antifeminism creepy disgusting women douchebaggery evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles penises racism rape rapey reactionary bullshit reddit that's not funny! thug-lovers

Is Reddit nothing more than a collection of rape jokes and pedophilia apologias?

Nope! As the totally scientific chart above shows, it also contains: generalized misogyny, racism, atheist dickbaggery, and last but not least: lots of pics hosted on imgur!

Here, some recent data, most of which I have borrowed from ShitRedditSays. I’ve put the number of upvotes for each post in brackets, when relevant.

Rape jokes:

Guys, you’re not making enough rape jokes! [+856]

“I’d fuck her until the neighbours complained about the smell.” [+250] [Bonus points: Also a murder and necrophilia joke!]

Rape clock [+36]

Redditors mock a rape victim! [Assorted upvoted posts]

Pedophilia apologia:

Admitted pedo and child porn fancier compares himself with Gandhi [+83]

More goodness (by which I mean badness) from that thread, courtesy of SRS.

Oh noes! Evil anti-pedos threaten free pedo speech! [+25]

He’s been shamed into deleting it by you. Are you happy now? For the record, mattperrin said “Why does she have to be 18? So she can be in porn? Very very few girls enter porn, and if you’re just talking about being sexually aroused by her, that’s okay for anyone 13+”.

Pedo joke … perfection! [+100]

General Misogyny (and creepiness):

Ha Ha! Girls can’t work cameras! [+636]

Girls only like thugs and they’re all dumb and why oh why won’t they go out with a nice guy like me? Did I mention I hate women?  [+assorted massive upvotes]

Help me prove to this guy feminism is no longer needed. (Please do not use profanity and words like “cunt” though.) [This whole discussion is sort of delicious; our pal ThingsAreBad, aka JeremiahMRA, pops in to argue that feminism was never needed because everything was peachy back when women couldn’t vote.]

I’d fuck her right into a broken hip. [+588] [Referencing Helen Mirren.]

“She has very large holes in her earlobes. About the circumference of an erect penis. She is also very attractive. Myself and many other redditors, immediately upon viewing the picture, imagined putting our penises through those holes.” [+10]

Bonus! More random misogyny.


“I just had sex with my first black guy, and believe me it’s true what they say…he stole my t.v.” [+477]

“No no no, that will just attract more rapists.” [+70] [BONUS POINT: Is also a rape joke!]

Atheist douchebags:

Reddit Makes Me Hate Atheists, by Rebecca Watson. As you’ll notice, her examples from r/atheism contain many massively upvoted rape and pedophilia jokes, not to mention lots more generalized misogynistic douchebaggery. The circle is complete!

But generally speaking you can pick almost any random highly upvoted post here for endless more examples of what makes even atheist activists hate Reddit atheists.

Which have helped to inspire this meme.

Pics on Imgur:

Top posts on (my) Reddit at the moment:

Then again, random pics of cute dogs and squirrel-riding frogs are certainly preferable to more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap. So, yay imgur, I guess? (At least when it’s not being used to post still more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap.)

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13 years ago

Ah, but Cassandra, when Brandon says slut, it’s a good thing! Except when it’s not! There is no context!

13 years ago

It’s a good thing for the men who get to fuck the sluts, but of course it also means that they should be treated with contempt.

Hmm, how would you describe that sort of ethical code? Oddly enough the word “childish” keeps coming to mind. Selfishness is after all perfectly natural in children.

13 years ago

I don’t know about you guys, but when I ask men to come to my hotel room for coffee at 4am it’s because I want to chat about how awesome the floor plan is!

Also you just know if she actually did take him up on his offer and got raped she’d have the same pricks telling her “well what did you expect to happen…you should have KNOWN BETTER”

13 years ago

Oh, I probably don’t need to tell you, Brandon, a person who has watched the video, what RW said in the video, but it’s worth noting that she does explain exactly what she means by “don’t do that” right after saying “Guys, don’t do that.” Funny.

