self-promotion TROOOLLLL!!

Man Boobz Troll (and Trollhunter) of the Year Awards: Send in your nominations!


Readers! Commenters! I am now (a bit late, I know) collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll of the Year. Put forward your choice (or choices), and make the case for them, in the comments below. Feel free to make up your own categories for Troll Awards as well; I want to recognize the many and varied contributions of our many and varied trolls.

The winner(s) will receive little tiaras. But they have to go buy them for themselves, with their own money.

I am also collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll Hunter of the Year – that is, the commenter or commenters here who you think have fought the good fight in the bestest possible ways. Again, you are free to make up your own categories for these awards.

The winner(s) here will receive a FREE viewing of the movie TrollHunter!It’s Norwegian! And really quite awesome, a faux documentary about the life of a Trolljegeren working secretly for the Norwegian government. Scary and hilarious!

Oh, and by “free viewing” I mean you can watch it on Netflix instant, if you’ve got Netflix. Hey, I’m kind of broke here. On the plus side, you can watch it even if you don’t win!


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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I’m actually in a book about how I’m the most feminine comic fangirl blogger on the internets xD (I’m not kidding xD )

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

The question is, what is feminine? o_O Like if playing video games un-feminine or is it just playing CERTAIN video games? o: Cuz lately, if you play like Sim games, or “casual” games or adventure games, those aren’t “real” games, they’re “girl games” xD

I was told by some geek guys scoffing at me and my friend (also female!) buying Magic cards at a geek store that apparently Magic is now a girl game so it’s no surprise we play it and Warhammer is a real man’s game xD (perhaps MRAs should counter my Magyc cards with MRA vs Feminist Warhammer figurines xD )

Maybe Meller is annoyed at how ANYTHING of this kind could be considered feminine xD We shouldn’t just be back in the kitchen, we should be back in the kitchen baking cakes and ONLY cakes! xD

M Dubz
M Dubz
13 years ago

I mean cake is delicious, but it causes teh diabeetus. Everything in moderation!

13 years ago

Ah, but Meller(?)!!!! The strong, assertive, poisonous woman that I have posted so many videos of can be seen wearing a dress in the very second clip, as well as the latest! How is this possible?!!!! Is a dress not a symbol of femininity?!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

AND PINK! At this moment my very fingernails with which I type this sentence are painted pink! On a redhead, no less! WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?!!!111111

13 years ago

And this fine young lady! Behold her flowing skirt, her long, fluffy tresses, her graceful movement through the air! And yet despite these symbols of femininity, she still refuses to be spoken down to or touched against her will by menfolk! How, DKM, how can this be?!

13 years ago

I suppose I should actually post the video with the men in it:

13 years ago

Meller I would really like a reply to this even though you have this habit of ignoring me. It hurts my feelings when you ignore me!

Anyway, If I, as a feminist, hate femininity so much, why do I bellydance? You don’t really get much more feminine then belly dancing*.

*Yes I know there are male bellydancers, and I love and appreciate what they do for many reasons! But the existence of male dancers does not make bellydance less feminine.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Woman’s life is traditionally centered in the kitchen, the nursery, the bedroom, and the parlor, along with the garden, if her family’s circumstances indicate. In other words, the home, with the Church and the children at the center of her life and work. Obviously, baking was an important and cherished activity, especially if she was very good at it, but it was only a part of her household management.

Giving the lady of the house her due, it was not only baking, but sewing, knitting, laundry, and (in merchant households) helping with the sales of household products. Keeping accounts was also important, since even if the husband was involved in the final management of earnings and resoources, the wife still oversaw the household organization.

Of course, we heard about “servants”, but servants had to be SUPERVISED! They had to be instructed, they had to be managed, at least until they could do most of what they were charged with on their own, and their work had to be co-ordinated with the work of the family both in and around the home and the larger community.

ALL of this, was the feminine sphere. You may say that men held the “power” in that largely rural, pastoral, handicraft/mercantile or maritime societyand economy, and indeed thay had and did, but the foundation of power that they (the men, especially the older me) wielded both in the community and even the larger world (except perhaps for the Church) was founded in the home!

In many important ways, certainly in the home, and sometimes even in the community, “Papa commanded, but Mama decided…” was a saying familiar in many, if not most, of the world’s languages and cultures over the past six thousand or so years.

Needless to say, videogames, feminist or not, had no place in the lives of most women, or most men either!

Ami Angelwings, don’t forget your girlygiggles: xD xD xD xD and o-O!

13 years ago

Meller!!!! Why doth thou ignore my film strips?! Can it be that thou hath no explanation?!?!?!??!

Meller(?)! How is it that I, a being of the female persuasion, sew, knit, and consider myself a feminist?!

13 years ago

I’m no historian, but I’m pretty sure other commenters have pointed out how devoid of fact your little history(?) lessons are, DKM.

However, let us for a moment assume you are being completely historically accurate, and that all men and women everywhere fulfilled those roles, and women were content with the scraps of fake power men threw them every now and then.

