The reviews are in! Man Boobz continues to confuse and enrage the Manospherians of the world. Over on MGTOWforums.com, Armageddon15 lays out this 2-point critique:
I went over to that pathetic excuse for a site to see what cherry picked articles they’ve been going through lately, and I have 2 things I’d like to bring up..
1. What the hell is it with that guy and animals? Posting pandas, cats, bears etc. Maybe he should post youtube videos about that full time instead of the shit he calls writing.
2. The comments on the articles are the most unorganized, random thing I’ve ever seen on a discussion board. I can’t even follow what the hell is going on. They go on tangents in every other comment in ways that don’t even relate to the original post. How do you even have a discussion over there? They got an end of the year troll award going on over there, but I don’t know how any troll has the patience to write on that site for any length of time without blowing his brains out.
Boogeyman is also bewildered by the comments here:
Yes, I’ve noticed he’ll get hundreds of comments from his hairy armpitted fans but only a small % have anything to do with the subject. His article will be about date rape and he’ll have 300 comments about coffee cake recipes and Lady Gaga’s fashion sense.
Huh. I think I missed that one. We did have one thread recently that suddenly veered off into a discussion of bra sizing. So there’s that.
But if what we’re doing here is causing so much consternation amongst the MGTOWers of the world, we clearly need to do more of it. And so, a video no MGTOWer can possibly rebut:
The rest of you: you know what to do!
I have nearly perfected human poundcake technology, but am not there yet 🙁
I have to abound with JohnnyBB’s muslim friends: for me, shaving my armpits really improves the smellyness/dampness problem in the summer. I usually let it grow in the winter. Apart from that and the occasional trim in the crotch region (I like oral, natch, so the minimal level of politeness is making sure it’s fun for my partners as well), my skull and my facial hair, I don’t really shave. Even then, I maintain a beard, so the facial shaving is for definition rather than to get rid of it entirely.
I shaved my legs once. Blood everywhere.
Sucks. That’s another reason I go easy on leg-shaving. My blood doesn’t clot as fast as a normal person’s (1 in 100 people have this issue), so a tiny nick for me results in bleeding for two hours at minimum. If I were a guy and had to shave my face for work, I would be fucked, right and proper. Or, more likely, show up to the office with a beard made of toilet-paper squares.
“I shaved my legs once. Blood everywhere.”
You were probably doing it wrong O.o
I shave the pits and legs. I have keratosis pilaris, so I’m also plagued with ingrown leg hairs, shaving or not. so I honestly dream of laser or electrolysis to ban the leg hair once and for all – patriachy helps with this desire, sure but not nearly as much as dermatilogical condition. But a radfem can probably work that in awsomely 😉
I have a six-inch scar on my leg from shaving my legs!
But I have thick manhair, so it’s different. The wimminz with dainty ladyhair should shave it.
I had my stomach and upper pube area shaved when I had my appendix out recently (I know, TMI, but we’re talking about shaving). So far, no itching on regrowth. The guy who shaved me said they leave a tiny bit of stubble when shaving for surgery, and this apparently helps with the itch.
Why do kittens love baby deer????
MRAL, if you don’t want use the word wimminz or derivative and don’t tell women how they must treat their own body.
Also, you can use cream. Virtually zero risk of accident.
I love how their biggest problem is not how the articles so grossly misrepresent the manosphere (it doesn’t) but because you like cute animals and the comments go all over the place.
They really don’t seem to comprehend the fact that they are outrageous, yes, but repetitively so. How many times can we take down their concept of feminism, or debunk their terrible views on rape or the sexual marketplace, or assert that no, really, women really ARE human before you just throw up your hands and start talking about more interesting things kittens and bra sizes? I mean, what do they expect?
Gonna slap a giant Fuck Yea to this. It’s a rare day that I bother to shave my legs (I have really fine leg hair) and in the winter I’ll go a couple days between shaving the armpits. I fully admit that today I’m kinda pushin’ it.
If I could afford it, I’d totally do hair removal on my armpits. Call me a bad feminist, but I really do not like hairy armpits (on myself or on men, but really everyone can do whatever the fuck they want with their body hair).
*if you don’t want us to think you’re trolling, don’t use the word wimminz
I’m off to sleep.
