I think feminism invokes a negative reaction in some men because feminists refuse to bow down to them and kiss their asses simply for being men. These guys usually have entitlement issues when it comes to women so of course when a bunch of women are going to stand up for women’s rights and women’s autonomy then it’s going to piss them off.
Why do you think MRAs take such offense to the notion of empowered women? or even the word “grrls” or their bizarre anger at Oprah. OoooOooOooh empowered women living their own lives the way they see fit and refusing to submit to another person…so scary and horrible!!!
The only justified anger at feminists are at the ones who openly say men are inferior, but this is not the majority of feminists no matter how many times they want to smash their keyboards and say its so.
@ MRAL – The issue may be your own internal defintion of “feminist”. I’d say that this is a pretty openly feminist space. Almost all regular commenters are feminists, a lot of us also comment at Feministe etc, even the dudes are mostly feminists. It’s just that the tone is more fun and silly and less serious, because mockery is the purpose of the blog. It’s still fundamentally a feminist space, though, and I wouldn’t say most commenters here are any more “moderate” than average. It’s not a feminist-lite space in the same way as, say, Jezebel.
Maybe you’re just not used to seeing feminists talking among themselves, I dunno. This space is much closer to a random conversation among friends who’re all feminists than most other places – if you actually get a bunch of feminists sitting around a table, this space is more or less what that usually looks and sounds like.
(But with much more profanity if it’s in the UK, or at my house.)
Sandra Lee confuses me. I’m not sure that what she does can be defined as “cooking” so much as “assembling”. Everything she makes looks like it would taste horrible. It’s not even the Rachel Ray “put olive oil and cheese on everything” approach, which is bland but probably edible. What Sandra Lee does invokes horrible memories of stuff my mom’s friends used to bring to potlucks in the 70s.
“My favorite thing about Zarat was how low-grade his technocratic utopia was. Most of the other MRAs are shooting for fully functional and programmable sexbots; his big plan is to replace women with dating sim games. Which already exist.”
So basically he just has to learn to read Japanese and he’s all set? Somehow I doubt he’ll try that tack, he seems too lazy.
13 years ago
The worst thing about Sandra Lee? She doesn’t even write her own recipes. She has to PAY someone to come up with things like a Hanukkah cake stuffed with non-kosher marshmallows.
It’s like a cooking show for people who hate cooking and have no interest in learning.
It seems more like a cooking show for people who hate food in general and are secretely engaged in a plot to get us all to move to soylent green instead.
Actually even her cocktails look disgusting. I’m not sure how she manages that.
13 years ago
I think a lot of the commentariat here are representative of sex-positive and progressive feminism (derided as “fun-feminism” — there’s a problem with having fun?) which has some influence on tone; if you want po-faced, not-fun feminism there are other blogs for that — for example, the name of Twisty Faster’s suggests a quite different ethos or emphasis to the feminist topics under discussion.
13 years ago
I’m fairly sure her cocktails could put a grown man under the table, and I’m absolutely sure that she’s downing them in between takes.
I voted for NWO because he’s the most consistently loathsome without having DKM’s unusual literary style. True, I mostly just skim his posts unless he’s directly addressing me, but I do feel he’s done the most to earn this high honour.
I was thinking of nominating B_____n for a “troll most likely to get banned for being so tedious” award, but I’ve decided to make it a challenge!
It’s the “Can B_____n comment without referring to himself in practically every sentence?” challenge.
I’ve put him on moderation, and will only let through comments by him that contain zero references to himself.
If he can actually pull this off to my satisfaction, I’ll take him off moderation.
Also, I’m a bit surprised by NWO’s big lead in the polling. Sure, he’s prolific, and consistent, and the sheer number and variety of his odd beliefs (as catalogued so excellently in the Book Of Learnin) is impressive. But DKM and Arks ain’t chopped liver! Think of DKM’s dolls! Arks and his crusade against “slobbering crotch maws!”
This may be the most important vote in your lifetime! Consider all the options carefully before making your decision.
