Secondly, if the vast majority of case are never brought to court, and when they are men receive harsher sentences, how do men have greater “greater access”?
It’s hard to know because the problems of lack of reporting, but IF the majority of cases reported are by men, not women, then odds are the majority of cases not reported by men (I guess I’m not prepared to believe on blind faith that a huge percentage of women raping boys and male teenagers, although I suppose NWO and other trolls would claim it’s possible or even probable).
And if you want acknowledgement that women are treated differently in their favor in terms of child rape, then you need to ackowledge disparity in sentencing in other ways: i.e. black men more likely than white men to go to prison for same or lesser charges (see,, especially, cocaine disparity sentencing), and women who kill husbands get harsher sentences than men who kill wives.
So it’s not a single issue, but a systematic and complex one.
And trust me, when I talk about creepy fan behavior, I’m not talking about ogling and drooling, but specific boundary crossing actions including internet and offline stalking.
I don’t see ogling as that major a problem or that creepy….
13 years ago
How do you write a comment wherein you refer to yourself 35 times and not notice? How did he give that the once-over and decide “yeah, that one will probably make it through! I should definitely hit ‘post comment.'”
Maybe Brandon does not understand the Brandon Challenge?
13 years ago
Brandon’s way of answering the Brandon challenge is to post the same way he always does and just assume David will let it through, because he’s Brandon and everyone can see how important he and his thoughts are.
13 years ago
hey y’all, just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Hope everyone has an awesome night and an even better year!!
13 years ago
And the nomination for the biggest Mangina Troll is….
Hey, everyone! If you’re a loser home alone on the Internet tonight, I’m holding a New Year’s Eve party in the Manboobz chattybox! Come along, we’re all very nice. 🙂
13 years ago
Wait, we have a chat box?
13 years ago
You creepy weirdo’s have a happy New Year!
Perhaps you should do your own research on punctuation.
13 years ago
Where’s the chat-box? Not that i am the loser-home-alone-on-the-Internet-tonight, I am off to a party in an hour. I heard there will be swords!
Tough choice. I finally went with NWO because he seems to be capable of being vile on any subject, while Meller is pretty one-note – or at least has been since his attempted geography lesson failed so badly.
13 years ago
And the nomination for the biggest Mangina Troll is….
David Lol
I’ve found at least three people called David Lol – which one do you mean? It would be embarrassing if the award was given to the wrong one.
13 years ago
generally you have multiple nominations and then one winner. but apparently our dear host is such a quaking mangina that none can compare???
2-D Man
13 years ago
Well, I had to go with NWOslave because he’s just so batshit crazy.
He kind of reminds me of the Krug from Dungeon Siege, a humanoid race that never figured out fire and watches humans from the wilder parts of the land. They’re generally harmless but are prone to lashing out occasionally.
Similarly NWOslave seems to realize that logic, reason, and evidence are good things but just can’t figure out how they work. He lashes out from time to time, but just can’t seem to find an actual target, since his methods of determining truth are woefully inadequate. He ends up looking like Tyler Durden, fistfighting an imaginary opponent in a parking lot.
13 years ago
The question is: how do you troll your own blog?
13 years ago
Well, if being annoying is a trait required for a troll…I guess to annoy yourself you’d have to post lyrics to a song you hate or something?
I might stop by, ozy – Ben has a really loud gig tonight, and I couldn’t face a party full of drunk people, so I was planning an evening with waffles and a CSI marathon. Party in the chatbox sounds good!
13 years ago
I might stop by the chat, our plans got all blown to hell.
13 years ago
I have some time on my hands before we head out tonight, so I will say hello again to the Man Boobz crew.
I popped by the “Hooking Up Smart” site just a bit ago to check out what was going on. It looks like more of the same over there – shaming women who actually enjoy sex, claiming that no woman who’s had casual sex will EVAR be “acceptable relationship material,” and denying that any woman could enjoy having sex for sex’s sake. I added my own thoughts to this post:, with a few of my personal details tweaked for privacy’s sake. Frankly, I was surprised I got waved through at all.
Basically, my point was that just because people on that blog deny the existence of sex-positive women does not mean we don’t exist. What I didn’t write was that we avoid MRAs, fundies, and 50s fetishists like the plague because we know we’re just going to be shamed, belittled, mocked, and generally treated like trash at every turn. Sex-positive people date sex-positive people, and repressive 50s fetishists likewise seek their own.
Oh well. Back to my R.E.M. Nothing sets a Shorter’s anger meter off more than an openly bi guy making a ton of money off of writing and performing great rock n’ roll songs. I’m feeling like some “Pop Song ’89” right now. Yee-haw!
13 years ago
I might stop by the chatbox, Ozy – I don’t think I have the energy to go out tonight.
13 years ago
The problem with NYE is the same as Valentine’s Day – it’s thoroughly overrated.
I don’t expect this to go away anytime soon, though, what with the stores putting out Halloween stuff in the summer, and Christmas stuff by back-to-school time. One of my largest Web and software clients was one of Fortune’s largest private companies, and whatever holiday it was – and however minor the holiday – we had to help them promote the heck out of it months beforehand.
IMO, that kind of takes the fun out of the anticipation and the holiday itself. It makes it less special, and more like this overblown, overhyped, commercial bonanza, with the underlying message of “If you’re not MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF THIS HOLIDAY, YOU SUCK!” This is why I avoid most big-box stores and such like the plague! Well, that and the Muzak. Muzak is one of the worst modern inventions in the history of mankind, ever.
I know what you mean about the long build up to holidays. I have friends who put their christmas tree up when the shops do (beginning of November) and take it down on christmas day!
13 years ago
The chat doesn’t work for me, for whatever reason, so I will hang out on the site.
