$MONEY$ antifeminism antifeminst women douchebaggery hypocrisy lying liars manginas misogyny MRA oppressed white men PUA racism

Manosphere dudes: Let’s set up fake feminist blogs to take down feminism!

On the internet, no one knows you're a dog disguised as a cat.

Over on the always repugnant In Mala Fide, a guest blogger by the name of What is To Be Done recently offered his comrades in the “anti-establishment / man/ biorealist / HBD/ reactionary / racist / patriarch / tradcon / whatever blogosphere” what he evidently sees as a revolutionary suggestion: instead of trying to fight the evil feminists with “well-reasoned arguments,” why not simply set up fake feminist blogs, and post shit on them to make feminists looks bad?

WITBD explained:

On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a saboteur. We are naturally smarter than the feminists (in fact, objectively better in every conceivable way), and in addition, we are well-trained in deception by our studies of game. In other words, it’ll be a piece of cake for us to mimic their arguments and appear to them as really smart girls who really know their shit.

Really? Because no one I’ve ever run across in the manosphere has managed to pull off a particularly convincing impersonation of a really smart anything.  And in order to effectively parody something, you have to actually understand it first. Given some of the truly odd things MRAs and manospherians believe about feminism and feminists – see my post on Operation Alimony yesterday for one recent example — I’m somehow thinking that the only people dumb enough to be fooled by these “false-flag-feminist” blogs will be other, yep, MRAs and manosphereians.

Nonetheless, WITBD claimed that’s he’s already started putting his little plan into action:

I have already begun false flag blogging myself. At this stage, giving the link would ruin the whole thing. But it’s out there. And “false flag blogging” returned only 87 results, of which only a few actually seemed to discuss what I’m talking about, so for the time being it seems nobody is watching out for it. Not that they’d be able to tell anyway.

His fantasies got more and more extravagant:

Think long term. The endgame is to build a big enough presence that coming out as a fake feminist generates buzz in and of itself. Imagine if it came out that the founder of Feministing was actually a men’s rights activist.

And that he could fly, and shoot lasers from his eyes! Imagination is fun!

(Note: The founder of Feministing is not actually an MRA, or a man. Nor can she fly or shoot lasers from her eyes.)

WITBD continued fantasizing:

Eventually, our false flag bloggers will coordinate with our legitimate bloggers and have “debates” where both sides are controlled by us.

And where the only people paying attention are you guys.

If you feel you are getting really good at this, attack some prominent feminists for not being feminist enough. I don’t even know what that would mean, but, hey, this is feminism. Nonsense is our bread and butter.

Wheels within wheels!

Some on In Mala Fide thought this was a dandy idea. Frost wrote:

Fuck yeah. Awesome post. …

[W]e need to get bold and creative with how we fight the war for the best minds in the western world. False flag blogging is a wide-open front. Especially if you’re new to writing and aren’t yet confident in your voice – and unless you have written many thousands of words already, the truth is your writing is probably going to suck – a false-flag blog would be a great way to hone your skills while only having to actually write at the level of typical mid-twenties gender studies grad student.

Here’s a post of mine that sadly didn’t get a lot of attention, but it’s one of my own personal favourites:

I submitted it to The Good Men project, Manboobz, and a few other Mangina sites as a guest post, but sadly no one bit. These people are just so easy to parody, it’s ridiculous.

Regular Man Boobz readers may have a rather different assessment of how effective his parody was.

Others on In Mala Fide were a bit more skeptical of the “false-flag” idea.  As out-and-proud racist thwak put it:

It sounds like a good idea, but it won’t work. Its been tried by white people on counter racism forums and they always got busted. We used to call it the “nigger impersonation syndrome”.

A white person would sign up with a name like “Jamal” and speak ebonics… but they always got busted cause at some point they hafta come out of “nigger cloak” to practice racism; i.e, say and/or do something a black person would not say/do.

Sure, they have the option of coming on the discussion board and pretending to be a full time nigger, but how does that advance the racist agenda? …

The “black White Supremacist” stuck out like a nun in a whore house everytime.

And got busted everytime.

