self-promotion TROOOLLLL!!

Man Boobz Troll (and Trollhunter) of the Year Awards: Send in your nominations!


Readers! Commenters! I am now (a bit late, I know) collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll of the Year. Put forward your choice (or choices), and make the case for them, in the comments below. Feel free to make up your own categories for Troll Awards as well; I want to recognize the many and varied contributions of our many and varied trolls.

The winner(s) will receive little tiaras. But they have to go buy them for themselves, with their own money.

I am also collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll Hunter of the Year – that is, the commenter or commenters here who you think have fought the good fight in the bestest possible ways. Again, you are free to make up your own categories for these awards.

The winner(s) here will receive a FREE viewing of the movie TrollHunter!It’s Norwegian! And really quite awesome, a faux documentary about the life of a Trolljegeren working secretly for the Norwegian government. Scary and hilarious!

Oh, and by “free viewing” I mean you can watch it on Netflix instant, if you’ve got Netflix. Hey, I’m kind of broke here. On the plus side, you can watch it even if you don’t win!


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13 years ago

@ Zhinxy – I want to read it! I would help but I’m seriously behind on a couple of deadlines.

13 years ago

So, basically, Meller, since I’ve been a libertarian a while, and as I said, so have most libertarian feminists, do you think that maybe I didn’t need the oversimplified angry old bitter racist sexist man Three Minute version of Egalitarianism As A Revolt Against Nature As A Book That Makes Me Feel Justified? XD

Thanks! We already read the original and dealt with it! Nice to hear from you, though!

13 years ago

CassandraSays – Yeah, I’ve been trying to get my creative juices flowing, so I’ll try my best!

13 years ago


13 years ago

DKM: You wouldn’t know this, but feminism has been more of an irritant to me over the past few decades, visible as it is EVERYWHERE, than my little posts ever could be to you manboobzettes!

Oooh, I think we have a pretty good idea of just how far around the bend that feminism has driven you–you exhibit in a myriad of ways, you misogynistic malcontent. I bet feminism has burrowed under your skin and sting you with a million fiery bites every moment of the day.

You take refuse in imagining the genocide of women (replacing them bots) or the total enslavement of women–and all I can think is, I am going to die much happier than you, you pathetic pustulent pimply prick.

13 years ago

blast take REFUGE

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

However, it is discovered that women as a class, usually have inferior abilities to pilot a plane then most men, or more precisely, most airline pilots ( to take one of countless examples) who are men.

You realize you said “as a class” then said “usually” right? xD (presuming you’re correct of course, which you’re not xD )

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

As a class, Autobots usually have inferior abilities at flying than most Decepticons, therefore discrimination against Autobots who can fly is okay!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

And presumption of flight in Decepticons is okay!


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So basically… Mellertron’s only a Libertarian b/c of his (erroneous) belief that without government, white straight cis males would take over the world because they are the best at everything xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Why Mellertron would be rich, successful and famous right NOW if it weren’t for the damn socialist feminist state making it so he can’t use his gun form! XD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I love how even though Zhinxy has bested you every time you’ve debated Libertarian issues, has proven she has more knowledge than you AND revealed that your knowledge of Libertarian writings (mysteriously) stops at the 1980s, you are still pretending like you’re teh expert and Zhinxy needs a good scolding from Father Mellertron Who Knows Best xD

The cognitive dissonance going on in your brain must be epic XD

13 years ago

Meller: Liberty, in the sense understood by libertarians, is exclusively a negative concept:. Others are FORBIDDEN to interfere with your freedom of action, as long as you observe the prohibition of interfering with their freedom of action.

So you admit you aren’t a libertarian. You have stated, repeatedly, that you want to restrict women’s liberties.

QED, you are, by your definition, a self-admitted non-libertarian.

This, of course, is completely non-related too the nonsense you spout about women being bad at things; made all the funnier by you choosing an example (flying planes, jets at high-G in specific) in which women have been shown to be better than men.

So we can add ignorant, to your list of deficiencies (along with hypocrite, slavery supporting, torture condoning, etc.)

