Thanks to all who gave me instances of NWO targeting people that I’d forgotten–his stuff is so much of a shitstorm that it can be hard to see all the turds.
But I should have remembered his pronoun issues with Ozy and zie — I am a huge fan of expanding the pronoun base (and remember the whole mess about moving away from “default he” which according to the ranters of the 70s and early 80s was going to destroy western civilization–now, all the books I order for technical writing and comp courses state “do not use sex-specific pronouns” ahahahahaah.
of course it’s possible western civilization fell somewhere in the last decade or two. I’ve been kinda busy….
@Kendra: I thought the tire story was so fucking out of date–I mean, cellphone and triple A membership. I got my triple A membership when I drove from Washington state to Texas for my job in summer 1993 in a 1980 Mazda–my grandmother was so freaked out that I didn’t have a man to go with me, though she could never tell me exactly what he could do that I could not do, just that his presence would magically make all things right.
Triple A has saved me more than once–and it’s hilarious out here because we are in the boonies, and there’s just one servce that always comes out, and we know them, and they know us, and it’s like old times week sometimes (the time they had to come get my pickup out of a huge mud-ditch-puddle when I was trying to rescue an abandoned Rottweiller from the next door neighbors who moved out and left it was one of the best times though I couldn’t talk him into adopting the dog who was smothering us both with kisses–he had some paltry excuse like, he already had two dogs, pfft).
Brooklyn G
13 years ago
Thank you. =)
Even though my grandma was diagnosed with cancer at 78, she beat the cancer just fine. (though she did have to get her breast removed completely).
Meller’s cancer comment did initially set me back a bit because I lost my mother to breast cancer, but then I realised – OK, so he’s a vicious little weasel who is taking delight in the pain and suffering of women he doesn’t even know just because they’re women. But what else does he have, really? His life is miserable, it’s never going to get any less miserable, and these petty little outbursts are really all that he can do in terms of trying to bring about the change that he wants. And he knows that.
Of course I suppose I could go into vengeance mode and want to punish him, but honestly, the best punishment anyone could ever come up with is for him to have to be himself for the rest of his miserable life.
IIRC he seemed to think that women had taught ourselves how to change tires specifically to spite men by depriving them of their right/opportunity to do it for us.
Brooklyn G
13 years ago
I’m very sorry to hear that.
But your right about Meller, and the same could be said for NWO as well.
13 years ago
IIRC he seemed to think that women had taught ourselves how to change tires specifically to spite men by depriving them of their right/opportunity to do it for us.
Are we sure that NWO’s an actual person, and not some sort of government Turing test experiment?
13 years ago
I was trying to remember what it was, I just remembered fuckdoll. Honestly, despite all the shit those two have said, it’s the recent breakdowns that I find the most vile. Between NWO telling Spear he would enjoy being raped (actually I think it was that he couldn’t be raped because once you pop one you automatically consent or something) and DKM’s comments about Ithiliana’s student and the constant “understanding” of the abuse of modern women especially the ones posting here, the race to the bottom is too neck and neck to decide.
13 years ago
Although DKM has yet to explain to Zhinxy what she did to deserve her abuse, so I retain some hope for his humanity and hope he’d forgotten about what she’d gone through when he made his comment
@ Lauralot – That was actually one of those moments where I wondered if he might be trolling in the /b sense. It’s hard to imagine anyone saying that and meaning it, but Slavey is special.
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago
@Kendra: I thought the tire story was so fucking out of date–I mean, cellphone and triple A membership.
Exactly. I have a cell phone, a battery charger, and 24 roadside assistance. Sure, there are hypothetical situations where everything would go wrong and I’d still be in a pickle, but it’s very unlikely. I can only do so much to prepare and then hope for the best, something I have to tell myself over and over regarding tornado safety.
(the time they had to come get my pickup out of a huge mud-ditch-puddle when I was trying to rescue an abandoned Rottweiller from the next door neighbors who moved out and left it
Oh no, that is so sad for the poor doggy. Now I need to bite my fingers to avoid going off on a rant about people that abandon their pets.
i was just thinking about ‘fuckdoll with a pulse’. seriously one of the most vile things i’ve ever seen.