Gosh, it’s almost as if black people are actual human beings and not just racist caricatures. And that real black people can somehow magically spot the difference between other real black people and racist assholes posting in “ebonics.”

Huh. Could the same happen with feminists?

In a followup post, WITBD dismissed the critics as uncreative cowards. And it turns out that fake blogs are only the starting point in his grand plan.

The fact is we are not the alt-right. We are the new left. We are the oppressed proles … They are the establishment. We lost “our” country. They control it all now. We have blogs. And a handful of churches and seasteading. Sucks.

Now it’s time to move on. We have to take these pieces of shit down and that means we must use leftist tactics. This kind of blogging operation is the beginning of a long march to infiltrate and undermine their institutions.

Sounds like someone has been reading Mao’s Little Red Book!

Playing around? Real men fight to win, period. We fight feminism specifically because it’s the weak point of liberalism. Read your Sun Tzu. Attacking the entire rainbow coalition at once is madness. You always attack the enemy where he is weakest.

And the weakest links are the ladies, naturally.

[N]ot all women actually benefit from feminism. They may think they win at first, but we know full well that feminist sex and the city-type women lose big time: no kids, no committed alpha, no nothing. Most women don’t benefit, and many women are recognizing this.

Right now among women, feminism is high status and actually being feminine is low status. But all women instinctively want to actually be feminine, and they have better life results when they do. We all know about how to manipulate women’s idea of status. This should be easy to work out.

If we take out or marginally disrupt feminism, and pull lots of white women out of the coalition, it crumbles in short order.

Oh no! Not the white women! Don’t take the white women!

High-IQ thundercunts are major war engines of the regime, and especially the childless ones. They actually run the agencies, corporations, HR departments, universities, etc. Without them, the enemy has a harder time operating. As well, white women are blatantly used as bait to recruit minority men into liberal groups.

Anti-feminism is something that we know well … and it is something that the other elements of the liberal coalition actually somewhat agree with us on because its not like the blacks, Mexicans, Arabs etc. are keen on empowering their women. All men of all races have common ground in dealing with the unique female brand of bullshit and thus are potential sympathizers on this issue.

So this is his grand plan: for racist white dudes like him (and much of In Mala Fide’s readership) to build a sort of antifeminist rainbow coalition with “blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, etc” … in order to take down feminism … in order to weaken liberalism … in order to screw over the “blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, etc.”

Yeah, that’s totally gonna work.

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13 years ago

When a dudebro gets irate that he doesn’t have a job and blames “feminist laws” or “women in the workforce,” I ask him to instead kindly blame his senators, congress-derps, President, and of course, the system that ensures that a straight-C-student, Yale legacy admission cokehead gets to be President of the United States. Oh, and that Rick Perry guy? Who can’t pass basic college gen-eds? Is governor of Texas, while the men and women who graduated summa cum laude in the Class of 2009 are sitting in their parents’ basements. Born into wealth and power, and you’re guaranteed it for life, no matter how much you fail, fuck up, or run businesses into the ground.

Not privileged? Well, Daddy Corporation, backed up by Daddy Government, can throw you out onto your ass at any time, for any reason, and your source for feeding and housing yourself and your family is cut off like that. That goes double if you’re a Steve Jobs-type and innovate, rock the boat, or do anything that constitutes “toeing the corporate line” a little too much. If you’re not of the privileged class, you best sit down, shut up, and conform, and you better love that little grey box they put you in from K-12, all the way through college, and throughout your working years until you die. (Remember, they stole your retirement, too.)

In no sane country would the Trump or Hilton kids be given the time of day. But here? They’re who we’re told we should aspire to be.

An ideal society would cultivate the best aspects of free-market libertarianism and socialism. We here in America pick the worst aspects of each, and make them even stupider.

13 years ago


You don’t seem to understand. There’s nothing worth saving. We live in a “culture” you support. Your utopian culture can’t exist without the Corporate/State/MSM/Military complex. Why would I as a straight white man want to save any of it. Let it collapse, good ridance.

Feminism is the cause, the “root” of the entire social problem. there can be nothing more pressing than the total destruction of feminism. That is the “root” cause.

