Yeah. I think it may be because the few other websites I check out all have a really hypermasculine kinda culture, and for all the faults that kinda environment has, any pedo shit gets shut down fast wheras NWO was here just to tell us about that shit so it was a lot of exposure at once
13 years ago
I had to vote DKM because I always read his posts and always just skim over nwoslave’s.
Having read them both I believe that DKM is really true to his word. I believe he does live with a large collection of dolls and hopes in his new world wanton women of his deciding will live in pleasure palaces that serve as entertainment for the wonderful men that decide to go there.
I don’t believe nwoslave, not in the least. My opinion is nwo is an attention slut who says anything that comes to mind simply for shock value to get what he needs, which is attention.
I’m going to state my case here (my husband who had a much monger history reading this blog filled me in). Nwo spent many posts describing his job as a technician in milk factories, he even said he invented machinery which he never got credit for. Now he denies all of that.
He said he lived in Texas, again now denial.
On the other hand my champion DKM had never wavered from his belief system. His is very easy. Collecting dolls is good for men, brothels with pretty names with women who enjoy sex are enslaved very good, good women work only in the home with MAYBE a few maternal sterile ones working with babies, and I believe at some point sex-bots (his dolls) making the above obsolete. And fluffy, women should be fluffy.
NWO has never come close to fluffy.
DKM is the best troll because unlike NWO he really wants to like women who act and look like his dolls. NWO is just hating on anything randomly. If you put him on a panda forum he’d act the same.
13 years ago
I also love that Brandon so far is the only troll to come on this thread.
“what about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”!!!!!!
Is all I heard. I agree with the above, that you just don’t bring enough troll to the table.
Your make-believe girlfriend is rather amusing, but frankly “Ashley” is all you have.
13 years ago
What is wrong with Kotaku? I haven’t browsed it much but since you mentioned anime I have a feeling the word starts with L and rhymes with golly.
If it will make you feel better (though it probably wont) female anime fans can be pretty disturbing themselves. I don’t know what it is about anime fans. They’re a special brand of socially awkward geek, and I say this as a sort of anime fan who’s had lots of experience with the culture
13 years ago
I expect that when Brandon realizes he’s on moderation and why, he’ll make a bunch of posts bitching about the injustice of it all before flouncing (and of course, trying to come back shortly after).
And then David can tell us all about it and we can laugh and laugh.
I have…issues with the entire Japanophile subculture in the US. Creepy does indeed abound in the female fans too, but it’s the exceptionally high percentage of pedos in the male side of the fanbase that really pushes my response from “you guys are weird and awkward and it’s creeping me out” into “I am genuinely concerned that you might hurt someone”. Generally speaking, in my experience, anime forums have tended to be cesspits of pedophilia and sexism. And honestly I think the pedophilia is partly a result of the sexism, or at least strongly associated with it.
(That part isn’t an American invention, it’s there in Japanese otaku culture too. In fact it’s a well-known enough association that academic papers have been written about it.)
How will Brandon manage to complain about how unfair David is being to him without referring to himself and thus make it through moderation? He doesn’t seem like a good enough writer to pull that off.
13 years ago
I Brandon_ (have to delete that)
Men in general have been treated unfairly except when I _ (have to delete that) Brandon’s are fucking their hypothetical girlfriends against the wall.
I (have to delete that) Men in general like to put a woman in her place. When I spank (have to delete that). When men spank Ashley she likes it.
I think he’d be fine if he just started talking in the first person. Or generally of all men
Pro tip for Brandon if I can steal pro tip for a moment. Say Brandon or men instead of I. It would be a cute post
13 years ago
Saying Brandon would be cheating, wouldn’t it? Speaking generally about men he could probably get away with though.
13 years ago
Anime culture is problematic. On one hand its great because they actually have cartoons and comics that are aimed at women, about women or made by women and which cater to women’s aesthetic preferences (bishonen) whereas in comics and cartoons in North America the male characters are always drawn to appeal to male’s sense of masculinity first (huge muscles, uber manly) if women happen to find them attractive that’s a secondary effect.
But yes, the cute and childlike obsession Japan seems to have is creepy. The cute isn’t the creepy part. Its the associating cute with childishness which is disturbing. I don’t know if I’d consider those guys actual pedos (then again I don’t really participate in anime forums much and if I do its about the few series that I enjoy) however it definitely is a result of sexism and not being able to see women as actual human beings. Many male otakus and even creeps like Meller want real life women to act childish because its not threatening to them. And childish “innocent” women are easier to manipulate. I’m even noticing some of this creepiness leaking into the My Little Pony fandom. They’re friggen ponies for fucks sake, stop drawing them like underage anime chicks.
