$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women hypergamy I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reactionary bullshit the spearhead white knights

Misogyny to the Maxd: Women are “liabilities in our technological culture.” Also, they’re fat.

Eeerything started going to hell when we let them wear bloomers and ride bicycles.

Oh boy. Over on The Spearhead, the good old trusty Spearhead, a fella called Rmaxd has some bold new ideas to share with the world.

Well, they’re not really new, or bold, or true, and some of them kind of seem to contradict each other. But they are, indisputably, ideas. And because he’s a dude, they’re automatically good, because dudes are the dynamic, creative force behind all historical progress. So it’s no wonder this comment of his got more than two dozen upvotes.

Rmaxd starts off by addressing the manginas of the world, and every man who might be considering the benefits of manginahood:

Grow some balls, be masculine, & these so called feminists have zero power

Because NATURE.

We always revert to our biology & nature, over idealism, this is why feminism is dead in the water

And NATURE says women should stay home and cook and pop out babies.

Women in our society are so fucked up, precisely because they rejected their biological need to be part of a society, through their children, husbands & a family

It’s time for a little thought experiment.

Imagine if men were no longer engineers & soldiers & scientists, imagine the biological havoc they would cause on society, all that intellectual brilliance channelled on society, on the loss of their biological roles, instead of as engineers, soldiers & scientists

I’m having a little bit of a hard time imagining, because that doesn’t make any fucking sense. Is he suggesting that the world would collapse if more dudes stayed home and tended the kids?

But never mind, because Rmaxd is on to his next point, which is that women are terrible at math and this makes them OBSOLETE!

In a technology based society, women are the first to be discarded, their lack of scientific & mathematical skills are a liability to our technological culture

Also, they’re lazy and don’t invent shit. Even though by keeping them at home and denying them education the men of the world gave them ample opportunity to invent all sorts of shit, they chose instead to sit on their fat asses and eat bon bons.

Women have in fact been stayathome moms for centuries, theyve NEVER had to work for centuries, they have now had centuries of shelter & protection from corporations, theyve had massive amounts of leisure, in fact more leisure then most working males through out history

& what did women do with that leisure, with all that time & opportunity to progress science?

 Women became biological luddites, they became entitled, inbred & backwards & technologically liabilities in our present technologically based age

When women should’ve been developing technologies to makeup for their inability to logic & reason, in the same way men developed music & art in order for men to experience emotions, all they did was call for young men to destroying their own futures, to be used as walking wallets & chattle

You can tell how innovative Rmaxd is, because he’s totally just innovated a new way to spell “chattel.”

Anyway, QED, fuck women.

Women are liabilities, we no longer need women to maintain our social networks, we have everything from mobile phones to the internet

Huh. Declaring half of humanity expendable. I was under the impression that MRA dudes considered that sort of thinking to be the equivalent of committing GENOCIDE. Seems some of them were making a big stink about that the other day, when a couple of ladies made some similar remarks about men.

Weird. Because MRA dudes are upvoting this, instead of gathering together in angry mobs on the internet to EXPOSE this dude’s personal information and talk about Fucking His Shit Up.

Never mind, though, because Rmaxd isn’t done with his case against ladies.

We no longer need them to maintain morality, as theyre incapable of morality, a womans ability to destroy herself, in the same fat women destroy their own bodies, is unprecedented, give a woman enough leisure & freetime, & all she’s capable of is how to enslave all of society, to ensure society does the same for women everywhere, irrespective of the results

Damn. So women getting fat is part of a sinister plot to enslave mankind?

This all sounds pretty dire for us civilization-creating dudes.

Happily, as Rmaxd explains in another comment, the ladies are so crazily self-destructive that they will fail in their evil designs, despite “being bankrolled by the rich upper class.” Just like the evil radical blacks back in the 1970s:

[W]omen are following the black activism handbook of the 70′s. …

[N]ear the end of the black movement, as the more mainstream, publicly accepted part of black militancy was rejected & debunked, the more radical components of the movement, began attacking its own supporters, in particular the white supporters of black rights, & they also started attacking blacks who were sympathetic to white males

We see the exact same thing happening with feminism, as the more popular & acceptable parts of feminism have now been rejected by popular culture, ie the colossal failure of stayathome dads

Because nothing is more evil and against NATURE than stay-at-home dads! It’s like sodomy squared.

