw one of the guys from LA Guns at a show last year. He was wandering around looking all full of himself, clearly waiting to be fawned over, and it just never happened. I don’t think any of the kids had any idea who he was. It was fucking hilarious – he got all pouty.

13 years ago

And if you’re in the mood for some MRA pulp glurge, check out “Rapid Demise.” Actually, NWO, if you’re out there, don’t check that out as you’ll have wank material for the next six months.

Cassandra, there is nothing funnier/sadder than a washed up musician who still thinks people know who they are. This condition seems to hit lead singers the hardest, but it’s funnier when it’s the drummer.

13 years ago

Why Female Pleasure Appears To Be Valued Over Male Pleasure
by Ozymandias Age 20 and 1/12

Because male pleasure is assumed.

The cisheteronormative sexual formula–some foreplay to get the man hard and the woman wet, then PIV until the man comes– is one most cis men will get off on, since it provides direct penile stimulation. Most people with vaginas, however, require some clitoral stimulation to come, and unless they come during foreplay. Therefore, the idea is created that men always get off during sex and women never do.

In addition, once we move beyond the cisheteronormative sexual formula, “raunch culture” values the sexual pleasure of stereotypical gender-conforming cis straight men* over those of other people. For instance, anal sex is generally considered in American culture to be oh-so-taboo and sexy, because it’s a thing stereotypical gender-conforming cis straight men want; pegging is not, because being anally penetrated is considered by stereotypical gender-conforming cis straight men to be LIKE TOTALLY GAY AMIRITE. Also, “sexy people” tend to be the feminine, thin, young, large-breasted women that stereotypical gender-conforming cis straight men find attractive. Therefore, the things we consider sexy are quite often things that appeal to stereotypical gender-conforming cis straight men, rather than things that appeal to another demographic.

All of this leads to a classic “sexism hurts everyone” case: men are simple creatures who just need a warm hole and thirty seconds, and women are Mysterious Beings whose sexuality is Oh So Complicated. Therefore we have to endlessly discuss female sexuality, because it’s So Mysterious, but we don’t have to endlessly discuss male sexuality, because everyone understands it! Never mind that men are just as complicated and individual as women sexually, with the same “I want to be spanked, but not as a power-dynamics thing, unless I’m with a partner I really love or it’s the third Tuesday in a month ending in ‘ber.'” Or the same “I really just want enthusiastic PIV and oral with a partner I find attractive,” for that matter.

And what’s the cause of all this? If your answer is THE PATRIARCHY, congratulations, you get a cookie.

*Many gender-conforming cis straight men are non-stereotypical and therefore have sexual desires which differ from this norm.

13 years ago

And, obviously, having normative sexual desires is a Good Thing, because all sexual desires (including no sexual desires at all) are Good Things. However, having one group’s stereotypical sexual desires presented as the be all and end all of sexiness is kind of shitty.

13 years ago

hellkell, Hungry Hungry Hippocrates! Omg!

I was expecting the Greek philosopher to be mentioned in it, but still!

As for the song…it reminds me of a song one of my husband’s 10-year-old students wrote (for a band of 10-year-olds called “Pink Lightning”). It was called “Dancing with a skeleton” and, IIRC, the chorus went something like this:

I feel so embarrassed but
My friends will talk to me and then
I will never dance with a skeleton

13 years ago

From a 10 year old, that’s awesome.

13 years ago

Notice to MRAs: that was not powerful rock. THIS is powerful rock.

What you’ve got is terrible soft rock.

13 years ago

Ozy, how are you so wise while still so young? 🙂

13 years ago

I commented on that page, pointing out the contradiction between going one’s own way and fucking up shit and got this answer from the man Mr. Elam himself:

“Feminism feeds off the energy and resources of men because women are not self sufficient. Going our own way IS fucking up your shit. ”

Women are not self-sufficient, there we go folks! A man whose Youtube username isThe Happy Misogynist said that women are not self-sufficient, but he’s totally not misogynistic!

13 years ago

Thing is, even by soft rock standards that song is pathetic. This dude makes Bon Jovi sound like Lamb of God.

13 years ago


Hahahaha!!! oh that’s good. Yea, he can keep denying reality all he wants. How that psychologist lady and the other few women who write for him put up with his shit is beyond me. He’s a plain old male chauvinist, sexist and misogynist rolled up into one ball of hate an misery. Its not about men’s rights, it’s about hating women.

Hey MRA/MGTOWs, go your own way. In fact, I dare you to! I assure you we’ll be perfectly self sufficient on our own. Oh and do remember you’re just stealing ideas from the feminists you hate so much: lesbian separatism, it’s been done 🙂

13 years ago

@Crumbelievable: That is the most pathetic MRA logic I’ve ever heard. Not only is it a blatant lie to pretend that they aren’t advocating violence against women (I finally realized that MRAs think all feminists are liars because they’re liars and that can’t conceive of people behaving otherwise), but it’s also demonstrably false by, you know, taking a look ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AROUND YOU.

Let’s see: Living in an apartment, paying my portion of the rent, and electricity/Internet bills (which is equal to my two roommate’s shares, one male, one female), paying these and my tuition out of my bank accounts, going to my classes and doing my assignments, going to my job and working to make money. Yeah, I’m totally feeding off the energy and resources of men.

13 years ago


Having an aneurysm yet, MRAs?

13 years ago

@Quackers: I think that statement might be the most honest opinion he’s ever given.

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