13 years ago

Perhaps Brandon lives on Bizarro’s home planet and there, Watson said that the whole world of men must cater to her every demand. Only her grammar was much worse when she did.

13 years ago

No, wait, by Bizarro logic she’d have said she wanted men to hit on her. So even that doesn’t work.

13 years ago

When I ask a man to come to my hotel room for coffee at 4 am it’s because as a lady I lack mechanical aptitude, and I need him to help me figure out how to use the coffeemaker.

If he asks me, on the other hand, I assume that he needs my womanly assistance in fluffing the pillows and making the place look more homey.

13 years ago

@Bee: You are making the assumption that the guy was “biding his time” and “waiting for an opportunity” to talk to Rebecca. You are making the assumption that his intentions right from the start were that of “I just need to get her alone so I can ask her out”.

Maybe he wasn’t thinking that at all, just bumped into her at the elevator and decided to take a chance and asked her his question.

The former is wrong and creepy while the latter is not.

What the hell does school supplies and Rebecca Watson have in common? Not a damn thing.

There is a difference between a weather man saying “you might want to bring an umbrella tomorrow” (a suggestion) and “Guys, don’t do that” (a demand). See the difference?

@Nobinayamu: Clearly you don’t know the meaning of “probably”. If I said:

“Maybe it is the cynic in me, but she probably did this to make a name for herself.”

The keyword in there is “probably”. I am not saying for certain that is her reason, I am saying it is a possibility that it could be why she made the video and blog posts.

Now, if I wrote:

“Rebecca Watson did all this to create a name for herself.”

That would be me drawing conclusions and stating my opinion as fact based on speculation.

@Lauralot: I am not on the fence about my dislike of feminists.

13 years ago

It’s true that no one knows why he was asking her to his room for coffee at 4 in the morning. Based on recent man-woman interactions I’ve witnessed on this very website, I imagine he either desperately wanted to let her know he was going his own way, or needed to tell her than her vagina is disgusting.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: I am not on the fence about my dislike of feminists.

Except when you were, and thought feminists had lots of valuable ideas that you adopted in your own life.

Brandon, you know debate isn’t Calvinball, right? You can’t just say “nuh-uh, that isn’t what I meant!” whenever someone proves you wrong.

13 years ago

@Lady Zombie: Typical feminist response #4: Ban anyone that disagrees with me.

13 years ago

And yet David, a feminist, hasn’t banned your weaselly little ass yet. Funny thing, that.

13 years ago


Since the topic is still going, I’m going to respond to your post because it gave me a severe case of WTF.

“Really? In what book does it say “a man asking for coffee at 4am equals a pickup attempt 100% of the time””

Actually a person asking someone to their room for coffee at 4am equals a pick up attempt a VAST MAJORITY of the time. If a woman came up to me at 4 in the morning and asked me to come back to her room for coffee no one is going to be surprised if I treat this as a pickup line (I assume the same is true of the more mainstream queer dating culture but I can’t speak to that, so someone who knows feel free to confirm or deny this). More importantly, however, as I’ve said in every fuckin post I made, it is accepted by the general culture in North America and the British Isles that in THAT PARTICULAR CONTEXT asking someone to your room for coffee is considered a come on. The chance of this dude not knowing are so miniscule that what I and others are saying is that THAT IS NOT THE MOST REASONABLE READING OF THE SITUATION. You have claimed to be a very social person, and I have no reason to doubt you, so I find it to be bordering impossible for you not to know this.

In fact, while I can’t remember the exact thread, I do remember you saying that you would not go up to a woman whom you were interested in sexually and say “I want to fuck you” or anything else as blunt as that (I believe your sentiments were something akin to “good luck”) so you clearly understand that we use euphemisms for sex. The plausible deniability in phrases like “would you like to come to my room for some coffee” is there so that people don’t have to come right out and speak about their sexual intentions explicitly in order to reduce embarassment for both parties. The same way that if I go up to a woman and ask her if she would like to go out with me, I don’t expect her to first ascertain whether or not I simply ask that she exit the area we’re in simultaneously with me before accepting or rejecting me romantically.