And here I was happy that grown men weren’t ashamed to watch a show aimed at girls, meanwhile a lot of them are just sexualizing the characters.
I remember one time I was at a convention looking at some DVDs and a 20 something guy was asking the merchant for something. All I heard was the merchant say “yea we wouldn’t be able to get that past the border” I’m sure he was asking for loli but he was also with a young woman around the same age which I assumed was his GF so I didn’t think much else of it besides “just your typical otaky weirdo” It was definitely creepy though.
Do you have any links to these academic papers? I had no idea that stuff was actually seriously written about this topic.
13 years ago
It’s beginning to sound like Br_ndon’s Catch-22. Other posters were likely correct in surmising that we may never hear from him again, what with his track record. *full marks to David F*
I voted for NWO, by the way, for reasons pretty much diametrically opposite to Kavette’s; I find DKM interminably boring and unreadable: with him, a little would go a long way, whereas the normal quantity of Melleresque prose goes precisely nowhere. Arks is too much the dark horse and he might have had some effect in splitting the Meller vote, but NWO is clearly over the 50% mark even so.
Let’s face it, Meller (?) could be imagined in some dark corner of the world living out his distorted life of misogyny, posting his essays to the Internet, and playing in his little dolls’ house with his little lady lovelies. NWO on the other hand shows no signs of being in touch with reality anywhere that is to be found on any planet in the solar system. I think when voting closes in a day or so congratulations will be in order to NWO for being the most hateful, spiteful, morally repugnant Manboobz poster of 2011! I couldn’t imagine the prize going to a less worthy (ahem) recipient.
13 years ago
Oh and I remember coming across a Japanese MRA online once. Can you believe it? this is a country where panties are sold in vending machines, you can by loli comics in bookstores and women being groped on subway trains is an everyday occurrence.
And the jackass feels MEN are oppressed or discriminated against?
Dont get me wrong I think Japan is an amazing country with a neat culture, but female dominated it aint.
I wish I could remember the name of the academic who’s written most about the whole history of otaku culture. The original papers were written in Japanese, but I’ve seen at least one of hers linked via Wikipedia I think. Her theory is that otaku culture represents the irritation that both sexes feel towards each other, and a mutual retreat, so basically the guys are going “fuck you, you’re too independent, I’m going to go read lolicon and watch moe shows” and the women are going “ugh, you’re so unromantic and so plain, you’re just like my dad, I’m going to go read bishonen manga and pretend you don’t exist”. I’m talking about a very specific part of otaku culture obviously – I know lots of Japanese people who love the more maintream anime and manga like Gundam and Nana and stuff like that, but pay no attention at all to the stuff made for hardcore otaku. In fact that’s what I was getting at a while back when someone referenced an anime they found on Netflix that was clearly made for the otaku audience and not for a mainstream audience at all – these folks are way outside the mainstream even in Japan, and the more the market caters to them the less appealing a lot of the product becomes to a mainstream audience.
My ex loves anime and grew up on it, so we had a conversation about this a while back in terms of his frustration about the effect that otaku have had on the market overall. There’s still stuff that’s appealing to almost anyone, and you can usually tell what it is right away because producers are willing to spend the money on making it into full-length movies with a major theatrical release, even live-action movies (the Nana movie was huge, if you look at the list of credits and who contributed music you can see how widely loved that manga was, 20th Century Boys spawned several movies, and Death Note made a pretty big splash too), but notice that all of those are totally lacking the weird, creepy, pervy vibe of the stuff made for the hardcore otaku market. So when people use the hardcore otaku stuff as some sort of “look how fucked up Japan is!” argument it’s like…well, America produced Hostel and Saw, and I really don’t think torture porn as a genre says anything much about mainstream American culture. There’s a market for weird creepy shit all over the world.
You know, I don’t think it’s possible for a culture to be sexist enough to eliminate MRAs entirely. Their real issue seems to be with the idea that women have free will at all, and even in the most sexist culture, women’s ability to express their free will may be limited, but it still exists. I’d pick either Saudi or Afghanistan as the most sexist places on earth right now, and I definitely encountered men who felt like women had too much freedom and were angry about it in Saudi. It is quite literally impossible to make a society sexist enough to please these guys.
