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The All-Singing, All-Dancing Men’s Rights Movement

Not a picture of Jade Michael and the FTSU Crew

The Men’s Rights Movement now has a theme song! A couple of talented young men calling themselves Jade Michael and the FTSU Singers Crew have put together a catchy little grunge rock number they call Go My Own Way, which will now serve as the opening music for the A Voice for Men internet radio show.

As AVfM head cheese Paul Elam puts it, straining his prose-generating abilities to the breaking point as he attempts to find words eloquent enough to describe this new musical masterpiece:

Jade Michael, artist, professional musician and MRA, founder of Artistry Against Misandry, has taken his talent hammer and given it a mighty swing to our benefit.  He has forged, in the fires of his own passion, the new theme song for AVfM Radio, titled Go My Own Way. It is not to be confused with the similarly titled offering from Fleetwood Mac, Go Your Own Way. No, not in the least. Jade, with his band, Jade Michael and the FTSU Crew, have produced a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd. It is replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty. Pay close attention to the end for the invocation of Thomas James Ball.

Without further ado, here’s the song:

You can find the full lyrics on YouTube and on AVfM. But I thought I’d share a few of my favorite bits.

The song starts off by addressing one of the most savage injustices faced by men today: evil ladies who expect men to hold doors open for them.

And we’re through with holding doors
Entitlements abound
You say that we still hold you down
And you cop that attitude
No remorse or gratitude

Seriously, ladies, would it hurt you to say “thank you” once in a while, to the men who literally enable you to walk through walls, by holding open the doors you would otherwise be unable to open? To paraphrase Barbie: Doors are hard!

Then there’s this bit:

You’re obsessed with my ability
I won’t be your utility
I’ll never carry you
And I sure won’t marry you

Women around the world, consider what you’re losing here: no longer can you expect to marry guys who hate you so much they made a song about how they won’t hold doors open for you!

And let’s not forget:

Cos’ the time has come to fuck your shit up
The time has come to fuck your shit up
The time has come to fuck your shit up

Perhaps I’m missing some of the subtleties here, but this sort of suggests to me that Jade and the Gang are not so much Men Going Their Own Way as they are Men Still Hanging Around Acting Like Assholes — not MGTOW but MSHAALA.

I appreciate the efforts of Jade Michael and the MSHAALA, but I can’t really help but think of this little song-and-dance number, from the excellent Belgian horror film Calviare (The Ordeal), as the Men’s Rights movement’s unofficial anthem.

In case you’re wondering, this scene makes a little bit more sense in the context of the movie itself. A little bit. It’s actually quite a brilliant little film with some interesting gender stuff going on in it, if you can deal with fairly violent horror films. But, oh my lord, TRIGGER WARNINGS for pretty much every trigger there is.

NOTE: In case you’re wondering about the song’s reference to Thomas Ball:  Ball burned himself to death outside a courthouse in Keane, New Hampshire last year in a protest against what he saw as unfair treatment in family court. He hoped that his suicide would inspire other men to start firebombing courthouses and police stations. (This wasn’t mere rhetoric; in the lengthy manifesto he left behind he provided tips on how to make effective Molotov cocktails.) Naturally, many in the MRM have hailed him as a martyr for Men’s Rights.

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13 years ago

MRAL: Did that, “dogpile” happen the first time you disagreed?

Does it happen when you are disagreeing without saying foul things about women?


Which means your whining is just that, whining. You can be as rude as you like. Actions have consequences. People have been six kinds of gentle with you (some have been encouraging; me, others have merely been quiet at times when you were being a massive shithead (I’ve done both).

Disagreeing isn’t what gets you jumped on. zhinxy has very different political views from most of us. She doesn’t get shit for it (well, expect from Meller and NWO). It’s not because she’s female. It’s because she’s not a jerk.

You’ve gone out of your way to be a jerk. That’s not conducive to people having warm fuzzies about you. At this point, you have three options.

1: Stop being a jerk.

2: If you can’t, just accept that you will get called out on it.

3: Leave.

13 years ago

…well that’s something I won’t stand for.

You can leave at any time. Or you can choose to discuss/debate in good faith and defend your positions without all the fuckery. Clearly, it’s important to you to continue to engage on this site. I understand that; I enjoy it as well. I miss having more time to comment even though I still read all the threads. If it’s important to you, get your head out of your ass, think before you post, and stop approaching every issue from the “but I want a girl to have sex with me” position of a whiny-ass titty baby.

You say you’re smart?