“He could have meant anything. He could have wanted to just talk and have coffee, to have a one night stand, to have a long term relationship, etc… The point is his intentions are unknown and you (and the feminist community by and large) has taken the worst possible position on it. Not just saying “well, he might have wanted to sleep with her” but saying “without a doubt he was trying to get laid”

My point is not to take the guys side, but to point out that there is hardly enough evidence to say one way or the other he was picking her up. Rebecca, you and most feminists are drawing conclusions based on very little data (e.g the very short conversation they had).”

Again, while this is a possible interpretation it IS NOT THE MOST REASONABLE READING OF THE SITUATION because of that new-fangled concept of CONTEXT.

“Really? So men should go around saying “I don’t want to fuck you…but would you like to get some coffee?” Ya, good luck on that one.”

Uhm in that particular CONTEXT yes? If at 4am I wanted to ask someone back to my room for a chat, or a LOTR marathon or just to cheer me on while I play Ocarina then the onus is on me to state my intentions for a non-sexual interaction. If I DID want to fuck then I would make the statement with no addendums, because I want her to interprete the innuendo and take me up on it or not. And I really won’t need much luck for that. If she wants to join me she will. Unless she was looking for sex she will not be all that disappointed when I let her know that my dick will stay in my pants.

and finally

Are you for real?!!!!

I said “I treat his “I find you interesting” shtick as highly suspect”

In your response to that post you said “What is so nefarious about saying to another human being “I find you interesting”? I find lots of people interesting and I enjoy carrying on a conversation with them. That doesn’t mean I want to fuck every single one of them. Maybe Rececca didn’t get the “Not every dude wants to fuck you” memo.

Hell, I can agree that it is “highly suspect”…but that is nothing more than pure speculation. “highly suspect” doesn’t equal “for certainty” or “without a doubt”. So trying to extrapolate what the guy “really meant” is faulty at best.” (and I found your use of the word nefarious bizarre. There’s nothing nefarious about wanting to have sex, there’s just times and places where it’s inappropriate to proposition someone and we are saying this was one of them)

I then said “And the reason I said his “I find you interesting” shtick is highly suspect is because his actions show either a complete ignorance of her speech at the conference, or a complete disregard for what she said in her speech. Outside of this context I would not find it suspect because she’s a speaker at a conference that he’s attending, why WOULDN’T he find her interesting?”

and your response to that is “Just because someone is a speaker at a conference doesn’t automatically make them interesting.”…. HUH?!!!!!

Are you trying to say that he didn’t find her interesting, in which case see my “highly suspect”. Or are you saying that I’m wrong for saying that outside of this context, i.e. if he saw her at a more appropriate time, asked her to a public location, spoke in a manner that actually showed that he listened to what she was saying in her lecture, that I would not think that there was anything sexual to his interest (or atleast that there was no reason to think that he was propositioning her) and that I would be more than willing to take him at face value and think that he was only interested in picking her brain


13 years ago

@Nobinayamu: Clearly you don’t know the meaning of “probably”. If I said:

“Maybe it is the cynic in me, but she probably did this to make a name for herself.”

The keyword in there is “probably”. I am not saying for certain that is her reason, I am saying it is a possibility that it could be why she made the video and blog posts.

You really want to dice this that fine, Brandon? Of course you do. You’re an imbecile. And since you don’t believe in context and don’t understand how language works you’re going to seriously try to argue that “probably” and “possibly are synonymous. It’s like saying you don’t watch television while simultaneously posting clips of South Park and saying that you like the show Scrubs. Let me guess: that doesn’t count because you watch those shows on the internet, right?

So stupid.

