Oh boy. Over on The Spearhead, the good old trusty Spearhead, a fella called Rmaxd has some bold new ideas to share with the world.
Well, they’re not really new, or bold, or true, and some of them kind of seem to contradict each other. But they are, indisputably, ideas. And because he’s a dude, they’re automatically good, because dudes are the dynamic, creative force behind all historical progress. So it’s no wonder this comment of his got more than two dozen upvotes.
Rmaxd starts off by addressing the manginas of the world, and every man who might be considering the benefits of manginahood:
Grow some balls, be masculine, & these so called feminists have zero power
Because NATURE.
We always revert to our biology & nature, over idealism, this is why feminism is dead in the water
And NATURE says women should stay home and cook and pop out babies.
Women in our society are so fucked up, precisely because they rejected their biological need to be part of a society, through their children, husbands & a family
It’s time for a little thought experiment.
Imagine if men were no longer engineers & soldiers & scientists, imagine the biological havoc they would cause on society, all that intellectual brilliance channelled on society, on the loss of their biological roles, instead of as engineers, soldiers & scientists
I’m having a little bit of a hard time imagining, because that doesn’t make any fucking sense. Is he suggesting that the world would collapse if more dudes stayed home and tended the kids?
But never mind, because Rmaxd is on to his next point, which is that women are terrible at math and this makes them OBSOLETE!
In a technology based society, women are the first to be discarded, their lack of scientific & mathematical skills are a liability to our technological culture
Also, they’re lazy and don’t invent shit. Even though by keeping them at home and denying them education the men of the world gave them ample opportunity to invent all sorts of shit, they chose instead to sit on their fat asses and eat bon bons.
Women have in fact been stayathome moms for centuries, theyve NEVER had to work for centuries, they have now had centuries of shelter & protection from corporations, theyve had massive amounts of leisure, in fact more leisure then most working males through out history
& what did women do with that leisure, with all that time & opportunity to progress science?
Women became biological luddites, they became entitled, inbred & backwards & technologically liabilities in our present technologically based age
When women should’ve been developing technologies to makeup for their inability to logic & reason, in the same way men developed music & art in order for men to experience emotions, all they did was call for young men to destroying their own futures, to be used as walking wallets & chattle
You can tell how innovative Rmaxd is, because he’s totally just innovated a new way to spell “chattel.”
Anyway, QED, fuck women.
Women are liabilities, we no longer need women to maintain our social networks, we have everything from mobile phones to the internet
Huh. Declaring half of humanity expendable. I was under the impression that MRA dudes considered that sort of thinking to be the equivalent of committing GENOCIDE. Seems some of them were making a big stink about that the other day, when a couple of ladies made some similar remarks about men.
Weird. Because MRA dudes are upvoting this, instead of gathering together in angry mobs on the internet to EXPOSE this dude’s personal information and talk about Fucking His Shit Up.
Never mind, though, because Rmaxd isn’t done with his case against ladies.
We no longer need them to maintain morality, as theyre incapable of morality, a womans ability to destroy herself, in the same fat women destroy their own bodies, is unprecedented, give a woman enough leisure & freetime, & all she’s capable of is how to enslave all of society, to ensure society does the same for women everywhere, irrespective of the results
Damn. So women getting fat is part of a sinister plot to enslave mankind?
This all sounds pretty dire for us civilization-creating dudes.
Happily, as Rmaxd explains in another comment, the ladies are so crazily self-destructive that they will fail in their evil designs, despite “being bankrolled by the rich upper class.” Just like the evil radical blacks back in the 1970s:
[W]omen are following the black activism handbook of the 70′s. …
[N]ear the end of the black movement, as the more mainstream, publicly accepted part of black militancy was rejected & debunked, the more radical components of the movement, began attacking its own supporters, in particular the white supporters of black rights, & they also started attacking blacks who were sympathetic to white males
We see the exact same thing happening with feminism, as the more popular & acceptable parts of feminism have now been rejected by popular culture, ie the colossal failure of stayathome dads
Because nothing is more evil and against NATURE than stay-at-home dads! It’s like sodomy squared.
Anyway, the evil ladies are doomed.
They now start becoming more radical, their antagonism & alienation of men, especially manginas & feminists will inevitably destroy them
As we all know women & especially special rights movements, are always self destructive, as the solutions are never radical enough.
So back to the homes, ladies, where you can return to fulfilling NATURE’s role for the females of the species: sitting on your fat asses and eating bon bons and being terrible at math. Because that is nature’s way.
I had a
Men can take a woman down in a fist fight any day of the year so we ain’t afraid of one night stands. You women have to to be cautious of rape, beaten, stalked, murdered, getting pregnant and a whole big ass bag of other shyt to contend. Is it any wonder it takes women longer to give the okay to get some sex. Yeah, I know there are women who are one-nighters, ain’t there an exception to every rule. But I’m talking in general. This is elementary shty. Men have less shyt to consider plain and simple.