That made me sick. It was about the worst he’s ever said, along with telling Spearhafoc he’d enjoy being raped. Ugh. There are no words for how awful that is.
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago
DKM’s comments about Ithiliana’s student and the constant “understanding” of the abuse of modern women especially the ones posting here,
I missed DKM talking about one of Ithiliana’s students. Am I better off not knowing what he said?
Wait, who was called a fuckdoll with a pulse again? Was that Molly or me? I can’t recall…
If I ever write an essay about my gender it will be called The Zie Creature.
13 years ago
For me, it wasn’t necessarily the MRA’s (Although the rampant misogyny on the internet wasn’t helping matters). I only got introduced to them after discovering Feminism. And-at first-I thought that Feminism and the MRM were complimentary movements. I would have gladly aligned with both since my introduction to the MRM was the seemingly reasonable Warren Farrell (On that note, if someone could pls tell me why he is a manboob, I would greatly appreciate it). Also, the description of the MRM on Wikipedia makes them sound sane and completely respectable. This site has opened my eyes to say the least.
What Feminism did for me was help me acknowledge my bad attitude and some of my shitty behavior towards men.
(Also, can someone please tell me how to [block quote] on this site? I would also greatly appreciate it ^_^;)
The misogyny on the internet sucks and it gets annoying being told that the internet doesn’t count somehow because everyone is an ass on the internet. No everyone is not an ass on the internet. I’m not. The rest of manboobz minus the trolls are not either. Just because these misogynists aren’t saying these things out loud in real life, still doesn’t change the fact that they hold this attitude. It just proves that feminism is still very much needed. The same also goes for racist views. Still very much rampant.
I don’t even remember how I found out about the MRM. In the 70s there was a complimentary men’s movement which I believe is NOMAS (National Organization of Men Against Sexism) of course the current internet MRM thinks they are a bunch of manginas because they dare to acknowledge women’s past and present inequalities. I have no problem with a men’s movement either because men do face some double standards too, but the internet MRM is not one I’m going near until they drop the misogyny, rape apology and the notion that women never faced any oppression and that feminism is the source of every problem EVER.
Warren Farrell is on the boob role because he denies women were ever oppressed or had problems, and that its all our fault we get paid less. Some parts of the pay gap has to do with women’s personal choices yes, but wage discrimination is also a problem. David probably can explain better though.
Feminism has mainly showed me how terribly we treat victims of rape and all the subtle ways society tells women they are worthless if they don’t look perfect/feminine. I didn’t particularly have a feminist upbringing but I never believed men were required to pay for my meals, support me financially or protect me. All I want is to be treated with the same respect I give men (and everyone else for that matter) and not have negative assumptions made about me based on my gender. If that is the result of some horrible feminist indoctrination then so be it. I fail to see how bad it is though because I’m giving MRAs exactly what they want- I don’t want men’s money, I don’t want marriage and I couldn’t give a rats ass whether they hold a door open or not.
13 years ago
@Kendra: Yes.
13 years ago
I’m curious about what he said now too…
NWO and DKM are some of the most disgusting excuses for human beings I have ever come across. I can honestly say I have and will never have any sympathy for hateful people like that. When you cross a line like laughing at cancer victims or saying 8 year olds in swimsuits are being sluts….there is no chance of ever redeeming yourself.
13 years ago
All right, what DKM said (I’ll skip a few lines so that ilithianna and anyone else who might want to skip it can)
is that a student of ilithanna’s who had been murdered by her exhusband must have done something to deserve it.
In conclusion, DKM is lower than dog shit.
13 years ago
Damn it, the lines didn’t skip.
13 years ago
That is just fucked up beyond belief. DKM if you’re reading this I sincerely hope you and your dollies rot in hell.
what do we know about the dolls besides that they’re dolls? like are we talking a collection of porcelain figurines in frilly dresses, or is it something bigger and vinyl?