So what? Why should that be the model for now? Except for tradition, of course, but traditions change all the time..

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Shora–January 1, 2012 @ 11:23

You are correct, Shora.

Bellydancing IS feminine! I am glad to see that you still feel impelled to maintain some contact with your inner woman, with all of the pressure upon you to be a “modern woman”. Maybe as time progresses, you will see the unisex–and antisex–ugliness of feminism and, responding against it, will proceed to enrich your life with other activities of, and interests of the fair sex.

Maybe you will eventually treat some of your fans to a youtube presentation of your art, it will catch on, and you will go on from there…

13 years ago


13 years ago


Keeping accounts was also important, since even if the husband was involved in the final management of earnings and resoources, the wife still oversaw the household organization.

Surely not! Wouldn’t that require women be able to do math? Also,

Of course, we heard about “servants”, but servants had to be SUPERVISED!

You’re doing that thing where you think the upper 1% or 2% (who all the stories are about) represent all the people of the past. Most people throughout history have not had servants, Meller. In fact, quite a few more were servants than had them. Many of those servants were woman – working, for pay! Those feminist shrikes!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Lauralot, I am NOT going to pay attention to videos that make me SICK!

Grrrl power has the effect on me that a nasty case of ptomaine has on its victims! I can live without it!! Let us just simply say that I am allergic to “strong women:” and let it go at that.

‘Nuff said!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Way to run away from my questions about why a feminist like myself knits, bakes, sews, and wears pink, dude.

13 years ago


You know, it’s funny, I never really felt comfortable doing things really “feminine” until I started being a feminist. There’s so much hate and derision directed toward femininity in the MSM, and the vast vast VAST majority of it comes from sources that are not the least bit feminist. Growing up I was blasted with messages that super feminine women were dumb, silly, manipulative, worthless leeches. Women who were really highly “valued” had a lot more masculine traits; Women who did sports or played video games or were “one of the guys” were shown to be so much cooler than those silly, ditzy, air headed bimbos who spent hours on their hair and skincare regimen. The messages were reinforced by my daily social interactions as well. “Girly” was bad and stupid. “Tomboys” were in.

Becomming a feminist gave me the tools to embrace the parts of myself that were feminine without apology. I love jewelry, and dressing up, and shopping and dancing AS WELL AS wanting to be active and playing video games and cracking dumb jokes for the guys. On top of all that I have the freedom to pursue and education and a career to be able to support myself, and I have the freedom to pursue the kind of men I want to be in a relationship with, and my survival and well being is not dependent upon whether or not I marry.

So no, I don’t think that just because I’m feminine I’m going to turn into a submissive ladylove any time soon. And I ALSO don’t think that anyone else should express their gender the exactly the way I do, because gender expression is personal and important and dictating that is an asshole thing to do.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

A dress CAN BE a symbol of femininity, but there must be a feminine lady wearing it! If the person (or is it “woperson”) who is wearing the dress, any femininity that the pretty dress could project is minimized by the ‘grrrl power” personality of the wearer, and nothing is accomplished. The wearer is still about as attractive as a dead fish!

Miss Pearl
13 years ago


I dunno, theoretically speaking I fit into a lot of the stuff you go on about- by the necessity of being a responsible adult I cook, clean, look after people (including children) relatively well and I even am relatively feminine looking and dressing (you should see my hello kitty pjs and pink feathery hair charms). But I’ve been on that pedestal you think will cause me fulfillment, and it does nothing for me… and the support of a man is highly unstable compared with going out to work for a living, and it certainly doesn’t make me happy when I make the home the main focus of my life.

So between knowing that no man is ever a reliable source of support, at least no more than any woman is (even the best spouse can get sick) and knowing my own temperament that even as a generally fluffy, giggly creature long term fixations on only housework make me seriously contemplate suicide I’m not seeing the attraction. Submission isn’t emotionally fulfilling even for hyper-femme people like me.

13 years ago

So yeah, feminist who spent most of her afternoon working in the yard today, Meller, right here. Also: feminist who wore a skirt to dinner. I’m totally ok with Meller being allergic to me, though. However, he might want to take pity on my manly, manly boyfriend, who can’t afford rent on his own, let alone afford to hire a bunch of servants for me to manage if I’m running the house instead of going to school and working all the time.

Also, neither my boyfriend nor I want to have babies nor do we want to go to church. Hey, Meller, why do you hate other men so much? What did they ever do to you?

13 years ago

I… I don’t think it’s a “woperson”, on account of “woperson” isn’t a word in English o_O.

Meller, Meller, dude, calm down. You lost a poll on a website. It’s okay. I’ve never won any website polls, and I’m able to keep it together. Breathe with me, now. In… out…

13 years ago

Remember to make your exhalations longer than your inhalations.

13 years ago

I guess Mellertoad must really be hurt that he came in second. (XD)

But he did take first place in the “Troll who knows Jackshit About Geography” category.

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