Myths about male rape: not specific to child rape, but the systemic issue means that we’re talking about a continuum not separate incidents:
Secondly, if the vast majority of case are never brought to court, and when they are men receive harsher sentences, how do men have greater “greater access”?
It’s hard to know because the problems of lack of reporting, but IF the majority of cases reported are by men, not women, then odds are the majority of cases not reported by men (I guess I’m not prepared to believe on blind faith that a huge percentage of women raping boys and male teenagers, although I suppose NWO and other trolls would claim it’s possible or even probable).
And if you want acknowledgement that women are treated differently in their favor in terms of child rape, then you need to ackowledge disparity in sentencing in other ways: i.e. black men more likely than white men to go to prison for same or lesser charges (see,, especially, cocaine disparity sentencing), and women who kill husbands get harsher sentences than men who kill wives.
So it’s not a single issue, but a systematic and complex one.
And trust me, when I talk about creepy fan behavior, I’m not talking about ogling and drooling, but specific boundary crossing actions including internet and offline stalking.
I don’t see ogling as that major a problem or that creepy….
How do you write a comment wherein you refer to yourself 35 times and not notice? How did he give that the once-over and decide “yeah, that one will probably make it through! I should definitely hit ‘post comment.'”
Maybe Brandon does not understand the Brandon Challenge?
Brandon’s way of answering the Brandon challenge is to post the same way he always does and just assume David will let it through, because he’s Brandon and everyone can see how important he and his thoughts are.
hey y’all, just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Hope everyone has an awesome night and an even better year!!
And the nomination for the biggest Mangina Troll is….
David Lol
You creepy weirdo’s have a happy New Year!
menunite 😉
Hey, everyone! If you’re a loser home alone on the Internet tonight, I’m holding a New Year’s Eve party in the Manboobz chattybox! Come along, we’re all very nice. 🙂
Wait, we have a chat box?
Perhaps you should do your own research on punctuation.
Where’s the chat-box? Not that i am the loser-home-alone-on-the-Internet-tonight, I am off to a party in an hour. I heard there will be swords!
Lauralot: Yep, it’s attached to the Manboobz forum! Constantly full of excitement, wonder, and Minecraft discussions! xD
Tough choice. I finally went with NWO because he seems to be capable of being vile on any subject, while Meller is pretty one-note – or at least has been since his attempted geography lesson failed so badly.
I’ve found at least three people called David Lol – which one do you mean? It would be embarrassing if the award was given to the wrong one.
generally you have multiple nominations and then one winner. but apparently our dear host is such a quaking mangina that none can compare???
Well, I had to go with NWOslave because he’s just so batshit crazy.
He kind of reminds me of the Krug from Dungeon Siege, a humanoid race that never figured out fire and watches humans from the wilder parts of the land. They’re generally harmless but are prone to lashing out occasionally.
Similarly NWOslave seems to realize that logic, reason, and evidence are good things but just can’t figure out how they work. He lashes out from time to time, but just can’t seem to find an actual target, since his methods of determining truth are woefully inadequate. He ends up looking like Tyler Durden, fistfighting an imaginary opponent in a parking lot.
The question is: how do you troll your own blog?
Well, if being annoying is a trait required for a troll…I guess to annoy yourself you’d have to post lyrics to a song you hate or something?
I might stop by, ozy – Ben has a really loud gig tonight, and I couldn’t face a party full of drunk people, so I was planning an evening with waffles and a CSI marathon. Party in the chatbox sounds good!
I might stop by the chat, our plans got all blown to hell.
I have some time on my hands before we head out tonight, so I will say hello again to the Man Boobz crew.
I popped by the “Hooking Up Smart” site just a bit ago to check out what was going on. It looks like more of the same over there – shaming women who actually enjoy sex, claiming that no woman who’s had casual sex will EVAR be “acceptable relationship material,” and denying that any woman could enjoy having sex for sex’s sake. I added my own thoughts to this post:, with a few of my personal details tweaked for privacy’s sake. Frankly, I was surprised I got waved through at all.
Basically, my point was that just because people on that blog deny the existence of sex-positive women does not mean we don’t exist. What I didn’t write was that we avoid MRAs, fundies, and 50s fetishists like the plague because we know we’re just going to be shamed, belittled, mocked, and generally treated like trash at every turn. Sex-positive people date sex-positive people, and repressive 50s fetishists likewise seek their own.
Oh well. Back to my R.E.M. Nothing sets a Shorter’s anger meter off more than an openly bi guy making a ton of money off of writing and performing great rock n’ roll songs. I’m feeling like some “Pop Song ’89” right now. Yee-haw!
I might stop by the chatbox, Ozy – I don’t think I have the energy to go out tonight.
The problem with NYE is the same as Valentine’s Day – it’s thoroughly overrated.
I don’t expect this to go away anytime soon, though, what with the stores putting out Halloween stuff in the summer, and Christmas stuff by back-to-school time. One of my largest Web and software clients was one of Fortune’s largest private companies, and whatever holiday it was – and however minor the holiday – we had to help them promote the heck out of it months beforehand.
IMO, that kind of takes the fun out of the anticipation and the holiday itself. It makes it less special, and more like this overblown, overhyped, commercial bonanza, with the underlying message of “If you’re not MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF THIS HOLIDAY, YOU SUCK!” This is why I avoid most big-box stores and such like the plague! Well, that and the Muzak. Muzak is one of the worst modern inventions in the history of mankind, ever.
I know what you mean about the long build up to holidays. I have friends who put their christmas tree up when the shops do (beginning of November) and take it down on christmas day!
The chat doesn’t work for me, for whatever reason, so I will hang out on the site.