The reviews are in! Man Boobz continues to confuse and enrage the Manospherians of the world. Over on MGTOWforums.com, Armageddon15 lays out this 2-point critique:
I went over to that pathetic excuse for a site to see what cherry picked articles they’ve been going through lately, and I have 2 things I’d like to bring up..
1. What the hell is it with that guy and animals? Posting pandas, cats, bears etc. Maybe he should post youtube videos about that full time instead of the shit he calls writing.
2. The comments on the articles are the most unorganized, random thing I’ve ever seen on a discussion board. I can’t even follow what the hell is going on. They go on tangents in every other comment in ways that don’t even relate to the original post. How do you even have a discussion over there? They got an end of the year troll award going on over there, but I don’t know how any troll has the patience to write on that site for any length of time without blowing his brains out.
Boogeyman is also bewildered by the comments here:
Yes, I’ve noticed he’ll get hundreds of comments from his hairy armpitted fans but only a small % have anything to do with the subject. His article will be about date rape and he’ll have 300 comments about coffee cake recipes and Lady Gaga’s fashion sense.
Huh. I think I missed that one. We did have one thread recently that suddenly veered off into a discussion of bra sizing. So there’s that.
But if what we’re doing here is causing so much consternation amongst the MGTOWers of the world, we clearly need to do more of it. And so, a video no MGTOWer can possibly rebut:
The rest of you: you know what to do!
Also, you have to read all of the comments from the beginning to get comment string. If you do, it is not hard to see where they go and how they get there.
Is this the same thing as when NWO gets annoyed if people give each other hugs? It’s like they can’t comprehend people they see as the enemy liking…anything.
It doesn’t match their mental image because ‘hate groups’ (as NWO views feminists) don’t often like kittens, cakes and hugs.
Much as I love your blog, I do have to de-lurk briefly to say I agree about the random nature of the comments! The randomness of the discussions frequently seemed so wierd I gave up trying to follow them months back. Other than that, keep up the good work!
Wow. If these guys are intimidated by kittens and coffee cake, then their world is even sadder than I thought.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ma go get some coffee cake.
Was there a coffee cake derail? I tend to skip over the threads if they hit 350+ before I even see the post. I’m sorry I missed that one.
I shave my armpits.
Lady Gaga’s fashion sense: exceedingly weird but kind of entertaining.
Coffee cake: fairly tasty, but I’m more of a pie person.
Also, hairy armpits are itchy, so I always shave. Sometimes in the winter I’m lazy about shaving my legs – does that count for anything? :-p
Even hairy legs are itchy! Shaved is the only way to go, I say!
Continue the good work, Man Boobz, the world needs more sanity.
Also, what is the deal with cats and deer? There seems to be a lot of videos of these two animals cuddling.
I don’t think the fawn and kitten are in love so much as the kitten is clearly delicious! Also, why do they live in a kiddy pool filled with hamster chips? I WANT IT BUT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT.
Also, also: Hey there, Posterformerlyknownaselizabeth! I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while!
I can’t eat coffee cake. Not without developing a rash and barfing. I have truly Gone My Own Way … from coffee cake.
I didn’t like lady gaga’s meat dress. But that may have to do with me being a vegetarian. And disliking fashion.
Coffee cake: I don’t like coffee.
Armpits: they are unshaven, now and most of the times. I bring bad reputation to feminists, I’m sorry.
About the bra talk: I think it’s zhinxy who posted the link to resume your size. Anywho, thanks, as it appear I was taking a wrong size. Much more comfortable now.
Notice that armageddon came to criticize David’s posts but apparently couldn’t. The worse thing he can find is: they’re having a conversation. And there are kitties! As if there ever is too much kittens. Kittens are what brought most of humanity, including some trolls, together! Kittens are what heal our minds after reading what misogynists thinks!!!
Peace through kittens!!!
“Also, hairy armpits are itchy, so I always shave.” “Even hairy legs are itchy! Shaved is the only way to go, I say!”
Really? Are we talking fully grown hair or growing hair?
Mmmm…coffee cake.
It’s true, though, that MRAs tend to focus, laser-like, on their misogyny. Single-minded obsession is seldom healthy. I think our diversity of interests speaks favorably of our emotional health.
Also, our threads contain quite a few in-jokes and supportive comments among regular commentators–possibly because we’re a community of people who, you know, like each other. We don’t just come here to rage and pontificate; we also come to affiliate. The fact that such an activity seems pointless or confusing to MRAs says more about them than it does about us.
” Are we talking fully grown hair or growing hair?”
After day two or three of not shaving, things start to feel itchy XP
“The fact that such an activity seems pointless or confusing to MRAs says more about them than it does about us.”
MRA: “What is this ‘happiness’ you speak of?”
I stop shaving my underarms and legs during the winter, since the only people who might see them don’t care if they are lightly furred or not. Once I get past day four or so of not-shaving, the itching stops. YPOLMV (your pits or legs may vary).
I thought going your own way from those evil wimminz was supposed to make you happy. They don’t sound too happy to me lol. I wonder what an MGTOW would look like irl? I’m imagining a guy with a tomato red face and a twitching eye who’s head explodes at the sight of a woman wearing a short skirt.
I shave my pits. I’ve even been known to wear dresses once in awhile, trufax!
We don’t just come here to rage and pontificate; we also come to affiliate.
That is some lovely poetry right there.
I don’t bother with razors in the winter and only the underarms in the warmer months. I used to do all the major bits, then I stopped during a huge depressive cycle, and after that, I just didn’t want to have to deal with the itch and razor bumps.
I assume the leg and armpit hair follows the same trend as facial hair.
For the record, I have hairy armpits AND hairy legs. I give feminists a really bad name.
I have been in the UK with very little internet coverage for the most part…stupid wifi promises not being kept! I have been here for two weeks and will be going home tomorrow.
I like the fact that MRAs complaining about off topic conversations on this site led to to…an off topic conversation about shaving underarm hair. That is just amazing.
Weird, I find that shaving makes me itch. Especially when the hair starts growing back in. It itches so much I end up pulling it out with tweezers and then I get a rash.
So, I rarely shave anything. I haven’t gotten any remarks yet, though it’s possible that people notice and are just too polite to say anything.
But Kyrie… coffee cake is cake to be eaten with coffee, not cake that tastes like coffee! I don’t like coffee either, but I like coffee cake, because, well, cake.
I am mildly jealous of people who have enough of a winter that their underarms and legs stay reliably covered. It was in the 70s here the other day. (But only mildly jealous, because, while it wasn’t at all wintry, it was still gorgeous.) I only shave what is necessary to be socially acceptable. There have been times when I’ve worn a long skirt with a slit up the back, and have only shaved the backs of my legs.
Kitties and deer! Aw.
I shave my pits and legs–my legs get too dry if I don’t, and well, TX summers aren’t really conducive IMO to hairy pits.
I don’t remember a Lady Gaga discussion, but I find her all filler and no killer. And the way she positions herself the be all end all of queer allies irks the shit out of me.
The non sequiturs that anti-feminists always pull is unbearably stupid. You have a well thought out argument that has the potential to improve something and you get “feminists don’t shave and are ugly.” as if one’s looks have anything to do with anything.
In the end, though, it just shows that the MRA’s have no reasonable leg to stand on.