The reviews are in! Man Boobz continues to confuse and enrage the Manospherians of the world. Over on MGTOWforums.com, Armageddon15 lays out this 2-point critique:
I went over to that pathetic excuse for a site to see what cherry picked articles they’ve been going through lately, and I have 2 things I’d like to bring up..
1. What the hell is it with that guy and animals? Posting pandas, cats, bears etc. Maybe he should post youtube videos about that full time instead of the shit he calls writing.
2. The comments on the articles are the most unorganized, random thing I’ve ever seen on a discussion board. I can’t even follow what the hell is going on. They go on tangents in every other comment in ways that don’t even relate to the original post. How do you even have a discussion over there? They got an end of the year troll award going on over there, but I don’t know how any troll has the patience to write on that site for any length of time without blowing his brains out.
Boogeyman is also bewildered by the comments here:
Yes, I’ve noticed he’ll get hundreds of comments from his hairy armpitted fans but only a small % have anything to do with the subject. His article will be about date rape and he’ll have 300 comments about coffee cake recipes and Lady Gaga’s fashion sense.
Huh. I think I missed that one. We did have one thread recently that suddenly veered off into a discussion of bra sizing. So there’s that.
But if what we’re doing here is causing so much consternation amongst the MGTOWers of the world, we clearly need to do more of it. And so, a video no MGTOWer can possibly rebut:
The rest of you: you know what to do!
But then again, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Also: Kitty!
I like the feel of shaved legs, especially when wearing fuzzy pajama bottoms or a gentle wind on a hot summer day.
Pits? Always shaved. Itchy and uncomfortable when not shaved.
My husband shaves his pits too. He says it has something to do with his deodorant working better.
I read the title and thought you were being tongue-in-cheek! Clearly not.
and the corollary MGTOW/NWO lesson, never underestimate the power of stupidity in people
It took me a while to get the hang of how the comment page laid out – go back to the oldest comments, etc. For a while, I was thinking that the commenters started random conversations, then I thought that the comments from the previous post were up there, then I actually RTFM (so to speak), and worked out how to navigate the site. If a girrrrrrrrl can do it, then the MRAs shouldn’t have such a problem, right?
(Long-time lurker, first time commenter. Love the blog. I keep it on my blogroll.)
No so weird, considering that’s very close of what Joanna said: it gets itchy when it grows back.
Now I feel dumb… I thought it might be an other name for tiramisu.
“I can’t eat coffee cake. Not without developing a rash and barfing. I have truly Gone My Own Way … from coffee cake”
You need to remind us every few minutes how you’ve decided to stop eating coffee cake, spend every post talking about how vile and disgusting coffee cake is and how you can’t imagine why anyone in their right mind would eat it.
Behold the mighty kitten, for it hath the power to bewilder the Manospherians!
Also, an off topic discussion on body hair.
Incidentally, I’ve never had much itching — at least that I’m aware of — from shaving my legs, arms, or pits, or the hair thereof growing back….given how many here have reported that they do, I have to wonder what’s wrong with me? =P
This is why I come to this site- MRA nonsense gets mocked, there are sometimes cute animals or atrocious vintage ads and at some point the commentariat will find a topic sparks one or more other conversations.
I think the reason the guys David quoted are confused it they rarely have, you know, actual human conversations online. They lecture, they rant, they discuss specific topics. This rambling but connected ongoing conversation (hey, PfkaE, have a safe trip home!) is beyond them.
I was reading a blog post the other day about empowerment (specifically, the discourse over whether certain sexual acts are or are not “empowering,” and how this misses the point of what empowerment is), and the author pointed out that acting in opposition to something is not a sign of independence or freedom. Doing something just because you’re told not to leaves you just as trapped as doing something because you’re told to; you’re still letting your actions be dictated by someone else.
And this is the problem with MGTOW. We talk about coffee cake (no worries Kyrie, I just had that conversation with someone else recently, it’s a common mistake!) and shaving and bras because while we respond to the manosphere, we are not ruled by it, even in opposition. Our lives don’t revolve around it; we are independent of it. Whereas a lot of these guys, despite stridently and repeatedly declaring how free they are of the awful wimmenz, define themselves in opposition, and are therefore not actually independent or going their own way at all. They spend more time and energy thinking about women and feminism than even the most pussy-whipped of manginas.
Thanks! I was able to upgrade for less on the longest flight which means my second bag is covered on both. Yay me! Plus this means I get decent food and can almost lie down. England was so so but I do think Stonehenge is the most awesome historical landmark of all time.
It is the do not miss one if you are in England, even if it means driving miles out of your way.
I shave my pits because (MRAs can take their vindication here I guess) I have really smelly sweat and hairy parts are kind of stench traps. Ditto for pubes.
I don’t shave my legs, but they don’t grow much hair. You can’t tell they’re hairy at all from a distance.
I kind of wish I could grow a beard (like, a nice dapper professor-beard) but I do not.
Now you know way more than you ever wanted about my body hair.
“And this is the problem with MGTOW. We talk about coffee cake (no worries Kyrie, I just had that conversation with someone else recently, it’s a common mistake!) and shaving and bras because while we respond to the manosphere, we are not ruled by it, even in opposition.”