13 years ago
also unrelated but the dude who runs the Spearhead has a daughter. A DAUGHTER.
The website which has openly talked about taking away women’s right to vote and daily refers to women as whores, cunts and sluts….the guy who runs it has a daughter.
I can’t put into words how much I feel sorry for her. I’m sure she’ll just love being taught by her daddy that she is inferior because of her gender and that the women of the past who fought for her right to vote, get an education and get equal pay for equal work were all trash considered to him.
I just can’t wrap my head around MRAs with daughters. It makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
Actually whenever Meller starts talking about the not-brothels and how families will be so happy to send their wayward female members there that’s what jumps into my mind – does he have a daughter? He seems so obsessed with this idea of what families can “do” about non-virgin women that I almost tend to think that he probably does have a daughter and is pissed at his inability to control her.
13 years ago
It was a close one for me between NWO and DKM but I finally voted for NWO for his sheer perseverance in the face of common sense, decency, and logic.
13 years ago
So that paper basically describes hardcore otaku as MGTOWs? lol. Yea I can see that. I’d even add on that people who really immerse themselves into fandom, the ones that have no balance in their lives, might be frustrated with society overall.
I love Nana! it’s a great story. And yep, not all anime is all fanservice garbage or porn. That’s what I like about anime, is that there is a genre for everything. As with a lot of fandom though, the fans can sometimes tend to ruin it. Also most really popular anime actually has decent story and animation with minimum fanservice so that gives me hope…kinda. I dunno. I got sick of the whole subculture and the people associated with it so I mainly just watch what I like and keep it to myself 😛
also I hope that for the sake of Meller’s hypothetical daughter that he stays the fuck away from her. Fuck…I can picture it now “girls are dumber than boys, and usually grow up to be sluts and do annoying things like ask for equal rights and to not be raped…but don’t worry sweetie, daddy still loves you…now go arrange his doll collection”
13 years ago
ok this topic is starting to depress me now, I think I’m gonna pop in a movie or something. Night everyone! hope everyone has a great new years 🙂
13 years ago
Night Quackers and happy new year to you too!
13 years ago
Spearhead has fathered a female child. Mind. is. blown.
I think I’m gonna go ahead and vote for NWO, because his whole schtick just tries so hard and fails so often. It has the perfect trolling effect: amusing in a pathetic way, and annoying, but not overly so, like a small grain of sand in your shoe.
13 years ago
Also, a New Year’s Eve shoutout to Mr. Futrelle for his article on The Good Men Project, in case some of you have missed it: I just read it this evening, and found myself vigorously nodding in agreement with each point he made. I was especially interested to learn about the organization dedicated to ending prison rape, which has gone completely unmentioned on every single MRA site whining about rape issues.
The comments section on GMP might make your brain explode, though. There’s a veritable treasure trove of MRA stupidity there (but of course, not a whole lot of activism). Just a heads up. Happy New Year’s everyone! Now I’m off to listen to one of my favorite R.E.M. songs, as our favorite Shorters have declared this the Year of the Rapture, and Michael Stipe has a magical ability to make even the Rapture seem happy.
13 years ago
Quackers – “I just can’t wrap my head around MRAs with daughters. It makes NO FUCKING SENSE.”
That reminds me…
One of the most funny/horrific things I ever read was an MRA saying that if he and his wife had a daughter, he would love her and treat her well, but she would always have that powerful hypergamous instinct, and she could not control it, and she would not even be aware of it, so he would do his best to tell her about it and try to keep it under control…
Yeah. “Sweety, daddy loves you, but even though you may not think so, you are naturally an evil, greedy, alpha chasing bitch, and you must accept this”
This all went over as totally reasonable and moderate in the comments, IRRC.
Wait, do MRAs try to train their daughter to not hook up with the boys who any other girls are interested in?
“No, sweetie, I know you like Jason but he seems to be rather popular, so you can’t date him because FUCK WHY DO WOMEN ALWAYS DO THIS, FUCK, YOU’RE ALL BITCHES, YOU NEVER GIVE THE BETA NICE GUY A CHANCE – BITCHES! Have you considered Bob? I know that he smells kind of funny and he keeps skulking around trying to steal your panties out of the dryer, but I’m sure you’d like him if you got to know him better YOU SPOILED PRINCESS BITCH. Daddy loves you.”
