The reviews are in! Man Boobz continues to confuse and enrage the Manospherians of the world. Over on MGTOWforums.com, Armageddon15 lays out this 2-point critique:
I went over to that pathetic excuse for a site to see what cherry picked articles they’ve been going through lately, and I have 2 things I’d like to bring up..
1. What the hell is it with that guy and animals? Posting pandas, cats, bears etc. Maybe he should post youtube videos about that full time instead of the shit he calls writing.
2. The comments on the articles are the most unorganized, random thing I’ve ever seen on a discussion board. I can’t even follow what the hell is going on. They go on tangents in every other comment in ways that don’t even relate to the original post. How do you even have a discussion over there? They got an end of the year troll award going on over there, but I don’t know how any troll has the patience to write on that site for any length of time without blowing his brains out.
Boogeyman is also bewildered by the comments here:
Yes, I’ve noticed he’ll get hundreds of comments from his hairy armpitted fans but only a small % have anything to do with the subject. His article will be about date rape and he’ll have 300 comments about coffee cake recipes and Lady Gaga’s fashion sense.
Huh. I think I missed that one. We did have one thread recently that suddenly veered off into a discussion of bra sizing. So there’s that.
But if what we’re doing here is causing so much consternation amongst the MGTOWers of the world, we clearly need to do more of it. And so, a video no MGTOWer can possibly rebut:
The rest of you: you know what to do!
I do the exact opposite! Since upward tends to be a little rougher on the skin I try to get as much I can off by first going with the grain, so to speak.
And the kitty videos are like MRA bullshit antidotes. They remind that not everything in the world is horrible. Seriously, after reading the MRA crap it’s like a pleasant brainwash. I’m quite grateful for them, really. Thanks David! You’ve saved me from MRA induced PTSD!
I get my underarms, and my legs up to the knees. I have tattoos on both legs that I like to show off.
Coffee cake is nice, but I prefer cider cake.
I’ve never been to Stonehenge, but I got to see Avebury a few years ago and WOW! Plus the little tourist restaurant was completely vegetarian, which was really nice.
Proof, in case anyone needed it, that Men Going Their Own Way hate fun.
Personally, I don’t shave anything (‘cept my face), but I do like to keep some things trimmed.
I’ve found the best thing for shaving is the men’s five blade razors. They’re cheaper and seem to cause less irritation.
I don’t shave anything. But I’m a dude, so that’s allowed.
When I was in elementary school I tried to make coffee cake (from an American Girls recipe book, actually– it was Molly’s Coffee Cake) and made it upside-down by accident so all the topping stuck to the pan.
I love Lady Gaga and her fashion sense and wish to adopt it into my own life.
I know it’s been covered here before, but the accusations of cherry-picking are especially amusing to me since David posts a new entry pretty much every day, and usually from more than one person. If there’s enough source material for that much new content, either there are lots of extreme examples of MRAs out there, or MRAism is a philosophy that attracts a lot of extremists. Imagine that!
As for shaving, I must be a bad feminist, beause I LOVE the feeling of freshly shaved arms/legs/pits/genitals. I will turn in my Cupcake Card and my Gynocracy key fob to the nearest reeducation center at my earliest convenience.
I certainly shave my pits, as has been pointed out: hair is a sweat and smell trap and I’m a pretty physically active woman. Also I should point out I know a number of men who shave there as well for the same reason. I have pretty fine blond hairs on my legs that are pretty much invisible so I don’t shave them until they itch or my boyfriend complains that he misses the feel of smooth legs (all other hair removal I go with waxing).
I have all the body hair growth of a 10 year old Japanese boy. This used to bug me during my teenage tough guy phase, but now I appreciate it for the convenience. Women can stay jelly.
I don’t think it counts as cherry-picking if the thing you’re picking from is just one large cherry…
A Cherry of Hatred. Closely allied with the Prune of Ignorance.
I don’t shave my legs because I never quite understood why I had to (I was basically shamed into doing it by other kids when I was 10 or so) and also because I am probably the only person on earth who hates the feel of my legs being smooth. Feels like clammy, cold, plucked chicken skin to me, and I can’t stand it. I also don’t like my pants directly touching my skin like that, so I tend to avoid doing it as much as possible. I am fuzzy as all hell (like, fluffy and cloud-like levels of leg hair here) and it’s really obvious despite my being light haired, so I tend not to ever show my legs because I don’t want to get shit for it. I’ve never understood the people who claim that women/FAABs who don’t shave are “shoving it in people’s faces” and “just want attention” or whatever. No, we don’t want your attention!! It’s hurtful and mean ):
My armpits get too dry and burny if I shave them, but I don’t like it long because like some of you guys I am smelly, so every so often (about once a week) I do some contortionist business with a long pair of scissors and trim it down to about 1cm or so. Basically the smallest point where it is still soft and not prickly. I do something similar with my pubes.
I would also be totally temped to grow a goatee if I could. I glued some hair to my face for a cross-dressing dance once and it really does suit me. Gives me sort of a grungy-rocker look. Alas, I can’t, but then again I wouldn’t really want to deal with facial hair so I guess it’s for the best.
I’m a dude, and shave only my face. Though, I remember having a conversation with one of the guys I do judo with. He’s a muslim from Azerbaijan (so there may be cultural factors at play), and he thought it was weird that I (and other American men) don’t shave their armpits. He exhorted me to try it some time. He swore it was more sanitary and that you’d smell less. I still haven’t tried it.
