antifeminism creepy disgusting women douchebaggery evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles penises racism rape rapey reactionary bullshit reddit that's not funny! thug-lovers

Is Reddit nothing more than a collection of rape jokes and pedophilia apologias?

Nope! As the totally scientific chart above shows, it also contains: generalized misogyny, racism, atheist dickbaggery, and last but not least: lots of pics hosted on imgur!

Here, some recent data, most of which I have borrowed from ShitRedditSays. I’ve put the number of upvotes for each post in brackets, when relevant.

Rape jokes:

Guys, you’re not making enough rape jokes! [+856]

“I’d fuck her until the neighbours complained about the smell.” [+250] [Bonus points: Also a murder and necrophilia joke!]

Rape clock [+36]

Redditors mock a rape victim! [Assorted upvoted posts]

Pedophilia apologia:

Admitted pedo and child porn fancier compares himself with Gandhi [+83]

More goodness (by which I mean badness) from that thread, courtesy of SRS.

Oh noes! Evil anti-pedos threaten free pedo speech! [+25]

He’s been shamed into deleting it by you. Are you happy now? For the record, mattperrin said “Why does she have to be 18? So she can be in porn? Very very few girls enter porn, and if you’re just talking about being sexually aroused by her, that’s okay for anyone 13+”.

Pedo joke … perfection! [+100]

General Misogyny (and creepiness):

Ha Ha! Girls can’t work cameras! [+636]

Girls only like thugs and they’re all dumb and why oh why won’t they go out with a nice guy like me? Did I mention I hate women?  [+assorted massive upvotes]

Help me prove to this guy feminism is no longer needed. (Please do not use profanity and words like “cunt” though.) [This whole discussion is sort of delicious; our pal ThingsAreBad, aka JeremiahMRA, pops in to argue that feminism was never needed because everything was peachy back when women couldn’t vote.]

I’d fuck her right into a broken hip. [+588] [Referencing Helen Mirren.]

“She has very large holes in her earlobes. About the circumference of an erect penis. She is also very attractive. Myself and many other redditors, immediately upon viewing the picture, imagined putting our penises through those holes.” [+10]

Bonus! More random misogyny.


“I just had sex with my first black guy, and believe me it’s true what they say…he stole my t.v.” [+477]

“No no no, that will just attract more rapists.” [+70] [BONUS POINT: Is also a rape joke!]

Atheist douchebags:

Reddit Makes Me Hate Atheists, by Rebecca Watson. As you’ll notice, her examples from r/atheism contain many massively upvoted rape and pedophilia jokes, not to mention lots more generalized misogynistic douchebaggery. The circle is complete!

But generally speaking you can pick almost any random highly upvoted post here for endless more examples of what makes even atheist activists hate Reddit atheists.

Which have helped to inspire this meme.

Pics on Imgur:

Top posts on (my) Reddit at the moment:

Then again, random pics of cute dogs and squirrel-riding frogs are certainly preferable to more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap. So, yay imgur, I guess? (At least when it’s not being used to post still more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap.)

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Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
13 years ago


So what if the guy wasn’t using “coffee” as a substitute word for sex? It still showed a egregious disregard for her. She announced she was tired and going to bed. He felt self-important enough to ask her to forgo much needed sleep just to indulge him. That’s entitlement.

She wasn’t changing her mind. That would imply that she had agreed to go back to his room for coffee, then decided differently. No, she distinctly said she was going back to her room to sleep.

A “flat out command?” Oh teh horrorz! Would it have been better if she had raised her voice an octave or two at the end like she was asking a question? People who don’t want to appear pushy or bossy do this to placate fragile egos. For instance,

“Guys, don’t do that.” Simple enough except for men who take exception to a woman making a firm statement.

“Guys? Don’t do that?” As in, “Guys I’m not presuming to, like, dictate your behavior but maybe you could, I dunno, not, like, do that? I’m sorry to insist on appropriate behavior at 4:00 am. Tee hee.”

Context context context. Again, it was 4:00 am and she had announced she was tired and going to her room to sleep. At no point did she say men could not approach women at all. If some guy did that to me, I would have done the same thing. But, if the same guy would have said something like, “What time do you plan on getting up? I’d like to have coffee with you later on.” I wouldn’t have had a problem.

13 years ago

For me, at least, Reddit was something very much on the periphery of my internet exploration until Dave started quoting it for manboobz.

I understand that it’s actually owned by Conde Nast. That seems so strange to me.

13 years ago


Ya know, I wasn’t always an MRA but one day…….. I knew I would reached a sort of MRA singularity where I would explode and in my place would rise some kind of Captain Planet-type superhero but for MRAs. I believe that day has nearly arrived.

I’m sooooo deep aren’t I? If ya ever wonder why everyone knows feminists are stupid, spoiled little children. Ya’ll praise her for shit I’d be embarrassed to write. Can you lmagine anyone taking me seriously for writing shit like that? But you gals’ll suck it down like holy feminist kool aid.