Even Twisty is funny though, in a mean sort of way. I can’t think of a feminist I’d describe as totally humorless off the top of my head other than Heart. And she’s funny in the same way Meller is, imo – she’s horrible, and everything she writes about trans women will make you feel stabby, but the combination of peace and love and woo with virulent hatred is funny in a sick sort of way.
13 years ago
David, let me just say that you are a wonderful person and that this challenge has convinced me you are actually in angel in the guise of a human.
13 years ago
AN angel, I mean.
13 years ago
…Did she even make the angel food base herself? Please tell me she made the angel food base herself. If she didn’t, I deserve to have a show on the Food Network.
MRAL, I agree with Cassandra that I think you might have a different definition of “feminist” than feminists do, and I don’t think you’re alone in that. My friend was telling me about his recent ex once, and told me that one of the things he liked about her was that she wanted to be a wife and mother and take care of her family. “Not indoctrinated by your feminist ideals of what a woman should want,” he said. He was shocked when I told him that I had no issue with it, as long as both her and her future partner made equal decisions in how to structure their family. I knocked him right over when I told him that part of the appeal of the career I want is that I can set my own hours, which will make it easier to spend time with the children I hope to one day have. It’s like he thought I was planning to eat any boy children that fell out of my womb, OM NOM NOM.
I also think that maybe you find heterosexual dating frustrating, and you’re looking at the woman you want to date and thinking they have a much easier time of it, which makes the idea of feminism frustrating. First of all, you might be wrong about how much they’re struggling, because you can’t see their personal experiences; and second of all I’m not sure you’re noticing those women who you wouldn’t want to date and the difficulties they face. Thing is, from what I’ve seen of you, you’re bright and thoughtful and willing to examine yourself. I don’t see your difficulties with women continuing forever.
13 years ago
13 years ago
[copious genuflection]
[more applause]
13 years ago
Arks is obviously trying too hard, but usually ends up being funny. So it’s pretty hard to call him Troll of the Year. Meller deserves to be a bit closer to NWO but the catch is that the votes that would have gone to him have had to be split with Arks.
NWO is a factory for ignorance. Each sentence is a perfectly formed piece of wrongness mass-produced for manboobzers.
David: I am AWED, TOTES, by the brilliant and sneaky nature of your challenge to Brandon.
I can hardly wait to see what ensues.
13 years ago
Not even sure what you did there, Wetherby!
Oh my gosh David thank you for that challenge. I find The Narcissistic One triggering because he’s like an older clone of my seriously bad news ex, to the point where I don’t usually feel comfortable reading threads he’s involved in. Now he can’t ruin Manboobz for me anymore, yay!
Sandra Lee confuses me. I’m not sure that what she does can be defined as “cooking” so much as “assembling”.
fwiw it’s worth, i think that’s kind of the point. my brother’s girlfriend has a sandra lee cookbook, and it specifies which brands you should be buying for all the major ingredients. (spoiler alert: kraft is featured heavily) it’s basically here’s the least effort you can put in and have something that looks like cooking, because there’s an audience for that kind of thing.
i had the stuffed shells with broccoli once. they were… edible.
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago
It’s not so much a personal definition so much as I just had a difficult time letting it go. I used to read comments sections at Schwyzer’s blog and Feministing or whatever and I’d be monumentally offended by the inevitable generalization or insinuation of my privilege or misogyny, etc. I think part of it was that, looking at women, I saw them as mostly happier than I was, and not bogged down by disadvantages and this feminist blogosphere was just rubbing salt into the wound, like now they get to have a pity party too! That made me so angry.
I’ve been against marriage for um going on thirty-eight years now–though I’m a bit fuzzy as to when I truly committed to NEVER EVER OMG MARRYING HOLYSHITNO.
I mean, I was this beady eyed little kid noticing how hard women in the pretty traditional country neighborhood I grew up in worked (some worked outside the home for pay as well as all the support work inside the home, and even those who didn’t have a paying job ran a whole slew of community support networks). I did not want to be a wife. Being a wife sucked in all possible ways.
