Oh boy. Over on The Spearhead, the good old trusty Spearhead, a fella called Rmaxd has some bold new ideas to share with the world.
Well, they’re not really new, or bold, or true, and some of them kind of seem to contradict each other. But they are, indisputably, ideas. And because he’s a dude, they’re automatically good, because dudes are the dynamic, creative force behind all historical progress. So it’s no wonder this comment of his got more than two dozen upvotes.
Rmaxd starts off by addressing the manginas of the world, and every man who might be considering the benefits of manginahood:
Grow some balls, be masculine, & these so called feminists have zero power
Because NATURE.
We always revert to our biology & nature, over idealism, this is why feminism is dead in the water
And NATURE says women should stay home and cook and pop out babies.
Women in our society are so fucked up, precisely because they rejected their biological need to be part of a society, through their children, husbands & a family
It’s time for a little thought experiment.
Imagine if men were no longer engineers & soldiers & scientists, imagine the biological havoc they would cause on society, all that intellectual brilliance channelled on society, on the loss of their biological roles, instead of as engineers, soldiers & scientists
I’m having a little bit of a hard time imagining, because that doesn’t make any fucking sense. Is he suggesting that the world would collapse if more dudes stayed home and tended the kids?
But never mind, because Rmaxd is on to his next point, which is that women are terrible at math and this makes them OBSOLETE!
In a technology based society, women are the first to be discarded, their lack of scientific & mathematical skills are a liability to our technological culture
Also, they’re lazy and don’t invent shit. Even though by keeping them at home and denying them education the men of the world gave them ample opportunity to invent all sorts of shit, they chose instead to sit on their fat asses and eat bon bons.
Women have in fact been stayathome moms for centuries, theyve NEVER had to work for centuries, they have now had centuries of shelter & protection from corporations, theyve had massive amounts of leisure, in fact more leisure then most working males through out history
& what did women do with that leisure, with all that time & opportunity to progress science?
Women became biological luddites, they became entitled, inbred & backwards & technologically liabilities in our present technologically based age
When women should’ve been developing technologies to makeup for their inability to logic & reason, in the same way men developed music & art in order for men to experience emotions, all they did was call for young men to destroying their own futures, to be used as walking wallets & chattle
You can tell how innovative Rmaxd is, because he’s totally just innovated a new way to spell “chattel.”
Anyway, QED, fuck women.
Women are liabilities, we no longer need women to maintain our social networks, we have everything from mobile phones to the internet
Huh. Declaring half of humanity expendable. I was under the impression that MRA dudes considered that sort of thinking to be the equivalent of committing GENOCIDE. Seems some of them were making a big stink about that the other day, when a couple of ladies made some similar remarks about men.
Weird. Because MRA dudes are upvoting this, instead of gathering together in angry mobs on the internet to EXPOSE this dude’s personal information and talk about Fucking His Shit Up.
Never mind, though, because Rmaxd isn’t done with his case against ladies.
We no longer need them to maintain morality, as theyre incapable of morality, a womans ability to destroy herself, in the same fat women destroy their own bodies, is unprecedented, give a woman enough leisure & freetime, & all she’s capable of is how to enslave all of society, to ensure society does the same for women everywhere, irrespective of the results
Damn. So women getting fat is part of a sinister plot to enslave mankind?
This all sounds pretty dire for us civilization-creating dudes.
Happily, as Rmaxd explains in another comment, the ladies are so crazily self-destructive that they will fail in their evil designs, despite “being bankrolled by the rich upper class.” Just like the evil radical blacks back in the 1970s:
[W]omen are following the black activism handbook of the 70′s. …
[N]ear the end of the black movement, as the more mainstream, publicly accepted part of black militancy was rejected & debunked, the more radical components of the movement, began attacking its own supporters, in particular the white supporters of black rights, & they also started attacking blacks who were sympathetic to white males
We see the exact same thing happening with feminism, as the more popular & acceptable parts of feminism have now been rejected by popular culture, ie the colossal failure of stayathome dads
Because nothing is more evil and against NATURE than stay-at-home dads! It’s like sodomy squared.
Anyway, the evil ladies are doomed.
They now start becoming more radical, their antagonism & alienation of men, especially manginas & feminists will inevitably destroy them
As we all know women & especially special rights movements, are always self destructive, as the solutions are never radical enough.
So back to the homes, ladies, where you can return to fulfilling NATURE’s role for the females of the species: sitting on your fat asses and eating bon bons and being terrible at math. Because that is nature’s way.
I had a
Not saying I believe that Scorpio is who zie presents himself as, but a woman can have a wife.
I thought he actually said he was a dude in one of his boner updates… But yes, you’re totally right. Women can totally have wives.
If zie didn’t actually state zie was a dude in one of the past four necrotrolls, then I apologize for doing the assumption thing.
WHOHOO!!!! I didn’t make a baseless assumption and my memory wasn’t failing me! On the Christopher thread, with a boner update:
I am in my early 60s and male.
