antifeminism creepy disgusting women douchebaggery evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles penises racism rape rapey reactionary bullshit reddit that's not funny! thug-lovers

Is Reddit nothing more than a collection of rape jokes and pedophilia apologias?

Nope! As the totally scientific chart above shows, it also contains: generalized misogyny, racism, atheist dickbaggery, and last but not least: lots of pics hosted on imgur!

Here, some recent data, most of which I have borrowed from ShitRedditSays. I’ve put the number of upvotes for each post in brackets, when relevant.

Rape jokes:

Guys, you’re not making enough rape jokes! [+856]

“I’d fuck her until the neighbours complained about the smell.” [+250] [Bonus points: Also a murder and necrophilia joke!]

Rape clock [+36]

Redditors mock a rape victim! [Assorted upvoted posts]

Pedophilia apologia:

Admitted pedo and child porn fancier compares himself with Gandhi [+83]

More goodness (by which I mean badness) from that thread, courtesy of SRS.

Oh noes! Evil anti-pedos threaten free pedo speech! [+25]

He’s been shamed into deleting it by you. Are you happy now? For the record, mattperrin said “Why does she have to be 18? So she can be in porn? Very very few girls enter porn, and if you’re just talking about being sexually aroused by her, that’s okay for anyone 13+”.

Pedo joke … perfection! [+100]

General Misogyny (and creepiness):

Ha Ha! Girls can’t work cameras! [+636]

Girls only like thugs and they’re all dumb and why oh why won’t they go out with a nice guy like me? Did I mention I hate women?  [+assorted massive upvotes]

Help me prove to this guy feminism is no longer needed. (Please do not use profanity and words like “cunt” though.) [This whole discussion is sort of delicious; our pal ThingsAreBad, aka JeremiahMRA, pops in to argue that feminism was never needed because everything was peachy back when women couldn’t vote.]

I’d fuck her right into a broken hip. [+588] [Referencing Helen Mirren.]

“She has very large holes in her earlobes. About the circumference of an erect penis. She is also very attractive. Myself and many other redditors, immediately upon viewing the picture, imagined putting our penises through those holes.” [+10]

Bonus! More random misogyny.


“I just had sex with my first black guy, and believe me it’s true what they say…he stole my t.v.” [+477]

“No no no, that will just attract more rapists.” [+70] [BONUS POINT: Is also a rape joke!]

Atheist douchebags:

Reddit Makes Me Hate Atheists, by Rebecca Watson. As you’ll notice, her examples from r/atheism contain many massively upvoted rape and pedophilia jokes, not to mention lots more generalized misogynistic douchebaggery. The circle is complete!

But generally speaking you can pick almost any random highly upvoted post here for endless more examples of what makes even atheist activists hate Reddit atheists.

Which have helped to inspire this meme.

Pics on Imgur:

Top posts on (my) Reddit at the moment:

Then again, random pics of cute dogs and squirrel-riding frogs are certainly preferable to more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap. So, yay imgur, I guess? (At least when it’s not being used to post still more angry racist rapey hatey pedo-justifying crap.)

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13 years ago

Dude, if you want to talk about Watson and the elevator, go back and find the post about it from months ago. Google is your friend.

If you actually want to take part in this thread, then read the whole post. Don’t just stop and foam at the mouth when you see Watson’s name. I know it’s hard, but come on, we’re all grown-ups.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: Well, I did find the “I’d fuck her right into a broken hip” joke amusing.

13 years ago

Yes, I’m sure you did. We’re all very shocked and outraged. Is that what you wanted to hear?

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
13 years ago

@Lady Zombie: No, she was just being bossy.

@Brandon Way to miss the point.

1) She had just talked about how some women in the skeptic community don’t feel comfortable going to skepticons because men hit on them, instead of treating them as fellow skeptics and equals

2) She announced to the group she was sitting with in the bar, that she was a) tired and b) was calling it a night and going to bed

3) Elevator dude, not having grasped points 1 or 2 (or just ignored them), follows her into the elevator where he proceeds to ask to have coffee with him.

4) At no time did Rebecca say she felt threatened. She just said “Guys, don’t do that.”

5) She did not shame him, name him, or otherwise berate him. It was the backlash against a woman who dared advise men about what not to do at skeptic/atheist conventions that caused “elevatorgate.”

What about this is so hard for you to understand? She never whined about the incident. She only said one fucking sentence about it. One.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
13 years ago

Blockquote fail

13 years ago

I guess we ran out of serious problems that talking to someone is now a heinous act.