Brooklyn G
13 years ago
Hear, hear!
Thanks for the information on Farrell.
I’m surprised that I’m not completely jaded yet. Wow.
Brooklyn G
13 years ago
The misogyny on the internet sucks and it gets annoying being told that the internet doesn’t count somehow because everyone is an ass on the internet. No everyone is not an ass on the internet. I’m not. The rest of manboobz minus the trolls are not either. Just because these misogynists aren’t saying these things out loud in real life, still doesn’t change the fact that they hold this attitude. It just proves that feminism is still very much needed. The same also goes for racist views. Still very much rampant.
You know…I think they do it as a failed attempt to be edgy…I mean really…
I love NWOs attempted gotchas, they’re so obvious and yet he clearly thinks he’s being so sneaky.
Thanks to all who gave me instances of NWO targeting people that I’d forgotten–his stuff is so much of a shitstorm that it can be hard to see all the turds.
But I should have remembered his pronoun issues with Ozy and zie — I am a huge fan of expanding the pronoun base (and remember the whole mess about moving away from “default he” which according to the ranters of the 70s and early 80s was going to destroy western civilization–now, all the books I order for technical writing and comp courses state “do not use sex-specific pronouns” ahahahahaah.
of course it’s possible western civilization fell somewhere in the last decade or two. I’ve been kinda busy….
@Kendra: I thought the tire story was so fucking out of date–I mean, cellphone and triple A membership. I got my triple A membership when I drove from Washington state to Texas for my job in summer 1993 in a 1980 Mazda–my grandmother was so freaked out that I didn’t have a man to go with me, though she could never tell me exactly what he could do that I could not do, just that his presence would magically make all things right.
Triple A has saved me more than once–and it’s hilarious out here because we are in the boonies, and there’s just one servce that always comes out, and we know them, and they know us, and it’s like old times week sometimes (the time they had to come get my pickup out of a huge mud-ditch-puddle when I was trying to rescue an abandoned Rottweiller from the next door neighbors who moved out and left it was one of the best times though I couldn’t talk him into adopting the dog who was smothering us both with kisses–he had some paltry excuse like, he already had two dogs, pfft).
Thank you. =)
Even though my grandma was diagnosed with cancer at 78, she beat the cancer just fine. (though she did have to get her breast removed completely).
Meller’s cancer comment did initially set me back a bit because I lost my mother to breast cancer, but then I realised – OK, so he’s a vicious little weasel who is taking delight in the pain and suffering of women he doesn’t even know just because they’re women. But what else does he have, really? His life is miserable, it’s never going to get any less miserable, and these petty little outbursts are really all that he can do in terms of trying to bring about the change that he wants. And he knows that.
Of course I suppose I could go into vengeance mode and want to punish him, but honestly, the best punishment anyone could ever come up with is for him to have to be himself for the rest of his miserable life.
i was just thinking about ‘fuckdoll with a pulse’. seriously one of the most vile things i’ve ever seen.
I remember the completely idiotic “flat tire” story. Wasn’t NWO completely flabbergasted at the thought that a woman could know how to change a tire?
IIRC he seemed to think that women had taught ourselves how to change tires specifically to spite men by depriving them of their right/opportunity to do it for us.
I’m very sorry to hear that.
But your right about Meller, and the same could be said for NWO as well.
Are we sure that NWO’s an actual person, and not some sort of government Turing test experiment?
I was trying to remember what it was, I just remembered fuckdoll. Honestly, despite all the shit those two have said, it’s the recent breakdowns that I find the most vile. Between NWO telling Spear he would enjoy being raped (actually I think it was that he couldn’t be raped because once you pop one you automatically consent or something) and DKM’s comments about Ithiliana’s student and the constant “understanding” of the abuse of modern women especially the ones posting here, the race to the bottom is too neck and neck to decide.