13 years ago

“Normally, I regard this as a largely private hobby, and really don’t like discussing it with people, least of all, modern women, who can’t even appreciate it!”

Mellertoad, you’re free to stop discussing it with us at any time. Really.

13 years ago

I naturally think that women, properly cultured and trained, would be considerably better than dolls! However, they all have the delusion, promoted by feminists, that they are capable of human thought

I think you are getting dolls and humans mixed up

also you lost the troll contest meller so just give it up

13 years ago

Does it seem to anyone else that Meller’s actually trying convince the women here they should be jealous of his dolls at this point? He just keeps getting more pathetic the harder he tries.

13 years ago

And he’s trying really really hard . . .

13 years ago

Yep, he’s been trying to convince us to be jealous of his various woman substitutes for some time. I believe that both small fluffy animals and Hello Kitty have been mentioned as things we should be jealous of, since our various husbands/boyfriends/etc would surely prefer them to us.

Meanwhile many of the women here continue to be very happily partnered, and he continues to rant on the internet because it’s his only way to get at the women who make him so very angry. See why I think he’s hilarious?

13 years ago

BUT PECUNIUM! He just hasn’t yet figured out whether or not those liberties can apply to women at ALL!

Also, his talk about women being so inherently statist and collectivist (to the point where he grudginly allowed my daughter reading libertarian books might be better than watching the view, which of course she does or the crap at school, but probably wouldn’t have any effect on her), might mean that we are so INHERENTLY dangerous to liberty itself, that our containment is REQUIRED for liberty to flourish. All things I want you to expound on, Meller, by the way. Please?

Nice blast from the past here (Also, I note that I also discussed the libertarian critique of egalitarianism as interpreted by modern left libertarianism earlier in that discussion, but hey, better late than never, eh Meller? ) –

“One problem that I am discovering when trying to develop and apply a theory of rights which can safely include women, in a laisssez faire economy and social order, which I (and other libertarians) have given too little thought before, is that women–as a group–seem to lack the rationality, good judgement, and maturity (at least until menopause?) and one is trying to describe–or even advocate–a society for them giving them an equal freedom and personal sovereignty that they are certainly not ready for! Even libertarians acknowledge that children, pets, etc. need some degree of guardianship, and that application of rights appropriate to a fully developed rational entity is NOT appropriate to one whom is not, even though cruelty or neglect may be clearly prohibited.”


Also, yeah… We’ve all just not given it enough thought.


13 years ago


Mellertoad, you’re free to stop discussing it with us at any time

Bite your tongue!!! I can’t tell you how much emptier my life would have been if I hadn’t gotten to read this!

Their “faux-libertarian oppressor” C-S, is a loving and considerate owner and keeper, they are “doused” (your word) with very nice, fragrant perfumes, dressed in lovely, really feminine, and beautiful clothes, (NOT “ridiculous” at all) that makes the most fashionable couture of today look like rags, and fondle, caress, and love them NOT in “disturbing” ways, but in ways guaranteed to give the bodies of women great pleasure and thrilling enjoyment!

I mean look at it, LOOK AT IT! Then, as if he hasn’t gifted us with enough, he has to top everything off by referring to them as “my women”!


13 years ago

Does it seem to anyone else that Meller’s actually trying convince the women here they should be jealous of his dolls at this point? He just keeps getting more pathetic the harder he tries.


Oh, I think it’s gone beyond SEEMS. Yeah, he’s trying to convince us.

13 years ago

I’m with Shadow, btw. Don’t discourage Meller from talking about his dolls! Where else can you get that kind of entertainment for free?

13 years ago

I’m with Shadow, btw. Don’t discourage Meller from talking about his dolls! Where else can you get that kind of entertainment for free?

Yes. I especially want to know if any of them sing songs.

13 years ago

And whether this singing corresponds with the “caress, fondle and love them” stage, or if he is not quite as adept as he would like us to believe

13 years ago

I would also like to hear more about how he caresses, fondles, and loves his Hello Kitty plushies, and if the thinks that they have orgasms during said fondling.

…..I really hope he’s not trying any of this with actual kittens, puppies, etc.