I’ve trimmed my lower body hair before and it made me itch, so I never did it again.
As to comment threads. I usually check out after about 600.
I started trimming my armpit hair a little while ago to prevent it from tangling. Workin’ out pretty well so far.
My parents think I’m refusing to shave because I’m a feminist. My girlfriend thinks I’m refusing to shave because I’m genderqueer. Actually I’m refusing to shave because I’m fucking lazy.
Re: the ongoing cherry picking accusation.
Hasn’t this issue been dealt with at length before–if Trollz think David is picking only the worst/extremist stuff, then LINK TO STUFF THAT ISN’T.
There are challenges–on the forum, in a public space–and in past blog entries.
And NONE of the dudez who tried have ever managed to show sites that make arguments for men’s rights WITHOUT TRASHING FEMINISTS/WOMEN.
Can anyone point me to the bra-sizing thread? I’m sad to have missed that one.
As for shaving, I shave my armpits because sometimes I forget to put on deodorant in the mornings and keeping my armpits clean and bare means I don’t end up bothering my fellow train passengers. I shave my legs about three times a year, because no one I’ve ever dated, male or female, has cared either way. My leg hair is fairly thick and dark (go Mediterranean heritage!) so I sometimes I’ll shave my legs if I’m going to be wearing a skirt without tights. But these days I don’t always even bother with that, because eh, who cares?
Anyway, I enjoy this site a lot, though I can’t take that exposure to MRA-ness more than about once a month. But I’m glad this site exists, and I enjoy my visits!
I can help with random derails by posting a photo of my newly adopted guinea pig, or pix of the bunnies & original pig. Or coffee cake recipes. Boy, do I miss the old Entenmann’s coffee cakes of my East Coast youth. Mmmmmmm…
Go Ozy! The laziness reason is the best reason.
Screw shaving, it gets you into a horrible spiral of shaving where you have to shave again and again in order to avoid the itchy and/or pokey regrowing phase. If you let the hair grow out a bit it is not scratchy. I have much better things to do with my time than shave all the freaking time just to meet the expectations of people who 1) will not notice and 2) will think I am ugly anyway. For instance, I can watch Lady Gaga parody videos with cartoon ponies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7-MJRX-OU8
“Much as I love your blog, I do have to de-lurk briefly to say I agree about the random nature of the comments! The randomness of the discussions frequently seemed so wierd I gave up trying to follow them months back. Other than that, keep up the good work!”
I guess it can be confusing if you haven’t been following from the beginning, since often times a topic will come up in the first few comments and then go on from there for pages. But I think whatever that initial topic is usually stays in focus.
Yes, do it, DO. IT. DO IT NOW.
Also, please tell of the name of the piggy and squeakdorable details about how xie hops and chirps and stuff. Thank you.
Those things were the bomb. Tastycakes were pretty good too.
Well, as some commenters said above the MGTOWer’s are just pissed that we don’t think about them all day……wait, what were we talking about? Cake, right. Ok.
Kyrie, not at all.
Loneliness is unfortunate, but one could be lonely and not allow themselves to fester in a pile of their own hate infected feces.
Everybody gets lonely, myself included, and still manage to be relatively decent human beings. What I meant when I said they have no lives, is that they are obsessive to the point that they seem to have no other interests outside of that obsession. You ask them what makes them happy, and all they do is spew more nonsense.
I shaved my legs once. Blood everywhere.
Well yes, the comments ARE random. David says as much right here on this blog, for people who passed third-grade reading class and take the time to click!
Every blog has a different commenting policy, style, and feel. If I want to talk about how everything is a construction of patriarchy, I’ll head on over to certain rad-fem blogs, where my style results in a few women getting offended because we don’t do or enjoy exactly the same things. I would never discuss shaving there, because the prevailing sentiment is “Shaving is bad, and submission to the patriarchy, and anyone who does it is allowing horrible gay men in Hollywood to dictate how they live.” This blog is much more “live and let live.”
As for shaving, I must be a bad feminist, beause I LOVE the feeling of freshly shaved arms/legs/pits/genitals. I will turn in my Cupcake Card and my Gynocracy key fob to the nearest reeducation center at my earliest convenience.
Yeah, I’ve felt the same. But you know, whatever anyone wants to do is fine by me, too. I’m an Italian woman with fair coloring, so while the hair isn’t dark, there’s a lot of it, and frankly, I don’t like the feel or smell of grown-out pubes or pits (Italians sweat more). Before I even saw 90s “hair-free” porn (online or magazine), I was trimming the pubes and plucking the pits for this very reason. In the winter, though I don’t bother very much with leg-hair removal, as mine is light and pretty sparse, especially for my heritage. In the summer, I shave 2-3 times a week. Any more, and it’s Razorburn City.
My guy is pure Nordic lineage, with white-blonde hair, and barely any body hair, and he shaves everything but his legs, daily. He just hates body hair.
I just realized that the only time I think about whether shaving makes me a bad woman or a good woman or a proper feminist or a brainwashed tool of the patriarchy is on certain feminist blogs. And usually, I think to myself, “Wow, if we could get past the body hair issue and all adopt more of a ‘live and let live’ attitude, we could get a lot more done.”