This is an amazing point! The people on this site can mock, discuss, and then go on with their lives because they have lives. The MRA’s seem to be so immersed in their shared ideology that it becomes their entire lives. while feminism seeks to point out and find solutions to gender inequality in every day life, the MRA’s that I’ve encountered seem less dynamic about their ideology. It’s something in which they fester.
Since were sharing body hair secrets, I’m not ashamed to say if I could grow facial hair, I would rock that shit! I would get one of those long goatees that I could dye and braid. But I don’t see the point of shaving in the winter, either, unless I’m with someone. It feels nice to shave, but sometimes it’s just pointless.
For those keeping score, discussion of shaving is *on topic* in this thread.
I don’t shave anything. But then again I’m a dude.
@Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
That seems to be changing as far as pubes go actually, especially in the bar/club one night stand scene. And even armpit hair is being trimmed much more commonly with the increase in popularity of muscle shirts
I hardly have any hair, facial or otherwise. I get some facial growth if I don’t shave for a few days but even then it never resembles a beard–it always looks like I’ve just shaved off a beard but did a really shitty job. But since I have a really small face, I think a beard would just look weird anyway.
Discombobulating misogynists, YAY!
Organic, chaotic, fractal, multi-level discussions: YAYAYAYAYAY!
Even a dude named Armageddon cannot fathom NWO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
My true loves are Cyndi Lauper and Melissa Ethridge and K.D. Lang, so I am not getting the Gaga love (not that I’ve really seen that much of her, and what I see seemed so ripped off of Madaonna than I went meh).
Obligatory comment to MRA Trollz who don’t get it: the reason that the women on this site are not lock stepped razoring or NOT is because feminism is about choice, and pushing back against the demand that all women do X. This results in women trying different things and doing what is best for them–like some others, I tried not shaving, but the itchiness and some other issues bugged me too much (I’m prepared to think the reasons are both my age and my personal inclinations), so I continue shaving, more pits, less legs and never pubes.
See–choice, and what we want, not what YOU ALL think we should want.
Simple, really, if you have a few functioning brain cells.
I guess I mostly shave my legs for my boyfriend cos it’s not nice having to sleep next to a pair of cacti.
Especially the Underhenge originally built to house the Pandorica…
Anyway, back on-topic, my girlfriend and I have a femme/tomboy thing going, so I shave legs and trim underarms pretty much all the time, whereas she tends to let everything grow until the point where she wants to wear a 3/4 length dress or one which shows off shoulders, which is when she’ll usually ask me to do her shins/calves/underarms. I hate doing my knees and underarms — it’s awkward and some bit always wants to come out in a rash.
I find shaving underarms rather tricky for me. I never seem to get everything, and tend to get ingrown hairs, so the solution for me is to shave upward, then downward, then upward again. Nice and clean!
Also, that bit where feminism is about treating people like people, and not like stereotypes. And people have conversations. About stuff. With, like, varied opinions and whatnot.
Operation Obtain Myself Some Coffee Cake: failed. But I got Pepsi with actual sugar in it, which is turning out to be a pretty tasty consolation prize. 🙂
My pits are generally the least horrible part to shave–a few swipes and as long as it’s a few hours til applying deodorant, I’m clear. (Addition of deodorant = BURNINNNNNGGGG) Pubes I don’t touch except to trim as close as it’ll go every few months, because shaving means fire ants attack my crotch for … a couple weeks. And this isn’t just “pubes” but “anything in the realm that is owned by pubes,” so anything upper-thigh causes this reaction too.
Leg hair doesn’t itch or anything, but if I wet-shave I get cuts everywhere and if I dry-shave I get razor burn like you wouldn’t believe. For the next day or two, if I shower or otherwise get them wet, it burns like I just took a bath in jalapeno juice. I live with a bunch of guys and A.) they’re all hairy and walk around in shorts-only, B.) they shouldn’t be looking at my legs anyway. My leg hair is very light and fine, so it’s usually not visible unless … unless … I ever decide to go 2 years without shaving again. We don’t have winter, so it’s a matter of “don’t need to/can’t be bothered” more than anything.
Oh hair. I’m a sasquatch, and after college I stopped even really caring. I shave my arm pits only when I’m spending time with my in-laws and know I’ll be wearing something that show my pits, and my legs for special occasions.
Hell, I’m hairy enough to need to have to shave my face. Much to my mother’s irritation, I insist on using an Art of Shaving set instead of waxing or depillating my face. I have to do it more often, but it’s less of a hassle.
“This is an amazing point! The people on this site can mock, discuss, and then go on with their lives because they have lives.”
Well, for many I guess it’s true but it sound a bit like loneliness-shaming, doesn’t it? I have had much of a life these past weeks, except for class, boyfriend and counting dark thoughts. Which is actually part of why I appreciate this blog: the mockery of stupidity and hatred, the kittens and the conversation all bring me smiles.
But then again I don’t think the main problems in my life are due to an evil conspiracy.
So the objections to David are a) the pictures and b) the comments? Not even trying to criticize the posts?