Don’t conflate women who like the Twilight series with gamers who resent Lara Croft.

13 years ago

And even if you eventually said the words “I’m sorry.” after trying at length to weasel out without apologizing, you’ve blown your credibility at this point.

13 years ago

MRAL: Further proof that you’re a fucking asshole. I apologized for using the term “elitist bitches”, that one single time, and that should be enough. I’m done discussing it. Other than that, I’ve been nothing but patient in the face of dozens of assholes calling me dozens of names, and I understand that I have a history but now that said assholes are starting to speculate about my “abusive personality”, when it is in fact me who is being abused, because of what I’m saying NOW (ie, disagreeing and then being dogpiled), well that’s something I won’t stand for.

No, he’s not being a fucking asshole.

No, you didn’t calling women bitches, or elitist, or, “Her Holy Highness” only once.

No, you didn’t really apologise for doing it.

No, you haven’t stopped doing it.

The comparison to your behavior, and that of the abuser, is; though I am sure painful, apt. You said you had been hurting people; you even admitted you were being hurtful on purpose. That’s one thing.

But you have, so far as I can see, not actually be doing anything to change the ways in which you act. You aren’t even being more honest about it. Now when you say something asshattish you say, “I was posting without thinking”.

That doesn’t make it better. What it means is you don’t give enough of a shit about other people to think about what you are doing.

If the problem is you hit send before you have taken the time to look at what you’ve written… then take a minute and look at what you are doing. Type your comments in “Word”, or something, and the read them before you copy them to the comment box.

That, or sleep in the bed you keep making.

13 years ago

And really MRAL the fact that you keep trying to worm your way back in and pretend you’re everyone’s pal after it’s made abundantly clear that no one has any reason to trust you is offensive to me in and of itself. If you had any decency or respect you’d walk away.

13 years ago

HEY MRAL, you have a high IQ, so figure some shit out. If you feel belittled, why not leave?

13 years ago

I’m not calling you a fucking asshole because of what you’re saying now. I’m calling you a fucking asshole because you’re still here. That’s a dick move. Stick your flounce. You deserve to be called an asshole, even if what you’re saying is that we’re all wonderful and right and perfect. Because you are one.

13 years ago

Your behavior is following a classic abuse script, MRAL. The fact that you feel like you’re the one being abused is actually a fairly predictable part of that script. You think we didn’t all realize that you’d respond exactly the way you have?

You still haven’t actually apologized, by the way, as others have pointed out. Instead you’ve started throwing out similar stuff in other threads (the problem with Twihards is that some of them are fat? Really? And we’re supposed to overlook your saying that because it slipped past your “filters”?)

This is not about a difference in opinion. Zhinxy is an anarchist libertarian, and I’m a union-loving former communist, and notice how she and I don’t rage at each other? It’s because we’re both decent people, and we have a history of being decent to each other. You have shown no signs of being a decent person, and a lot of signs of not being one, and you have a history of being a sexist jerk to the women on this blog.

The problem you’re facing here is that everyone has seen past your “filters” to the person underneath, and we don’t like him.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

So now that fact that I think I’m being abused means that I’m an abuser. Fuck you. I’m not buying into your emotionally manipulative shit any more. You can go to hell, frankly. I’m tired of being talked to like that. I am a person with feelings, and you cannot compare my previous behavior to this situation because I was just one person trolling, not a horde of self-righteous douchebags who think they have the fucking right to sit around and calmly psychoanalyze me and talk about what a horrible person I am.

By the way, up until the past few posts I haven’t been raging at anyone, it’s been you and a bunch of other people engaged in a unilateral flame war.

13 years ago

I’m not going anywhere, kiddo, and I’m not remotely interested in your feelings any more. If and when you can learn to behave with respect for women’s feelings, then perhaps that policy will change.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

MRAL, whether you apologized or not, it’s clear you’re not sorry.

And you have some shit to be sorry for. Words that are “trolled” are just as loud and just as real as words that are “said,” and you said heinous shit to people.

And you’re really never going to make up for that. Maybe not even if you were sorry. But it’s a moot point because you’re not–you’re not even pretending to be. All you’re pretending is that an apology is a magic trump card that makes people obligated to not just forgive you but like you.

Which we don’t.

Go join a Radiohead forum or something, don’t call any of them elitist fucks or say that they were lying about being raped (not “say it then apologize,” I mean don’t say it in the first place, it’s not so hard), and maybe they’ll be your pal. This is just not a good place for you to find pals.

