self-promotion TROOOLLLL!!

Man Boobz Troll (and Trollhunter) of the Year Awards: Send in your nominations!


Readers! Commenters! I am now (a bit late, I know) collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll of the Year. Put forward your choice (or choices), and make the case for them, in the comments below. Feel free to make up your own categories for Troll Awards as well; I want to recognize the many and varied contributions of our many and varied trolls.

The winner(s) will receive little tiaras. But they have to go buy them for themselves, with their own money.

I am also collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll Hunter of the Year – that is, the commenter or commenters here who you think have fought the good fight in the bestest possible ways. Again, you are free to make up your own categories for these awards.

The winner(s) here will receive a FREE viewing of the movie TrollHunter!It’s Norwegian! And really quite awesome, a faux documentary about the life of a Trolljegeren working secretly for the Norwegian government. Scary and hilarious!

Oh, and by “free viewing” I mean you can watch it on Netflix instant, if you’ve got Netflix. Hey, I’m kind of broke here. On the plus side, you can watch it even if you don’t win!


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13 years ago

You would train the manboobzette, culture her, and offer her up to the winning troll where I could complete her training, both of us could then be happy, and we would never bother you again!


Hey, Meller … for a while you were on about cute fluffy animals, and now it’s all dolls, all the time. Why the change? What happened?

13 years ago

Uh… I’m pretty sure Owlyslave’s in the lead, dude.

And Owly doesn’t want a little lovely lady. He’d be turned on by her, and it’d be like she was raping him.

13 years ago

“Oh, and don’t forget TAB, the guy who thought posting a picture of himself looking a bit douchey but otherwise reasonably attractive meant he won the argument.”
What was the argument?

“You would train the manboobzette, culture her, and offer her up to the winning troll where I could complete her training, both of us could then be happy, and we would never bother you again!”
10,000 times ew.
MellerLove, I know you’re very lost, but you should know that when you offer someone(not counting dolls, no matter how lovely), that made them a slave. Which is bad.

That was kindergarten-level morality, in the hope that you can still agree on a bit of the basic human respect. (I’m a very positive person)

13 years ago

57 votes missing for you to lead, DKM. Go fetch your internet friends while there’s still time!

13 years ago

The most disturbing part of Meller’s little fantasy is where the woman goes home with him “where I could complete her training.” Shudder. Trying to turn up the horrifying to climb past NWO’s commanding lead, DKM? I’m not sure it’ll work, he’s that horrifying most of the time. Good luck though!

13 years ago

my skin just crawled on behalf of all the vagina-bearing posters here (I tried to say that respecting Xanthe’s and Ozy’s genderqueer identities, but if anyone knows a more elegant way to phrase that please, PLEASE, let me know)

13 years ago

idk, i use penis-havers as a descriptive phrase, so vagina-bearers makes just as much sense

13 years ago

also, fantasies about enslaving women are pretty much boiler plate dkm. i dont think anyone is phased by them anymore.

13 years ago

I don’t know, Sharculese, that one hit me more strongly than they usually do. I think it’s because he’s usually talking about enslaving women in the abstract, whereas this time he’s specifically stating that he’d like to have a poster here as his very own sex slave.

13 years ago

/housecleaning/cooking/”you’re so smart and handsome!”/doing whatever he says/wearing period dresses/washing his feet/whatever the fuck else slave.

13 years ago

DKM: Reading comprehension fail (as to purpose of THIS blog).

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago


Speak for yourself!

Webmaster David Futrelle offered “a reward” for best troll. I offered my suggestion. My reading comprehension was perfect. Yours, on the other hand, as judged by your comment regarding me, needs work, even for a woman!

13 years ago

Did you get any new dolls for Christmas, DKM?

13 years ago


You didn’t really get the sarcasm when he offered the “rewards” did you? Spoiler Alert: There are no rewards.

Also, I love the statement that all the *real* websites train women to be properly submissive sex slaves for creepy, controlling doll connoisseurs.

13 years ago

I tell ya. Women. Trying to read.

13 years ago

@DKM: So edumacate my little lady brain: how does

If was any sort of website or blog at all, it would justify itself by offering to train one of the feminists buzzing around the site every day to become an actual real, bona fide, lovable WOMAN; one who is soft, playful, tranquil, compliant, docile, and cute! You would train the manboobzette, culture her, and offer her up to the winning troll where I could complete her training, both of us could then be happy, and we would never bother you again!

I could retire my little lady lovelies and plush fluffies (except for holidays and ceremonial purposes), enjoy my new ladylove, she could fulfill her natural femininity and allure, and everyone could be happy!

Forget the tiara! I would appreciate a real live little lady lovely!

serve as best troll nomination?

And given that the stated purpose of Manboobz is MOCKING MISOGYNY (like yours, ahahahahahaha),you talking about how manboobz has to “justify itself” “by offering to train one of the feminists buzzing around the site every day to become an actual real, bona fide, lovable WOMAN…” for the prizewinning troll which you is YOU (last time I checked vote you were NOT the winning one), your comment shows complete fail.

So just HOW does that reading comprehension work?

13 years ago

DKM: Yep, NWO is 56 votes ahead of you.

You aren’t even close to being the winner.

He has outgunned, outranted, and outMANNED you in the troll categories, apparently.

13 years ago

Shora: Not true. There is glory. Glory to say that you’re a better troll than Brandon, Monsieur sans Nom, etc. That’s small glory, I know…

DKM, when you speak of REAL women or REAL men, that’s offensive. When you speak of REAL website, that’s just nonsense. If it has a working url, it is a real website.

13 years ago

Nonsense, real websites are only those run by REAL men with a collection of REAL Dolls.

13 years ago


Mellertoad, it was “award” not “reward.” Stop typing with one hand and go wash up and play with your dolls. The grown-ups are talking now.

You’re still a loser.

13 years ago

@Hellkell: AHA! That was the problem–he misread nomations for troll AWARD as “give me ideas to REWARD trolls!”

Even more lolarious.

And the blog continues Brandon free, apparently1!!! YAY!

13 years ago

At least he only managed to refer to himself 3 times.

(I’m not sure that any of our regular trolls could pass the challenge, come to think of it, but we all know who’d be the biggest loser.)

13 years ago

DKM: Congratulations. You have made me throw up a little. In return I offer you this most heartfelt New Year wish: FUCK RIGHT OFF.

13 years ago

It must be a last minute attempt to get more votes, because Meller kind of outdid himself there.

13 years ago

You may not be the top troll, Meller, but you remain a sad, pathetic, sleazy creep. No one can take that away from you.

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