evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead vaginas

Vectorman vs The Space Libbers

Superman was an MRA!

Never underestimate the grandiosity of an MRA in a snit. Here, from The Spearhead, is some dude called ConShawnery suggesting that dudes grousing about women are basically the equivalent of superheroes facing down the evilest of supervillains. He also has some thoughts about cunts.

To women, a man who has seen the truth about them is a dangerous animal, a vector of viral information that, if allowed to spread, will bring their matriarchal palace crumbling down. A man like that is literally the most dangerous thing to women and they know this. This is why 18-year-old daughters will abandon their fathers, mothers their sons, wives their husbands, sisters their brothers ā€“ as soon as it becomes clear that heā€™s taken the red pill.

This is also why ā€œcuntā€ is such a dirty word while ā€œpussyā€ is not. ā€œPussyā€ is adoring (whether itā€™s derogatory doesnā€™t matter), ā€œcuntā€ is not. A man who uses the word ā€œcuntā€ is a man for whom the magical hold of vagina has worn off, and he must be excluded from polite society at all costs, lest he infect other men.

59 upvotes, 0 downvotes, last I checked. Nothing more courageous than telling a gang of grumpy misogynists exactly what they want to hear.


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13 years ago

We must remember that hypocritical fathers who have daughters are feminists too.

Wtf does this even mean?

13 years ago

Apparently hell kell has no sense of humor. Sheesh.

That would implied nature boy was joking. There is no reason to believe he was. Even if it was a joke, it was a bad one since nobody got it.
Not enjoying somebody joke never meant one doesn’t have a sense of humor.

13 years ago

Dan, maybe you’re not funny.

13 years ago

We must remember that hypocritical fathers who have daughters are feminists too.

Wtf does this even mean?

It means, any man who gives a woman his sperm is a hypocrite. Having done something so morally repugnant and contributed to the birth of another female, the least he could do to redeem himself is smother the little shit in her crib. Or something.

13 years ago

lj4: You didn’t just make a lame joke meant to make you look good (because you practice giving oral sex) as a way to excuse assholes who try to pretend that calling someone a pussy isn’t a big deal and then whip out the, “you can’t take a joke” schtick, did you?

Yes, yes, you did.

Trufact… it’s a lot easier to get laughs if the “jokes” are funny. When they are serving an agenda, you can’t pretend it was just a joke; which means you have to take the agenda account when looking at the reaction.

Another trufact, “x has no sense of humor” also has a tainted history, and comes with it’s own baggage. If you want to see how that trick is done properly, see the interaction between 2-D Man and Dracula in re, “creepy”.

13 years ago

Oh, my bad. What pecunium said.

13 years ago

What, women sometimes try and distance themselves from men who clearly and openly hate them and call them bigoted sexist terms? I am shocked by that, totally shocked.

13 years ago

pecunium: No, it was not meant to excuse them being assholes. Yes, it was a joke. A bad one, but still a joke. You are aware of the groaner type of joke, yes?

Your “trufacts” are neither true nor facts. The idea that you think a joke is meant to serve some agenda instead of being mocking of MRA (which I clearly was being in the next two paragraphs of my post which contained much sarcasm levied at MRA and PUA that you have seemed to ignored when you took my first line in a vacuum) shows that you really were not paying attention.

hellkell: I am very funny. I take pride in my ability to make people laugh. That doesn’t mean I hit a home run every time nor does it mean that everyone finds my sense of humor to be funny as humor is subjective. That you couldn’t tell that it was meant to be a joke and instead took it as me seriously saying that the word isn’t a slur shows that you have absolutely no sense of humor as you cannot tell when something is meant to be a joke, regardless of if you found it funny or not.

13 years ago

Not only are you not funny, you’re more than a little dim. I figured it was some halfass attempt at wit, but way to miss the point.

You were excusing the use of pussy as a slur. Just because you don’t find it one, doesn’t mean other people don’t. A lot of assholes use “jokes” to further an agenda and then do the same assy turnaround you just did. You are not original, in addition to not being funny.

Also, you don’t me or my humor, so shut the fuck up.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Anyone who makes a statement like “I am very funny.” clearly is not.

bobbyjo (@bobbyjo1950)
13 years ago

“magical hold of vagina has worn off, …..”

So the dude admits the female pussy has a magical hold.

“magical hold”.


13 years ago

Oh man. The Manhood Academy looks more like Douchebaggery 101, than anything else. These guys wouldn’t know appropriate social interaction if it hit them over the head and made them call it Daddy. Their main mode of defense against critics is hurling out 4 letter words, cliche insults and posting the same 10 pictures of LOL cats, rusty cans and handicapped children. Really classy…

The thread with Prof Plum vs. Zeta Male was one big LOLwut’s I’ve seen in a very long time.

On point: I’m starting to believe that these guys are mistaking taking the red pill with drinking the kool aid. If, after espousing an ideology, you become so offensive, so intolerable and so obnoxious that your own family doesn’t want to be in the same room with you…

13 years ago

hell: Of course it is a slur, I never claimed it wasn’t. Anyone who believed I was actually claiming it wasn’t with what I said is a moron.

amandajane: People who seek to make a living in stand up obviously think they are very funny. Why else would they make a career in it? So unless you are saying that no stand up comedians are actually funny, your point falls apart.

13 years ago

Wow, it’s like Dan can’t participate in a single thread about any subject without pissing people off and then making it all about him and how he’s right and they’re stupid meanies.

13 years ago

He tries to all pointy and sharp, but really is more like one of those Nerf arrows.

13 years ago

^be. Typing really isn’t my thing today.

13 years ago

It was indeed obvious that he was trying to make a joke, but it was such a shitty, painfully unfunny joke that following it up with “I’m very funny” mostly just makes me embarrassed for him.

13 years ago

LJ dude:

Of course stand up comics who lecture their SONOTLAFFING audiences on the fact that they, comics, are funny…..are FAIL too.

Just like YOU!

13 years ago

Magic vagina holds got me thinking of wizards, which of course made me think of Gandolf, now I am imagining MRAs viewing sex as the battle on the bridge of Khazad-dum with themselves as the Balrog…”You shall not pass!” XD

13 years ago

Funny that the thread doesn’t start becoming all about me until people start claiming that I am supposedly making the thread all about me.

I made one joke and then suggested that someone had a bad sense of humor (or no sense of humor for that matter). Then the pile on happens. Then I defend myself. Then the thread is about me…. but I am not the one who made it that way. So if you don’t want threads to become all about someone, stop making it about me and trying to misrepresent every single damned thing I say.

13 years ago

(and no, I am not actually suggesting that every single thing I say is incorrectly represented, but a lot is)

13 years ago

Poor baby?

13 years ago

lj: You may not like the trufacts, but it was plainly not clear or I’d not have failed to get it(unless you are claiming I am uncommon dim; so dim that no one would ever think me the slightest bit of informed or educated).

As to the “groaner” category of joke, d’uh, but yours didn’t really fall into that category. Why? Because it was meant to make you look good. Poorly hidden in that comment was how great you are, because you “eat pussy”. IT was a dig at those who don’t, and contextually implied that the OP is of the sort who doesn’t. Attached to that was a sentiment of, “and besides, words are listener dependent.”

Which isn’t really true in the first place. In the second, that argument completely undercuts the alleged point of the, “joke”.

Even that could have been saved with a quick explanation that you tried a joke, and it failed (see my trufact 2, above).

But you didn’t. You tried to double down by insulting hellkell’s sense of humor, and now you are trying to re-raise by saying I don’t know what I’m talking about when I critiqued the reasons for your previous failure.