No one said this. No one in this thread said this, Watson didn’t say this, the only person saying this is you. You’ve got your panties all in a bunch over something hashed and re-hashed, many months ago. You aren’t making any legitimate arguments because you 1) haven’t seen the video and 2) have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. You’re imagining that somewhere, some woman committed what you consider the absolute cardinal sin of trying to tell men what to do. And, as a result, you are all a-froth.

And it’s based in nothing. All of the “…we don’t know with absolute certainty that he was trying to hit on her…” bullshit is your feeble attempt to create an argument now that it’s been thoroughly proven that you were arguing out of your ass.

You are the personification of the expression “dick-head momentum”.

@Lauralot: Well, I did find the “I’d fuck her right into a broken hip” joke amusing.

Oh my god! That’s so outrageous! Did everyone get a gander at how outrageous Brandon is being? Isn’t everyone completely shocked at the way he pushes the envelope? Like when he describes having sex with his girlfriend up against a wall? Isn’t that some hardcore, edgy shit? Straight Mickey Rourke in 91/2 Weeks, that is.

13 years ago

The backround of our heroine from her own blog.

“Rebecca leads a team of skeptical female activists at and appears on the weekly Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe podcast. She travels around the world delivering entertaining talks on science, atheism, feminism, and skepticism. There is currently an asteroid orbiting the sun with her name on it. You can follow her every fascinating move on Twitter”

And then some lowly man had the audacity to not only speak in her presence in an elevator but actually address her! How dare that vile creature presume to be worthy! Her world came crashing down around her in a tidal wave of misogyny and oppression!

And from that oppressive, horrifying, demeaning act of blatant oppression, misogyny and sexual harrassment she vowed in her own words…..

“I knew that eventually I would reach a sort of feminist singularity where I would explode and in my place would rise some kind of Captain Planet-type superhero but for feminists. I believe that day has nearly arrived.”

The end!

13 years ago

reddit is where the kids who grew up on 4chan hang out while at work, because the latter is blocked by firewalls.

thankfully it’s a really large community, so you’re only seeing the subset that’s holding down the shallow end of the bell curve.

13 years ago

@Lady Zombie: My problem is not with points 1 or 2. It is with point 3,4 and 5.

1) You are assuming he is following her (implies he is stalking her) and not just going back to his room
2) The man asked a question, no where did he make any demands.
3) The question was non-sexual.
4) Umm…people can change their minds. If she was tired she could have said “no thanks” but who knows, she might have found talking with him more interesting than going to bed at that exact moment.

Point 4:

Saying “Guys, don’t do that!” is a flat out command. She is basically telling men how they need to behave around her. This makes her look overly self-important as if men go around catering to individual women’s requests. Men shouldn’t do it and it is highly presumptuous of her to ask that men do it.

Point 5:

She wasn’t advising men on anything…she was telling them what to do around her. Not women, not people…her and her alone. She doesn’t speak for all women as I am sure I can find a lot of women that might find what that guy did was endearing, sweet or otherwise non-offensive. Hell, I even know women that tell stories of where they met their husbands and I think “you met where?” People met in the oddest of places.

13 years ago

NWOSlave, see my note to Brandon. We’ve been over the elevator. If you want to rehash that, dig up the thread. Come on, Slavey, surely you can work yourself into a rage over the current post not finding rape jokes funny? I mean, we even linked to a post that objects to sexualizing teenage girls! Isn’t that right up your alley?

13 years ago

NWO, you’re a day late and a buck short, as usual.

Nobinayamu, yes, he’s oh-so-edgy. As a matter of fact, when I think of a guy living on the edge, I think of Brandon.

13 years ago

Is he standing on the edge between dry toast and cardboard?

13 years ago

And then some lowly man had the audacity to not only speak in her presence in an elevator but actually address her! How dare that vile creature presume to be worthy! Her world came crashing down around her in a tidal wave of misogyny and oppression!

Nope. Not what happened. Next.

Also, NWO, you’ll be pleased to hear that despite your ill-wishes my Christmas holiday was wonderful. It was filled to the brim with love and laughter, friends and family and friends that have become family.

She wasn’t advising men on anything…she was telling them what to do around her. Not women, not people…her and her alone.

Nope. Wrong. Again. Le Sigh.

Have you even watched the video?

13 years ago

Brandon, no one wants to rehash a months old thing, except you. What, can’t admit you didn’t even read the OP here? It’s OK, you were wrong, it happens.