Adolescence was hard–I’m one of the ones MRAL refuses to believe exists, between shyness, geekery, social awkwardness, tendency to use big words (got lectured endlessly not to let boys/men know I was smarter than them), weight issues (and perception of weight issues), and all sorts of shit, just no way were men going to have anything to do with me unless we were all drunk off our asses (and there were a couple of years there).
But at some point, I realized I didn’t want to get married. I didn’t want to have kids.
I wanted to read and write and earn money by reading and writing.
So I did.
I hardly think this is some huge heroic epic overturning of social mores (various elderly female relatives eventually decided that earning a Ph.D. in my late thirties was sufficient to ensure I didn’t end up starving in a gutter though and was officially a SPINSTER, thank heavens, they quit nagging me).
And it’s not, not in this day and age, and the idea that Brandon thinks that he’s some macho superhero for not doing what some of HIS female relatives think he should do is hilarious.
Protip: they cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do.
So standing up to them is not heroic, not radical, and takes no real effort on your part, and nobody here is impressed by your bragging about it.
And I’d really love to set up a betting pool as to how long it takes Brandon to get through David’s moderation requirements, ahahahahahaaha.
It’s the “Can B_____n comment without referring to himself in practically every sentence?” challenge.
I’ve put him on moderation, and will only let through comments by him that contain zero references to himself.
and brandon was never heard from again…
13 years ago
I voted for NWO too. Simply because I argue with him the most. Its hard to decide who is a more vile human being. On the creepy factor, DKM takes that one with his dollies and “little lady lovelies” and call for sexual enslavement of promiscuous women *shudders*…..though NWO isn’t far behind.
I rarely argue with Brandon because like everyone already mentioned, he is dull. Arks I’m pretty sure is just trolling for the lulz. If not, well that’s just downright sad.
Oh! I’m reading The Feminine Mystique after Meller referred to it in one of his posts (it was referred to in a negative light, which means it must be good) anyway, I’m pretty sure he yanked the term “fluffy women” from it, because Betty Friedan has used it a few times now to describe the ideal for women that was pushed in the 60s.
I think feminism invokes a negative reaction in some men because feminists refuse to bow down to them and kiss their asses simply for being men. These guys usually have entitlement issues when it comes to women so of course when a bunch of women are going to stand up for women’s rights and women’s autonomy then it’s going to piss them off.
Why do you think MRAs take such offense to the notion of empowered women? or even the word “grrls” or their bizarre anger at Oprah. OoooOooOooh empowered women living their own lives the way they see fit and refusing to submit to another person…so scary and horrible!!!
The only justified anger at feminists are at the ones who openly say men are inferior, but this is not the majority of feminists no matter how many times they want to smash their keyboards and say its so.
@ MRAL – The issue may be your own internal defintion of “feminist”. I’d say that this is a pretty openly feminist space. Almost all regular commenters are feminists, a lot of us also comment at Feministe etc, even the dudes are mostly feminists. It’s just that the tone is more fun and silly and less serious, because mockery is the purpose of the blog. It’s still fundamentally a feminist space, though, and I wouldn’t say most commenters here are any more “moderate” than average. It’s not a feminist-lite space in the same way as, say, Jezebel.
Maybe you’re just not used to seeing feminists talking among themselves, I dunno. This space is much closer to a random conversation among friends who’re all feminists than most other places – if you actually get a bunch of feminists sitting around a table, this space is more or less what that usually looks and sounds like.
(But with much more profanity if it’s in the UK, or at my house.)
Sandra Lee confuses me. I’m not sure that what she does can be defined as “cooking” so much as “assembling”. Everything she makes looks like it would taste horrible. It’s not even the Rachel Ray “put olive oil and cheese on everything” approach, which is bland but probably edible. What Sandra Lee does invokes horrible memories of stuff my mom’s friends used to bring to potlucks in the 70s.