Anyway, the evil ladies are doomed.

They now start becoming more radical, their antagonism & alienation of men, especially manginas & feminists will inevitably destroy them

As we all know women & especially special rights movements, are always self destructive, as the solutions are never radical enough.

So back to the homes, ladies, where you can return to fulfilling NATURE’s role for the females of the species: sitting on your fat asses and eating bon bons and being terrible at math. Because that is nature’s way.

I had a

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13 years ago


Is masturbating a womans sexuality? I didn’t know. Feminism hadn’t enlightened me to this fact until right now. Into the book o larnin it goes.

13 years ago


because the blouses are nice? because I like to wear pretty necklaces and somehow pretty necklaces just don’t work with my batman t-shirts?

anyway, since you think cleavage= woman’s sexuality and drives men crazy how come I’m invisible to men when I show cleavage and when I don’t as well? could it be because men find other things about women attractive besides cleavage?

13 years ago

@ Quackers – My personal experience is that people of any gender who project a very sexual persona get hit on more. I know that’s a bit fuzzy and hard to define, but nonetheless it’s true. My very pretty friend who gets ignored, for example – I think she comes across as sort of frosty and reserved, and not interested in sex, whereas the other friend is kind of a junior version of Nanny Ogg, so it’s not at all surprising that straight men always notice her. My grandmother still gets flirted with a lot, and I think it’s for similar reasons – she’s just so vivacious and charming and obviously interested in all things sensory. I’ve seen the same thing happen with men, too – since I work with celebrities sometimes I’ve been able to observe my own reactions, and the people I find sexy in real life aren’t always the ones who look best in photographs. There are a lot of different things that go into attraction, so it’s really annoying to watch people trying to oversimplify it and then insisting that their simplified version represents some sort of univeral truth.

13 years ago

“How many women here would have casual sex if it were with a man guaranteed to be attractive, safe, and good in bed? “

Yes. I usually would end up with someone I have met before, or have known for a while.

“How many women here currently have casual sex?”

I steady have relationship sex. Does that count?

13 years ago


“Whadya show cleavage for? Would that be part of a womans sexuality? Who’da thunk it?”

Everyone? Yes a woman who wears form fitting clothes and shows off cleavage can be doing it to look attractive in order to attract a partner so it is part of her sexuality. In the same way that I wear muscle shirts because my shoulders are broad for my frame so they look good on me and I emphasize that to look attractive to women is me expressing part of my sexuality. In the same way, a woman walking up to a man and saying I want to fuck you wearing a burlap robe is expressing part of her sexuality

13 years ago

Oh, please, NWO. You couldn’t write a book of larnin’, because it would consist of all factual information since the dawn of time.

Why do women masturbate?

13 years ago


Whoa. You’ve got a personal example. Maybe it’s true maybe it’s not. Either way a single example doesn’t really mean shit. If it does, let’s roll down that road for everything.

13 years ago

Ah! I see! NWO doesn’t know what sexuality is. That explains so much.

/light dawns.

13 years ago

“Why do women masturbate?”

Cause that’s a womans sexuality. I’ll be sure to mention I heard here first.

13 years ago


That’s exactly why I never ask men out. It’s nothing to do with me thinking it’s his job to do it, its that gut-wrenching fear of rejection, and given my track record with past crushes it most likely will end up like your situation. So sorry you had to go through that, I know how it feels when I found out the guys I liked went out with other women 🙁 such is life though.

13 years ago

Enough bullshit, NWO. (I know that’s a big thing to ask, because that’s all you know, but try, would you?) You’ve repeatedly asserted that women’s sexuality is only focused on attracting a man. Therefore, sexual acts for women are putting on skimpy clothes and running around men. So then why do they manipulate their sex organs without a man?

13 years ago

I masturbate when I’m horny, if that sheds a little light on things.

13 years ago


“Why do women masturbate?”

Cause that’s a womans sexuality. I’ll be sure to mention I heard here first.”

To who? The five lurkers reading over your shoulder in their emails?

13 years ago

“Ah! I see! NWO doesn’t know what sexuality is.”

I do now. It’s been femisplained to me. Masturbation is a womans sexuality.

You gals have once again been a hoot. But I am ooooooooutttttta here!

