The reviews are in! Man Boobz continues to confuse and enrage the Manospherians of the world. Over on MGTOWforums.com, Armageddon15 lays out this 2-point critique:
I went over to that pathetic excuse for a site to see what cherry picked articles they’ve been going through lately, and I have 2 things I’d like to bring up..
1. What the hell is it with that guy and animals? Posting pandas, cats, bears etc. Maybe he should post youtube videos about that full time instead of the shit he calls writing.
2. The comments on the articles are the most unorganized, random thing I’ve ever seen on a discussion board. I can’t even follow what the hell is going on. They go on tangents in every other comment in ways that don’t even relate to the original post. How do you even have a discussion over there? They got an end of the year troll award going on over there, but I don’t know how any troll has the patience to write on that site for any length of time without blowing his brains out.
Boogeyman is also bewildered by the comments here:
Yes, I’ve noticed he’ll get hundreds of comments from his hairy armpitted fans but only a small % have anything to do with the subject. His article will be about date rape and he’ll have 300 comments about coffee cake recipes and Lady Gaga’s fashion sense.
Huh. I think I missed that one. We did have one thread recently that suddenly veered off into a discussion of bra sizing. So there’s that.
But if what we’re doing here is causing so much consternation amongst the MGTOWers of the world, we clearly need to do more of it. And so, a video no MGTOWer can possibly rebut:
The rest of you: you know what to do!
lets see;
Coffee Cake: no
Pumpkin Bread: yes
Dont shave at all. Because my man dont care he is a nature loveing hippie type. I am a fat hairy feminist, also very blonde, also even more lazy.Body odor controled by washcloth. I am kinda a hippy too.
Bra size: 44H, let the awe begin
No pets, but I love yours!
Also I love to read the comments here. Once you find the start it usually makes sense. Until NWO shows up.
Only comment I have is that I can not keep up with 600 + comment threads so sometimes i skip some. Otherwise you all are perfect, keep on mocking.
I nominate ozy, bee, and blackbloc for Best Poe of the Year. Is January too soon?
“Holding doors for the elderly really just seems like common courtesy. You know, people who might actually have trouble getting through a door otherwise (say, with a walker).”
I know! I’m not sure why people there do a double take when I do that (generational steriotypes, steriotypes about younger people, gender steriotypes etc.,) but I’d be really ashamed of myself if I let the door close on an elderly person. I don’t care if I have to stand there for a few minutes, while they approach the door. It just seems completely boorish to let the door close on an elderly person, someone who’s carrying a lot of things, someone who’s using a walker or crutches, carring a baby, etc.
@gem- the shawl was undamaged save for being a bit pulled out of shape and re-block fixed that. I have no idea how he managed to move it across the room and into the hall without snagging the ever-loving hell out of it. Thanks for asking!
We have the neurotic cat and a big energetic Golden dog, so I tend not to knit the fancy lacy stuff. That would be just asking for trouble.
I hold doors. I thank people who hold a door for me. Okay, the guy who held the door then told me I’d lose my feminist card for letting him do so didn’t get a thank you. He got told I was assured of keeping my feminist card in good standing because I was FAMOUS for having no sense of humor about sexism. He didn’t get it.
I have always held the door open for other people when I get there first. I have often had the door held open for me by other people who got there first. Gender does not seem to factor in too much. It is just polite to open doors if you are there first.
I made it home safely for those who were interested in hearing that. Of course had the plane(s) crashed, you probably would have heard something by now.
I think you ladies are underestimating the awesome value of men opening doors for us. If it weren’t for chivalrous gentlemen, how would we ever be able to exit buildings or cars, or to move from room to room. Why, my own husband constantly minces in front of me at home, making sure any door in my path is open, so I may pass through. Without this invaluable service, I’d be like a pool ball, moving about the room aimlessly, randomly striking walls and objects, while wondering out loud why I can’t get to the kitchen.
Lolllll. I was amused 😛
@ A Lovely Squid
,blockquote>Yesterday I shaved my armpits AND made a cake. If that’s not confusing then I don’t know what is
If you want to branch out, might I suggest doing them both at the same time? You will find yourself confusing more than just MGTOWers:P
@ A Lovely Squid
If you want to branch out, might I suggest doing them both at the same time? You will find yourself confusing more than just MGTOWers 😛
I don’t think that’s sanitary… 🙁
Well… yes. But c’mon, a squid’s baking a cake and shaving it’s armpits!! I doubt anyone’s worried about sanitary because this is clearly THUNDERDOME!!
I think the problem is that MRA types *think* that they have an insightful, serious critique of society going on, and expect us to respond equally seriously. But really, we debunk the stupidity of the posts in the first couple of comments and then move on. To cake. And kittens. Cos seriously, there are just not enough conversations about cake and kittens in my day.
I went over these comments with a fine-tooth comb but alas… no coffee cake recipes.
Here ya go:
You’re welcome.
I shaved yesterday and made cinnamon buns today. Let the head spinning commence.
Also 36 J (because I am breastfeeding, usually H).