“My favorite thing about Zarat was how low-grade his technocratic utopia was. Most of the other MRAs are shooting for fully functional and programmable sexbots; his big plan is to replace women with dating sim games. Which already exist.”
So basically he just has to learn to read Japanese and he’s all set? Somehow I doubt he’ll try that tack, he seems too lazy.
The worst thing about Sandra Lee? She doesn’t even write her own recipes. She has to PAY someone to come up with things like a Hanukkah cake stuffed with non-kosher marshmallows.
It’s like a cooking show for people who hate cooking and have no interest in learning.
It seems more like a cooking show for people who hate food in general and are secretely engaged in a plot to get us all to move to soylent green instead.
Actually even her cocktails look disgusting. I’m not sure how she manages that.
I think a lot of the commentariat here are representative of sex-positive and progressive feminism (derided as “fun-feminism” — there’s a problem with having fun?) which has some influence on tone; if you want po-faced, not-fun feminism there are other blogs for that — for example, the name of Twisty Faster’s suggests a quite different ethos or emphasis to the feminist topics under discussion.
I’m fairly sure her cocktails could put a grown man under the table, and I’m absolutely sure that she’s downing them in between takes.
I voted for NWO because he’s the most consistently loathsome without having DKM’s unusual literary style. True, I mostly just skim his posts unless he’s directly addressing me, but I do feel he’s done the most to earn this high honour.
I was thinking of nominating B_____n for a “troll most likely to get banned for being so tedious” award, but I’ve decided to make it a challenge!
It’s the “Can B_____n comment without referring to himself in practically every sentence?” challenge.
I’ve put him on moderation, and will only let through comments by him that contain zero references to himself.
If he can actually pull this off to my satisfaction, I’ll take him off moderation.
Also, I’m a bit surprised by NWO’s big lead in the polling. Sure, he’s prolific, and consistent, and the sheer number and variety of his odd beliefs (as catalogued so excellently in the Book Of Learnin) is impressive. But DKM and Arks ain’t chopped liver! Think of DKM’s dolls! Arks and his crusade against “slobbering crotch maws!”
This may be the most important vote in your lifetime! Consider all the options carefully before making your decision.
Even Twisty is funny though, in a mean sort of way. I can’t think of a feminist I’d describe as totally humorless off the top of my head other than Heart. And she’s funny in the same way Meller is, imo – she’s horrible, and everything she writes about trans women will make you feel stabby, but the combination of peace and love and woo with virulent hatred is funny in a sick sort of way.
David, let me just say that you are a wonderful person and that this challenge has convinced me you are actually in angel in the guise of a human.
AN angel, I mean.
…Did she even make the angel food base herself? Please tell me she made the angel food base herself. If she didn’t, I deserve to have a show on the Food Network.
MRAL, I agree with Cassandra that I think you might have a different definition of “feminist” than feminists do, and I don’t think you’re alone in that. My friend was telling me about his recent ex once, and told me that one of the things he liked about her was that she wanted to be a wife and mother and take care of her family. “Not indoctrinated by your feminist ideals of what a woman should want,” he said. He was shocked when I told him that I had no issue with it, as long as both her and her future partner made equal decisions in how to structure their family. I knocked him right over when I told him that part of the appeal of the career I want is that I can set my own hours, which will make it easier to spend time with the children I hope to one day have. It’s like he thought I was planning to eat any boy children that fell out of my womb, OM NOM NOM.
I also think that maybe you find heterosexual dating frustrating, and you’re looking at the woman you want to date and thinking they have a much easier time of it, which makes the idea of feminism frustrating. First of all, you might be wrong about how much they’re struggling, because you can’t see their personal experiences; and second of all I’m not sure you’re noticing those women who you wouldn’t want to date and the difficulties they face. Thing is, from what I’ve seen of you, you’re bright and thoughtful and willing to examine yourself. I don’t see your difficulties with women continuing forever.