Do you have any quotes of me stating that the guy in the elevator clearly wanted to hit on Watson? Any quotes where I say that a man interacting with a woman is obviously trying to have sex with her?

The point is “that” in “don’t do that” means what?

You watched the video, Brandon. You tell us.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: Feminism has basically allowed women to become promiscuous and slutty with little societal stigma associated with it. So thanks to feminism, I have slept with more women than a man in the previous generations could only dream of doing.

So feminism has basically allowed women to become fuck toys for men since most of the time women are often the ones that want an emotional connection. But most guys I know are just interested in having carefree sex. So the men win and the women lose. Men get more sex and women get crappy relationships.

13 years ago

Block quote fail.

Brandon, you know debate isn’t Calvinball, right?

No, Lauralot, he really doesn’t. Brandon is like playing “army men” with my faux-nephew. Only he makes less sense and it’s a lot less fun.

13 years ago


I meant to say that this WASN’T the time and place to proposition

13 years ago

So let’s recap.

Brandon thinks feminism is totally awesome except that it needs to be directed with his Brandonly knowledge.

Brandon is told that he cannot be King Feminist.

Now feminism is evil and all women are sluts, even though in Brandon’s social circles, “slut” is not at all a bad thing, it just means a girl who will have casual sex, totally that’s all you guys, no judgment attached, even though we don’t call girls sluts to their face.

Yes. It all makes sense.

13 years ago

So the men win and the women lose. Men get more sex and women get crappy relationships.

God, you’re boring.

13 years ago

It’s like when you’re sitting in a college lecture and some guy who’s in love with the sound of his own voice tries to show how much more he knows about the subject than the professor by droning on about concepts everyone else grasped in middle school and throwing in what he thinks are “GOTCHA” questions but actually only serve to illustrate how illogical and undeveloped his thinking processes are.

13 years ago

@Bee: You are making the assumption that the guy was “biding his time” and “waiting for an opportunity” to talk to Rebecca. You are making the assumption that his intentions right from the start were that of “I just need to get her alone so I can ask her out”.

Not really. That was actually kind of incidental to my main point. Let’s try this again:

“Actually, most of it hinges on the idea that a guy waiting until he’s alone in an elevator at 4 a.m. to who speaks for the first time at 4 a.m. in an elevator to a woman who’s alone in a new country — who has, incidentally, been speaking all day about how she doesn’t like for guys to talk to her like that — and who invites that woman at that time and in that place to his hotel room might make that woman uncomfortable.”

What the hell does school supplies and Rebecca Watson have in common? Not a damn thing.

Oh, I think it was the part about you being very particular about how women talk to you lest you start complaining about how dare she tell you what to do, etc.

There is a difference between a weather man saying “you might want to bring an umbrella tomorrow” (a suggestion) and “Guys, don’t do that” (a demand). See the difference?

So, you changed what I wrote. What about when the weatherman says (as they often do), “Rain showers in the a.m. Don’t forget your umbrella!”?

13 years ago

Then Brandon gets soaked in the rain and splashed by cars and is damn proud about it.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: Feminism has basically allowed women to become promiscuous and slutty with little societal stigma associated with it. So thanks to feminism, I have slept with more women than a man in the previous generations could only dream of doing.

Feminism has allowed young single women access to birth control and jobs and education that can support an adult who chooses to live alone. So, thanks to feminism, you get to have a girlfriend -who you claim to love very much- who is perfectly capable of supporting herself and understands that playing “just the tip” isn’t really effective birth control. And, thanks to feminism, if you knock her up, her father won’t be standing at your front door demanding that you make an honest woman out of her.

13 years ago

Maybe if we end all our posts here with “Guys, don’t do that,” Brandon will become indignant about being ordered around and leave.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

As long as the subject is totally derailed: Brandon, have you gotten that vasectomy yet? You mentioned that you were planning on getting one a few weeks back. Any progress? Do you need money?

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