Sometimes, I just stare out the window of my 5 star hotel in paris at the asteroid named after me when I get really depressed, and I feel so much better. My life is so hard. You just don’t know the preasure of traveling the world on daddy’s money and talking. One time while in Rome, I couldn’t even find a matching blouse to go with my gucci purse! Life’s soooo unfair!

13 years ago

NWO, you seem to be confusing depth with density.

13 years ago

@Bee: Once again, she is speaking for herself…not all women. What she said does not apply to all women, at best it applies to her and people that share her beliefs (i.e not all women).

Also, it is not a man’s job to make random, strange women feel comfortable or to somehow increase their interest in being part of a group.

Really? “Guys, don’t do that!” now means “please make me (and all women by extension) feel comfortable enough so I (we) can join your group”. Because every time I use that phrase, I mean “Hey, don’t do that!”

13 years ago


I knew you’d praise her for that claptrap. And I was right!

I’ve reached my feminist singularity!!! Oh that’s a keeper.

I was wrong, feminist are funny, by accident anyway.

Cya losers!

13 years ago

NWO, are you capable of reading English? Because I didn’t praise anything.

Maybe we’re actually speaking in different languages here. Are you speaking Russian/Spanish?

13 years ago

@Nobinayamu: I actually watched the video, read the articles on both sides (feminists and anti-feminists) and read her article on skepchick about the whole event. And my conclusion is she acted like a child.

13 years ago

And my conclusion is she acted like a child.

Speaking from experience, are you?

13 years ago

NWOslave criticising somebody’s use of language.


13 years ago


That’s not what I said, or atleast that’s not what I meant. Asking someone to coffee is not a unilateral sign that he wants to have sex with her. Asking her back to his room for coffee at 4:00am is an almost universally recognized pick up line in the West, and even people who don’t use it that way still recognize that the larger part of society does. Therefore, if he was not interested in sex, he should have prefaced with that when using words/phrases that are widely used pick-ups. Since he didn’t. there is more than enough evidence to say that he most likely did want to pick her up. Had he said I would like to have a coffee with you in the morning or at the hotel cafe or something like that, then it is much more conceivable that he was, in fact, just looking to talk to her.

And the reason I said his “I find you interesting” shtick is highly suspect is because his actions show either a complete ignorance of her speech at the conference, or a complete disregard for what she said in her speech. Outside of this context I would not find it suspect because she’s a speaker at a conference that he’s attending, why WOULDN’T he find her interesting?

Now, since everyone is asking that we not make this about the elevator incident I’m going to bow out of the conversation

13 years ago

And I find a bunch of people have responded and said everything that I did and more… y’all move fast

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
13 years ago

Also, it is not a man’s job to make random, strange women feel comfortable or to somehow increase their interest in being part of a group.

It is when the issue of why more atheist/skeptic women aren’t more involved in the community. This had been/is an open topic in the atheist community, i.e. how do we attract more atheist women?

Rebecca had wrote blog posts before about how some atheist/skeptic men treat women. For instance, the podcast that she co-hosts receives calls from male listeners asking the male co-host to stop her from talking. She receives comments from so-called freethinking men who tell her “shut up, whore” or indulge in sammich jokes.

All she has been saying is if you want more atheist/skeptic women in the community, grow the fuck up and drop the misogyny.

13 years ago

Seriously, why does anyone who’s not up for a day’s worth of Pedobear and rape jokes even go there?

Well, if they work for a spammy SEO (that’s often redundant – most “SEOs” are inherently spammy), they troll Reddit all day posting “backlinks” to their keyword-stuffed sites jam-packed with copy containing umpteen variations on the “long-tail” keyword phrases “online home business,” “home business online,” “make money at home online” and so on, ad nauseum.

I loathe SEO companies as much as misogyny. Some days, more. I live in this stupid city that’s trying to sell itself as some kind of high-tech hub, but the rest of the world’s moved on to mobile and social Web, and the derp-tastic companies around here are still fiddling with meta keywords and Pay-Per-Click like it’s 2002 or something.

13 years ago

Brandon’s been beating on a dead horse
All throughout the thread
Brandon’s been beating on a dead horse
And he’s pumped the corpse with lead
Can’t you hear the posters saying
We’ve been over this before?
Can’t you hear the whole site shouting
Brandon, you’re a bore?

Man, there is something about my brain and song parodies tonight.

13 years ago

@Lady Zombie: So if I go out with a few people I barely know and one of them says “hey I am pretty tired, I am going to go up to bed” and I ask “hey, why don’t we hit up one more bar before we call it a night”…that makes me entitled?

Also, I fail to see how he is demanding she indulge him. He asked a question, she said no and they went on their merry way. I could understand if he pestered her or pouted, but that information is not known. So again, where did he have the expectation that she MUST indulge him? Seems like he asked a question, got an answer and they parted ways.

