self-promotion TROOOLLLL!!

Man Boobz Troll (and Trollhunter) of the Year Awards: Send in your nominations!


Readers! Commenters! I am now (a bit late, I know) collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll of the Year. Put forward your choice (or choices), and make the case for them, in the comments below. Feel free to make up your own categories for Troll Awards as well; I want to recognize the many and varied contributions of our many and varied trolls.

The winner(s) will receive little tiaras. But they have to go buy them for themselves, with their own money.

I am also collecting nominations for Man Boobz Troll Hunter of the Year – that is, the commenter or commenters here who you think have fought the good fight in the bestest possible ways. Again, you are free to make up your own categories for these awards.

The winner(s) here will receive a FREE viewing of the movie TrollHunter!It’s Norwegian! And really quite awesome, a faux documentary about the life of a Trolljegeren working secretly for the Norwegian government. Scary and hilarious!

Oh, and by “free viewing” I mean you can watch it on Netflix instant, if you’ve got Netflix. Hey, I’m kind of broke here. On the plus side, you can watch it even if you don’t win!


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13 years ago

“I don’t know how this will bear up to a would-be “alliance” between feminists and libertarians. Maybe some of these “mothers of invention” will come forward and design, build, and even sell ships, planes, tractor-trailers, spacecraft, and other transporation vehicles that CAN BE safely handled by women better than by men. I doubt it, but I simply don’t know.”


I just had to ask, though, what… Specifically will help if a magic girl flown airplane was invented or not invented when it comes to a libertarian feminism? Even in your conception of such.

WE CAN’T HAVE LIBERTARIAN FEMINISM BECAUSE OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE RIGHTS ETHICS… Okay, it’s simplistic, but it’s… Basically followable. You threw in Girls CAN’T FLY PLANES AS A CLASS, but it could have been a digression or not well made (hilariously not well made) example until you threw it in at the end there, where…. Here, let me simplify –

What, precisely is up with

X has a positive rights notion

Y has a negative rights notion

X and Y will have problems in forming alliances.

But X and Y may have less problems if somebody invents a spaceship girls can fly better than boys can…



This isn’t about right or wrong, this is about how hilarious this is as a thing to throw in there, even by the logic (?) of your own argument.

13 years ago

How can someone believe something *without* having thought?
Or write on a blog for that matter?

Anyway, Meller, if you can’t understand why no woman would be interested in you while you refuse you admit she’s a human being, you’re a lost cause.
Even in the worst places and times for women, when they were considered a mix between a sextoy, a slave, a walking uterus and a decoration, everybody admitted they had thought. Feminism didn’t invent that. (how do you invent something if you don’t have thought? How do I write?)

13 years ago

“Okay, it’s simplistic, but it’s… Basically followable. ”

Well, no, no it wasn’t, but … Barely followable, still.

13 years ago

Meller: You very rarely irritate me. Mostly, you either amuse me or make me sick. Both reactions have the end result of making me incredibly grateful for MrB.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Why are modern women and feminists hateful, disgusting, and just plain inhuman?

See above posts!!

13 years ago

Why is DKM hilariously creepy?

See above posts!!

13 years ago

You’ll forgive us if we don’t consider someone who spends the majority of his time interacting with dolls as a definitive expert on humanity

13 years ago

Hey Meller, why don’t you try out your garbage at Feministing, Shakesville, or I Blame The Patriarchy? I’m sure they’d love you over there.

Get real. You need us because we’re the only site that allows you to be the freak you are.

13 years ago

Meller: I’m only hateful to internet asshats and dumbfucks who change lanes without signaling. I quite enjoy civilized conversation, but that’s one thing you seem to be incapable of. So again, with all the heartfelt wishes I can muster: FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!!

13 years ago

“David K. Meller | January 9, 2012 at 12:13 pm
Why are modern women and feminists hateful, disgusting, and just plain inhuman?

See above posts!!”


Okay then, so I’ma gonna guess you have no even barely cogent rebuttal to my actual points on negative rights theory and left-libertarian feminist/other leftist alliances, yes?*
Okay then.

Now, if all my posts are so hateful, and this itself alarms you to the point of rebutall inability, I suppose this is a very very good time to ask again – Should I have lost custody of my children, for failing to make a happy home and provoking my abuse?


*And once again, it’s fine to be out of date. (And I note… The New Deal in Old Rome is a fun read but… That came out in 1947? See what I mean? The historical works are great, and always edifying/fun, but if you’re talking about POLITICS, well, it changes with the times. By definition, yes?)

You don’t have to be an expert. But you probably should be up to date and ready to back up your assertions if you’re going to be on your high horse explaining to other libertarians “How Libertarianism Works” shouldn’t you? If you weren’t positioning yourself as such a Learned Elder Anti-Statesman, it wouldn’t be so glaring.

Because it’s pretty dang glaring.

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