That Egypt woman was exactly right, She will be bathed in her brothers blood. Every single society today is set up in some way for the protection and provision of women.

That society is totally the opposite politically of the western society. yet the result is the same. Protect and provide for women. You want the same thing out here. Every link given is how women suffer in some way. Women aren’t getting enough of something. Men need to do more. Then when they’re the majority by State mandate, women snicker and say men can’t compete on a level fiend as if the field was level.

What’s the difference between a muslim woman demanding protection and provision within her societal norm and a leftist gender-raunch woman demanding protection and provision for her choices within western societal norms? Deference to women on the right, deference to women on the left. It makes no difference.

13 years ago

NWO: You don’t get to deny history just because you didn’t witness it. Your ignorance isn’t getting you out of this.

Using the pathetic logic that you made up to support your bigotry, those Native American cultures must have had a third gendered aspect. YES OR NO.

Emma the Emo
13 years ago

Oh, and I forgot to thank those who actually gave me links and text (I save everything as it’s valuable), and to those who tell me to be careful with MRAs. I know people are fallible and every side I visited and talked to has its problems, as well as problematic people. I can’t ask what exactly is so wrong with Eivind Berge and his ilk, because I know what the answers would be like (wouldn’t tell me anything that I haven’t already investigated…) One thing I’m pretty sure of, and that is that it’s unlikely he’s a liar. If he was a great manipulator, I think he wouldn’t have a problem getting laid in the first place, since sociopaths and great manipulators tend to be charming, at least. And I read pretty much every comment he’s ever made online (that I could find), and it was extremely consistent. You have to be very good at remembeing all your lies that you ever said to be so consistent. Of course, you never know someone 100%, but so far so good.
I’m not talking about feminism associated with gay people, it’s not “crazy”. It hurts absolutely no one.
And yes, I do have to talk to feminists or those who agree with them. If you don’t feel like responding to me, you don’t have to (in one comment you suggested I should be ignored. If I’m ignored, I’ll stop responding, and will be more careful with my troubling ideas in the future, since it produces so much unpleasantness). Maybe David will even ban me, it’s ok, it’s his site. Maybe you strongly object to the idea that some people learn from talking to people? It worked well with PUA blog guys so far. After getting into this whole community, I discovered that things are often not what they seem, have you ever had that? I strongly recommend this. If you don’t agree with my troubling ideas, we can agree to disagree. I’d stop talking about them, but people are now asking me a lot.

About sex in relationships. It goes both ways. You are nice and caring if you put out on demand (ugh, bad word! “putting out on demand” means when asked, not necessarily after it’s literally demanded) and you’re nice and caring if you don’t demand the other person does this. If both people follow these rules, you will have a good relationship. I don’t think it’s nice to refuse it a lot and ignore it (now much is a lot; i think, depends on each couple). I remember reading very sad comments of wives and husbands whose spouses don’t want sex anymore. One guy said his wife thinks he married her only for sex and doesn’t like that he even tries. You don’t have to think of yourself as a non-person to realize certain things are important to your partner. It’s a matter of making them happy. And yourself, because making them happy will make you happy, too.

13 years ago



Weren’t you in the armed forces? You got there because of AA. You didn’t earn it. Your standards, as a woman were lower but your pay was equal. Wasn’t it?”

First off, you get paid for the job, not just having it. So if you don’t have proof that zhinxy was doing an easier/inferior job compared to the men in her unit you have no leg to stand on (or even an ass to sit on) i.e. put up or STFU.

Second, you’ve been whining and bitching your whole life that women don’t fight and die for men, and yet you’re angry that zhinxy went in the army and fought for men, and you’re angry that the army lowered it’s requirements in order to recruit more women to fight for men. This is why we consider you a two-faced jackass with no comprehensive worldview, just a film of hate.

13 years ago

“If political statist feminism is so popular and powerful WHY DID THE ERA NOT PASS????”

Women lobbied not to have it pass and they still do to this day. They want no parts of equality. They only want the equal or better yum-yums, not the responsibility or the accountability.

What woman is going to vote for the draft, no alimony, no child support, equal custody, no AA, no quota, No Titla IX, Mandatory dual arrests in DV, No VAWA. The list goes on forever.

