$MONEY$ antifeminism antifeminst women douchebaggery hypocrisy lying liars manginas misogyny MRA oppressed white men PUA racism

Manosphere dudes: Let’s set up fake feminist blogs to take down feminism!

On the internet, no one knows you're a dog disguised as a cat.

Over on the always repugnant In Mala Fide, a guest blogger by the name of What is To Be Done recently offered his comrades in the “anti-establishment / man/ biorealist / HBD/ reactionary / racist / patriarch / tradcon / whatever blogosphere” what he evidently sees as a revolutionary suggestion: instead of trying to fight the evil feminists with “well-reasoned arguments,” why not simply set up fake feminist blogs, and post shit on them to make feminists looks bad?

WITBD explained:

On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a saboteur. We are naturally smarter than the feminists (in fact, objectively better in every conceivable way), and in addition, we are well-trained in deception by our studies of game. In other words, it’ll be a piece of cake for us to mimic their arguments and appear to them as really smart girls who really know their shit.

Really? Because no one I’ve ever run across in the manosphere has managed to pull off a particularly convincing impersonation of a really smart anything.  And in order to effectively parody something, you have to actually understand it first. Given some of the truly odd things MRAs and manospherians believe about feminism and feminists – see my post on Operation Alimony yesterday for one recent example — I’m somehow thinking that the only people dumb enough to be fooled by these “false-flag-feminist” blogs will be other, yep, MRAs and manosphereians.

Nonetheless, WITBD claimed that’s he’s already started putting his little plan into action:

I have already begun false flag blogging myself. At this stage, giving the link would ruin the whole thing. But it’s out there. And “false flag blogging” returned only 87 results, of which only a few actually seemed to discuss what I’m talking about, so for the time being it seems nobody is watching out for it. Not that they’d be able to tell anyway.

His fantasies got more and more extravagant:

Think long term. The endgame is to build a big enough presence that coming out as a fake feminist generates buzz in and of itself. Imagine if it came out that the founder of Feministing was actually a men’s rights activist.

And that he could fly, and shoot lasers from his eyes! Imagination is fun!

(Note: The founder of Feministing is not actually an MRA, or a man. Nor can she fly or shoot lasers from her eyes.)

WITBD continued fantasizing:

Eventually, our false flag bloggers will coordinate with our legitimate bloggers and have “debates” where both sides are controlled by us.

And where the only people paying attention are you guys.

If you feel you are getting really good at this, attack some prominent feminists for not being feminist enough. I don’t even know what that would mean, but, hey, this is feminism. Nonsense is our bread and butter.

Wheels within wheels!

Some on In Mala Fide thought this was a dandy idea. Frost wrote:

Fuck yeah. Awesome post. …

[W]e need to get bold and creative with how we fight the war for the best minds in the western world. False flag blogging is a wide-open front. Especially if you’re new to writing and aren’t yet confident in your voice – and unless you have written many thousands of words already, the truth is your writing is probably going to suck – a false-flag blog would be a great way to hone your skills while only having to actually write at the level of typical mid-twenties gender studies grad student.

Here’s a post of mine that sadly didn’t get a lot of attention, but it’s one of my own personal favourites:

I submitted it to The Good Men project, Manboobz, and a few other Mangina sites as a guest post, but sadly no one bit. These people are just so easy to parody, it’s ridiculous.

Regular Man Boobz readers may have a rather different assessment of how effective his parody was.

Others on In Mala Fide were a bit more skeptical of the “false-flag” idea.  As out-and-proud racist thwak put it:

It sounds like a good idea, but it won’t work. Its been tried by white people on counter racism forums and they always got busted. We used to call it the “nigger impersonation syndrome”.

A white person would sign up with a name like “Jamal” and speak ebonics… but they always got busted cause at some point they hafta come out of “nigger cloak” to practice racism; i.e, say and/or do something a black person would not say/do.

Sure, they have the option of coming on the discussion board and pretending to be a full time nigger, but how does that advance the racist agenda? …

The “black White Supremacist” stuck out like a nun in a whore house everytime.

And got busted everytime.

Gosh, it’s almost as if black people are actual human beings and not just racist caricatures. And that real black people can somehow magically spot the difference between other real black people and racist assholes posting in “ebonics.”

Huh. Could the same happen with feminists?

In a followup post, WITBD dismissed the critics as uncreative cowards. And it turns out that fake blogs are only the starting point in his grand plan.

The fact is we are not the alt-right. We are the new left. We are the oppressed proles … They are the establishment. We lost “our” country. They control it all now. We have blogs. And a handful of churches and seasteading. Sucks.