13 years ago
So in order to lighten the mood a bit I thought I’d hunt down a hilarious pic that my boy put up on facebook:
INDIAN MRAS!!! And any south asians, or people familiar with south asian culture will be able to appreciate the extra dosage of hilarity in the utter brownness of it all
Yeah. I think it may be because the few other websites I check out all have a really hypermasculine kinda culture, and for all the faults that kinda environment has, any pedo shit gets shut down fast wheras NWO was here just to tell us about that shit so it was a lot of exposure at once
I had to vote DKM because I always read his posts and always just skim over nwoslave’s.
Having read them both I believe that DKM is really true to his word. I believe he does live with a large collection of dolls and hopes in his new world wanton women of his deciding will live in pleasure palaces that serve as entertainment for the wonderful men that decide to go there.
I don’t believe nwoslave, not in the least. My opinion is nwo is an attention slut who says anything that comes to mind simply for shock value to get what he needs, which is attention.
I’m going to state my case here (my husband who had a much monger history reading this blog filled me in). Nwo spent many posts describing his job as a technician in milk factories, he even said he invented machinery which he never got credit for. Now he denies all of that.
He said he lived in Texas, again now denial.
On the other hand my champion DKM had never wavered from his belief system. His is very easy. Collecting dolls is good for men, brothels with pretty names with women who enjoy sex are enslaved very good, good women work only in the home with MAYBE a few maternal sterile ones working with babies, and I believe at some point sex-bots (his dolls) making the above obsolete. And fluffy, women should be fluffy.
NWO has never come close to fluffy.
DKM is the best troll because unlike NWO he really wants to like women who act and look like his dolls. NWO is just hating on anything randomly. If you put him on a panda forum he’d act the same.
I also love that Brandon so far is the only troll to come on this thread.
“what about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”!!!!!!
Is all I heard. I agree with the above, that you just don’t bring enough troll to the table.
Your make-believe girlfriend is rather amusing, but frankly “Ashley” is all you have.
What is wrong with Kotaku? I haven’t browsed it much but since you mentioned anime I have a feeling the word starts with L and rhymes with golly.
If it will make you feel better (though it probably wont) female anime fans can be pretty disturbing themselves. I don’t know what it is about anime fans. They’re a special brand of socially awkward geek, and I say this as a sort of anime fan who’s had lots of experience with the culture
I expect that when Brandon realizes he’s on moderation and why, he’ll make a bunch of posts bitching about the injustice of it all before flouncing (and of course, trying to come back shortly after).
And then David can tell us all about it and we can laugh and laugh.
@ Quackers
I have…issues with the entire Japanophile subculture in the US. Creepy does indeed abound in the female fans too, but it’s the exceptionally high percentage of pedos in the male side of the fanbase that really pushes my response from “you guys are weird and awkward and it’s creeping me out” into “I am genuinely concerned that you might hurt someone”. Generally speaking, in my experience, anime forums have tended to be cesspits of pedophilia and sexism. And honestly I think the pedophilia is partly a result of the sexism, or at least strongly associated with it.
(That part isn’t an American invention, it’s there in Japanese otaku culture too. In fact it’s a well-known enough association that academic papers have been written about it.)
How will Brandon manage to complain about how unfair David is being to him without referring to himself and thus make it through moderation? He doesn’t seem like a good enough writer to pull that off.
I Brandon_ (have to delete that)
Men in general have been treated unfairly except when I _ (have to delete that) Brandon’s are fucking their hypothetical girlfriends against the wall.
I (have to delete that) Men in general like to put a woman in her place. When I spank (have to delete that). When men spank Ashley she likes it.
I think he’d be fine if he just started talking in the first person. Or generally of all men
Pro tip for Brandon if I can steal pro tip for a moment. Say Brandon or men instead of I. It would be a cute post
Saying Brandon would be cheating, wouldn’t it? Speaking generally about men he could probably get away with though.
Anime culture is problematic. On one hand its great because they actually have cartoons and comics that are aimed at women, about women or made by women and which cater to women’s aesthetic preferences (bishonen) whereas in comics and cartoons in North America the male characters are always drawn to appeal to male’s sense of masculinity first (huge muscles, uber manly) if women happen to find them attractive that’s a secondary effect.
But yes, the cute and childlike obsession Japan seems to have is creepy. The cute isn’t the creepy part. Its the associating cute with childishness which is disturbing. I don’t know if I’d consider those guys actual pedos (then again I don’t really participate in anime forums much and if I do its about the few series that I enjoy) however it definitely is a result of sexism and not being able to see women as actual human beings. Many male otakus and even creeps like Meller want real life women to act childish because its not threatening to them. And childish “innocent” women are easier to manipulate. I’m even noticing some of this creepiness leaking into the My Little Pony fandom. They’re friggen ponies for fucks sake, stop drawing them like underage anime chicks.