More for MRAL. At 19 I was still unkissed, nevermind a virgin. My first encounter was at 21, I was having conversations with a girl on ICQ and we ended up spending Xmas together, and I ended up having emotional attachment where she was only looking for a casual hookup. Which ended up being a pattern for my first few years, and I ended up having to figure myself out and fixing it.
bobbyjo: Underestimating someone based on size, sex, whatever is a really good way to get your ass handed to you in a fight.
@Monsieur: Thanks for your point of view, but, we already tried the bipolar and the depression diagnoses with me. They didn’t fit, because when a person has never had a manic episode in their life, and has never had a depression episode unrelated to life circumstance (death of a relative, breakup, job loss, divorce), they cannot, by definition be bipolar. When a person has difficulty reading books all the way through, has difficulty processing auditory instructions, has coordination issues, and struggles mightily with mundane tasks and certain finer social cues, it is a glaring sign they are ADHD. My ADHD was not discovered until well into adulthood, and it was by process of elimination and behavioral evaluation that the diagnosis was made.
You’re absolutely right about ADHD, in that it is is overdiagnosed in male school children – a terrible tragedy to be sure – but it’s vastly underdiagnosed in the general adult population, which is also awful. Asperger’s is also underdiagnosed in adults, and I’m glad more people are speaking up about it. Many of my ADHD and Asperger’s compadres did not learn what they truly had until they were in their 30s, 40s, and beyond. I have worked and befriended many Aspies, being in the tech field, and none of them seek other mental health patients on the Internet to shame and belittle. I’m sad for you that you choose to. Perhaps educating people about Asperger’s would be more productive. Perhaps you don’t agree, and believe shaming people with other disorders is more productive and enhances your life. I hope it has been fun so far.
Bipolar is overdiagnosed in teens and young adults, though, particularly young men – just like ADHD is overdiagnosed in grade school boys. If you want a productive cause to fight for, there’s one for you, though I somehow doubt you will be interested in exploring this further or discussing it without resorting to more insults. More and more psychiatrists feel that natural young male (18-25) behavior – risk-taking, interest in sex, getting into fights, etc. – is “mania,” and that the mood swings common to adolescence and young adulthood, while the brain is still maturing, are indicative of bipolar disorder.
I have seen too many male friends, lovers, and even co-workers treated like garbage by psychiatrists, shamed for natural emotions (arousal, anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness) in response to normal life events (breakups, job loss, death in the family), and prescribed cocktails of heavy anti-psychotics, tranquilizers, and SSRIs that their doctors’ drug salesmen are peddling to make a buck. The epidemic of wrong diagnoses further hurts those who have bipolar (only 5 percent of the adult population) because they’re overlooked, while regular young adult behavior, especially male behavior, is medicated and punished. As a people’s rights advocate, I speak out against this dangerous over-diagnosis of bipolar in younger people, especially men, all the time. I advocate for my guys who have been shamed, drugged, and institutionalized for being normal people responding to real life’s lows and disappointments in a normal way.
Have you?
@bobbyjo –
I think it’s fantastic that the women you are around have managed to break free from the societal pressure to be whatever the hell it is women are supposed to be, but I think you underestimate the prevalence of the “virgin/whore” dichotomy and its effect on women, especially younger ones just coming into their sexuality. Slut shaming is extremely prevalent and it negatively impacts a lot of women – particularly ones in communities where people buy into that. And it’s not just men who participate in slut shaming – a lot of the worst offenders are other women (just look at some of the responses to slut walk).
So no, I don’t think we’re there yet. And I don’t think I’m not giving women credit – I think I’m acknowledging that problematic stereotypes and social pressures are still out there making it really hard for women* to have healthy sexualities. And I think one of the ways this MIGHT, but not necessarily, play out (haven’t seen any data, not willing to make a stronger claim then that) is women being less inclined to approach men then the other way around.
*There are also social pressures that screw with men and sex too, but they’re not entirely relevant to my point so I’m not gonna make this already wordy comment longer.
Hey MRAL, former Nice Girl here. Now I am in my thirties, and married. But ye gods was I an insufferable Nice Girl.
Here’s the thing: Nice Girl-and-Guy-ism is actually a big case of self-hating narcissism. At once painfully insecure but only concerned about ME ME ME. Everyone’s judging ME, looking at ME, why can’t he see how awesome IIII am! I am a special unique snowflake!
I’d fixate on men (and women too, but mostly men when I was young) and create these relationships inside my own head. Then I’d resent the hell out of them when they didn’t perform to my expectations. I both wanted a boyfriend and decried men as shallow things obsessed with barbie dolls. And I WAS SO DIFFERENT THAN SHALLOW BITCHES wah wah. This attitude not only torpedoed my chances with guys but women ran from my internalized misogyny post haste!!
Forever alone. lol.
Eventually I pulled my head out of my own ass and stopped fixating on myself so much. Surprise, once I let go of the ego and judgement and resentment, people liked me.