13 years ago

“Yeah this is why I generally don’t appreciate one night stands. They seem like a good idea at the time, but at the end of the day, he doesn’t know what you like and how to pleasure you, so it’s just boring mechanical sex with no passion.”

Yep. This is why I tried the one night stand thing a few times, went “well that was a waste of time”, and never did it again. It isn’t really that much better with other women, in my experience, though at least they generally try to get you off. Still, if I was going to go for a one night stand I’d pick a woman over a man precisely because of the “it’s almost guaranteed that she’ll at least attempt to give you an orgasm, with a guy who knows” issue.

13 years ago

Don’t let the door hit you, NWO.

13 years ago

So I’ve been reading these comments for like 20~ minutes, and basically there’s some troll whom women rightfully shun in his personal life because he’s a monster. And then in true gothic-horror fashion he has turned that rejection into becoming even more of a terrible monster.

I can imagine this nwo guy uttering, “From hell’s heart I stab at thee!” sometime in his future.

13 years ago

“How many women here would have casual sex if it were with a man guaranteed to be attractive, safe, and good in bed? “

(Raises hand) Sure, if all of those things were guaranteed I’d have had a lot more casual sex when I was younger.

13 years ago


Yea I’m definitely reserved, maybe even frosty but definitely friendly once people talk to me. But how the hell do you project a sexual persona without being inappropriate? I just don’t get it, and even if I did I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it. Does your friend with the sexy persona get hit on just for sex or for actual dating/relationships? I dunno. I’d almost just stick with how things are now since I’m sure I’d just be a target for some PUA asshole looking for a pump and dump. People like that just keep the walls up really.

13 years ago


Fair enough. I think certain cities like LA, San Fran, Milan, Paris etc tend to attract more conventionally attractive people because of their industries (which is obviously something you know since you’re in such an industry lol). And certainly a dress by itself won’t make anyone seem gorgeous. But I think what you wear is an intimate part of how attractive you seem to people. I mean even conventionally attractive celebrities in hideous clothing are considered as looking uglier.

13 years ago

I really don’t understand NWOslave’s latest kick. Why does he think “masturbation is a woman’s sexuality” is so funny?

I mean, masturbation isn’t the entirety a woman’s sexuality, but it’s certainly a part of it (if she masturbates. I know not all people do).

13 years ago

@ Quackers – You’re welcome to email me via the forum if you want to talk more about this! This is actually one of my favorite topics, but I don’t want to bore everyone else.

My friend gets mostly men who want both sex and a relationship, which again I think is about her personality – she’s a bit too obviously strong of a personality for predatory men to feel safe approaching, which is why Nanny Ogg is my comparison of choice.

13 years ago

So MRAL, if you’re still here, does hearing about women’s actual experiences help you any? I genuinely hope so.

13 years ago

Running away because he can’t bullshit his way out of a question yet again, then.

NWO, you are an absolute and complete fucking idiot. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that you have any grasp of, be it punctuation or evolution or even your own sexuality. I’m amazed that you haven’t shortcircuited your computer from all the drooling you must do on the keyboard. I’m guessing that you have assistants to translate your incoherent rambling into those pretty word things for you, because there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that someone with a brain so underdeveloped as your own could possibly comprehend simple things like language or communication, let alone what a computer is. is that why you’re jealous of feminists? Because we can type on our own? Or because we can think on our own, either seems likely.

You’re not a adult male with his own thoughts and consciousness as much as you are a concentrated ball of hatred. You’ve got piss and spite running through your veins rather than blood. You’re a geriatric who will never have a meaningful relationship and who has scared away any chance at having such a relationship because any woman with two braincells (and that’s two more than you’ve got, bright eyes) had the sense to get the hell out of dodge after a conversation of two seconds with you. You live alone, you will die alone, and the only people who you have any interaction with won’t care, because your buddies on the Spearhead will be too busy jacking off to their own self-importance (as you’re no doubt doing right now) and the people here will just say, “Oh, his rage finally fried his brain, eh?” So laugh it up, funny guy, because you’re such a clown that you can’t see the joke is on you.

I probably crossed a line at some point in there, but this is not my best day and I really don’t care if I hurt his poor feelings.

13 years ago

Good clothes definitely affect how attractive people are perceived as being, but it’s one of those necessary but not sufficient things, in my experience.

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