And here I was happy that grown men weren’t ashamed to watch a show aimed at girls, meanwhile a lot of them are just sexualizing the characters.
I remember one time I was at a convention looking at some DVDs and a 20 something guy was asking the merchant for something. All I heard was the merchant say “yea we wouldn’t be able to get that past the border” I’m sure he was asking for loli but he was also with a young woman around the same age which I assumed was his GF so I didn’t think much else of it besides “just your typical otaky weirdo” It was definitely creepy though.
Do you have any links to these academic papers? I had no idea that stuff was actually seriously written about this topic.
It’s beginning to sound like Br_ndon’s Catch-22. Other posters were likely correct in surmising that we may never hear from him again, what with his track record. *full marks to David F*
I voted for NWO, by the way, for reasons pretty much diametrically opposite to Kavette’s; I find DKM interminably boring and unreadable: with him, a little would go a long way, whereas the normal quantity of Melleresque prose goes precisely nowhere. Arks is too much the dark horse and he might have had some effect in splitting the Meller vote, but NWO is clearly over the 50% mark even so.
Let’s face it, Meller (?) could be imagined in some dark corner of the world living out his distorted life of misogyny, posting his essays to the Internet, and playing in his little dolls’ house with his little lady lovelies. NWO on the other hand shows no signs of being in touch with reality anywhere that is to be found on any planet in the solar system. I think when voting closes in a day or so congratulations will be in order to NWO for being the most hateful, spiteful, morally repugnant Manboobz poster of 2011! I couldn’t imagine the prize going to a less worthy (ahem) recipient.
Oh and I remember coming across a Japanese MRA online once. Can you believe it? this is a country where panties are sold in vending machines, you can by loli comics in bookstores and women being groped on subway trains is an everyday occurrence.
And the jackass feels MEN are oppressed or discriminated against?
Dont get me wrong I think Japan is an amazing country with a neat culture, but female dominated it aint.
I wish I could remember the name of the academic who’s written most about the whole history of otaku culture. The original papers were written in Japanese, but I’ve seen at least one of hers linked via Wikipedia I think. Her theory is that otaku culture represents the irritation that both sexes feel towards each other, and a mutual retreat, so basically the guys are going “fuck you, you’re too independent, I’m going to go read lolicon and watch moe shows” and the women are going “ugh, you’re so unromantic and so plain, you’re just like my dad, I’m going to go read bishonen manga and pretend you don’t exist”. I’m talking about a very specific part of otaku culture obviously – I know lots of Japanese people who love the more maintream anime and manga like Gundam and Nana and stuff like that, but pay no attention at all to the stuff made for hardcore otaku. In fact that’s what I was getting at a while back when someone referenced an anime they found on Netflix that was clearly made for the otaku audience and not for a mainstream audience at all – these folks are way outside the mainstream even in Japan, and the more the market caters to them the less appealing a lot of the product becomes to a mainstream audience.
My ex loves anime and grew up on it, so we had a conversation about this a while back in terms of his frustration about the effect that otaku have had on the market overall. There’s still stuff that’s appealing to almost anyone, and you can usually tell what it is right away because producers are willing to spend the money on making it into full-length movies with a major theatrical release, even live-action movies (the Nana movie was huge, if you look at the list of credits and who contributed music you can see how widely loved that manga was, 20th Century Boys spawned several movies, and Death Note made a pretty big splash too), but notice that all of those are totally lacking the weird, creepy, pervy vibe of the stuff made for the hardcore otaku market. So when people use the hardcore otaku stuff as some sort of “look how fucked up Japan is!” argument it’s like…well, America produced Hostel and Saw, and I really don’t think torture porn as a genre says anything much about mainstream American culture. There’s a market for weird creepy shit all over the world.
You know, I don’t think it’s possible for a culture to be sexist enough to eliminate MRAs entirely. Their real issue seems to be with the idea that women have free will at all, and even in the most sexist culture, women’s ability to express their free will may be limited, but it still exists. I’d pick either Saudi or Afghanistan as the most sexist places on earth right now, and I definitely encountered men who felt like women had too much freedom and were angry about it in Saudi. It is quite literally impossible to make a society sexist enough to please these guys.
also unrelated but the dude who runs the Spearhead has a daughter. A DAUGHTER.
