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13 years ago

Here’s it, Thanks to Ami!

It is my goal to raise a non-hyerpgamous daughter, or–to the extent that is impossible because natural urges are inexpungable–to smash that impluse down under a strict regimen of character education. I want her to find a “good catch,” don’t get me wrong, but only one.

And of course, we should all smash our evil hypergamy down!

“The reason the alphas seem so misogynistic is that 99% or more of their experience with women is with sluts, morons, emotional wrecks, or the painfully naive (categories not necessarily exclusive). So of course they don’t respect those women and then it’s only natural that they extrapolate that lack of respect to all women. What they pine for is one worthy of their respect.

So, to you girls who hate the hook-up scene: BE THAT GIRL. By that I mean not just avoiding casual sex (though that is hugely important), but be it on the inside. Understand your own hypergamous impluse and smash it down.

Really, this completely bizarre notion that “Arranged marriages / Patriarchal courtship and dating rules were all about making sure betas had access to nice proper wives, and nobody tried to marry their daughters up or anything! Hypergamy was considered rightly EVIL!” is one of THE most bizarre notions in the fascinating world of MRAhistory and Mranthropology.

But here’s the jewel in that crown, the “If My Son Turns Out To Be An Alpha” speech…

“As it stands, my speech would go something like this if he turns out to be an alpha. I haven’t really thought through the beta speech yet though a lot of this would apply.

Son, the times you face are different from when I was a kid. Every old man says that but this time it’s really, really true. Moreover, the times are worse. You can call me Abe Simpson if you want but I’m smarter than you and better read and have more experience. Ignore this at your peril. In any event, you’re going to be forced to listen to it.


” girls, not necessarily sluts, are confused, impressionable, and in the grip of a low aspect of their nature that they don’t quite understand. At least the low aspect of your nature–wanting to rack up a big body count–is easy for you to understand. Girls have it a bit harder. On the one hand, “nice” girls want boyfriends and eventually husbands. But it’s not quite that simple. They want the best one they can get and which male they perceive as best can change rather rapidly. Since they are not honest with themselves about this, it is much harder for them to control their low nature than it is for you. So even “nice” girls can be willing to have sex with you very early.”

13 years ago

how DARE women try to date the best man for them! I mean, when men try to find the hottest or submissive women to fuck or marry its just NATURAL, but when women try to date the hottest man or a man who doesn’t live in his parent’s basement, they’re just FUCKING EVIL FUCKING SLUTS FUCKHYPERGAMY!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

For the love of everything that is decent and logical, I hope these guys never procreate ever because I guarantee they will raise children that grow up despising the opposite sex.

Ugh. Manboobz I just can’t stay away can I?

13 years ago

“So even “nice” girls can be willing to have sex with you very early.”

Son blinks, perplexed, and then says “that’s a bad thing?”.

13 years ago


wow…India is a matriarchy now?

13 years ago

@ Shadow

The linked video was pretty funny. OK, so, some men got on the woman’s train car, and the women made them leave. Clearly this proves that evil feminists have taken over Delhi. They must be stopped! Men should be allowed to go wherever the fuck they want! Clearly there is no reason why those train cars exist, it’s just women being princesses who’re too snooty to be sociable.

13 years ago

Also, hypergamy! If the men were super hot the woman would have invited them to stay and made them a nice cup of tea.

13 years ago

HAHAHAHAHA… I KNOW right? It’s so funny because, I knew that the attitudes exist, but it’s to see a blog actually devoted to Indian MRAism. And the protest, Dear God, the protest!!

13 years ago

I think that’s what prompted Anthony Bourdain to call her a terrorist.

In one of his later books, Tony describes how Ms Lee got her revenge. It’s not pretty and kinda… no, it’s really really fucking gross and creepy.

13 years ago

The dude at the actual, serious protest with his silly little sign was just awesome. We shall overcome, man. Sing it.