I can’t see women banging down the door for equality. STOP was a feminists movement from the socon feminists. STOP mean stop taking our privileges.

From the left, the center or the right. It doesn’t matter. It all comes down to dictating mens actions.

Oh the right isn’t the “good” feminists? They say the left are the “bad” feminists. And between all the many varieties of feminists men’s resources and actions are dictated. Plus the get out of jail free card of feminism not being a monolithic block.

13 years ago

Oh boy, here we go with the post-apocalyptic Road Warrior fantasies, in which every MRA is a young Mel Gibson:

“You want to get out here? You talk to NWO!”

Tedious. Tedious and predictable.

13 years ago


The ability test for men and women aren’t the same for any of the armed forces. This is a fact. Women get the easier, safe jobs which also are the jobs for faster advancement.

How is that not an advantage in every way?

13 years ago

Answer my question. Yes or no. It’s not that hard, except that it most likely involves admitting you’re a liar, and you can’t stand to be wrong.

Ray Percival
13 years ago

“Every single society today is set up in some way for the protection and provision of women.”

OK. Explain North Korea, please.

13 years ago

Women lobbied not to have it pass and they still do to this day.

Phyllis Schlafly, feminist heroine. That one’s already in the Book of Learnin’, isn’t it?

Of course, the real question is whether Schlafly ever giggled while castrating young boys. My money’s on yes.

13 years ago

Or maybe she’s been castrating the SUPER DOGS! That WOULD explain a lot, wouldn’t it?

13 years ago


“Of course, the real question is whether Schlafly ever giggled while castrating young boys. My money’s on yes.”

That’s left up to the leftist feminists and the radfems. You can watch it on youtube, not quite the castration hoped for. Only the mans dick was cut off, but the laughter was quite authentic.

13 years ago

Yes or no.

13 years ago

@David: Most feminists that I’ve talked to or whose blogs I’ve read online days haven’t read Friedan either — it wasn’t even the first feminist work I read (that was Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex). Ditto for a lot of the major names in the Second Wave movement (who defined themselves against Friedan and NOW’s liberal feminism as radical feminists) like Robin Morgan for example! Nor do they know that there were black women active with the white feminists (Angela Davis, Florynce Kennedy, Toni Cade Bambara).

And we can say even more ditto for the disappeared theorists of the First Wave feminist movement (I have problems with the ‘wave terminology’ in any except a chronological usage). how many know that Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote The Woman’s Bible (she was a bit more radical than Susan B. Anthony, to my mind).

There are no social or institutional mechanisms for teaching this material–despite NWO and other MRA’s ideas that women control all the higher learning institutions.

Just as most of the really critical race histories and labor union histories are left out of public education in the US, so too are the histories of women’s participation in ALL these progressive movements AND in feminism.

I know it’s dicey to talk about the need to ‘study’ to be a feminist–and I’m not saying that. But there’s this huge problem in feminism of continually needing to reinvent the wheels without knowing of the work of the women who went before us–The whole issue of the racist cover images on Jessica Valenti’s book showed, for example, that the 15 years or so of womanist/feminist of color critique in white women’s feminism is NOT something that at least that group of younger feminists knew anything about.

13 years ago

Hey! Emma! No one’s saying that partners shouldn’t make each other happy. But the idea that a nice and caring partner puts out on demand but has no such expectations or sexual desires xirself is really, really fucked up. UNLESS you want to have that kind of relationship yourself because, I dunno, you’re a masochist or a sub or something and acting as someone’s sexual slave turns you on in a way you’re not describing here. But acting as though that situation is a normal thing that everyone (or half of society, I guess) should embrace is bizarre.

Anyway, is it Mr. Al who keeps complaining that women aren’t creepy? I find you amazingly creepy, Emma. No joke.

Ray Percival
13 years ago


I think he honestly has no fucking clue who Schlafly is. Like for reals. That is possibly the funniest thing I’ve seen today.

13 years ago

Phyllis Schlafly and Sharon Osbourne are the same person and she’s the most important person ever in NWOland

13 years ago

Ack, sorry for html fail.