The website which has openly talked about taking away women’s right to vote and daily refers to women as whores, cunts and sluts….the guy who runs it has a daughter.
I can’t put into words how much I feel sorry for her. I’m sure she’ll just love being taught by her daddy that she is inferior because of her gender and that the women of the past who fought for her right to vote, get an education and get equal pay for equal work were all trash considered to him.
I just can’t wrap my head around MRAs with daughters. It makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
Actually whenever Meller starts talking about the not-brothels and how families will be so happy to send their wayward female members there that’s what jumps into my mind – does he have a daughter? He seems so obsessed with this idea of what families can “do” about non-virgin women that I almost tend to think that he probably does have a daughter and is pissed at his inability to control her.
It was a close one for me between NWO and DKM but I finally voted for NWO for his sheer perseverance in the face of common sense, decency, and logic.
So that paper basically describes hardcore otaku as MGTOWs? lol. Yea I can see that. I’d even add on that people who really immerse themselves into fandom, the ones that have no balance in their lives, might be frustrated with society overall.
I love Nana! it’s a great story. And yep, not all anime is all fanservice garbage or porn. That’s what I like about anime, is that there is a genre for everything. As with a lot of fandom though, the fans can sometimes tend to ruin it. Also most really popular anime actually has decent story and animation with minimum fanservice so that gives me hope…kinda. I dunno. I got sick of the whole subculture and the people associated with it so I mainly just watch what I like and keep it to myself 😛
also I hope that for the sake of Meller’s hypothetical daughter that he stays the fuck away from her. Fuck…I can picture it now “girls are dumber than boys, and usually grow up to be sluts and do annoying things like ask for equal rights and to not be raped…but don’t worry sweetie, daddy still loves you…now go arrange his doll collection”
ok this topic is starting to depress me now, I think I’m gonna pop in a movie or something. Night everyone! hope everyone has a great new years 🙂
Night Quackers and happy new year to you too!
Spearhead has fathered a female child. Mind. is. blown.
I think I’m gonna go ahead and vote for NWO, because his whole schtick just tries so hard and fails so often. It has the perfect trolling effect: amusing in a pathetic way, and annoying, but not overly so, like a small grain of sand in your shoe.
Also, a New Year’s Eve shoutout to Mr. Futrelle for his article on The Good Men Project, in case some of you have missed it: I just read it this evening, and found myself vigorously nodding in agreement with each point he made. I was especially interested to learn about the organization dedicated to ending prison rape, which has gone completely unmentioned on every single MRA site whining about rape issues.
The comments section on GMP might make your brain explode, though. There’s a veritable treasure trove of MRA stupidity there (but of course, not a whole lot of activism). Just a heads up. Happy New Year’s everyone! Now I’m off to listen to one of my favorite R.E.M. songs, as our favorite Shorters have declared this the Year of the Rapture, and Michael Stipe has a magical ability to make even the Rapture seem happy.
Quackers – “I just can’t wrap my head around MRAs with daughters. It makes NO FUCKING SENSE.”
That reminds me…
One of the most funny/horrific things I ever read was an MRA saying that if he and his wife had a daughter, he would love her and treat her well, but she would always have that powerful hypergamous instinct, and she could not control it, and she would not even be aware of it, so he would do his best to tell her about it and try to keep it under control…
Yeah. “Sweety, daddy loves you, but even though you may not think so, you are naturally an evil, greedy, alpha chasing bitch, and you must accept this”
This all went over as totally reasonable and moderate in the comments, IRRC.
Wait, do MRAs try to train their daughter to not hook up with the boys who any other girls are interested in?
“No, sweetie, I know you like Jason but he seems to be rather popular, so you can’t date him because FUCK WHY DO WOMEN ALWAYS DO THIS, FUCK, YOU’RE ALL BITCHES, YOU NEVER GIVE THE BETA NICE GUY A CHANCE – BITCHES! Have you considered Bob? I know that he smells kind of funny and he keeps skulking around trying to steal your panties out of the dryer, but I’m sure you’d like him if you got to know him better YOU SPOILED PRINCESS BITCH. Daddy loves you.”
So in order to lighten the mood a bit I thought I’d hunt down a hilarious pic that my boy put up on facebook:
And I found something even funnier:
INDIAN MRAS!!! And any south asians, or people familiar with south asian culture will be able to appreciate the extra dosage of hilarity in the utter brownness of it all