Although the reminder to not be heteronormative was much needed, since I misplaced the “I’m a dude” in my memory banks and put it with the wife-post, which is not a good thing. No assumption making, bad brain! Bad!
Thanks again, Cloudiah!
@contrapangloss, Actually, I was wrong. I didn’t remember this comment:
But maybe Scorpio is actually a class of sociology students doing a social experiment by commenting on this blog. (Inside joke.)
Oh Noes! Scorpio has lied to us about being swinger royalty? Does this mean he and his wife haven’t hosted world-renowned sex parties with guests that included married men in London for decades? I was so sure that was 110% factual because having married men at swingers’ sex parties is such a rare thing that one would naturally brag about it.
I suspect that Rmaxd is not a human and is in fact a Computer Chatterbox. The Entity posts some messages entirely in American English and some Entirely in British English. Have also found posts by him in other European languages
Well, hes got a point. What would happen if men rejected their roles, i.e engineers, soldiers, scientists etc? And, what have women invented exactly? You have dismissed everything he has said but offered no examples or evidence. You have responded with typical Femitude. make a lot of noise but didnt really say anything.
What have women invented? What have women contributed to the world? Apart from Children and wifely duties?
Women are not equal to men and isnt it a co incidence that Feminazim only really took of in the middle of the 21st century? No, Feminazism took over when society was at its best. Everything had been invented pretty much by 1965. The Femis just took the reigns and hijacked and squatted.
Its a Mans world and we are the weaker sex.
Liverpool Livinia, why do you think that there are no women engineers, soldiers, scientists, etc?
Here, let me Google that for you
You have no concept of history, do you? Women have contributed to society and their families. Always. They worked on family farms, they worked in factories, they worked inside and outside the home. They have been, throughout history, scientists and artists and philosophers and soldiers and mathematicians and everything else you can think of. Even when women were told they can’t or shouldn’t do those things, they still did. Women’s contributions and work have been minimized and devalued. And they still did these things.
Really? I was unaware that they had personal computers, cell phones, the Internet, PET scans and MRIs in 1965.
Livinia is boring, can we go back to making fun of Scorpio? Who I agree is probably a member of the fedorakin trolling.
Then again, Livinia probably is too, so…
I find it amusing that Livinia thinks that all the inventing was done by 1965.
And Scorpio being “tired, annoyed and worn down by feminist idoelogy.” Because the idea that women and men are equal is just so exhausting.
It’s just so hard on poor Scorpio.
I know that when I’m feeling tired and worn down the way I express that is by posting boner updates on the blogs of the people who’re making me feel that way. What is male socialization, class?
I love the trolls who go “BUT WHAT HAVE WOMEN DONE” as if it’s a clever put-down. The only thing they manage to do is advert “Mock me, I have no knowledge of history”.
You know what? Even if women had never invented a single thing (which is completely false – see sparky’s refutation above) and had confined themselves to raising children and household duties, men couldn’t have invented or built one single thing without women to raise them, feed them, clothe them, educate them, nurse them through sickness, clean house, keep the fires going, tend the gardens, tend the livestock, and perform the hundreds of other everyday survival tasks that you MRA types keep denigrating as worthless. Without someone to carry out all those support tasks, all those engineers and inventors would be wandering around in the jungle starving, shivering, and getting wet. If you insist on ranking genders based on what they “contribute to the world”, I’d say the tasks of eating and keeping warm rank at least as high as piling a bunch of stones together to commemorate some egotistical ruler.
There’s also the fact that women were systematically excluded from higher education until relatively recently. The disparity in the Invention Olympics proves nothing about women’s innate capacity for creativity and innovation. All it proves is that the few women who did break through were twice as determined and smart. There’s no way of knowing how many inventions have been lost because their potential creators had the misfortune to be born female at a time when women were kept confined to the house or the convent.
I think you mean “reins”. Way to bungle that metaphor. Now I’m picturing Queen Elizabeth squatting on top of a stationary horse, ordering it to go to Cuba.
In addition of course to the fact that the assertion “women have never invented anything” is best answered by a loud buzzer and “WRONG!”–there’s also the fact that most men haven’t invented anything either, they don’t get to take credit for the ones who have. Add in that men don’t get to keep women subjugated for centuries, deny them education, make them bear children whether they want to or not, and then claim this proves women are stupid.
Finally, what would women do if men* picked up their toys and went home? Eh, we’d be fine. Thanks to feminism, there are plenty of women engineers, etc. So go ahead, don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
*I’d love to see them propose this seriously to men, too. Most men actually like women.
The funniest part is that they still did. And they dedicated quite a lot of time to wondering why women were incapable of contributing to society. There’s no dearth of psychologists who are still trying to work it out today. It’s comical in a pathetic way .
Yep. Here’s where the MRA/Libertarian Venn diagram intersects, at the corner of Tantrum and Footstamp. “Screw you, world/women, for not realizing how super awesome I am! The world/women will collapse without me!” Then they hang around, watching to see if the world/women notices or cares. (Spoiler: they don’t.)
