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Polling is open! Vote for your favorite Man Boobz Troll! Over there on the right!

Not actual Man Boobz trolls.

Share your opinions on the candidates in the comments  below!

Trolls are allowed to vote for themselves!


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13 years ago


I think he said they were porcelain…either way as long as he stays away from alive women

@Brooklyn G

No problem 🙂

13 years ago

You know…I think they do it as a failed attempt to be edgy…I mean really…

Some do, its usually easy to figure out which ones are the trolls though and which ones actually are misogynists. It also makes you wonder why statements towards women on the internet like “get back in the kitchen and make me a sammich” are so common yet statements like “go buy me dinner and build me a house” towards men are not.

13 years ago

what do we know about the dolls besides that they’re dolls? like are we talking a collection of porcelain figurines in frilly dresses, or is it something bigger and vinyl?

He’s specifically mentioned Madame Alexander dolls. Basically, DKM wanks to 12-inch-tall plastic, genitalia-free women with baby faces, tiny mouths, and freakishly large heads.

13 years ago

Quackers: Ha, you’re right. Maybe as well as “guys, don’t do that,” we ought to start appending “go buy me dinner and build me a house” to end end of posts.

Though I’d be as happy with “mow the lawn” (I used to do it but 110 degrees!! we now pay for a lovely yard service) and “sharpen the knives”!

And whatever happened to throwing one’s cape down across the mud puddle for us dainty ladies to walk across!

men these days!

Brooklyn G
Brooklyn G
13 years ago

It also makes you wonder why statements towards women on the internet like “get back in the kitchen and make me a sammich” are so common yet statements like “go buy me dinner and build me a house” towards men are not.

The kitchen and sammich jokes derive from a tasteless sense of humor (And I don’t mean offensive-It’s just not very funny). But I guess it’s a meme of sorts.
“Go buy me dinner and build me a house” could totally be a counter meme. Or better “go hunt me a mammoth”

13 years ago


sounds like the creep would like Blythe dolls too

fortunately for the dolls they are a collectors item and cost quite a lot.


LOL! here I got one

GTFO and hunt me a mammoth!

13 years ago

Maybe the answer to “go make me a sammich” is “go hunt me a mammoth and bring me back the steak to put in that sammich”.

13 years ago

hahaha Brooklyn…I posted the mammoth one before I saw your comment x)

13 years ago

Though I’d be as happy with “mow the lawn” (I used to do it but 110 degrees!! we now pay for a lovely yard service) and “sharpen the knives”!

my dad used to have to mow the lawn. now, my parents were blessed with a son who for some reason loves to garden and finds mowins the lawn relaxing (no mean feat since they live in suburban atlanta, where everything is rolling hills)

not me. one of the others. i’m frail and dislike the outdoors.

13 years ago

i was just thinking about ‘fuckdoll with a pulse’. seriously one of the most vile things i’ve ever seen.

That was NWO and I remember because I, and several other posters let him have it with both barrels. He’s also throws around the word “whore” both generally and specifically and has stated that all women are whores. Which I actually find less offensive than his constant, and surprisingly nonchalant, declarations about the sluttiness of little girls.

what do we know about the dolls besides that they’re dolls? like are we talking a collection of porcelain figurines in frilly dresses, or is it something bigger and vinyl?

See, that’s the really weird -well, one of the really weird- things about the Meller-toad. If he were talking about real dolls or sex dolls that would, in its own way, make sense. But the “little lady lovelies” are, it would seem, porcelain dolls and children’s dolls. He posted a video of a commercial for them at one point and they were plastic dolls, devoid of any characteristics that would indicate a mature female sexuality (like, you know, a Barbie) with long blond hair and frilly dresses.

For some reason I find that so much more strange than if he had a sex doll…

I may have cast my vote too quickly.

13 years ago

I see Polliwog got there first. But I’m glad that I’m not the only person who remembers.

Brooklyn G
Brooklyn G
13 years ago

LOL, yeah! =D Great minds think alike!

13 years ago

I’ve even seen minature dolls that are too small to be used in the real doll sense that I can imagine relatively normal men spanking it to, because they look like (tiny, exaggerated) adult women. But Meller spanks it to the kind of dolls that my parents gave me as a child that sat on a little rotating pedestel and played a tune as they spun, and that’s just weird.

13 years ago

I looked up the Madame Alexander dolls and lots of them were babies or children…..excuse me while I go vomit

this was pretty hilarious though

13 years ago

Is anyone really surprised at Meller having pedo tendencies in addition to all his other many charming qualities?

13 years ago

No…not really. Since his ideal woman has the mentality of a helpless child.

13 years ago

I will never get over the mental image of him in fully steampunk regalia spanking it to a doll that looks like it should be sitting on top of an 8 year old’s jewelry box. It’s comedy gold.

13 years ago

No…Meller is not allowed to ruin steampunk lol

13 years ago

Actually I’m thinking that the animated lolicon version might be just his speed. And since I hate that shit, he’s welcome to have it.

13 years ago

You know, you guys talking about Meller possibly being pedo has really shown me how much NWO has warped my sense of normality. My first reaction was “I highly doubt that Meller’s a pedo because he had plenty of chances but he never joined NWO in his thoughts about the loving realtionship between teens and middle aged men”, and then I realised that pedos don’t normally run around talking about that shit in public

13 years ago

Unless they’re on an anime forum.

Kotaku has pretty much destroyed my faith in humanity. Every time Jezebel links to them I end up going…why did you do that? Are you trying to make your entire readership commit mass suicide?

Brooklyn G
Brooklyn G
13 years ago


That seems to be one of the many wonders of the internet.


Losing faith in humanity is a common side effect.

13 years ago

You know, you guys talking about Meller possibly being pedo has really shown me how much NWO has warped my sense of normality. My first reaction was “I highly doubt that Meller’s a pedo because he had plenty of chances but he never joined NWO in his thoughts about the loving realtionship between teens and middle aged men”, and then I realised that pedos don’t normally run around talking about that shit in public,

Like I said, NWO is so incredibly nonchalant about finding children sexually attractive. It takes a minute to recognize that he’s calling 8 year old girls “slutty” for wearing one piece swimsuits to the beach. He called those awful 11 year olds in that assault video “slutty” because the camera shows one of them wearing capri pants. Capri. Pants. An 11 or 12 year old girl in capri pants. A bare calf.

That’s the level of fucked up we’re dealing with here.

I take it back; I made the right choice.

13 years ago

“Go hunt me a mammoth” or “go mow the lawn” aren’t patronizing enough. For a truly approriate counterpart, I’d go for “go to the pharmacy and buy me some tampons”.

13 years ago

Meller got my vote because, for all that NWO has said he’s personally angry at women; and believes it’s a man/woman death match where enslaving women would be a win… Meller has a much deeper, and more involved pathology on how to treat women.

NWO seems to think women are people. He hates them, because (I think) he doesn’t think people who aren’t like him count for anything), but Meller… doesn’t see women as people. He sees them as subhumans, who may manage to please him; and so should get some sort of reward when they do, but if they don’t please him, then slave the best they can hope for.

Hell, well treated slave is the best they can hope for.

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