Fuck, even if you’d never said all that heinous shit, it still wouldn’t be a good place for you to find pals. You and most of the commenters here don’t have much in common, to put it lightly.

It’s a big Internet and a bigger world. Stop putting all this effort and emotion into a tiny handful of people who will never be your pals.

13 years ago

So, telling you you’ve been treating people like shit and it’s caused them to not like you is emotionally manipulative? Bullshit. It’s the fucking truth is what it is. That you can’t accept that is your own problem.

13 years ago

As someone who’s made sympathetic posts about MRAL in the past, I have to say that I’ve been firmly aligned with the majority view over the past week.

MRAL, if you really genuinely can’t see what a humungously insensitive asshole you’ve been in recent days, you need to step back, chill out, and re-read the posts that triggered these allegedly abusive pile-ons. People weren’t piling on you because they’re bullies who feel like victimizing you just for laughs, they were piling on you because you wrote some indefensibly stupid shit (comparing pregnancy to being able to pee in an arc, for instance), and got all huffy when you were rightly called out on it.

Having a minority view is fine (I’m also in the “disagree personally with Zhinxy’s political views but respect that they’re legitimate and well articulated” camp). Strongly disagreeing with people is fine – in fact, this is the sort of thing that keeps forums like this lively and entertaining: echo chambers are deadly dull. But what’s not fine is writing ignorant, calculatedly offensive posts that look suspiciously like trolling and then get all whiny and defensive when they’re greeted with the ridicule that they deserve.

I’ve been hanging out in online forums for 16-17 years now, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get cut quite so much slack as you’ve been. So don’t give me the “waaah, why is everyone being nasty to me?” routine: I’ve heard it many many times before and rarely with as little justification.

13 years ago

“So now that fact that I think I’m being abused means that I’m an abuser.”
No. But saying you’re abused doesn’t mean you’re not an abuser, since many abusers pretend to be the victim.

You get angry when women find some men not to their taste, you get angry when people don’t like the same music as you,… You see personal attacks when people are not even talking or thinking about you. You’re entitled and react irrationally.

More than the names calling (though it’s telling that you never gave up your misspellings of ‘women’) and trolling, the problem is that you seem to genuinely not understand what’s wrong with your behavior.

So It doesn’t matter that you apologized a bit, because:
– people have the right to refuse the apology. You acted badly, sometimes with the intent to hurt, sometimes out of cluelessness, and nobody has to forgive you.
– your behavior changed, since your renouncement to trolling, but you kept getting angry and being insulting. Even if we had just met you three weeks ago, you would have very negative reactions here.
– you don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if you say “I’m sorry” if you don’t understand why people are angry at you.

13 years ago

I’m a union-loving former communist

Are you my long-lost twin?

MRAL, your “reformation” has been a flop. Time to move on.

13 years ago

@ hellkell

I wonder if the significant others would have a similar moment of “wow, this is spooky!” if we introduced them?

The problem with MRAL’s attempt at reform, fundamentally, is that he still seems to believe that he has the right to lash out at women in nasty ways any time something they do or say makes him feel insecure. He either doesn’t understand that “arrogant elitist bitches who sneer at any man who dares to touch their robes!” is not a normal or reasonable response to “I don’t think Russell Brand is all that hot/thanks for the chat but I’m going to go leave with that other guy over there now/any other expression of sexual preferences from a woman that I, MRAL, do not like”, or he knows that it’s irrational but thinks he should be allowed to say it anyway because it’s just so hard being a 19 year old virgin that we should cut him some slack if he feels the need to express his “opinion” that women having sexual agency is unfair to him and men like him.

Basically it reads as an attempt to get all the women here to shut up and not ever dare to say anything that reminds him that women do in fact have sexual preferences and agency, no matter how inconvenient that fact is for him, by making them feel guilty or like bad people for having said preferences and the ability to act on them. It’s an (admittedly inept) attempt at bullying women into either compliance or guilty silence, and I’m not willing to put up with it any more.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

People have come to the dual recognization that MRAL is a miserable pile of lies and jackassery (WHAT IS A MAN!?) and that HAMRA is at best ridiculously soft and seems to demand other people do all the heavy lifting for his or her strategy of niceness, in the same thread? This is kind of an excellent thread to read after the fact!

Also amuse: HAMRA pretending the MRM needs to be opposed. We don’ need to do anything about uninfluential, immature little shits, as a political movement. Individuals might do dangerous things, like Elam’s little Register-her toy, but the movement will never be an effective political movement.

12 years ago

Shaenon!!!! Shaenon wins the internet forever!!!!

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