antifeminism creepy disgusting women douchebaggery evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles penises racism rape rapey reactionary bullshit reddit that's not funny! thug-lovers

Is Reddit nothing more than a collection of rape jokes and pedophilia apologias?

Nope! As the totally scientific chart above shows, it also contains: generalized misogyny, racism, atheist dickbaggery, and last but not least: lots of pics hosted on imgur!

Here, some recent data, most of which I have borrowed from ShitRedditSays. I’ve put the number of upvotes for each post in brackets, when relevant.

Rape jokes:

Guys, you’re not making enough rape jokes! [+856]

“I’d fuck her until the neighbours complained about the smell.” [+250] [Bonus points: Also a murder and necrophilia joke!]

Rape clock [+36]

Redditors mock a rape victim! [Assorted upvoted posts]

Pedophilia apologia:

Admitted pedo and child porn fancier compares himself with Gandhi [+83]

More goodness (by which I mean badness) from that thread, courtesy of SRS.

Oh noes! Evil anti-pedos threaten free pedo speech! [+25]

He’s been shamed into deleting it by you. Are you happy now? For the record, mattperrin said “Why does she have to be 18? So she can be in porn? Very very few girls enter porn, and if you’re just talking about being sexually aroused by her, that’s okay for anyone 13+”.

Pedo joke … perfection! [+100]

General Misogyny (and creepiness):

Ha Ha! Girls can’t work cameras! [+636]

Girls only like thugs and they’re all dumb and why oh why won’t they go out with a nice guy like me? Did I mention I hate women?  [+assorted massive upvotes]

Help me prove to this guy feminism is no longer needed. (Please do not use profanity and words like “cunt” though.) [This whole discussion is sort of delicious; our pal ThingsAreBad, aka JeremiahMRA, pops in to argue that feminism was never needed because everything was peachy back when women couldn’t vote.]

I’d fuck her right into a broken hip. [+588] [Referencing Helen Mirren.]

“She has very large holes in her earlobes. About the circumference of an erect penis. She is also very attractive. Myself and many other redditors, immediately upon viewing the picture, imagined putting our penises through those holes.” [+10]

Bonus! More random misogyny.


“I just had sex with my first black guy, and believe me it’s true what they say…he stole my t.v.” [+477]

“No no no, that will just attract more rapists.” [+70] [BONUS POINT: Is also a rape joke!]

Atheist douchebags:

Reddit Makes Me Hate Atheists, by Rebecca Watson. As you’ll notice, her examples from r/atheism contain many massively upvoted rape and pedophilia jokes, not to mention lots more generalized misogynistic douchebaggery. The circle is complete!

But generally speaking you can pick almost any random highly upvoted post here for endless more examples of what makes even atheist activists hate Reddit atheists.

Which have helped to inspire this meme.

Pics on Imgur:

Top posts on (my) Reddit at the moment:

Then again, random pics of cute dogs and squirrel-riding frogs are certainly preferable to more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap. So, yay imgur, I guess? (At least when it’s not being used to post still more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap.)

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13 years ago

@Shadow: A VAST MAJORITY doesn’t equal “all the time”. I agree that he was most likely asking her out or trying to at least. However, that is nothing more than a hunch, an educated guess. And we shouldn’t go around drawing conclusions on just educated guesses.

Again, I never said it wasn’t the most reasonable educated guess…but it still is an educated guess. One should have hard evidence before saying something that could turn out to be false.

Everybody has their “ideal situations”. But you can not expect men to go around knowing each individual woman’s thoughts and feelings about what she thinks is an appropriate time to flirt.

My point is Rebecca might not like that scenario, but maybe another woman would find it romantic. Men are not able to figure out what each and every woman thinks and feels about something. We simply open our mouths, take a chance and see if we do or don’t get rejected. That doesn’t mean men in general feel entitled or expect anything from her. It means “I will definitely lose if I don’t open my mouth…so opening my mouth and starting ANY conversation will exponentially improve my odds”

13 years ago

Let’s be fair, you guys. Maybe Brandon’s social skills are so poor that the idea that if what our hypothetical dude wanted wasn’t sex he might have indicated what he did want is beyond the scope of his imagination. For example, if in that situation I just wanted to hang out I might say something like “hey, I think there’s a Monty Python marathon on, want to come watch it with me?’. (Insert theoretical mutual interests here)

Or maybe our hypothetical dude is a coffee addict who suffers from insomnia, and it seems perfectly normal to him to drink coffee at 4am when one is sitting around one’s hotel room, and he assumes that everyone else must feel the same way. I mean, it could happen. How do we know he isn’t? Why didn’t that bitch Rebecca take that possibility into account?

We could do this all night, but you know, I think I’d like some coffee. I won’t ask any of you over to join me, since I’m not really feeling very horny at the moment and I wouldn’t want to give the wrong impression.

13 years ago

And we shouldn’t go around drawing conclusions on just educated guesses.

So, we shouldn’t follow your example?

You can damn well except a man to know an individual’s thoughts and feelings about what she thinks is an appropriate time to flirt if he LISTENED TO HER TALK ABOUT IT.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

@ Lauralot – I’m currently planning my New Year’s Day menu and I’m curious if anyone else is doing anything special for the actual day.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

I’m going to spend New Years with my grandparents, because my parents will be out of town and my brother will be celebrating with his friends.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

@Cassandrasays: Do you have any traditional “good luck” New Year’s Day dishes in your family? In my family Hoppin’ John (rice and black-eyed peas) served with collard greens and skillet-corn bread are traditional parts of the dinner.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

I’m thinking of making a bunch of stuff that can be made the day before and then reheated if needed, so there’s not much work to do if I’m tired/hungover.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

Before feminism: a maid

After feminism: fuck toys

Either way it results in women being dehumanized by misogynists. But at least now we can vote, have careers and choose when and if we want a baby. So yea. Go feminism.

