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The All-Singing, All-Dancing Men’s Rights Movement

Not a picture of Jade Michael and the FTSU Crew

The Men’s Rights Movement now has a theme song! A couple of talented young men calling themselves Jade Michael and the FTSU Singers Crew have put together a catchy little grunge rock number they call Go My Own Way, which will now serve as the opening music for the A Voice for Men internet radio show.

As AVfM head cheese Paul Elam puts it, straining his prose-generating abilities to the breaking point as he attempts to find words eloquent enough to describe this new musical masterpiece:

Jade Michael, artist, professional musician and MRA, founder of Artistry Against Misandry, has taken his talent hammer and given it a mighty swing to our benefit.  He has forged, in the fires of his own passion, the new theme song for AVfM Radio, titled Go My Own Way. It is not to be confused with the similarly titled offering from Fleetwood Mac, Go Your Own Way. No, not in the least. Jade, with his band, Jade Michael and the FTSU Crew, have produced a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd. It is replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty. Pay close attention to the end for the invocation of Thomas James Ball.

Without further ado, here’s the song:

You can find the full lyrics on YouTube and on AVfM. But I thought I’d share a few of my favorite bits.

The song starts off by addressing one of the most savage injustices faced by men today: evil ladies who expect men to hold doors open for them.

And we’re through with holding doors
Entitlements abound
You say that we still hold you down
And you cop that attitude
No remorse or gratitude

Seriously, ladies, would it hurt you to say “thank you” once in a while, to the men who literally enable you to walk through walls, by holding open the doors you would otherwise be unable to open? To paraphrase Barbie: Doors are hard!

Then there’s this bit:

You’re obsessed with my ability
I won’t be your utility
I’ll never carry you
And I sure won’t marry you

Women around the world, consider what you’re losing here: no longer can you expect to marry guys who hate you so much they made a song about how they won’t hold doors open for you!

And let’s not forget:

Cos’ the time has come to fuck your shit up
The time has come to fuck your shit up
The time has come to fuck your shit up

Perhaps I’m missing some of the subtleties here, but this sort of suggests to me that Jade and the Gang are not so much Men Going Their Own Way as they are Men Still Hanging Around Acting Like Assholes — not MGTOW but MSHAALA.

I appreciate the efforts of Jade Michael and the MSHAALA, but I can’t really help but think of this little song-and-dance number, from the excellent Belgian horror film Calviare (The Ordeal), as the Men’s Rights movement’s unofficial anthem.

In case you’re wondering, this scene makes a little bit more sense in the context of the movie itself. A little bit. It’s actually quite a brilliant little film with some interesting gender stuff going on in it, if you can deal with fairly violent horror films. But, oh my lord, TRIGGER WARNINGS for pretty much every trigger there is.

NOTE: In case you’re wondering about the song’s reference to Thomas Ball:  Ball burned himself to death outside a courthouse in Keane, New Hampshire last year in a protest against what he saw as unfair treatment in family court. He hoped that his suicide would inspire other men to start firebombing courthouses and police stations. (This wasn’t mere rhetoric; in the lengthy manifesto he left behind he provided tips on how to make effective Molotov cocktails.) Naturally, many in the MRM have hailed him as a martyr for Men’s Rights.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Quackers – They have “visual art” too! It’s… well, it’s not giving Judy Chicago a run for her money:

I particularly like “The First Rule of Feminism: Always Lie!”, because as a Jew and a feminist, I believe I am now obligated to always tell the truth.

…In which case I must tell you that the treasure is not behind doors one or three.

13 years ago

Is this an attempt to ensure that even the most self-loathing groupies don’t approach him?

The song is hilarious, by the way. No surprises as to why this dude doesn’t have a record deal. I don’t think I’ve heard rock that shitty since the 80s.

13 years ago

Oh, great, they have ART?!

Good god. There’s no medium they can’t sully, can’t they?

At least they won’t touch Video Games- wait, FORGET I SAID THAT!

13 years ago

Best Angry White Boy take on 80s rock:

Yeah, Phil Collins was shitty. No doubt about that!

13 years ago

I mean Gojira the metal band, not the giant lizard…

I assume either one would work.

13 years ago

“I assume either one would work.”


Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Best Angry White Boy take on 80s rock:

Christian Bale’s little White-Boy Dance haunted me through both recent Batman movies. How can Batman be the hero Gotham needs or the one it deserves when he’s a serial killer?

Deep thoughts.

13 years ago

Credit where it’s due–Elam manages to keep a consistent “hammer” metaphor for an entire paragraph.

13 years ago

God. It’s not even “so bad it’s funny” bad. It’s just bad. I mean, it’s so bland. There’s no heart or creativity in it at all. It’s supposed to be a protest song about your lifetime of oppression there fellas, not your original entry for grade ten battle of the bands.

Also, I demand a music video.

13 years ago

I’d love to see someone like Elam try to argue with Yoko. She’s so relentlessly positive and yet so steely, she’d drive him nuts.

Favorite Yoko story – there’s a museum dedicated to her in her hometown, in which you will find a random telephone sitting on a platform in the middle of a room. If the phone rings while you’re there, pick it up, because it’s Yoko calling just to say hi and see how everyone is enjoying the museum.

13 years ago

Yoko Ono’s lack of lips have always creeped me out a bit. Ooh! I rhymed that time =D

13 years ago


That “Rod the Riveter” is going to give me nightmares…holy fuck.

If these guys would put the MS Paint down and actually go look at actual good art- concept art for example, they’d see nothing but the heroic, badass, super masculine characters they idealize so much.

13 years ago

What’s with the doors? Opening doors is not hard. It’s not that hard to open a door for someone else; if you don’t want to do it, chances are they can do it perfectly well for themselves. Unless we’re talking about someone whose hands are full or something, in which case it’s just common courtesy, regardless of the gender of the open-er or the opened-for. (I want to say the “open-ee”, but I guess that’s the door itself.)

If the doors on the Heart of Gold talked to Marvin for long enough, would they become DGTOW and complain about having to open for the crew?

13 years ago

Can’t we all just get along?

13 years ago

LOL Shadow xD

13 years ago

Wait a minute, David. I believe you promised dancing. Where is the dancing?

I think this new theme song calls for an interpretive dance, don’t you?

13 years ago

I can’t with these fools, especially when they completely fuck up their lil’ paean to Ball by saying “in vein” instead of what they meant. I guess this way is funnier.

Robert Plant and the boys have nothing to worry about.

13 years ago


Sadly I must admit, I used to listen to Angry White Boy rock. But then I graduated from high school lol. Although Smashing Pumpkins has a hell of a lot more substance than Limp Bizkit, who’s lyrics are so similar to the MRA song.

13 years ago

“All he wants is to feel the pleasure he was born with”

So, he was masturbating while being born? Or having sex while…OK, I don’t even want to go there. Are they talking about circumcision? If so you’d think they’d reference it more specifically.

One of the many problems with MRAs is that it’s often difficult to figure out WTF they’re talking about.

13 years ago

I nominate this for MGTOW video.

13 years ago

P.S. The talent hammer is his talent penis.

13 years ago


No worries, my brown ass is still in love with Angry White Boy Rap, I’m happy to listen to Zeitgeist any day of the week

13 years ago

Nu metal was kind of a proto-MRA movement in a lot of ways. I once went to see Korn live because another band I liked were opening, and the music itself wasn’t all that bad, but only if you pretend the lyrics don’t exist, and they were paragons of anti-sexism compared to some of their contemporaries. Fred Durst really ought to be the official MRA mascot.