Then there’s also the unexamined naturalistic fallacy underlying this claim, where they assert that because historically women have been relegated to the domain of housework and children while men sit around thinking Lofty Thoughts, that this is the way it Ought To Be. If you’re at the top of the pyramid, but lazy and morally undeveloped, it’s easier to persuade yourself that women enjoy drudgery and are happiest fulfilling their “natural” role, than to say “whoa, wait a minute, there’s no rational basis for this – maybe it’s not right to deny women opportunities and exclude them from participation in civic life”. Because then you’d have to feel guilt and empathy, and that would mean cognitive discomfort, and these guys run like hell from any sort of adult feelings. It’s too messy, too much work.
“Really? I was unaware that they had personal computers, cell phones, the Internet, PET scans and MRIs in 1965.”
Actually, the personal computer, Internet and PET scans WERE all already existing, in their early form, by 1965. The cell phone was a concept for nearly a century, and we had the idea for it long before we had the technology for it.
And the spin echo technology behind MRIs was already in existence since the 1950s–the basic technology behind it was simply improved and implemented as the MRI.
I hate to use Wikipedia here, but even it will shows the basic overview of the histories.
Though, I would agree that not everything was invented by 1965. But I will say that the bulk of our advanced technology today had already seen its birth by or before 1965.
“Here, let me Google that for you
You have no concept of history, do you? Women have contributed to society and their families. Always. They worked on family farms, they worked in factories, they worked inside and outside the home. They have been, throughout history, scientists and artists and philosophers and soldiers and mathematicians and everything else you can think of. Even when women were told they can’t or shouldn’t do those things, they still did. Women’s contributions and work have been minimized and devalued. And they still did these things. ”
No offense, but while I do agree with you that there have been female inventors and scientists who contributed beneficial contributions to humanity (such as the beautiful Hedy Lamarr, or the useful invention of Kevlar by Stephanie Kwolek)…
…somehow, when you the search you referenced links the inventor of Barbie, Stove Top Stuffing, beauty hair products, Home Shopping Network trinkets, and the first Toll House chocolate chip cookie, you’re sorta’ proving the point that most contributions from women, for the most part, have been towards women’s own use and interest.
I wouldn’t belittle these accomplishments about these women, or the nature of women’s products (or products that were designed to appeal to women). These ladies could and should have been proud of their entrepreneurship. Though, I think the point that some boneheads around here are trying to say (albeit, in a most tactless way), is that women as a whole rarely provided the huge leaps in scientific achievement as men generally have.
And I wouldn’t say it’s all due to just men’s dominant nature over women for most of human history that’s the reason, either. I think it comes down to a difference in natural interests. A women-led society would’ve been fine eating salad and such farming all their lives. Even today, most vegetarians and vegans are women. Men raised the bar of human diet, not being satisfied with just vegetation alone. He went out and hunted for meat, which pretty much set the tone for all human progress. See, hunting were long expeditions away from home, traveling long distances to foreign lands, to provide meat for their home society.
Long travel pushed the need for cars, while hunting and venturing into foreign lands drove up progress of tools and weapons. Meat-eating societies were most dominant, had healthier babies, and proved most dominant in acquiring new territory. With expanding societies came need for new tools, and systems of trade and free enterprise. Markets began, and human communication grew in importance. Over history, the need for telecommunication and delivery of parcels became of higher importance.
Pretty much the bulk of “modern” human advent resulted from the efforts of the male efforts to expand their society, for power and prize. Competition played a huge part of our advancement, and nobody does competition better than testosterone-driven males.
Cooperation also played a huge part, but often towards the purpose of advancing one’s own society–even Florence Nightingale founded modern nursing through the Crimean War (war being perhaps mankind’s most extreme level of competition). So even for the greater good, competition has been a factor that’s pushed much (though, not all) of human technological and scientific progress.
Be it for patriotism, for pride, for pay, or for problem-solving, a sense of overcoming a problem drives most invention, and during life when manpower was key, most problems faced in daily life were encountered by overcoming the limits of hard labor, to improve one’s work better for one’s self, and often, better than the next guy.
More times than not, when it came to facing the problems of hard labor, while women certainly knew their share of hard labor in history, men generally were the ones to face the most extreme of that end (dangerous jobs, laborious construction work, war, etc.). This is why males generally advanced science and math more than women:
Generally-speaking, men needed it more. Women generally benefited from what men elevated, and yes, there are instances of women who got chance to contribute to the heights, too–just not nearly comparably to the rate at which men have, do, and will always do. Men are the best at competition, and with that, the best at progressing technology, science, and other more objective facets to human progress.
“And I wouldn’t say it’s all due to just men’s dominant nature over women for most of human history that’s the reason, either. I think it comes down to a difference in natural interests.”
bingo, all that word salad and then it was clear what he was getting at. Sorry for necroing again (:.
Damn. Just one more way that a woman gets all the credit — when it’s a male invention (war) that actually deserves it!