13 years ago

@Lauralot, dry toast and cardboard made me LOL.

13 years ago

Nobinayamu, yes, he’s oh-so-edgy. As a matter of fact, when I think of a guy living on the edge, I think of Brandon.

I mean, clearly Brandon is edgy, hellkell. He watches South Park. South Park

13 years ago

@Nobinayamu: Really? Because EVERY SINGLE TIME a man asks a woman for coffee and to chat automatically means “Yo…I want to stick my dick in you”. Hell, I just did this a few days ago. I was talking to a woman about politics and I found her to be very insightful, so I asked her if we could met again to talk more. Was I trying to fuck her?*

*I wasn’t because 1) Ashley and 2) I wasn’t attracted to her. But according to your logic, I wanted to sleep with her. Again, not every interaction men have with women is to fuck you.

13 years ago

I’m on the edge of boring
And I’m rehashing old arguments now
Out on the edge of boring
I’m exciting as a comatose cow
I’m on the edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
I’m on the edge of boring
And I’m rehashing old arguments now
I’m having wall sex right now!

13 years ago

1) You are assuming he is following her (implies he is stalking her) and not just going back to his room

Okay, so they were both in the same hotel bar, where he didn’t talk to her, in a group, and then they both decided to leave at the same time, and then, when they were in the elevator together, he then decided that it would be a good time to tell her that he found what she was saying interesting. I fail to see that there’s a substantive difference between this and LZ’s points 2 and 3, but fine.

Point 4:

Saying “Guys, don’t do that!” is a flat out command. She is basically telling men how they need to behave around her. This makes her look overly self-important as if men go around catering to individual women’s requests. Men shouldn’t do it and it is highly presumptuous of her to ask that men do it.

So … you didn’t read my last comment to you, up there at the top of the page, but I will briefly recap. SHE WAS MAKING A GENERAL COMMENT ABOUT WHAT GUYS CAN DO TO INCREASE WOMEN’S INTEREST IN JOINING ATHEIST GROUPS BECAUSE SHE’S BEEN ASKED WHAT GUYS CAN DO TO INCREASE WOMEN’S INTEREST IN JOINING ATHEIST GROUPS. She was not “telling men how they need to behave around her.” You made that up.

13 years ago

But according to your logic, I wanted to sleep with her. Again, not every interaction men have with women is to fuck you.

Brandon, take a deep breath, read back, and tell me where I said that every single time a man asks a woman for coffee he’s trying to fuck her? Quote, precisely, where I said that any interaction a man initiates with a woman means he’s trying to fuck her.

13 years ago

The Brandon show again? I thought we were going to talk about Reddit.

The answer to David’s question appears to be “yes”, by the way. Reddit is the only community on the internet capable of making 4chan look good. Trying to read Reddit will make you long for the fine intellectual discourse contained in comments on YouTube.

Seriously, why does anyone who’s not up for a day’s worth of Pedobear and rape jokes even go there?

13 years ago

She was not “telling men how they need to behave around her.” You made that up.

Thanks, Bee. See, I know Brandon is too lazy to actually go review the video but I figured he might actually scan your post. I should’ve known better.

Brandon, she wasn’t issuing a command, or providing dating advice, or trying to tell a general audience of men how they should behave around her. She was speaking to a very specific audience about how they might encourage more women’s interest in their very specific movement. I’m not surprised that you think she was attempting to issue a command. You aren’t overly bright and don’t understand culture and context. But she wasn’t talking to you or about you or even, generally, about men.

Get the fuck over yourself.

13 years ago

Seriously, why does anyone who’s not up for a day’s worth of Pedobear and rape jokes even go there?

I’m guessing either masochism or the hopes of finding the rare diamond in the rough. Same reason people read Youtube comments, I guess.

13 years ago

Or bile fascination, maybe.

13 years ago

Brandon: @Bee; And who is she to tell people what to do? She is as entitled to do that as anyone else. More, in these cases, as people have actually sought out her opinion.

You merely felt the urge to share your opinion about what she should opine about, just because you think it valuable*.

Most people here don’t share that belief, the rest of the world’s jury is still out, but I’d wager those who care, think you a trifle shallow on the subject; mostly for a lack of attention to the topics at hand.

*see, What is worse is this woman is an adult. Seriously Rebecca, grow the fuck up! You aren’t 14 years old anymore. Life has awkward moments…deal with it like an adult and stop whining about it like a entitled baby.