13 years ago

New Year’s Day is a baked dinner with my parents. We have to decide yet whether I’m cooking, or Mum.

13 years ago

@Cassandra: Your talk of menus has made me realize that I’ve barely done any cooking since I’ve been home. I should get on that, as there are new recipes I want to try. But I guess we should finish the Christmas leftovers first. Particularly my mom’s macaroni and cheese, because it’s the most delicious thing ever.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

Well, not in my family, and we did black eyed peas last year, so I was thinking of doing Japanese New Year’s foods this year since a lot of them are really simple and can be made in advance. Also probably some noodles for long life.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

@Nobinayamu: Yes…feminism has freed me from the role of being a woman’s wallet.

Also, I have no plans on “making an honest woman” out of Ashley since I am anti-marriage. And even if her father did show up at my door…that doesn’t mean I have to do what he says.

a lot of the current birth control was created back in 60’s when feminism just started to take off.

Women had jobs before feminism.
women went to school and college before feminism.
women owned property before feminism.

13 years ago

CassandraSays, that’s a bit like our Xmas dinner. Cold meat and salads, so nearly all of it can be done beforehand. This year we even used paper plates and plastic cutlery so no washing up. 🙂

13 years ago

a lot of the current birth control was created back in 60′s when feminism just started to take off.

Guys, don’t be idiots.

Japanese New Year’s food sounds delicious. I really need to try my hand at making spring rolls again. My first attempt was less than successful.

13 years ago

Also, the person I’ll be with just got a Nespresso machine, so we plan to work our way through many of the flavors and try them out as part of our hangover cure.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

Brandon, seriously … it doesn’t even fucking matter about whether he was hitting on her or not.

1. RW didn’t say anything about speaking for all women.

2. RW didn’t make any kind of proclamation that all men must follow in all situations.

3. If you hear a woman who’s unfamiliar with your country speaking on the topic of how she doesn’t like to be hit on constantly and she thinks that men hitting on women all the time is a problem with your community, and the first time you talk with her you ask her to your hotel room at 4 a.m. in an elevator, it doesn’t matter whether you are actually hitting on her or not. That is obviously a bad idea, even if you are not attracted to her in the slightest and only want her to come to your room to make you a sandwich.

13 years ago

@ Lauralot –

I’m definitely doing lotus roots, since they’re easy.

13 years ago

Actually, any food sounds delicious at the moment. I always get cravings at completely absurd times, like 2:30 in the morning.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

Crud, sorry, I’m behind. Umm … New Year’s Day menus. I always hold that the only way to start off the new year is with a thick, bloody steak. It’s a holdover from my vegetarian days, when that was the one meat I had all year. Now it’s more like a weekly event, but still. If I’m eating at home, I’ll ask my boyfriend to make majadra to go with it. YUM.

It’ll (hopefully) make up for a very hungry Xmas. Boyfriend’s family spent the day serving meals that consisted of everything I’m allergic to. I ate an apple.

13 years ago

@Nobinayamu: Yes…feminism has freed me from the role of being a woman’s wallet.

Yes, and it’s freed me from having to be housewife, a teacher, or a nurse. Or a secretary. Hooray feminism.

Also, I have no plans on “making an honest woman” out of Ashley since I am anti-marriage. And even if her father did show up at my door…that doesn’t mean I have to do what he says.

Not that I really give a shit, Brandon, but that’s my point. Pre-feminism and the massive cultural changes that have come with it, you would’ve been expected to marry your serious girlfriend if she became pregnant. Now, no one really expects that. Ashley’s dad wouldn’t be at your house. And I’m sure, if Ashley got pregnant (seriously: vasectomy? still happening, right?) she’d realize in, short order, that the only thing worse than having to co-parent with you, would be having to be married to you.

Yay feminism! Everybody wins!

Also, guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

Looking back, I think transferring to vegetarian was easy for me because I never really like much meat. The only thing I really missed was bacon, but I’ve found facon that tastes just as good.

I should put together a New Year’s Menu, now that I think of it.

13 years ago

Well, not in my family, and we did black eyed peas last year, so I was thinking of doing Japanese New Year’s foods this year since a lot of them are really simple and can be made in advance. Also probably some noodles for long life.

Japanese New Year’s foods… I am intrigued. I’m going to have to check out that link. I have to make Hoppin’ John and collards for New Year’s. But I’d love to make something else that could be pre-prepared. I’m not burned out. My fella did the Christmas day dinner for me and my family -it was fantastic- so I’m up for trying something new.

13 years ago

Women had jobs before feminism.
women went to school and college before feminism.
women owned property before feminism.

Women’s main priority was to marry and have children. Many if not most went to school to find a husband. Some would argue culture forces this priority on women still, but it’s a lot less expected than it was before feminism. Feminism also pushed for more widespread inclusion of women in the workforce, education and their rights to own property.

13 years ago

You’re lucky, Lauralot! I’m actually getting a little grossed out by (some) meat again (although an occasional nice thick bloody steak is heaven), but sadly the list of food items I’m not allergic or sensitive to is pretty small, so I have to eat what I can, or go hungry.

13 years ago

@Nobinayamu – If you have a sweet tooth and access to a Japanese supermarket, this one is really homey and comforting, and easy to make.

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