Although DKM has yet to explain to Zhinxy what she did to deserve her abuse, so I retain some hope for his humanity and hope he’d forgotten about what she’d gone through when he made his comment
I had mercifully forgotten about NWO using that hideous phrase about Molly. Yay for getting under his skin, I guess. :/
As for B-don getting banned – it’s a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!
No seriously, today I got a new smartphone AND a waffle iron, and still I think this news made me happiest of all.
@ Lauralot – That was actually one of those moments where I wondered if he might be trolling in the /b sense. It’s hard to imagine anyone saying that and meaning it, but Slavey is special.
Exactly. I have a cell phone, a battery charger, and 24 roadside assistance. Sure, there are hypothetical situations where everything would go wrong and I’d still be in a pickle, but it’s very unlikely. I can only do so much to prepare and then hope for the best, something I have to tell myself over and over regarding tornado safety.
Oh no, that is so sad for the poor doggy. Now I need to bite my fingers to avoid going off on a rant about people that abandon their pets.
That made me sick. It was about the worst he’s ever said, along with telling Spearhafoc he’d enjoy being raped. Ugh. There are no words for how awful that is.
I missed DKM talking about one of Ithiliana’s students. Am I better off not knowing what he said?
Wait, who was called a fuckdoll with a pulse again? Was that Molly or me? I can’t recall…
If I ever write an essay about my gender it will be called The Zie Creature.
The misogyny on the internet sucks and it gets annoying being told that the internet doesn’t count somehow because everyone is an ass on the internet. No everyone is not an ass on the internet. I’m not. The rest of manboobz minus the trolls are not either. Just because these misogynists aren’t saying these things out loud in real life, still doesn’t change the fact that they hold this attitude. It just proves that feminism is still very much needed. The same also goes for racist views. Still very much rampant.
I don’t even remember how I found out about the MRM. In the 70s there was a complimentary men’s movement which I believe is NOMAS (National Organization of Men Against Sexism) of course the current internet MRM thinks they are a bunch of manginas because they dare to acknowledge women’s past and present inequalities. I have no problem with a men’s movement either because men do face some double standards too, but the internet MRM is not one I’m going near until they drop the misogyny, rape apology and the notion that women never faced any oppression and that feminism is the source of every problem EVER.
Warren Farrell is on the boob role because he denies women were ever oppressed or had problems, and that its all our fault we get paid less. Some parts of the pay gap has to do with women’s personal choices yes, but wage discrimination is also a problem. David probably can explain better though.
Feminism has mainly showed me how terribly we treat victims of rape and all the subtle ways society tells women they are worthless if they don’t look perfect/feminine. I didn’t particularly have a feminist upbringing but I never believed men were required to pay for my meals, support me financially or protect me. All I want is to be treated with the same respect I give men (and everyone else for that matter) and not have negative assumptions made about me based on my gender. If that is the result of some horrible feminist indoctrination then so be it. I fail to see how bad it is though because I’m giving MRAs exactly what they want- I don’t want men’s money, I don’t want marriage and I couldn’t give a rats ass whether they hold a door open or not.
@Kendra: Yes.
I’m curious about what he said now too…
NWO and DKM are some of the most disgusting excuses for human beings I have ever come across. I can honestly say I have and will never have any sympathy for hateful people like that. When you cross a line like laughing at cancer victims or saying 8 year olds in swimsuits are being sluts….there is no chance of ever redeeming yourself.
All right, what DKM said (I’ll skip a few lines so that ilithianna and anyone else who might want to skip it can)
is that a student of ilithanna’s who had been murdered by her exhusband must have done something to deserve it.
In conclusion, DKM is lower than dog shit.
Damn it, the lines didn’t skip.
That is just fucked up beyond belief. DKM if you’re reading this I sincerely hope you and your dollies rot in hell.
what do we know about the dolls besides that they’re dolls? like are we talking a collection of porcelain figurines in frilly dresses, or is it something bigger and vinyl?
Hear, hear!
Thanks for the information on Farrell.
I’m surprised that I’m not completely jaded yet. Wow.
You know…I think they do it as a failed attempt to be edgy…I mean really…