Now it’s time to move on. We have to take these pieces of shit down and that means we must use leftist tactics. This kind of blogging operation is the beginning of a long march to infiltrate and undermine their institutions.

Sounds like someone has been reading Mao’s Little Red Book!

Playing around? Real men fight to win, period. We fight feminism specifically because it’s the weak point of liberalism. Read your Sun Tzu. Attacking the entire rainbow coalition at once is madness. You always attack the enemy where he is weakest.

And the weakest links are the ladies, naturally.

[N]ot all women actually benefit from feminism. They may think they win at first, but we know full well that feminist sex and the city-type women lose big time: no kids, no committed alpha, no nothing. Most women don’t benefit, and many women are recognizing this.

Right now among women, feminism is high status and actually being feminine is low status. But all women instinctively want to actually be feminine, and they have better life results when they do. We all know about how to manipulate women’s idea of status. This should be easy to work out.

If we take out or marginally disrupt feminism, and pull lots of white women out of the coalition, it crumbles in short order.

Oh no! Not the white women! Don’t take the white women!

High-IQ thundercunts are major war engines of the regime, and especially the childless ones. They actually run the agencies, corporations, HR departments, universities, etc. Without them, the enemy has a harder time operating. As well, white women are blatantly used as bait to recruit minority men into liberal groups.

Anti-feminism is something that we know well … and it is something that the other elements of the liberal coalition actually somewhat agree with us on because its not like the blacks, Mexicans, Arabs etc. are keen on empowering their women. All men of all races have common ground in dealing with the unique female brand of bullshit and thus are potential sympathizers on this issue.

So this is his grand plan: for racist white dudes like him (and much of In Mala Fide’s readership) to build a sort of antifeminist rainbow coalition with “blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, etc” … in order to take down feminism … in order to weaken liberalism … in order to screw over the “blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, etc.”

Yeah, that’s totally gonna work.

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13 years ago


AA, Title IX, ect, you know the bit, denies men opportunity not women. Only men are “forbidden” jobs, children ect. Every State agency for women is exactly that. A hate agency. They stay in business by promoting hatred.

13 years ago

“NWO, seriously, what about the Two-Spirits? Or the Fa’afafine? Or the hijra?”

Or the Waria, or the Mashoga…

I swear, anthropology and MRAs must never meet, lest the kingdom be destroyed!

13 years ago

What does title IX have to do with jobs and children?


Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I preferred Emma. NWO is up to the same old boring bullshit.

If you have a printer handy, print out the NWO bingo card. It’s more fun to read his comments if you make a game out of it.

13 years ago

NWO: I shall accept your tacit admission of error in saying that civilians aren’t targeted in war.

Sadly you are still unwilling to accept that neuter is a gender (which isn’t the same as a sex). English, it seems to give you troubles. Perhaps a correspondence course is in order, or an online tutorial.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

All I was saying was that white men, and recently, in some situations white women, will be denied a job or position that they would otherwise have gotten. That’s kind of the definition of affirmative action, no matter how you try and twist it. I still support AA in some places, though, because I think it’s an unfortunate necessity due to racism, etc. Not for women, of course. Well, maybe in some areas, like the hard sciences.

13 years ago

Not for women, of course. Well, maybe in some areas, like the hard sciences.

You know that not all women are white, right?

13 years ago

“Yeah, that had nothign to do with the elite men and their property. But go on, tell us more about China! (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!)”

It has everything to do with elite women who enjoyed castrated boys as playtoys. You can’t bring yourself to say women can do any wrong. Since women can do no wrong and are always given an excuse, while men always do wrong and are held accountable. You promote hatred.

See how quickly “you” claimed it was the fault of elite men. Women are blameless, pure, moral and altruistic. And you can bet your altruistic ass those elite women loved their little eunich playtoys and requested more and more of them. Oh for sure they wouldn’t to the “cutting” themselves. A woman sully herself by doing her own bloddletting? Perish the thought. She simply used her position of “power” to have a lesser man do it for her, If he didn’t he died.

Why don’t you go join those Egyptian women as they pledge to be “bathed in their brothers blood.”

“One” woman in Egypt was basically treated like an equal, by being equally beaten and the world cares. Those same women didn’t give a crap about the thousands of men who recieved the same beatings up to that point.

13 years ago

PS Pecunium, you know Little Friedman? (And I hadn’t known he’d taken over the Seasteading movement with paypal money, so thanks for that. 😉 ) Where’d you meet all these catoids? I’m connected in various six-social-degrees with agorists, and some freeman types, and one or two Mises writers, but you seem to get the hardcore scary-hilarious. I’m intrigued and a strange not-jealous feeling.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Yeah, ok, I meant not for women for being women.