One difference between the Guys and the Girls is I notice that Guys tend to hold onto it for longer. I blame social narratives: you see stories where the cheerleader comes to her senses and comes to love the Nerd, but Nerdy Girls almost have to undergo a physical transformation or be hot in the first place. It tells Nice Girls that they really can’t EXPECT men to like them if they are ugly losers, where it tells the Guys that the cheerleader has to give you a chance because you are awesome! No overhaul required!
So yeah, I said I was married, but I’m sure he’d be “beta” whatever the crap that even means and I’m no alpha but hey! We’re together in an awkward nerdy relationship and he was never one of those guys I would have fixated on while in the throes of Nice Girlism. Take from that what you will.
I am implying no such thing.
And furthermore, I am not trying in any way to belittle bipolar people ITT so IDK why you thought I was doing so. I know 3 bipolar people who got misdiagnosed with ADHD when they were kids; as the symptoms of ADHD often accompany a manic episode. But I am not an expert when it comes to ADD/ADHD so I won’t say anything further.
Yeah, you are.
MsN, I am heartbroken – heartbroken! – that you came back and didn’t say if/when I transitioned from bad feminist to good feminist. I must know! Maybe I’m still a bad feminist, since the reasons for my feminism haven’t changed in the least from when I thought I was straight; but maybe I’m the good kind, since I know a heck of a lot more about it. Don’t leave me in the dark, MsN!
This is only marginal to the (hilarious) article above, but I wanted to say “yes yes I agree” on your comment.
I am bipolar, but was only diagnosed after it had progressed to a serious point. Then, voila, they realized I was not depressed, but am actually quite manic and in need of mood stabilizers/antipsychotic medication.
Night and day! My life went from a disastrous train wreck, to manageable and fabulous.
Today, nobody knows I have a problem unless I tell them. I almost want to tell everyone, because I am proud of my road to recovery and how I’ve taken care of myself. But many people recoil when they hear about that kind of mental illness. I think of it as part of my personality. Other people think “bipolar” means “unstable” or “crazy” – not necessarily true.
If I learn that a friend has bipolar relatives, I’ll tell them how I am dealing with it, and what to do, and that there’s a way to be healthy and deal with side effects. My friends know. Maybe someday it won’t be such a thing people fear, but for now I pick and choose who I tell.
I blame the American health insurance system for how long it took to diagnose me. Pointless quickie in-and-out visits and the emphasis on easy SSRI prescriptions were not helping me at all, and for about ten years I became progressively worse, spiralling out of control. Here! Take this serotonin booster! That’s all you need!
I finally decided to interview a bunch of doctors, found someone really good, was diagnosed with bipolar, got on better-suited medications, and within a month I was fine. I had the privilege of doing that, because I make a good living – but not everyone does.
Excuse me, but why have I been banned from this blog?!
hahaha wut alphalady?
No one is ever banned from this blog unless they do something really really bad. Your comment might have got caught in the spam filter though.
Alphalady, your comment (and the several duplicates that you posted afterwards) got caught by the spam filter; I just let the original one through.
Rmaxd is Right. He is a rude little shit but it’s feminist bulls hit that has driven the RmaxD’s of this world to respond in this way. He is right and he deserves his voice. I as a woman am tired, annoyed and worn down by feminist ideology…. I am sure that in 100 years time we will revert back to basics. This ideology cannot continue.
Thanks for necroing yet another old thread to share your uninformed opinion, Scorpio.
Does Scorpio ever address anyone’s points, or does ze just necro old threads and leave?
Scorpio, no one curr.
Then head back to The Spearhead and let him feel the love firsthand.
Are claiming that you aren’t a MRA? You sound like one and abuse ellipses as well, so I’m assuming you are.
Wait, wasn’t Scorpio a middle aged man who wanted to tell us all about his open relationship with his wife last time he commented here?
Yeah, it was boner note o’clock every time he showed up.
Yeah, and I’m sure that in 100 years’ time, you will be dead and unlamented, and so will your tired ideology. Go piss someplace else, why don’tcha?
Uh, yeah. Scorpio was a 60 something male in his last couple of posts.
Does life after a zombie apocalypse count as “Back to the basics” ? Otherwise, what the fuck is Scorpio on about?
Feminist ideology…you know, that thing designed to wear women out and make them run in senseless circles, trying to conform and please others? Oops…my mistake, that would be SEXISM. Feminism is about liberating us from all that. Which I guess could be tiring if one had to go it alone, but for that we have solidarity. What do the MRAsshats Going Their Own Way have?
“I as a woman”
“I’m 60 but ladies in their 40’s can still be pretty”
“I’m a dude with three lovers in my open marriage, and my wife has a lady-friend”
Which is it? I’m going with a 18-22 yo fedoraling, as my guess.
Seriously, does Scorpio just hit the random page link once a day or something? A necro a day keeps the troll in play?