The reviews are in! Man Boobz continues to confuse and enrage the Manospherians of the world. Over on MGTOWforums.com, Armageddon15 lays out this 2-point critique:
I went over to that pathetic excuse for a site to see what cherry picked articles they’ve been going through lately, and I have 2 things I’d like to bring up..
1. What the hell is it with that guy and animals? Posting pandas, cats, bears etc. Maybe he should post youtube videos about that full time instead of the shit he calls writing.
2. The comments on the articles are the most unorganized, random thing I’ve ever seen on a discussion board. I can’t even follow what the hell is going on. They go on tangents in every other comment in ways that don’t even relate to the original post. How do you even have a discussion over there? They got an end of the year troll award going on over there, but I don’t know how any troll has the patience to write on that site for any length of time without blowing his brains out.
Boogeyman is also bewildered by the comments here:
Yes, I’ve noticed he’ll get hundreds of comments from his hairy armpitted fans but only a small % have anything to do with the subject. His article will be about date rape and he’ll have 300 comments about coffee cake recipes and Lady Gaga’s fashion sense.
Huh. I think I missed that one. We did have one thread recently that suddenly veered off into a discussion of bra sizing. So there’s that.
But if what we’re doing here is causing so much consternation amongst the MGTOWers of the world, we clearly need to do more of it. And so, a video no MGTOWer can possibly rebut:
The rest of you: you know what to do!
A few years ago, I read in forum that a guy had to shave is balls while he was with his girlfriend but he had forgotten his razor. His girlfriend told him to try the ‘Neet’ hair remover that she was using to shave her legs. The guy put some Neet on his balls and he started to feel an horrible burning sensation. He had to rub his balls during 3 or 4 hours under the shower until the burning sensation disappeared.
Also, I didn’t see this mentioned anywhere and I just wanted to bring it up — MRAs and privileged dudes everywhere loooove EvoPsych, right?
Then how do they explain their preference for shaved women? Didn’t we evolve to enjoy pubbs?
insert a bunch of dudes brainwashed by the porn industry spouting subjective bullshit about it “looking better”
Xardoz, I’m sure much like the radfems can twist electrolysis into a tool of the patriarchy, MRAs could find a way to say men are hardwired by biology to love porn and all its accoutrements.
“Men evolved to want the real world to be more like porn” isn’t very convincing to me, haha.
I’d say most MRA arguments aren’t convincing.
Oooh! Oooh! Let me try!
(Ozy puts on PUA hat) Porn is a superstimuli– the way that Skittles artificially stimulates our natural desire for sweetness, porn artificially stimulates our desire for hot young slender women. Similarly, shaving is also a superstimuli: women are naturally more hairless than men, so shaving off all your body hair emphasizes the soft femininity men find so intoxicating. (Ozy takes off PUA hat)
How’d I do?
Hey a post with a picture of me! 😀
It’s why I used the word “brainwashing” in my earlier post. Humans can be made to believe any fucked up thing.
It’s just so pathetic when MRAs make claims that gender differences are hardwired, and in the same screed they criticize women for not living up to modern anti-body fur propaganda.
Yep, they’re dumb.
Ozy, you are frightening when you put your PUA hat on! XD
When I was about 20 I decided not to shave anything for the entire summer, because it was a pain and I shouldn’t have to. I was not prepared for the judging and shaming I got, but overall the world didn’t end and it was fine.
I did go back to shaving, but I’m super-lazy about it and will let it go if I’m not going to be wearing something that exposes the armpits or legs. Ben expresses no opinion either way.
I do groom my eyebrows, and when I got pregnant I started to get chin hairs which I pluck as they appear. (If I let them grow I end up with the world’s tiniest goatee, which i can stroke meditatively.)
MRAL, use Nair if shaving is too difficult. Just don’t put it on your balls!
He can put it on his balls. I won’t mind.
@ Ozy, I didn’t know you had spots! 🙂
M Dubz: Spots?
bro, don’t make me take a picture of my ladyhairs. dainty as a sledgehammer
>>Then how do they explain their preference for shaved women? Didn’t we evolve to enjoy pubbs?
(EvoPsych Hat)
Heavy hair is a sign of high testosterone, which is a marker of masculinity and is naturally a turn off to men. Women with low amount of pubes are thus preferred, though evolution has yet to eliminate hair completely (because it is also a positive marker in men). Women, those devious beasts, have thus developped a trick to con men into dating them even if they are hairy. Shaved women are naturally preferred by men because they have less hair, but that is also a way in which inferior women con higher status men into giving them their sperm.
>>If you dig deep enough I’m sure you can find something in your life you can blame on the Rothschild family.
What’s annoying about the right-wing conspirationists’ issues with the Rothschild family is that it’s not baseless (like most large capital owners, they arrived at their position through a lot of shitty means), it’s just that they’re about as transparent about their real problem with them as people who claim they’re against fundamentalist religion but somehow end up always criticizing only Muslim mullahs while being on speaking terms with Jerry Falwell…
@ Ozy, that was directed at Ami, not you. LOOOOONG day.
(you can have spots too if you want)
Ah really, blackbloc?
(r/jailbait hat)
Men never liked pubes! Men always preferred no pubes, such as is found on adolescents and pre-pubescents. Therefore, it is only right and good and natural that we be allowed to explore relationships with unpubed women of all ages, since mature women, by rendering themselves unpubed through artificial means, are pretty much just admitting that they can’t compete with younger, hotter girls. We already knew that feminists’ jealousy was the only reason for any statutory rape laws, anyway.
@Bee- jeebus that was eerily accurate :/
(Ozy dances around)
(Someone informs Ozy that zebras have stripes)
You can have both! Like a tortoiseshell bunnycat of beauty and awesome!
… M Dubz misses her former roomie’s tortie, haz a sad
My fellow Manboobz comrades!!!
MRAs have made a theme song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHslWTN1zsE&feature=youtu.be&a
We must counterattack with one of our own xD I’ve seen some of you guys write some sweet poetry, so get on it post haste!
Straight from the nightmares of the MRM, I present
huh, didn’t realise there are two versions. This beat is much better, less autotuney