13 years ago

the thing is..if the wife is not working, if the husband pushed for her to stay at home to keep house and take care of the kid, then yea he is an ATM machine. She has to be supported or else don’t insist that your wife stay home and not work. Which is what these “save the family” asshats want. Women at home, men at work.

Of course horrible evil feminism came along and pushed for women to have careers to support themselves financially and contribute to their families and that’s terrible too. Poor MRAs. WHY OH WHY do they have to support their stay at home wives that they don’t allow to work because that’s just for career bitch feminists? OPPRESSION!!!

13 years ago

This is why anti-feminists are silly. In most cases, women are working. Thus bringing money into the family. Thus not needing men as ATM machines anymore. Why I bet they buy their own shoes too! Golddiggers do not count. Because no one is forcing men to pay golddiggers, as opposed to having to support your stay at home wife. Even then you can divorce her if you really don’t want to.

On top of that it’s so much easier to get laid now with birth control and more relaxed ideas about sex. But they still complain about sluts and hypergamy.

What do these idiots WANT anymore? besides total female slavery? oh wait, I just answered my own question. Never mind.

13 years ago

I await with bated breath the eventual Saudi MRA site featuring articles like “why is the wife who I would have refused to marry if she wasn’t a virgin lacking in sexual experience? so annoying” and “having to drive my wife around is so inconvenient…of course I don’t want her to drive, but why can’t she just stay home?”.

I keep saying – there is no way to make them happy, other than literally removing women’s free will entirely. And even then they’d whine about how annoying it was to have to keep giving their wives instructions.

13 years ago


And looking at the blog there’s someone else with the same sign so there was an actual movement of at least two!! I don’t know how legitimate the actual protest is but I wouldn’t be surprised if the domestic violence laws weren’t written in gender neutral language, wives beating on husbands is a cultural joke out there. Of course, on the flip side, domestic abuse is still very much seen as a private matter between wife and husband, so any law is an improvement to the situation.

13 years ago

Well Cassandra women are allowed to vote down there now, and we all know that’s just the first step towards a matria-gyno-fascist femcuntracy!

13 years ago

I’m not kidding when I say that I met men when I was there who were convinced that women these days have too much freedom and it must be stopped. And that was in the 80s.

MRAs – the most ridiculous political movement of all time?

13 years ago


Yeah, things are changing out there, but the cultural expectations are still overwhelmingly for stay-at-home motherhood. The situation is somewhat different in that there is cultural pressure on women to stay at home and forgo careers and simultaneous pressure on husbands to be able to take care of very large households by themselves (because south asian households tend to be multigenerational) so it creates a lot of tension-filled fucked up relationship dynamics

13 years ago

Anyways y’all, gotta hit da sack. Night!

13 years ago

That’s it, I want my own Food Network show. It’ll be called Can I Get Someone to Eat This?, and will make Sandra Lee look like Julia freakin’ Child.

13 years ago

Can us manboobzers just move onto another planet and just start our own civilization? I don’t want to live on a planet where such people exist.

I vote myself for position of artist (Spearhafoc too) and plushie-maker!


Yea that isn’t fair to either sex. The logical thing to do is encourage women to work and bring in some money thus easing up on the men’s expectations to make all the money. This is why for the most part, gender roles are BS. I’m not up to snuff with what’s going on in India but they do have a female president so I’m sure things are changing. With that change will come a backlash though. Another reason why I despise reactionary traditionalists.

13 years ago

oh and first part of that comment was in response to CassandraSays

Goodnight Shadow!

13 years ago

Can us manboobzers just move onto another planet and just start our own civilization? I don’t want to live on a planet where such people exist.

I second this!

13 years ago

we could call it Boobtopia….actually maybe we should vote on names haha

13 years ago

Actually can we take the guy with the HUSBAND IS NOT ATM MACHINE from the domestic violence protest along, as well as the idiots who threw condoms full of purple powder in the House of Commons in London? They’re funny.

13 years ago

Hahahahaha…oh this is just hilarious xD

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