*smacks head*

13 years ago


Yes, I know. Sharon Osbourne speaks for all women. Who knew they all had such potty mouths?

Seriously, though, what’s up with you’re preoccupation with castration? Paging Dr. Freud…

13 years ago


There’s nothing to answer. A two spirit myth question? Made up nonsense about how good native american were before the bad white man came? No wars, no crime, no nothing until the bad white man came?

I wonder how many white women cried out to hunt down those barbarian redskins?

13 years ago

@captainbathrobe: I’ve been binging on Criminal Minds episodes today, and dear god, I would love to see an behavior analysis on NWO.

13 years ago

Emma: I shall no doubt regret this, but first: I am not gay (and if you think the world is limited to straight and gay, you have done jackshit about learning about alternative sexualities. Google QUILTBAG).

Second, what is the “crazy” feminism you are speaking of then (ignoring your ableist terminology for a while)?

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago


I realize there is racism, sexism, ageism, but I think company owners (who bothered to start and run their own company) should decide whom to hire and who fits their company better. If they want to stay racist or sexist, they are free to do so. There is an option of creating your own, non-sexist company. And not all groups have the same interests, which might lead to shortage of people whom you are supposed to AA into your company, which might lead to taking employees which most definitely don’t fit your company or aren’t qualified. And I definitely do not want a job given to me through affirmative action. It just makes women look stupid and unqualified.

Wait, what? So, it basically boils down to “well, sucks for you for being born non-white/female/poor, and choosing to age! You should have known better!” for you?
And, uh, no.
The large, large majority of people, especially marginalized people, do NOT have the option to create their own company willy-nilly.
Affirmative action is also NOT about giving the job to the less qualified applier. This is myth that has already been debunked again and again.
If you don’t want to get a job through AA, then good for you, I guess. But don’t act like your decision is somehow morally superior to marginalized people who could benefit from it, and that it shouldn’t exist in the first place because YOU don’t want to make use of it.

If the sex drives of the two partners are radically different, it’s best to simply find partners that are more compatible. In that case, no one is really to blame. But if the difference is not too large, then it’s nice and caring to have sex anyway, even if you don’t feel like it, to please your partner. I’m not sure this would work for men though (since they have to get an erection to have sex and might not be able to if they don’t feel like having sex), but for women (which is who my blogpost was about) it’s doable.

Uhhh, it has been pointed out before, but you are aware that PIV sex is not the only way to have sex, right? You are hopefully also aware that non-straight people exist?
Anyway, why can’t the partner who wants to have sex while the other partner doesn’t just, you know, masturbate?
If they don’t give a shit if the other partner even wants to have sex, they are pretty much just using their partner’s body as a glorified masturbation aid anyway, so why not just use their hand or a toy? They get to get off, and their partner doesn’t get their body autonomy violated! Win/win all around!

Also, you said on your own blog:

Don’t have sex with alphas, ever. The experience might become unforgettable and spoil you for everyone else.

so I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume that, in your opinion, women apparently shouldn’t seek out someone who sexually satisfies them, because then they would probably also want a satisfying sex-life with their next partner and… that would be terrible, I guess?
That does make me just a tiiiiny bit creeped out by your views on how sex and relationships should work, and it doesn’t really convince me that they would still be true for you if the genders were reversed.

As hotairgenerator said, if all that works out for you, and you are happy with it, then yay! Good for you! Just don’t impose your ideals, wishes and desires on others, or imply that only your way is how to be a “nice and caring” partner.

Furthermore, I’m seconding Zhinxy; you will probably not find much joy here. Excluding the trolls, I think pretty much every commenter here thinks that the whole greek system is absolute bullshit, and that sex isn’t (or shouldn’t be) some kind of economic transaction.
Why do you want to talk to feminists? Especially on a site about mocking misogyny, which isn’t exactly the best place for a debate on principles anyway?

BTW, I noticed that many somewhat gender-essentialist people tend to think that, because they are a man/a woman (non-binary people are usually not gender-essentialist, so I’m not including them) they know how every other man or woman thinks and acts (or should think and act). It’s really frustrating.

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