13 years ago

“Yeah, that had nothign to do with the elite men and their property. But go on, tell us more about China! (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!)”

It has everything to do with elite women who enjoyed castrated boys as playtoys. You can’t bring yourself to say women can do any wrong. Since women can do no wrong and are always given an excuse, while men always do wrong and are held accountable. You promote hatred.

Okay, whatever,

Please, go on! please tell me more about china!

13 years ago


Show me these neuter people?

Show me a person who changes gender. Show me a person born genderless and then goes thru a natural process of morphing into a male/female. If you can do that, I’ll buy it.

13 years ago

“One” woman in Egypt was basically treated like an equal, by being equally beaten and the world cares. Those same women didn’t give a crap about the thousands of men who recieved the same beatings up to that point.

Your worldview, it is so interesting.

NWO, because I’m involved in anarchist activism and social networking, I hear from these women themselves, and help pass their messages along, so I know what the chant means, and I’d be happy to join in. the point is they will be marching side by side with their brothers, and not kept back by humiliation, and they will be “covered” by the blood of men who are BEING EQUALLY OPPRESSED.

13 years ago

(in terms of police brutality, I meant)

13 years ago


Are you telling me those women in power were blameless?

13 years ago

Show me a person who changes gender. Show me a person born genderless and then goes thru a natural process of morphing into a male/female. If you can do that, I’ll buy it.


I can show you a million intersex children who are forced into the Male or Female category, often with brutal surgery.

Where are you getting this “metamorphosis” theory???

13 years ago


Are you telling me those women in power were blameless?

Blameless for what? All people are “to blame” for their societies, male and female, in various degrees, and all people are products of those societies, shaped by what they teach and view as normal Systems of oppression, State, Religious, Economic, Etc, are complex, multilayered, and hard to pull apart.

This isn’t about MEN ARE EVIL, but if you’re telling me women in harems, usually proffered as gifts to a high status men, and often prevented from leaving their compounds, were just giggling their asses off, power drunk, and demanding castration of men… Well, I don’t think you live on earth, but again, I want to hear more of your planet and it’s history.

13 years ago

If I were to explain the administrative powers granted to many a Eunuch in the ancient world, would that somehow mean I was saying Eunuchs had all the power? No, they obviously were an oppressed class, even if they had power.

This works for women too…

13 years ago


Another excuse? Pledging mens blood? Now there’s an excuse for being a cheerleader of mens death? Even that’s good? I can pretty much guaruntee whose going to be doing the dying in huge numbers. It ain’t gonna be women.

“One” woman being beaten shocks the world into hysteria. She right about one thing, she will be drenched in her “brothers” blood. Hip-hip-horaaaaaaaay!

13 years ago

@NWO you fucken roach, do you understand what AA is? If a company has 100 jobs and 25 are set apart for minorities, there are still 75 jobs that you can compete for. And the company has to fill those 25 spots with employees from social minorities, which they fill with equally competent employees. It’s always telling when people assume that affirmative action results in less competent applicants getting jobs, like they think that those measly quotas still can’t be filled up by equally skilled non-white and/or non-male employees.

@Jill the spinster

“Wrt Emma’s post on pedophilia in the other thread, maybe she is positioning herself as a possible girlfriend for NWOslave???”

While I don’t want to start a derail here, I do agree with her post (and someone else, I think Sharculese, made this point earlier in that thread) in that we, as a society, need to spend more resources into understanding pedophilia and into helping non-offending pedophiles (I personally don’t give two fucks about those who have actually offended, but others may be more compassionate than I) live with their affliction. Of course, the shit she’s written here defending her boyfriend is just repugnant

13 years ago

I also assume it wasn’t the church that wanted the Castrati made, or that if it was, it was because the nuns loved it when balls got caught off – FUN FACT! The main reason that Castrati became so popular was the prohibition of women in Church choirs!

So yeah, patriarchy really does hurt men too… Ow.

13 years ago


If it’s not about men being evil and women being good, why was your first response to “blame” the men in power while excusing the women in power?

13 years ago

They aren’t cheerleading men’s death. They’re expressing solidarity, and saying they will be there while the men bleed, and they cannot be driven back to their homes because of sexual humiliation. You really can’t comprehend men and women working together against oppression, can you?

13 years ago


If there’s a 100 jobs, why don’t those jobs go to the 100 best qualified?

13 years ago

NWO: It has everything to do with elite women who enjoyed castrated boys as playtoys




How prevalent was the use of Enuchs in China?

Who had them castrated?

It wasn’t the women. It was men, who castrated them because it meant they couldn’t have children, and so wouldn’t be trying to overthrow the gov’t.

The lies, they keep on coming.

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