How can he possibly know that her mind is unalterable unless he asks the question?

Who gives a shit what time it was? I have met great friends at 10am and 3am. “Oh, I can’t talk to you because it is too late”. Nonsense!

13 years ago

Brandon, you’re a bore
Brandon, you’re a bore
And you’re an attention whore
Brandon, you’re a bore
Brandon, you’re a bore
Don’t come back here anymore

I can do the whole song, if you like.

13 years ago

Ya’ll praise her for shit I’d be embarrassed to write. Can you lmagine anyone taking me seriously for writing shit like that? But you gals’ll suck it down like holy feminist kool aid.

Yeah, just pull a direct quote from me where I praise Rebecca Watson. Or talk about gucci purses and matching blouses.

You talk about what you’d be embarrassed to write as it pertains to Watson, as if I have anything to do with what she’s written. I’m not embarrassed to point out that when it comes to elevator-gate you’re, as per usual, lying and wrong. I’ve got nothing to be embarrased about.

I’d be embarrassed, however, if I were you. I’d be embarrassed to constantly whine about being gainfully employed during a recession. I’d be embarrassed to tell a bunch of strangers that I hoped they had miserable holidays. And I’d be totally embarrassed if I thought I’d have to tell pathetically transparent lies to about having friends who watch me post on manboobz.

I’d find that shit pretty embarrassing.

13 years ago

When are we going to see photos from the Manboobz posting parties? I won’t believe it until I see it.

13 years ago

We’re trying to use logic with Brandon
Though he’ll weasel out we know-ow-ow-ow
We’re trying to use logic with Brandon
But he’s just too slow!

Shouting “You’re, wrong, you’re all wrong!
I’m always right, I know-ow-ow-ow,
Only my thoughts matter
You’re just jealous, I know!”

13 years ago

Okay, so how did Brandon get from my point

She didn’t tell that guy personally not to “do that.” She didn’t “badmouth” him. She didn’t tell all guys everywhere never to ask women into their hotel rooms for coffee at 4 in the morning. She just said, since men have picked up on this problem in atheism and asked me for advice, here is a relevant story illustrating one thing I have seen, perhaps you would want to take that into account, sirs.

to his point

@Bee: Once again, she is speaking for herself…not all women. What she said does not apply to all women, at best it applies to her and people that share her beliefs (i.e not all women).

Also, it is not a man’s job to make random, strange women feel comfortable or to somehow increase their interest in being part of a group.

Really? “Guys, don’t do that!” now means “please make me (and all women by extension) feel comfortable enough so I (we) can join your group”. Because every time I use that phrase, I mean “Hey, don’t do that!”

Of COURSE she was speaking for herself. It’s only you who’s saying otherwise. She had been asked repeatedly for insight on the problem of not enough women in atheist groups. She was giving it. She wasn’t saying that all men have to make all women feel comfortable or increase their interest in being a part of a group all the time. And yes, in context, “Guys, don’t do that” meant “Guys, if you want to solve this problem you’ve brought up don’t do that kind of thing and hit on women all the time and especially not after they’ve indicated their disinterest in that sort of behavior at length.” It may have a different meaning if you say it in a different context, because communication.

13 years ago

@Shadow: Really? In what book does it say “a man asking for coffee at 4am equals a pickup attempt 100% of the time”

He could have meant anything. He could have wanted to just talk and have coffee, to have a one night stand, to have a long term relationship, etc… The point is his intentions are unknown and you (and the feminist community by and large) has taken the worst possible position on it. Not just saying “well, he might have wanted to sleep with her” but saying “without a doubt he was trying to get laid”

My point is not to take the guys side, but to point out that there is hardly enough evidence to say one way or the other he was picking her up. Rebecca, you and most feminists are drawing conclusions based on very little data (e.g the very short conversation they had).

Really? So men should go around saying “I don’t want to fuck you…but would you like to get some coffee?” Ya, good luck on that one.

Just because someone is a speaker at a conference doesn’t automatically make them interesting.

Lastly, you know what? I bet he was trying to pick her up…but that is just a hunch, not conclusive evidence. And I think it is bad form to state hunches as fact when they aren’t.

13 years ago

Somebody just proved Brandon wrong
Someone proved him wrong I know-ow-ow-ow
Because since he can’t argue back
Off to the next post he’ll go!

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
13 years ago

Because, you purposely obtuse jackass, when someone tells you they’re tired and going to bed, it means they’re tired and want to sleep. Entitlement makes people assume that they’re wants are worthy enough to demand the other person change their plans for them. Even though, as stated multiple times to you, she had announced that she was calling it a night, his entitlement caused him disregard what she had just said.

And BTW, your argument has already made the rounds.

“But how do we know if we don’t ask?!” came the petulant squeals post-elevatorgate.

The answers were numerous and informative. Look them up.

13 years ago

@Bee: Really? How did men “bring this up”?

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