Pretty-please tell me you’re being sarcastic?
It’s fortunate that women have evolved without shin bones, because otherwise I might have scalped myself right up them, taking off a strip of skin about six inches long. And that would have been unfortunate and messy, also slow to heal.
“Why do kittens love baby deer????”
I think they’re using their power of cuteness on each other.
I don’t like my legs shaved. It feel.too smooth, more plastic than flesh. And the cloth on the leg feel too damn weird. So until and unless boyfriend communicate that it bother him, and unless I wear an evening dress (once, twice a year) I keep my fur.
But I have thick manhair, so it’s different. The wimminz with dainty ladyhair should shave it.
Weren’t you complaining previously that no one treated you with respect? It goes both ways. Thanks for the reply, though. It shows me that I shouldn’t bother responding to anything you say as if you were a regular person capable of discussing anything without resorting to insults.
But a radfem can probably work that in awsomely
I’ve seen them skewer women who wanted to use electrolosis to remove facial hair that resulted from PCOS, so yeah, they can and have. It’s almost like no matter what we do, we’re unacceptably feminist. Very MRA-ish, in a way, except there, we’re unacceptably feminine.
Unhappy people are unhappy, and what better way to express your unhappiness than to get in a snit about how others live their lives?
@MRAL: I thought you were leaving us, to wild celebration.
Since you’re back: stop talking about wimminz unless you’re also talking about menz (parallel usage please), and fucking realize that lots of women have much thicker bodyhair than some men–read the fucking thread and see what people have said.
And the whole point of feminism is “menz” don’t get to sit on their asses and tell “womenz” what to do. We get to tell you to shut the fuck up and ignore you and do whatever the hell we want.
Why do trolls bother to announce they’re leaving when they keep.coming.back.
MRAL, no one here gives a single fuck for what you think on this or any other subject. Isn’t it past your bedtime?
And that’s probably all the attention he should get since he commented once and got no reaction, so he decided to step up his game (as if he’s capable of that) and got roundly told to fuck off. He thrives on negative attention.
I like body hair, even when it’s a little smelly. It traps pheromones, don’tcha know. Maybe this is just a sick fetish I have. I love feminism because it’s accepting of “perverts” like me. 🙂
While I’m on the topic, it’s clear that at least 90% of MRA/MGCOWs have subjugation fetishes. They need to understand that while most women don’t like being chained to a stove, some are kinky enough to enjoy it. Just become Goreans and leave the feminists alone, dipshits. 😉
Kyrie said:
If you dig deep enough I’m sure you can find something in your life you can blame on the Rothschild family. TAKE THE RED PILL.
@ Ozy:
“My parents think I’m refusing to shave because I’m a feminist. My girlfriend thinks I’m refusing to shave because I’m genderqueer. Actually I’m refusing to shave because I’m fucking lazy.”
Fuck yeah! I love feminism because it lets us female-bodied people be fuckin’ lazy about our appearance if we want to. I tend to shave where you can see the hair (pits and calves) because I am an Ashkenazi Jew and we are hairy like beasts, even the women, but I almost never wear makeup or do anything interesting with my hair, because I am lazy.
Regarding the OP, the reason I hang around here and comment so much (relative to the other blogs I read regularly) is because it’s so conversational. Often, after a long day of work, I don’t have the energy to opine at length about any particular feminist topic. I appreciate being able to snark, post funny videos, and swear at trolls. It’s fun!
… I don’t think the MRAs understand the concept of fun.
Ok, so here’s an off-topic hated subject because I’m not talking about men, but has anyone ever traveled to Ireland? I’m going in the spring and I was wondering if they have soap and shampoo in the hotels or should I bring my own?
But I have thick manhair, so it’s different. The wimminz with dainty ladyhair should shave it.
Incidentally, when I was dating online, the single most useful question I found anywhere was the one on OKCupid (where you can fill in a bunch of questions on various subjects and the site will try to match you with people who have similar answers) that asked, “Are women obligated to shave their legs?”
I said “no,” and in the comment field, I wrote, “‘obligated’ to whom? They’re MY legs!”
And then I learned, through much field research, that men who answered that question with a yes – as in, ladyfolks are “obligated” to shave their legs – were men with whom I would most likely NOT want a second date. Or, in many cases, a first date.