[copious genuflection]
[more applause]
Arks is obviously trying too hard, but usually ends up being funny. So it’s pretty hard to call him Troll of the Year. Meller deserves to be a bit closer to NWO but the catch is that the votes that would have gone to him have had to be split with Arks.
NWO is a factory for ignorance. Each sentence is a perfectly formed piece of wrongness mass-produced for manboobzers.
David: I am AWED, TOTES, by the brilliant and sneaky nature of your challenge to Brandon.
I can hardly wait to see what ensues.
Not even sure what you did there, Wetherby!
Oh my gosh David thank you for that challenge. I find The Narcissistic One triggering because he’s like an older clone of my seriously bad news ex, to the point where I don’t usually feel comfortable reading threads he’s involved in. Now he can’t ruin Manboobz for me anymore, yay!
fwiw it’s worth, i think that’s kind of the point. my brother’s girlfriend has a sandra lee cookbook, and it specifies which brands you should be buying for all the major ingredients. (spoiler alert: kraft is featured heavily) it’s basically here’s the least effort you can put in and have something that looks like cooking, because there’s an audience for that kind of thing.
i had the stuffed shells with broccoli once. they were… edible.
It’s not so much a personal definition so much as I just had a difficult time letting it go. I used to read comments sections at Schwyzer’s blog and Feministing or whatever and I’d be monumentally offended by the inevitable generalization or insinuation of my privilege or misogyny, etc. I think part of it was that, looking at women, I saw them as mostly happier than I was, and not bogged down by disadvantages and this feminist blogosphere was just rubbing salt into the wound, like now they get to have a pity party too! That made me so angry.
I’ve been against marriage for um going on thirty-eight years now–though I’m a bit fuzzy as to when I truly committed to NEVER EVER OMG MARRYING HOLYSHITNO.
I mean, I was this beady eyed little kid noticing how hard women in the pretty traditional country neighborhood I grew up in worked (some worked outside the home for pay as well as all the support work inside the home, and even those who didn’t have a paying job ran a whole slew of community support networks). I did not want to be a wife. Being a wife sucked in all possible ways.
Adolescence was hard–I’m one of the ones MRAL refuses to believe exists, between shyness, geekery, social awkwardness, tendency to use big words (got lectured endlessly not to let boys/men know I was smarter than them), weight issues (and perception of weight issues), and all sorts of shit, just no way were men going to have anything to do with me unless we were all drunk off our asses (and there were a couple of years there).
But at some point, I realized I didn’t want to get married. I didn’t want to have kids.
I wanted to read and write and earn money by reading and writing.
So I did.
I hardly think this is some huge heroic epic overturning of social mores (various elderly female relatives eventually decided that earning a Ph.D. in my late thirties was sufficient to ensure I didn’t end up starving in a gutter though and was officially a SPINSTER, thank heavens, they quit nagging me).
And it’s not, not in this day and age, and the idea that Brandon thinks that he’s some macho superhero for not doing what some of HIS female relatives think he should do is hilarious.
Protip: they cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do.
So standing up to them is not heroic, not radical, and takes no real effort on your part, and nobody here is impressed by your bragging about it.
And I’d really love to set up a betting pool as to how long it takes Brandon to get through David’s moderation requirements, ahahahahahaaha.
and brandon was never heard from again…
I voted for NWO too. Simply because I argue with him the most. Its hard to decide who is a more vile human being. On the creepy factor, DKM takes that one with his dollies and “little lady lovelies” and call for sexual enslavement of promiscuous women *shudders*…..though NWO isn’t far behind.
I rarely argue with Brandon because like everyone already mentioned, he is dull. Arks I’m pretty sure is just trolling for the lulz. If not, well that’s just downright sad.
Oh! I’m reading The Feminine Mystique after Meller referred to it in one of his posts (it was referred to in a negative light, which means it must be good) anyway, I’m pretty sure he yanked the term “fluffy women” from it, because Betty Friedan has used it a few times now to describe the ideal for women that was pushed in the 60s.